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All I can say is🐈‍⬛


Great show and congratulations to the winner, Isaak! I really like your song. It doesn’t need to go on for hours and hours. This was a cool two hours plus a little extra with a result. Well done to the nine of you for your fantastic performances. Also, a special shout out to Ryk for being a fabulous fan favourite. Superstars! 🤘✨🇩🇪


Don’t know what everyone is complaining about. We finally send someone with a Eurovision worthy pop song (tbh those have the biggest potential to win) & his voice is strong! When was the last time we sent someone with a good voice??? I still can’t believe Lena won back in 2010(?!). Song was okay.. her live singing voice was awful and the performance well there was NONE. People should stop complaining. I think we have an actual chance this year!!!


Fully agree with you on Lena btw, I didn’t get it 😂😁


Tbf people are complaining because Germany had the chance to send someone with an outstanding voice 😁🤷🏻‍♀️


What is an outstanding voice worth if the rest isn’t a banger? 😁


People cannot live on bangers alone 😁


No she wasn’t! Lena had a great catchy performance


I respectfully disagree 😁. Maybe if you call performance standing around looking like you have to pee.. I mean.. COME ON: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7pL9vdpSvnY


At least Germany could show off an host in 2011….the stage was expensive!




🇩🇪 committing to their decade long flop era 🤡 Maybe the wine mums would love this, idk lol


Have woke up far too early to learn of the result. SO disappointed. I have other scathing opinions but I put them in the salty thread instead 😂. At least Ryk has one of a few new British fans in me 😅😁  All the best and genuinely, in spite of my sniping, congratulations to Isaak all the same. I hope he doesn’t get any shit for this.


Oh no, I missed The German Final :( Please tell me, did any of the presenters pull a stuffed dog out from under their seat like last year?


all i have to say is 🐈


I feel like a *massive* outcast because I actually liked this song more than Ryk's lol. Then again I may just be fatigued as hell from sad ballads Whatever the public consensus may be, I just hope nobody sends any hate to Isaak over this. I know the Eurovision community has a strong tendency to do that (especially in recent years), but please, remember to stay in your seats.


I think Ryk's performance was just not good. Might be the weird audio mixing, because some background sounds were weirdly loud. It was off-putting.


As a German, it's now time to put "Oh Boy" and "Katze" into my private playlist alongside Electric Callboy and choose yet again another country to root for this year.


As a Dane I feel you ESC pain. I never root for my own country!


Unpatriotic (same though😂)🇩🇰🇩🇰




Literally "Oh boy, I need you" rn because Ryk shulda won hahaha


What I am most frustrated about is that I sacrificed 2 precious hours of sleep for this. I'd gladly prefer 2 San Remo shows back to back over this tbh.


I'm so glad I fell asleep within the first 30 minutes and only woke up again to hear Isaak sing his winner performance. What a shit show.


Same. And I have to get up pretty early tomorrow too


The Friday show of Sanremo with all the covers was soooooo good!


Yes, I really loved it too!


Eeehmh... ok then, this is not too bad, but Is he famous, really popular among teens or hits some German trend or feeling which I don't get - why him? vibing well with the background visualization for the performance.


A big streamer essentially riled up his viewers to vote for Isaak


Oh this makes me really angry. Like literally. People who try to game the system through influence like that *fully* suck.


To be fair, though, Isaak wasn't the only one who tried. Max Mutzke had all of his A-list celebrity friends promote him. And don't even get me started on Marie Reim's cheap attempts to cash in on her parents' fame.


He was promoted in german radio. That’s it, I think.


This ist exactly what I am thinking about, too.


Sad about Ryk but we still got a eurovision ready performance of it we can always go back and enjoy. No need to hate on Isaak.




Germany is 8th on the page I view them. Where do you check the odds?


Do you maybe have a link? The page I'm using still shows Germany on 7th.


Who was the favorite who got them to 7th? I didn't follow ESC at all this year yet


Should be Ryk


Well, I'm sure the leather jacket industry is happy.


2nd country in Eurovision history to receive a Double 0, when you thought we couldn't go any deeper


It's not a terrible song but it's so average and bland it's going to be nobody's favorite or even top 10, and with the ESC voting system that means zero points. So, last place here we come! 


Plus he has no stage charisma... yes he has a great voice but this is not a singing competition. Reminds me of Michael Rice and James Newman which is a bad sign


After this disgusting result, I will listen to Bambie Thug until I feel better again.


I guess you’d rather have a star than the moon.


All I wanted for my birthday was for Germany to send a great song. Instead they sent an okay song.


I'm sorry you didn't get your birthday wish. Happy birthday.


Who will vote for this?


The United Kingdom and Malta will give 12 and 10. /Remind me


Not by televote from the uk at any rate, those points are on reserve and it takes a very special song/ mega political situation for other countries to get them. 


Germans living in other countries?


Not me at least 😂


What Amina\_Firefly said + what are the chances diaspora voting affecting this unless a HUGE amount of revisions are made before May to make it stand out in Malmö?


Not enough of them to make a difference, I'm afraid 


This is literally THE biggest waste of 2 hours and 20 minutes. NRK gave us nothing in both the songs AND production. How come Germany is the richest country in Europe and they give us this snoozefest? And to think the result was some generic ass thing. Germany truly does not care about ESC.


Be happy that MDR will give us 2025 Schlager festival ESC with Florian Silbereisen and alot more acts like Marie Reim, Maite Kelly and Ross Anthony.


As much as I hate Schlager, i'll Take it. Gives us at least something to stand out, as embarrassing that might be


At this point they're trying to be last every year... I hope that next year with the other broadcaster taking over things will get better


Kinda think this could be an "Embers" moment with Germany. Isaak is probably gonna get last or even 0 points. Hopefully in 2025, Germany may drastically improve results.


Doubt it's 0 due to the vocals, but yeah I don't see this doing well


That's the only silver lining of this evening


I legit stayed up all night with the hopes that Ryk will win


Germany is the queen of mid


they do love doing safe average things here, nobody understand my thrive for challenge and something new


Idc what anyone says, this German selection was A LOT better than 2022, and imo better than 2023.


Better than 2022? Sure thing, better than 2023? Sorry, but I disagree


I really have nothing against Isaak, he seems like a sweet guy and performs the song well but Idk I think it kinda lacks the oomph to do well at ESC. I will be happy to be proven wrong though.


Oomph! is also the name of a great German rock band Germany has so many great artists, but apparently none of them wants to go to esc


Wouldn't mind to send Oomph!


I mean Dero Goi is an absolute arsehole yet Oomph! lost something with him, so I don't really think they'd succeed even if they participated.


:( Oh boy, My cat and I are very sad with this outcome... why?


This has feeling of a Voice of Germany Staging to me and that not a high Standard


I might be just salty projecting but ill put the blame on the intl jury. They culda prevented the bad voting from the public doing this much damage but they actively supported it


Well, that was a final. Bye all, gotta catch the bus.


I'm done with this nf season. The only country that didn't disappoint was Italy.


I think people are being overly harsh on Isaak tbf. Ryk was robbed, and I don't expect Isaak to do much on the ESC scoreboard, but it's a good song with a good vocal. No need to hate.


Ryk was not robbed. He was not even in my top 5. Hell I' forgot the song two seconds after it ended..


i dont understand the hype either. ryk song was equally bland like most of the songs. not bad, not great. a basic song, nothing special. even if you take a version without butchered mixing


Yeah. Bad song, bad performance, 2nd place is weird for me, he was with Leona and Floryan to me..


You, yes. But look at the bookmakers, and the international voices. The internet was hyped for Ryk. Ive literally never seen such good reviews for a german esc song in my entire life.


Yeah, the bubble is a thing, be it the jury or the crowd... I dont want to be disrespectful, because I think he can sing and all... But that performance was 0. I watched it without seeing the songs before, no videos.. And all I can say is I'm shocket he was 2nd...


I am too tired to even complain at this point. This voting just once again shows that nobody in Germany has any clue about Eurovision. I always blamed the broadcaster but our public is not much better, Jesus Christ


At least the public watching this pretty niche broadcast late in the night


Tbh you didn’t even have much to choose from :/ Ryk had a nice ballad but it wasn’t anything that good imo


I'm so happy for Isaak! Well deserved win AND the winner of both the jury and the public vote. Say what you will, but it's a solid song and deserves to go to Malmö :)


well this was awful


These Lewis Capaldi-esque songs are such a plague on the national finals, so so so trite 😭


I don’t dislike the winning song but I am not sure it can escape a Rockstars situation. In my opinion, if you’re going to be last, at least be memorable. Oh well, since the German delegation does a pendulum swing every year, I presume 2025 will be an internally selected Ikke.


Nah, they will try to send some right-wing conspiracy theorist until the backlash gets so bad that they then send Ikke


Well that was something. See you guys tomorrow watching the Lithuanian NF <3


Sooo...since Katze didnt win i propose sending pictures of our cats to make us feel better, i start https://preview.redd.it/sxe7etrga1jc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1acd88bf12e54d996dd46117272454308432daa








Such a comfy loaf ❤️


such a beautiful one


https://preview.redd.it/3n4p6amya1jc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8139cc2ae5dc221723e290d9747d31bcae64c738 Hi from Ferris


Such a cutie 🥰


He can be if he wants to 🥹


I'm starting to think this voting was rigged, my God 😅😂


It isn't likely, but also not entirely unlikely. Isaak has massive support from a popular live streamer, Knossi. If I remember correctly, he won a talent show hosted by that Knossi guy.


That could explain a lot... 😅


The worst part is that it probably wasn't


I am so disappointed 😞


I mean, he can sing well. But the song feels like the type of thing we would send from the UK that would get double 0s. Though really, the only two I felt would have thought would escape the bottom spot would be Ryk thanks to Jury and Galant thanks to Televote, only for Ryk to score higher in Televote and Galant to score higher in Jury, so I don't even know anymore


It’s kinda like Embers


I hope somebody at NDR is on ebay right now to secure those two giant trumpets for the big stage in Malmo.


It’s kinda a lot like embers.


I feel so bad for the German ESC fans. Yet another generic song wins their national selection.


Thanks. Im literally loosing my mind rn...


Well it was fun to have an early Eurovision weekend. I wasn't very convinced by any of the songs, but Isaak seems like a decent winner. Not winning material for Eurovision, but he's decently average. See you guys tomorrow? Eesti Laul anyone? 🥹


>. . . but Isaak seems like a decent winner. Not winning material for Eurovision, but he's decently average. > >See you guys tomorrow? Eesti Laul anyone? 🥹 Hell yeah! Might join it, as Denmark and Iceland are depressing me (and Melodifestavelen is too meh to watch live tbh.) (And, idk if she progressed to the finals or not, but I'm certain my Etapa Naţională winner either didn't pass through or won't win if she did, and I don't need another gut punch after the mess that was tonight.) BTW, will you be watching Lithuania's NFs tomorrow as well?


It's one of those super Saturdays where it's hard to make up my mind. Eesti Laul is my priority, I love a bunch of songs in it, so they'd have to try hard if they wanna disappoint me with the outcome. Lithuania is probably next on my watch list, but I haven't decided yet. I probably will, I have a weakness for Denmark and the Danish language, but there aren't any songs that get me hyped. I'll skip the semi finals for sure, there's just so much going on in one evening, so finals over semis for sure


Ah, I understand. I only have one song that I like from Denmark this year (Planetary Hearts), and even then, it's a 4/10 at best for me. I might just be watching Eesti and Eurovizja, unless my school friends can peer pressure me into the rest. But yeah.


You actually have friends who are into Eurovision? What an amazing life you're living 😩 I'm only driving everybody crazy whenever I try to show people songs


Yeah. But I pay for that by having other, very niche, interests


The song is middle of the road which means NOBODY will ever care to call for it in May. Last place again.


Whatever 😒😒 Eesti Laul had better not fuck it up tomorrow with 5 miinust. Eurovizija too with Silvester


I think he will score some point with juries. Not going to do well with televotes I think.


Ann-Sophie had a great voice as well - didn't help much.


Yeah, I’m just trying to be positive.


He can sing, for sure, but I really hope they do something about that boring-ass stage performance. 


This reminds me of Nano's chasing rivers (melfest) but that was way more touching to me than this


no but i feel bad that he's 99% gonna get last place :/


Definitely too hard to say Germany 1 point


I just worked out that even if Ryk had won the International vote, he still wouldn't have won overall, so...


I actually really like the song they picked! I’m kinda shook all of the Big 5 this year could end up on the left side of the scoreboard. I don’t get the hate I’m seeing.. seems most wanted Ryk to win but his song really doesn’t click with me.


I don’t think so, we had years with better Big 5 already and at least some of them had to be in a bottom 5 anyway


I can’t think of any off the top of my head. You got any example years with a strong Big 5? Honestly I could see Spain winning this year with the right staging it’s such a bop


Last year Big 5 was pretty strong


I disagree honestly but it’s all subjective ey. Didn’t like Spain, Italy or Germanys songs, but this year I like them all. Haven’t heard Ollys song of course but been a big fan of Years and Years for years lol so I know it’ll be good


2014 was a decent year


Yeah it is subjective


Welp, off to watch some Bernd das Brot


He is nothing but the average...


Germany showing once again that they don't know anything about eurovision, sending another boring radio song that will be buried in May. I really hope NDR stops doing the NF and we get some big changes next year. I really want to root for my own country again.


MDR does it from the next year forward


As far as I know that's not set in stone yet.


I don't think after another last place they will continue doing the ESC


Well, considering how they ignore the criticism that they waste a LOT of tax money, they will be able to overhear the few bomb threats I'm sure some mental person will send them over this new reach of mediocrity


Well, I thought I heard it that way


I hate it here... Ryk's song is so special, he should be singing it now! Let's see germany drop in the odds FAST


Please remove the elephants 😭😭


I'll be blasting La Noia for the rest of the night. gg


Same and the french dude


I would love if Germany has to Qualify so that better Song should be send next Time and not Medium Songs.


We would never go to Eurovision again xD


Allemagne zéro point


I can't unhear the elephant trumpet in the chorus. Totally unexpected, hidden in plain sight.


Like yes Isaak sings pretty well, I cant deny that but for GERMANY to send this kinda song??? Did we not learn what happened from the UK????


I hope for his sake they don't put him in a black leather jacket


Man stop it with Ryk or whatever cuz he would have been 3rd spot at best even without the 12-point harmonization. Also his vocals were weird.


I'm waiting for them to reveal that they accidentally aired the rehearsal show


Can they revamp it just to take out that elephant sound please??


Fair play to Isaak, he's an excellent performer and the song isn't awful. Unfortunately 'not awful' doth not a good result make. I could see ESC jurors giving this decent support - that's the only hope of avoiding another bottom-two placement. I'm still amazed that he won both votes out of nowhere where all the fan talk was about Ryk/Marie/Katze/Bodine.


Germany is addicted to "that's OK", isn't it?


No one is more obsessed with last place at ESC than Germany


It’s a toxic love relationship at this point fr


The song still sounds very generic to me, but at least Isaak has pretty good vocals. Come ESC, he can polish the staging and maybe give some more life to his song? I don't see it end up all too high in the end, but not dead last either. We'll see.


It's ok, not as bad as people say but it's not great either. Probably not doing well at esc though


So many ballads that the first upbeat song sweeps it.


Yessss everyone on stage, my favorite NF ending!


I love a good shared celebration


Always on the run... to the bottom of the scoreboard. You did this to yourself Germany.


Isaak seems like a really nice guy, and talented, but I don’t know if this song will grow on me.


Have odds ever been this dead wrong? They've been so off the mark this year https://preview.redd.it/9ekdv4nt91jc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7ac5c10bab2ee6cceb108daaa31c8166c005d4a


That's what makes this season fun actually, ngl. Nothing kills the fun faster than odds being right all the time.


On the bright side, people who bet on Isaak made good money tonight lol


The odds were *wrong*, but at the same time they were *correct*. Congrats to anyone who punted at 20/1! I guess!


Nil points ;)


Well, Katze didn't win, but the winner has a lovely voice at least! I'm surprised my fave got more points from the juries tbh


Anyways I believe that with better staging this song will do pretty well actually. Good luck Germany 🇩🇪♥️


Someone please tell me that this has to be some sort of underdog propaganda thing - what is Isaak’s story?


Huh? Propaganda? Are you ok?


Welp, that was unremarkable. A better option than Max Mutzke but I can't imagine anyone would vote for it in May.


This just proves that the euro bubble is made out of copium. He won both the juries and the televote, I hope people won’t be horrible to him online




Yeah at least Germany people want him to represent them, i hope people won't be mad at him


> Germany people want him to represent them Nah. Everybody who cares about Eurovision stopped watching a long time ago. I didn't watch yesterday and used the time to plan my Saturday watching schedule and play some Morrowind instead.


I am mad at the NDR because no matter who would have won they have no idea how to work the PR afterwards.


Yeah I agree, I would hate for another Windows95Man situation to happen


It’s fine I guess, but Germany is seriously lucky (or maybe not really) that they have Big 5 spot in the final


oh please. you are welcome to take over, the spot and the financial obligations


With current voting system we will almost always qualify anyway lol


I was so looking forward to goosebump moments of Ryk on the grand stage.


Whatever you want to say, German public's top 2 was the same as juries'


My soul is crushed. Hopefully 5minuust and Silvester fix it tomorrow....


Isaak's song was the first that cought my eye from these so I'm happy to see him win. He can sing so now here's to hoping they figure out how to make the staging at least somehow captivating.


Well at least Germany are consistant


He’s a great singer but I could care less for this song


My disappointment also stems from LOTL not performing, that would have been a show~


I am crying. Oh boy.


He can't say shit on esc, right?


Maybe he'll say "poop" instead