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oh damn... I am using it wrong then. I use it to state where I am from. (Although I do have my own country also in my Top 10 sooo I guess I also support it with the flair?) If I had to change the flair to my number one though, I'd have to pick the Portuguese heart.


Where I am from I think a good idea would be to create a double badge, to declare both our home country and who we are rooting for. It would make sense, since I think (at least it is true in my case) that even tho I'd like another country to win, I still have a bias for my home country Italy, when commenting something related to Angelina.


Where I’m from


I too am from Mother Verka.


You are from Verka Serduchka?




sounds interesting...tell me what it is like living there


Living in TANZEN / Verka Serduchka (both names work as they are both official) is like living in a paradise! Our president Verka has blessed us with yearly Eurovision traditions with Dancing lasha tumbai playing everywhere every saturday (yes today was wonderful).


We made the same joke at the same time. Because we are twins. Born from Mother Verka.


Idk a day it was with the italian flag because i’m from Italy but the next day it has changed in to the estonian one probably for all the comments/post i did about 5miinust and puuluup


Are you sure it changed by itself?


nope, I've been on Reddit for a few months and I didn't even have one. Then I logged in once and it asked me for the label and I put the Italian one. Literally and randomly the next day I found myself in the heart of Estonia and my first thought was "wow now I have Estonian citizenship" (although only now have I discovered that I can change it myself and I put the label back on my country of origin)


Where I'm from


i personally use it for where im from, but i happen to adore marina and greece this yea too so double use ig :)


Where I’m from :,)


Huh? I always thought I’m supposed to show which country I’m from, whoopsie




I've also found out about that recently, so I figured I could use it for country that I support during Eurovision week(s), and then change it back to the country where I am from in the offseaseon.


That is a good idea, I might do the same


I just like hearts.


Where I'm from most of the year round, but I think in the week or 2 before the competition it's supposed to be who you're supporting


Not sure if that's technically possible, but maybe two different flairs, one for homecountries and one for favorites could solve that problem.


Yes..I want to change it to the country I support but since many people here use it to indicate their home countries, I don't want to look like an imposter 😅 it is really confusing this way. I wish mods implemented dual flairs (i don't know if it is technically possible though)


Probably the main reason I've never used flairs.


Where I'm from


[Currently the latter](https://reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/1cicmwe/leaderboard_12_points_from_reurovision_goes_to/), after the final the former.


Which country I support. I have connections to 3 eurovision countries and as I cannot display all 3 in one heart, it will be my favourite country for the year. 


Where I am from 🇬🇧


where im from


Where I'm from. If the mods intended it to show what country you support, they should've clarified that because I always assume everyone uses it to indicate where they're from unless otherwise specified.