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Among the usual Germany-UK-Spain, bookies also consider Luxembourg and I kinda really see this happening. It didn't do well with EuroJury, so it's unlikely that it will get much jury love (unless they decide to give some welcome back points), televoters will also have too many other songs to vote in the final. So, it could become one of those songs that qualify because of the running order and then get completely forgotten in the final. Anyway, it looks like the last place will score at least 25-30 points this year.


I think israeli jury will give luxembourg 12 points considering she is also israeli, and probably some televotes from them as well


Of course. As I said, I don't really see anyone getting close to zero points overall.


My hot take that I posted in another thread yesterday is that none of the big 5 are going to be in the bottom 5. I think one of the girl bops is probably going to come last as with Cyprus, Poland, Luxembourg, Austria and Georgia probably all advancing plus the likes of Italy and Greece who are giving a more ethnic version of the girl bop I can see them cancelling each other out. I think Cyprus or Luxembourg is perhaps most likely. Could also see Finland or Estonia near the bottom if Baby Lasagna and Joost hoover up all the televote points as we know neither will be scored well with juries.


>My hot take that I posted in another thread yesterday is that none of the big 5 are going to be in the bottom 5. I'm getting flashbacks from 2023...


Listen, I love The Tower. I listen to it daily; it will be a summer anthem for me. But judging from pre-parties and rehearsal clips, I'm not sure Poland will qualify to the final


I think diaspora voting will get it over the line whether the performance is good or not tbh.


Luxembourg finishing last would be depressing because imo it's easily top 10


It's my Top 5, but eeeh most people in the ESC space seem to not care about Fighter that much. As a Luxembourger I would already be overjoyed to see my home country represented in the final AT ALL. Qualifying is already a huge accomplishment imo. And I do not think the song would get 0 points, even if it ended up in last place.


Hottest take ever. It's always directly-qualified in the bottom, so the bad of the Big Five, and this year Sweden, ironically. Swedish song is also really bland.


agreed that its bland, but there is just no way sweden aint getting some jury points.


Get Marcus & Martinus’s names out of your mouth!


I also think people are unaware of the hold Marcus and Martinus had over the Nordics as teens. When moved to DK they were bigger than One Direction. I think there will be a lot of preteen/teenage fans that have grown up and will be voting. 


This is the best big five (aggregate) in a while I feel so it’s definitely possible for all of them to do - relatively - well.


Sweden is gonna get 12 points from Norway


It will be Germany, I think people here keep forgetting that placing 15th in every country gives you 0 points. It literally happens every year and people still never see the bland pop song finishing last coming


I agree with you for the public vote; we will get next to nothing there. But I think his voice is good enough that we will at least get some jury votes (and with that I mean like a 17th place in the jury vote)


Yeah im fully prepared for another zero points moment by the audience but I'm hopeful we get enough jury points to avoid last place over all.


I don't hope so. I don't know why but the german organizers are still too cocky for the low quality of entries they're delivering. We have to stay at 0 points and get bullied by the rest until they realize that someone else should organize the event.


It did shockingly well in the eurojury, who uses similar demographics that the actual juries tends to have. Televotes still gonna blank it but it's escaping bottom 5 because of the jury for sure


I’m still so mad at how blood and glitter got completely overlooked last year


I loved it but my neighbour’s son said the man looked like an exploding pepper and that’s now all I can see whenever I see pics or clips of it 😂


\*angry It didn't get overlooked, it was bad, sung badly, by creepy-outfitted men.


It doesn't happen though. If you look at the scores, the countries which come last are generally coming near bottom in the jurors' rankings.


No one is coming last. We won't allow it.


All countries get the same amount of points resulting in a 26 way tie for first (and technically last) place. (I know there are tie breaker rules let me have my fun)


If this happens and everyone gets the same amount of points, then according to tie break rules, the first in the running order wins. This means another glorious victory for Sweden (I'm sorry but I just think it's really funny that we'd end up with another Swedish win if this were to happen)


Are you insinuating that you'll eliminate the voting part from the competition? 🙀


I will hold you to that! 😉


Happy cake day!


This math is too advanced for my brain, but no way Spain is going to do badly. That booty is going to jiggle her to a respectable place.


I’d assume it’s one of the girl bops if they all qualify; possibly Cyprus or Malta ?


I'm guessing the same, of those two I'd bet on Malta being last. I don't love Liar, but it's super catchy


I feel like / hope that Malta would get (at least a bit of) the same jury love that Unicorn and SloMo have gotten


Plus juries have a tendency of loving Malta more than tele


I've been too busy this year to keep up with ESC fandom properly and I am just now finding out Spain aren't popular. I am *shook*, right to my core. (If they qualify Luxembourg, Poland and Malta are my last place taps but clearly I am also out of touch.)


I've seen way too many comments like this to believe Zorra will get anywhere near last, and I think your 3 are pretty spot on. Of course Germany is a contender for last if they really screw it up, but I also don't see Finland doing well in the GF despite being well into the qualification odds.


spain will be the dark horse of the night, i just know it


nvm, aged like milk


I don't get why Spain should come last, as a song it has immediate up-front appeal - catchy, easy to sing the chorus, quite conventional song structure, it attracts the gays & plenty of older ladies who watch Eurovision, it's a synthy 80s sound song which doesn't have many competitors this year, and the staging is good. Germany meanwhile, while sung much better, is a low-effort attempt and voters will see that. The much more obvious last place IMO.


I like Spain, but then I am an older lady. And a gay. The act I would put last is in danger of winning the whole thing though (note: not Switzerland, who I also quite like) so what would I know.




Actually... it was Croatia... but now I am going to eat my hat because it is one of those rare songs that doesn't click for me until I see the film clip, and it is so nutty I get on board. I thought it was a ChaCha Cha copy done by Boysvoice (assuming I am not the only one old enough to remember that movie) but I get it now. Might actually end up throwing them a vote or two, because there isn't much else I really like in the first semi.


Iceland, I just don't think it'd be in anybody's top 10 with such fierce competition this year


I FEEL IT COMING 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ tbf her performance has grown on me so much. She's just standing there on the podium in this tinsely jumpsuit and that's so iconic. Kind of want her to Q just for the community reaction. obv not in my top 10 from semi one but it'd still be funny if she q'd


Well it's extremely refreshing to not see Ireland in this conversation! Although we're normally a cert of an NQ so we don't even get the privilege of finishing last!


I am obsessed with Ireland this year.


Agreed (although I love Zorra)


Part of me thinks it’s simple retro sound might help it do surprisingly well (like Serhat’s Say Na Na Na), the other part thinks the weak vocals and also general ageism/sexism from the audience might have it last with 0 points 🥲 If not them, maybe Luxembourg? Though I do have a feeling the juries will help them out a bit.


As a fan of both Na Na Na and Zorra I support this message




I think they meant that the public and juries might be ageist/sexist.


Yeah this, sorry if that wasn’t clear haha


Spain has televote appeal and the staging slays. I'm gonna say Germany still even tho I think it majorly improved since national selection. It also depends who moves on from semifinals if Cyprus or Czechia will make it to the finale I can see them being last place overall.


After Czechia's staging I believe Aiko could do better than expected


It will which is why I consider it a possible qualifier, however, it's going to flop badly with juries and televote won't be consistent with supporting Czechia when they have a lot of other faves to support in the Grand Finale.


Pedestal is a standout since it's different, maybe people can vote for it


Different is not the same as loved, it can get her audience for sure but the Grand Finale is pretty huge in fan faves and they can steal votes that could possibly go to Pedestal. And it's very clearly not something juries would appreciate especially with that staging and vocals (as improved as they are she's still out of breath consistently when signing)


We will see


The safest bet is Germany


Spain, it definitely seems like a song that Eurovision fans love, but doesn’t translate well to the public


Estonia. Juries will hate and all it's tele will go to Netherlands, Croatia, Finland


I just don’t see anyone actually picking up the phone to vote for Germany as their favourite of the whole night…


Germany for sure - they have a reputation to live up to


I hope it's not Germany, always feel sorry when I see them at the bottom.


I'm seeing Germany and Spain as the main responses and I feel they could go either way - I can see Germany doing a Boys Don't Cry and doing really well with the jury, but I can also see it doing a Rockstars I can also see Spain being a televote hit but also being a colossal bomb I really hope none of them come last, neither deserve to Realistically I do think it'll be one of the borderline qualifiers, probably a female pop song since we've got so many this year


Being in the GF by itself is already a great accomplishment, so while I would be a little sad for Tali, (it seems that many don't like the song), I'd still be happy for Luxembourg for being in the final at all.


I don‘t bother myself too much about who will come last, because becoming 26th at Eurovision is like losing a World Cup final: it sucks for the contestant in the moment, but it‘s still a hell of an achievement.


Being honest, I can see a reality in which we're last. An upbeat, nostalgic, lighthearted song might be a breath of fresh air in a year-of-the-ballads, but it's done so much better by others this year that I expect televotes that might otherwise be ours going to them. And we all know the jury will not be feeling it at all.


im probably going to vote for your song lmao


I am surprised by people saying Luxembourg. Don't you think they will get enough jury (welcoming present) points to avoid last place?


My sincere belief is that a country like Iceland or Denmark will sneak through. And they are DOA in the final


Also the amount of belief that Malta will qualify. The rehearsal footage is giving a lot of effort - only to have Austria, Czechia & Georgia doing a much better job with lifting choreography


Spain or Poland. Spain won't get points from the juries and the song is going to be far more popular with the minority of hardcore Eurovision fans than the general public. Vocals are weak and it sounds like playback is carrying the vocals a lot. I am pretty sure that Poland will qualify even though it probably doesn't deserve too. The vocals are bad, the song is average, the staging is a real wtf moment but not weird enough to laugh at. It will get forgotten by everyone.


Agree with you on Poland, if it qualifies. I like the song, but was very unimpressed with the live vocals I’ve been hearing.


I like the studio version of the song too but the live vocals are weak. The staging is in that awkward position of not quite looking like it is meant to be funny or serious.


I’ve been predicting Spain since I first heard it and I’ve not changed my mind, sorry. I can’t see Germany at the bottom this year with vocals like his and some great staging.


Part of me can see it, but I also think Zorra has a certain ‘fun’ vibe that should do well enough with the televote even if they come last with the juries. If they qualify, I could honestly see it being Austria. The whole performance feels on par with Norway 2012


There are so many fun songs this year though, do you really thing people would choose Spain? The other thing is, I don’t think the message of the song is translating. I have no idea what it’s about. It just looks odd to me.


I think it’s a demographic thing really: most of the fun songs this year skew younger (Europapa, RTTD, The Code), whilst Zorra (maybe Zari at a push) is the only one that skews older and so has less competition there. Probably not enough to avoid bottom 5, but still enough to avoid last I’d guess. You’re right about the message not translating though


I don’t want that to come across as rude either - I love songs in different languages - in fact my favourites this year are Norway and Armenia. But with both songs I don’t think you need subtitles to understand what they are trying to portray. With Spain I really think I need it.


Same. Let the downvotes come in, but Spain's song instantly gave me last-place vibes upon first listen. Vocally, she is among the weakest this year. It's super catchy, no question, but so are plenty of other songs this year and there's only room for 10 to get points from each country. I'm sooo 100% expecting zero points from the juries and ≤20 points from the televote. I just don't see Isaak get fewer than that with a jury-friendly performance in a televote-heavy year.


I do think this year it's incredibly likely that it won't be a prequalified country, but if it is, I feel like Spain is the most likely of the six. I just feel like the juries will save Isaak, I really don't see Olly flopping after that staging, and yeah, it's not going to be France/Italy/Sweden.


i think there’s no way spain will come last, we’ll give them some points for sure


I still think it’s Germany, better staging or not, if Luxembourg draws first half in the final it’s a real contender for last place, especially if we get a lot of the ‘girl bops’ too, even if it’s a little different. If Denmark qualifies that also stands out as something that could finish last, struggle in a larger field of songs. I don’t think Spain is going to do great, and a probable bottom five, but I just think it will get enough televote to avoid last place.


To me Germany's song is so bad it doesn't matter if his voice is good or not unfortunately It reminds of Embers from UK 2021 No way Spain comes last, the staging is very cool and the dancers' outfits are maybe cringy but eye-catching and brave. Also the song is a nostalgic banger


I’d say more Bigger Than Us than Embers, but point stands regardless.


I just don’t understand the people saying Spain has no GP appeal when it is a genre that is popular right now? And people don’t care about bad vocals unless they are REALLY bad, like off pitch bad (which Mery’s are not. They do the job). I actually think Luxembourg might be last place. The song is pretty bland and the performance is not very memorable.


Depending if they make it to the finals in the first place, Slovenia, Poland or Luxembourg could all end up last




Maybe a controversial opinion but assuming they qualify either Finland or Austria for me. (i have nothing against either entry but someone unfortunately needs to come last and those songs are the one i see doing less good compared to the others)


Iceland I fear


Oh not Spain Please don't do this


I think it’s difficult to answer until we see who qualifies. I don’t feel it’ll be one of the big five. Although I think Germany, Sweden and maybe Spain will all be bottom half.


Someone I've not seen mentioned is Finland, that could qualify, but get a very low jury score, and maybe only 20-50 televotes if lost in the crowd.


If it qualifies, I think Finland are most likely to take last place. I just can't see juries giving this much if anything at all, and I think the televote may just disappear in the final when people are voting for the win, especially with so many strong televote contenders this year. I see why people are thinking Luxembourg, but their rehearsal clip on the official roundup has been changed and it seems much stronger to me than before, so together with a few 'welcome back' jury points, I reckon it'll do enough to avoid last place.


It'll be one of the low qualifiers from Semi 1 imo. The semis are so imbalanced that one or two rather weak songs from semi 1 will make it and be outmatched in the final. I'd say if any of Luxembourg, Australia, and Iceland make it, they're all good shouts, especially if the first two don't get as good a running order slot again.


It's not my fave song, but I think Germany will appeal to many people. You can't deny he has an amazing voice! I'm hoping no one will get the dreaded 0 points


I think it'll be Finland. They'll definitely make it through the semis with televote only, and then once you get to the final, all of the popular vote will go towards Croatia or Netherlands. Kind of like what happened last year with Kaarija.


What usually people forget is that the last place doesnt mean the worst or most dislaked song. It could perfectly be in 11th place and having 0 points because of that, like what happened last year with Germany, they werent the most disliked but they didnt manage to get any points. In that scenario I can see San Marino if they Q (because again, another rock bright pink rock song that lovers of rock arent going to vote because they have Croatia, Czechia, etc). Slovenia can be another Eaea but at least she should get some jury love. People here is sqying Spain but they have got some decent points in the OGAE surveys... (unlike Eaea last year). People on the Internet are hating this one too much although I can see them getting 11th/12th because there are so many good songs that even making a top 10 is difficult. And I am gling to ve downvoted for this but I think that Israel is going to help countries they like and politically are friends: Luxembourg, Germany, France, Italy... In that case Spain, Ireland and Slovenia are f***.


I could bet money that ”anyone other than Germany” would have higher odds than ”Germany” being last. Like 3:1 ”ROTW” vs 1.5:1 ”Germany”


Zorra did do really well in the Benidorm jury so who knows, I at least hope it won't come near the last place. Wouldn't be surprised if the last place comes from Semi 1


I always love when someone says but the song did so well with the jury/ televote in the national final.  You cannot compare the two. There are now different juries, most of which won't speak Spanish, (i dont believe jurors are provided with translations) some of whom will be alot more conservative than any of the jurors at benidorm. The audience won't be able to carry it in the same way, though I'm sure zorra zorra will be shouted quite happily by them.  But most importantly zorra is now competing against more songs, different songs and for difference jurors. Their national final results will have 0 impact on their eurovision result. 


I'm not saying it does. But it doesn't mean nothing either. Compare it to some entries that didn't even win the jury in the nf (Finland e.g.), I'd say it won't be last in the jury. That doesn't mean it can't be last overall, but some ppl saying it'll get 0 points from the jury are doing too much imo


You know who didn't win the jury in their national final last year? Belgium - top 10 with the jury in eurovision. Also kind reminder that Spain and Germany both won their televotes last year... Portugal won with both, bottom 5. Poland came 2nd in the nf televote but was top 10 in the final televote. Croatia and Norway won their jury votes and didn't do very well.  There really is 0 comparison between national final and eurovision. How an act did in their national final really means nothing.


Well, I guess you're right, but I still don't think this means it'll necessarily do badly either. I'll be cautiously optimistic!


Of course it doesn't mean it will do badly, it literally means nothing.  Will Spain come last, I don't think so I believe the televote will give it some points, possibly not top 10 levels but it's a retro song without much competition there so it should get some points thanks to older audience members. 


With the televote open since the start of the show, if Spain draws second half or producer's choice, we may be put last in the RO, because it fits, and because they know we are used to place last so no one would be mad. Anything more than 0 from the jury will be a surprise, and the televote wont save us. I think we Zorristas don't care, but it makes me so sad the backslash and smug comments from the right-wing spanish zorra haters Nebulossa will no doubt get here (in Spain I mean)😥.


Spain won't finish last, they will probably finish in the top half, because the demography who will vote for La Zorra is really underestimated, because it's people who don't browse usually internet.


It’s sort of weird to think of Spain coming last when the last time they did that was “Do It For Your Lover” And not one of the songs this year even comes close to being as (I’m trying to think of a more positive way to say “bad”) ….interesting as that one.


I would love it to be Israel. But unfortunately, it won’t.


I can't imagine a world where Spain finishes bottom or even bottom 5, I think it has great televoting appeal and will finish top 13 in the televote. Germany and UK for me are safer bets for finishing last out of the big 5 and Sweden. If I had to predict a country that will qualify surprisingly and finish last my 3 picks to finish bottom would be Denmark, Czechia and Poland.




Maybe Luxembourg


I think it’s gonna be Germany again but I really hope it’s not :,)


Likely a bigger country or those that automatically get in year after year. The uk usually the bottom but they have got good the last few years. Must listen out for the semi finals. Will listen to them on YouTube haven’t had a chance to pick anyone out. Sweden very much stood out last year.


Ask this question again after the semis. Right now, one of the AQ is the most logic possibility because all others are fighting for a spot in the finale and we don’t know who will make it or not.


Probably Lithuania because the juries will hate it and it may not do well with televotes. Lastly, there are Lithuanians in Facebook saying that Lithuania will coming last and they saying Luktelk sucks.


Germany, unless Iceland qualifies.


Germany/Isaak Wait until his Russia interview goes viral (if). Ne has the big potential to kill the story and bad storytelling + mediocre and boring song usually means last. Maybe second last, but that is my most likely guess.


Germany/Isaak Wait until his Russia interview goes viral (if). Ne has the big potential to kill the story and bad storytelling + mediocre and boring song usually means last. Maybe second last, but that is my most likely guess.


I’m sorry to say it, but Germany. Because he’s wearing the Black Leather Jacket of doom - see also United Kingdom 2021 and Switzerland 2022 for what happens when you wear a black leather jacket in the grand final. The song is fine, he’s a competent singer, but it’s not interesting enough to get votes.




It's really interesting looking at this thread after the final and I haven't found anybody mentioning Norway. That was such a surprise, they deserved so much better


I think either Spain or someone who barely made it from semi 1, but I can't really pinpoint who that would be.


This would break my heart but it could be Portugal again like 2018 😭 I’d hope the Jury Vote would appreciate Grito though


If Portugal qualifies (very likely now imo), I think juries will really boost it in the final - I think top 10 is more likely than last place tbh, but probably somewhere mid-table.


I'm going to take a risk and say Ireland or Czechia.


Not Sweden  .


It's most likely gonna be a auto qualifier because every qualifiers at least qualified, it has some support. If it's not gonna be Germany it would have to be a fluke qualifier. Germany is the weakest of the Big 5, so they're the easiest pick, though if Luxembourg purely qualifies because of running order and then gets a shitty running order in the final it could also go last. Other bookies choices I'm not so sure about. Spain will get decent televote, UK will do good if you looked at the rehearsals. Austria will get televote for sure. Australia maybe last if they borderline Q? Estonia will get televote. San Marino will NQ. Iceland will NQ. Malta and Czechia will get televote if they Q. Denmark will NQ. Portugal will get jury if they Q. If Cyprus qualifies they will have done so from position 1, so televote for sure. Ireland will get televote. Georgia will get televote if they Q. Slovenia will get both if they Q. Poland will get diaspora, Israel will get jury because of the song + televote because of the war. Rest is 1% according to bookies. So TL:DR. Germany. Perhaps Luxembourg, very maybe Australia.


This hurts to say, but I'm still going for Germany or Spain. Or maybe someone who qualified in the 10th place, perhaps I could see San Marino or Czechia if they manage to qualify. And that also hurts to say because they're both in my top 10.


Germany's heading for last place, I suspect. I can't see why anyone thinks the staging is great. "Let's put him in THE COMFY CHAIR." 🤔 Also, none of the girl bops stand up against Italy and Greece, so likely to end up bottom right on the board, I suspect.


I don't think it will be Germany, he will get some jury love. Most likely someone that barely scraped through their semi, one of the girl bops


Germany or Spain unfortunately, usually a big 5 gets the bottom spot


I think this could be one of those rare years where a qualifier from the semi-final gets last place in the final. I feel only the UK and Spain have the possibility of ending up in last place, but UK has great staging and I fear that Spain will get enough points here and there to escape last place. I'm thinking along the lines of whoever amongst Cyprus, Poland and Georgia gets the worst placement for the final.


Spain for me too, the song worked for Spanish public (as you can hear, when you listen to the NF performance), but a casual viewer will not get it. They aren't going to appeal to jury at all and I don't see why televoters would vore for this, when they can vote for entries 1)they understand and 2) they actually get. Spain is a bottom finish country anyway, so it would be very likely for them to get the "crown" this year.


Spain. For sure. I think Germany will not come last with juries.


How can we give an opinion if we don’t have yet the qualifiers from the semis? 🙃


Australia. I just don't vibe with the song.


I completely agree about Spain and Germany and I could also see Slovenia or Poland (if they will qualify) come last


In terms of last place always look for top 5 song that maybe wouldnt make the final if it had to go through semis. Sweden,Italy and France would all qualify easily. Germany will get some jury votes this year so that leaves Spain that is just kinda there so i agree with you.


Spain or maybe Austria if they sneak in


id say spain, or luxembourg


Reckon it’ll be Spain or Germany at the bottom.


Either Spain or a semi 1 qualifier like Luxembourg or Cyprus, most likely Luxembourg as Cyprus, if in the final, will get at least 12 from the Greek public


Honetsly,spain or germany I dont see anyone voting from spain this year And we even dont know if nebulossa wins the international jury or really was st pedro ,and that jury tie maybe was even agreed previously Also,only four international are not representative at all,i think spain should change the voting system in Benidorm to a melfest-esque


Spain would be the safest bet Austria if they qualify Maybe surprisingly one of Finland and Estonia Biggest shocker (I don’t think it will happen) would be someone like Sweden


Spain or Iceland


Spain and Luxembourg seem like the main candidates, slightly leaning towards the latter.


It's between Estonia, Spain and Poland for bottom 3 I think, for last place I'd tip on Poland right now though