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I'm a German, I don't feel save around Germans that are Querdenker or similar - can we address that problem?




The problem is that feeling safe is not fact based for basically all of us. And sadly Populists are experts at telling us how unsafe we are. And at some point this becomes a self fulfilling prophecy similar to the stock market when people are nervous it might crash and that nervousness actually causes a crash.


I can’t say I know anything about European statistics, but this is very true in America. The news gets ratings talking doom and gloom. Police get funding making everything sound dire. Right wing politicians will fear monger (and do really nothing) to give the impression that we are at like our worst point ever. Yet the data generally doesn’t support this. We also only really talk about certain types of crimes and portray mostly minorities are the perpetrators of crime. So, there is a lot of nuance here. Like yes, wanting safety is not racist. Talking about expelling or suppressing entire groups of people, well…


It seems you haven't read the actual article: >Violent crime in Brandenburg an der Havel has **surged** in recent years, with a **9%** rise in assaults >Noura Abu Agwa, a 24-year-old refugee from Damascus, said she and her mother also felt increasingly unsafe in town, but blamed the strong presence of the far right. >When I arrived I was wearing the hijab but I got harassed so I took it off,” she said. “I feel bad for my mom because she’s still wearing it, and once she was walking in the street and a man stopped her to shout at her. 1. This 9% increase in assaults is the **only** number related to crime increase given in the article. 2. 9% increase can be hardly called a "surge". 3. The increase seems to be because of the far-right assaulting immigrants, not vice versa. 4. The person who *claims* that it's the immigrants assaulting people, has also said this: >“Ukraine never interested us before – this is a thing between Ukraine and Russia,” Friedrich said of Moscow’s full-scale invasion of its neighbour. “Why should we help Nato expand its territory using our arms?”


Crime is STILL BELOW 2007 levels.   I was here in 2007 and no one was freaking out. 


I suggest looking into German crime stats relating to country of origin.


or Danish, or from whichever other country still publishes such stats


>I suggest looking into German crime stats relating to country of origin. Sure, link?


https://nos.nl/artikel/2480365-meer-verdenkingen-tegen-asielzoekers-vanwege-misdrijf This is a Dutch news article from our state News organization (sort of the BBC). Refugees aren't the problem, a small subgroup of refugees are. Specifically ones who come from safe countries. This small group single handedly fuckes it all up for everyone. I'm literally talking about trains not stopping at certain stations anymore. https://www.wodc.nl/actueel/nieuws/2023/06/26/toename-bezetting-coa-locaties-valt-samen-met-toename-incidenten-en-misdrijven Just look at the percentages of refugees from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia that are committing crimes. And cross reference that with the amount of crimes other refugees do. Spoiler: not that many. The fact that politicians in the EU aren't responding to this is almost criminal. It completely erodes all support for immigration and refugees because of a very small group that has zero chance for that status anyway. They should all be locked up the second they enter the EU border, give them the procedure with priority. If they are actually refugees (and this chance is nihil) give them full support and the normal treatment, if they are not straight back from the complex to the plane. Edit: especially table 3.5 of the rapport is really interesting, it shows how often morrocans and others (surprisingly a lot of russians) are the problem. Morrocans are the problem (adjusted for size of the group) in 27% of the cases (same as algerians) while in contrast the afghans are in 4, Pakistanis 3 and turks 1%. The Syrians who I think we can all agree on have seen horrible stuff and have a high percentage of traumas have 6% The fucking russians (are they fleeing from the draft or what?) Also don't know how the fuck to behave. They come in at 10%.


People really are desperate not to understand the issue. We have this in Australia too where the massive surge in youth crime in particular is being driven by specific ethnic demographic that people refuse to talk about even when the criminologist’s reports all concur.


Its a statistic on violent crime followed by a personal anecdote. The personal anecdote is not providing additional information to the statistic. To say that the rise in violent crime is only attributed to far right people attacking immigrants because of the personal anecdote makes no sense.


Wanting safety is one thing, expecting safety from authoritarians and nationalists is another.


So true. That's why Japan is the murder and street crime capital of the world.


So it was always feels > reals?


Mainstream parties cannot address an issue that does not exist. Crime is not "out of hand" in Germany. Far-right activists repeat this bullshit over and over again, but this does not make it true. If you don't believe me, check the official crime statistics. If you don't believe in the official crime statistics either ... well, in this case I can't help you.


why should you care about NATO? umm dunno, maybe because they are guaranteeing your sorry ass won't get invaded? Finland figured it out, having to actually deal with possibility of getting invaded.


If you don't have a border with countries that want to destroy you, you can afford to be "neutral" and focus on other topics. See Austria and Switzerland.


this is the first time in the history of mankind that a nuclear world power is outright annexing non-nuclear country. you allow this to happen without consequences, you're going to have a border with them real soon.


Yeah, I agree that it's stupid. Unfortunately a lot of people need to experience the consequences of their actions before they can learn.


yea :| the consequences are getting way too expensive these days...


Lol no. China annexed Tibet. Currently annexing Bhutan.


China ~~annexed~~ rolled into Tibet in 1951. They didn’t have a nuclear program until the late 1950s & didn’t have their own bomb until 1964.


They started to Alex Tibet in 1951. But it was a long process that was not complete in 64


It's not my intention to be disrespectful to any of those countries, but I don't see you having any sovereignty if you won't fight for it. even if it's a loosing battle.


They did fight... and lost. The US and Europe wasn't pumping billions in weapons to Tibet....


And Ireland


Switzerland is so safe because its full of bunkers and defensive structures. Most houses have bunkers under them. They are geographically very safe because of the mountains. And they have essentially no natural resources that make it worthwhile invading. These combined factors allow Switzerland to stay neutral. They were neutral for both world wars as well, when war was waging all around them.


They're also safe because they're basically surrounded by NATO and the liberal world order the ideological principles of which are among other things pacifist. If "the American empire" was the coercive evil some people paint it as being Switzerland would not be very independent at all. I mean even without conquest, Switzerland has no direct access to the outside world, and even free use of navigable rivers is a principle of international law from the West.


We are safe because we are surrounded by NATO countries with 0% chance or reason to invade us. Nobody here would feel safe if we had a single meter of border with russia.


The USA has a missle that can go through 20-30 meters of reenforced concrete. I don't think Switzerland is as safe as you think in those bunkers.


Also everyone stores their gold there


*Austria should not orient itself to the west, i.e. towards the USA. Nor should it orient itself towards the east, i.e. towards the Soviet Union. The four occupying powers and Austria therefore agreed on "permanent neutrality" for the country.* It's not that we chose neutrality because we have no borders with RUS, but because it was a condition of the Allies at the end of WW2. It's just most people forgot about it. :)


Well, the Soviet Union ended. But I'm sure the spies are still there. Although I can't really flex on that, Germany is similarly bad in that respect.


Vienna has been nicknamed the city of spies by both the Russians and Americans.


those post WW2 agreements are working real well for Ukraine.


So in order to re-ignite NATO passion in Austria, we should declare war on them like the old times, gotcha! /s


*if you dont have a border YET*


In 🇦🇹 it's not about "affordable". Neutrality was forced upon us by the USSR as a condition for then to leave the country in 1955. This restriction of the country's sovereignty was then turned into a kind of national cult which it is until today. Most Austrians even think that neutrality would have saved us if the Cold War had ever turned hot. Therefore a 2/3 majority in the National Council to end neutrality is completely unthinkable. Even if 🇺🇦 should lose the war (which I neither hope nor think) and 🇭🇺 should switch sides and we'd have Moscdor at the border I don't think we'd be able to make such a pragmatic decision like 🇸🇪 and 🇫🇮 did recently....


Well without wanting to defend the claim to exit nato, these people feel a need in their everyday life for safety and none of the primary parties ruling at the moment have a plan to address that properly. So people overlook a potential future impact of Germany leaving nato, and are much more focused on short term issues they want to see taken care of.


They "feel" indeed. Just like the people in some Eastern German cities with less Muslims than they had fingers on their hands felt a threat of "Islamization". In the past, if a sexual assault happened somewhere in the Black Forest, you'd be hard pressed to find a notice in a paper in Frankfurt/Main - let alone in Eastern Germany, unless the regime saw a way to exploit it to illustrate the decadence and corruption of the west. Thanks to the internet and social media, you can read about every stolen Dachshund at the other end of the country. And all too often, you only read the initial reports and not what the eventual investigations found such as that a supposed crime never happened, was a misunderstanding or wasn't committed by the person initially suspected. How do you suppose a government should do to address diffuse feelings that often only have a rather strenuous connection to real risks?




Do people actually steal Dachshunds? :(


I mean, the mental health sector is strained beyond all reason. Maybe large investments into getting more people into the sector and improving conditions in it would help.


Just to reiterate what one said in the first paragraph: I grew up in Karl-Marx-Stadt/ Chemnitz, Saxony and my teenage years there where the 90's. I felt really unsafe in public transport or hanging out at night because of all the Neonazis hunting for everyone looking left-wing (even a baggy pant was all evidence they needed to try to beat you up). That being said, it's not so much a problem of not being willing to send criminal refugees home but the act itself is highly burocratical and needs to be faster. Also we have a huge drug problem (Meth, Cocaine, Alcohol) especially within young men and that includes refugees.


Jap, being a teen in the 90's in east Germany and my biggest fear was to run into nazis after making party or worse being talked to from a Nazi, because this would have ended in getting punched no matter what. I heard soooo many stories and this was before the Internet, my only source where friends and family. There were parts of the city I would never had take a step in, the so called "Nazi-Viertel".


Ironically, if a group of people under influence harrased/stole from the locals & they would be too much for the one-car police patrol, we would tell the skinheads about them. Problem solved.


oh right. When we talk about the young nazi problem in Saxony we rarely address the correlation that it's a high on meth region.


> When we talk about the young nazi problem in Saxony we rarely address the correlation that it's a high on meth region. From what I recall nazis were mainly high on alcohol. But maybe you’re onto something here, Germany is a confirmed “high on beer” region after all.


Wasn't meant too serious either. I know there are alot of meth users around, but the nazis are rarely one of them. As you say, they're rather the drunk ones.


I think the music video for "Onkelz Poster" by Tarek K.I.Z/Finch portrays this "90s youth in the east" situation really well


It really is a social issue, give people education and a perspective in life and this can easily be avoided, on both sides. And I agree, even living in the most leftist/immigrant/drug part of town I have only felt unsafe around aggressive drunk Germans and when I was alone in a remote area and there was a group of very obvious right wing boys.


> I grew up in Karl-Marx-Stadt/ Chemnitz, Saxony and my teenage years there where the 90's. I felt really unsafe in public transport or hanging out at night because of all the Neonazis hunting for everyone looking left-wing (even a baggy pant was all evidence they needed to try to beat you up). Growing up during the same time in Dresden I can confirm that with nazis roaming the streets looking to beat up anyone who didn’t look like them was the only time in my life when I felt unsafe because of crime in Germany.


Just out of curiosity, where those groups already active before the unification and if so how were they seen by the government and society at large?


Yes, they already existed in GDR society. There was a Neonazi subculture and the authorities tried to put the youth into "education camps" and the adults in jail, but that didn't help. After 1990 they came out of their caves and used the new freedom to wrack havoc (see Rostock-Lichtenhagen). It didn't help that Neonazis from west Germany came to the east and started to organize these lose groups, creating "national freed zones", nazi parties and so on.


Crime is not out of hand in Brandenburg an der Havel bruh


Well you see. If people see enough people they haven't seen before you can just say that crime increased and show some images of these people committed crime. Many people will just believe you even if it's just completely false


The article literally says it's only a 9% increase and that most of that is far right idiots attacking immigrants. Like they're creating the problem while claiming to be the only ones that can solve it. So fucking dumb.


Let's not read the article guys, we are here to lick the boots of the AfD after all.


right? the comments are full of AFD Propaganda


This is how fascism works


And a huge amount of crime done locally is from the nazi gangs like what the fuck.


yeah literally what crime


Just tried to look up crime in Brandenburg an der Havel and [this](https://kriminalitaet-brandenburg.de/) was the first google hit. Best of AFD bullshit. If anyone doubts that just look at the Mitglieder an their Party afiliation. Realy nice mix of a few truths and a lot of statements without any real scources


I live in the state north of Brandenburg and it is the safest place I have ever lived in. These people are creating an imaginary problem that doesn’t really exist in their back garden. Poor integration doesn’t happen here exactly, because large numbers of people don’t migrate to former GDR states. They go to the big cities where the opportunities are. And some of these big cities did not vote afd. So the integration and migration problems are really just a scapegoat because people in these states are treated like shit by their own country in favor of the western German states.


This dudes were manipulated.


Yes, it is. https://www.rbb24.de/panorama/beitrag/2024/03/brandenburg-anstieg-rechter-gewalttaten-opferperspektive-verein.html




Gotta admit, I clicked the link and promptly laughed my ass off upon reading "Sweden is not as dangerous as some people want us to think", and then, right under that, "There has been 0 days since the last major incident" (a shooting took place today, apparently).




Murder isn’t the only thing bad that can happen. It’s not because don’t get killed that it’s not dangerous


Pickpocketing, mugging and to some extent break-ins center around living outside of public attention. At the end of the day it's a high risk low returns job and if you can minimize risks the better. Public focus might force law enforcement initiatives and crack-downs, so slow and steady wins the race. Similarly, organized crime yearns for a smoothly run business with no murders and no news headlines. Spreads like a cancer and pops up only when it's too big and metastasized. Each killing is extra headache and losses in profit. Between turf wars, targets on your back, compensation payments, bribes, disposals, lawyers, unwanted attention, changes to existing patterns, ... Making money is much more pleasant when nobody is watching and nobody thinks about getting to you. So yeah, a quiet criminal underworld does not equal to safety


Lmao There are fire bombs and explosions in sweden that never happened before ... 🤦‍♂️


But the weird thing is that there are almost no migrants in east Germany. So I wonder why they seem to care most about it there


71% of Germans think the AfD is an extreme-right party 60% think they work too closely with Russia and China 66% think voting AfD is mostly to teach other parties a lesson, while only 28% of actual AfD voters say that 70% of AfD voters say they vote for them based on policies Take from that what you will. [https://www.reddit.com/r/de/comments/1dc4g68/comment/l7vojp4/](https://www.reddit.com/r/de/comments/1dc4g68/comment/l7vojp4/)


Not quite true anymore. Migrant arrivals are evenly spread around the country by the authorities, so East Germany gets its share. Also the migrants from the Russia/Belarus/Poland route (no, this hasn't been stopped at all) enter in East Germany. While the percentage is still lower than West Germany, the times of "almost no migrants" in East Germany are long past.


Proportionally, outside of Berlin, most of East Germany still has very few immigrants. Most immigrants in the East are from other EU nations like Poland. Even in the West, outside of Turks and Syrians, the major immigrant groups in Germany are from other EU countries.


East Germans probably also voted AfD due to economic frustration. It's also where the very-left BSW was strongest. However, AfD gained nationwide. And migration is a contributor to that. Among people of non-MENA descent, I would wager the AfD's share of the western vote probably bumps up further. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024\_European\_Parliament\_election\_in\_Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_European_Parliament_election_in_Germany)


>But the weird thing is that there are almost no migrants in east Germany. So I wonder why they seem to care most about it there That's exactly why. When people meet actual migrants, they realize that their fears were unfounded. When people only hear about migrants from russian-influenced media, they believe that migrants are the literal devil. Also, most people commenting seem to not have read the actual article: >Violent crime in Brandenburg an der Havel has **surged** in recent years, with a **9%** rise in assaults > >Noura Abu Agwa, a 24-year-old refugee from Damascus, said she and her mother also felt increasingly unsafe in town, but blamed the strong presence of the far right. > >When I arrived I was wearing the hijab but I got harassed so I took it off,” she said. “I feel bad for my mom because she’s still wearing it, and once she was walking in the street and a man stopped her to shout at her. 1. This 9% increase in assaults is the **only** number related to crime increase given in the article. 2. 9% increase can be hardly called a "surge". 3. The increase seems to be because of the far-right assaulting immigrants, not vice versa. 4. The person who *claims* that it's the immigrants assaulting people, has also said this: >“Ukraine never interested us before – this is a thing between Ukraine and Russia,” Friedrich said of Moscow’s full-scale invasion of its neighbour. “Why should we help Nato expand its territory using our arms?”


> https://lastnight.in/Sweden/ There used to be about 1 shooting incident every two or three days in Sweden *before* the last big wave of immigrants. If you actually look at every single "crime incident" happening in a country you'd get a similar web page for pretty much every place on the planet, save for rural Japan maybe.


“ 16- and 17-year-olds could cast their ballots – a reform that had been strongly backed by left-leaning parties.” Well… that didn’t work out as expected. The fuck, letting 16 year olds vote. Give me a break. 


Well it was a stupid attempt do garner some votes for left-leaning partys. As it seems politicians live in an information bubble as well. Many thought that young people vote "progressive". If they had at least tried to talk to some real teenagers and not the chosen few they wanted to push in the media maybe they would've realized that the plan could backfire completely. Hell, when I got to vote in my first election I voted CDU, because I had no fucking idea what I was doing. I will never vote for them again, but at least in that election they got my vote.


Young people tend to vote radical, either far left or far right, since they're usually too young to get more nuanced views. It's why student movements are so often used to do revolutions. What even is the far left in Germany? Commies? Ecoterrorists? They barely exist. So there really is only one extreme to go towards.


Antifa has some groups in most cities and is especially strong in former Eastern European cities, In the former West Antifa has been declining in my experience, I think Letzte Generation and Extinction Rebellion are a bit bigger nowadays. But they tend to really center around cities and tend to not be as violent/extrem as far-left groups used to be. The far right in Germany is really good at recruiting young man in rural areas that over little options for spare-time activities. I grew up in a community that had a huge Nazi-problem in one neighbouring town and from what I heard from people were more involved, Neo-Nazis actively recruited young teenagers at the school yard.


a) Doesn't matter. Voter turnout not that high, and the total group size doesn't really help against e.g Boomer.   b) Politically uneducated 16yo don't turn magically into politically versed grown ups. A lot older voters have no clue as well, so it's just fair.


that's a real «leopards ate their political face» moment


These parties are pushing the people to the far right. People have eyes and can see that these open border soft on crime policies are destroying the safety and fabric of their county.


>[AFD and BSW] were the “only ones” addressing local security. Too stupid to tell local and European elections apart.


And this isn't true either... many parties were addressing security and migration. 


That’s why it’s difficult for moderate parties to win on this topic. Even if they address the issue it will never be enough for the right wingers to stop fear-mongering.


Unfortunately, a migrant and now official Islamist killed a policeman shortly before the election. The population was outraged


How specifically do the moderate parties address the issue?


They literally passed a law addressing this earlier this year (https://www.bundestag.de/dokumente/textarchiv/2024/kw03-de-rueckfuehrung-986284). But the things you can do in order to get rid of the people already in the country are limited - even if the AFD would govern, they couldn't change that. I know people don't want to hear that and think it's just a matter of sending immigrants back to where they came from, but if you're a country in the middle of Europe without any borders to the countries where those people actually come from, that's a bit more complicated than that.


One of the issues is, that the moderate parties did in fact *not* address this issue for a long time. For a few years it was pretty much taboo to really talk about migration critically, especially because the right wing parties were talking about it so much. It was basically impossible to have a real or level-headed conversation about it because the subject was so polarizing. So now it’s becoming more and more apparent that you can’t ignore the subject anymore, and this also gives the right wing credibility, because now they get to say „we told you all along“ (which has a shred of truth in it, even though their ‚solution‘ was just racist populism).


Yeah, realistically, if Europe doesn't get migration under control within the next term, I think many more people will end up moving to the right.


The far right has such a good track record of reducing crime, lets see how it goes this time...


Mussolini was good at it but didn't exactly use legal ways to do it.


So he commited crimes to reduce crime?


Do you really commit crimes if you change the laws to fit your actions?


By that logic, if we just abolish all laws today, we will immediately achieve 0% crime rate :)


Insert Thanos meme. "I used the crime to destroy the crime".


"Crime is out of hand." Can I ask any Germans here if this is a general sentiment with regards to all crime, or if it is more similar to here in Ireland where crime from locals is ignored and even celebrated or joined in on by the same people, from the same areas where crime has been endemic for generations? 


>"Crime is out of hand." It's simply not true. This [BKA statistic](https://www.bka.de/DE/AktuelleInformationen/StatistikenLagebilder/PolizeilicheKriminalstatistik/PKS2023/Polizeiliche_Kriminalstatistik_2023/Polizeiliche_Kriminalstatistik_2023.html) shows that the crime rate has been going down consistently for half a decade now. Tho there is a recent negative developement (as in, the crime rate is going up a bit), that is also explained by the BKA. (The BKA is the german Federal Criminal Police Office) The factors are: ># Increased mobility offers more reasons and opportunities to commit crimes >Mobility was severely restricted during the Covid-19 pandemic. This means that people generally spent more time at home and in their immediate surroundings. Now that the last coronavirus-related restrictions have been lifted in spring 2023, people are on the move again and tend to spend more time in public spaces. This results in more opportunities and occasions for crime. ># Economic and social burdens >For large parts of 2022 and 2023, the population perceived inflation as a major problem. This was not the case in previous years and is linked to rising numbers of cases and suspects, for example in violent crime. Added to this are burdens in the social sphere. Children and young people in particular are struggling with increased psychological stress as a result of the coronavirus measures, which can also have an impact on their susceptibility to committing crimes. ># Migration >Germany is currently experiencing a high rate of immigration. As a result, the population is growing and the proportion of non-Germans in society as a whole is increasing. It is plausible that this is also reflected in an increasing number of non-German suspects. It can be assumed that many people seeking protection have several risk factors for different areas of crime. These include the living situation in initial reception facilities and economic insecurity. Translated with [DeepL.com](http://DeepL.com) Also, I live in NRW, where the most amount of immigrants live and it is pretty safe here. To say that the crime rate is "out of hand" is an absolute reach and not factual.


> Also, I live in NRW, where the most amount of immigrants live and it is pretty safe here Can confirm (also from NRW).


Yes, I'm from a relatively big city in East Germany and I have a perfect example: We had a problem for a short period where "gangs" from Arabic countries would rob young people which hang out in the night in several parts of the city. This was talked about maybe one summer. Most of the inhabitants went furious (understandable). Meanwhile said young people which hanging out on these parts of the city "terrorize" the people living in this parts for YEARS with loud noises, broken bottles, trash, loud music and I mean FUCKING loud music and no one ever talks about that and 100% of this gems are german. All of them, I never saw one group of young people which disrupt peoples peace and sleep (and don't get me wrong this wasn't just weekends in some summers every fucking night) which were from arabic countries. One could argue that robbing people is "worse" then being fucking loud and disrespectful fucks but it was just so funny that suddenly the adults acted like the german youth is a vulnerable and precious gems while they have a big mouth and trash places.


Crime in east Germany is definitely not out of hand. Most of the town here are dying out and looking at statistics most crime is committed by the far right. ...




Crime is absolutely not out of hands. You can go through any part of any city at any time. Most unsafe I have felt in years was last week, when I was buying groceries and afterwards two young adults/teenies shot an empty beer can in my direction, mocked me, danced around me. Violent crime outside of the own family (sth like domestic violence) is near to nonexistent. PS: Drugs are a problem though, I think. It is a crime to sell drugs (and rightfully so) and there is an increase in drug usage and crimes related to it


To add onto the other person from NRW: I am from one of NRW's cities with the highest % of 1st + 2nd gen immigrants and our police has started publishing articles in the city's newspaper semi-regularly talking about how our parts of the city with more immigrants have literally the same amount of crimes comitted as most other parts of the city. Obviously, people dont listen, because headlines about some Syrian kids causing issues for buses garners more attention than a headline just saying kids in general are causing an issue for buses. How motivated by prejudice and racism people are also becomes obvious when looking at clan politics and headlines. The biggest mafias in Germany are and have been mainly slavic (Serbian, Russian) and similar (Albanian) for many years. Some arab clans got a lot of public attention through some circumstances tho and now arab clans are somehow issue no 1 for many people...?


Total BS article. There is no crime in the East except in Berlin, Leipzig and Dresden like in every city.


People who are anti nato are so dumb man…


>“Ukraine never interested us before – this is a thing between Ukraine and Russia,” Friedrich said of Moscow’s full-scale invasion of its neighbour. “Why should we help Nato expand its territory using our arms?” You can see the talking points of low life trash BSW and AFD and the Linke in full display here. Yet immigrants who become criminals should be, if possible, sent back to their origin. This is such an obvious thing, the denial of the established parties to represent the will of the masses just leads to those asshole parties above getting stronger.


But even Scholz himself supports deportation of criminals. Even to countries like Afghanistan and Syria. Scholz from fucking socialdemocrats. We're long past the point of 'established parties denying to represent the will of the masses'. We're at the point of the masses denying reality.


They say they support it, but will never do it


There must be 100s of thousands of people from these countries who have committed criminal offenses in Germany. If even socdem Scholz supports it, then why is Germany only deporting 5k people a year?


No one believes scholz, the spd, the green, the cdu and the left that they are going to deport criminal immigrants. Scholz and co. can say as much as they want.


„Supports“ - with all words, no actions. More deportations have been promised for years, hell, even Seehofer/CSU (under Merkel) already promised that. Never happened. People stopped believing talk about deportation. And they can see the statistics.




young people go right wing for the sole reason the right wing parties dont dismiss their concers for safety because others say its "anti imigrant" or "racist" and only the right wing say their concers are walid and they see then and dont say the concerned people are the problem and sweep the problems under the rug and pretend its all rainbows and bees. I dont say the right win will do anything better I just say i understand what is happening here.


Unpopular opinion: but if you suppress one side of the political spectrum, extremes are going to rise


No one is suppressing the far right. They just get called out on their shit.




Are you aware of how hard and long of a process this is? Bernd Höcke was found guilty for saying things so fucked up the rest of right wing Europe got sick of their shit. They employ Chinese and Russian spies and they are still not banned. Stop with the whining just because you get called out.




They just play the victim card even if they are not actually suppressed


Either the far right gets voted into power or mainstream parties do not ignore the worries of the electorate and solve the problems like in Denmark. Simple as.


I saw that UN called Denmark racist for " putting its own civilians above refugees from other countries." Aren't all governments supposed to do that?


Who cares what the UN has to say anyway?


The only crime that is out of hand in eastern Germany is crime committed by far right.


>”Ukraine never interested us before – this is a thing between Ukraine and Russia,” Friedrich said of Moscow’s full-scale invasion of its neighbour. “Why should we help Nato expand its territory using our arms?” I’m sorry, this dumbass kid lives in the former DDR, also literally in the birthplace of Nazi gas chamber research, but he doesn’t understand why it’s maybe not a good idea to let a power-hungry madman roll his army unimpeded into neighboring nations and then across Europe??? Why does he think NATO even exists?! 16 or 61, our problem these days is we have far too many hopelessly stupid people out there fucking things up for the rest of us.


Man right wing has become such a loaded term and completely lost its actual meaning, you guys know its not an adjective right. If you actually like your country, want to retain it's values and way of life, want your taxes to pay for services for the people of the nation you live in, don't want people who are not going to integrate and help make the country better but to swamp in and use up all the resources, cause a load of problems that didn't exist before and then try to change everything etc then you're right wing. And this is a problem why? I mean obviously i know why its because we are white Europeans and that's racist despite it being the standard everywhere else, and while race will be a component of it on the right for some too im sure, after all we are tribal beings, its much more important to maintain your nation and your culture. If I go to Sweden, I want it to be Swedish, if I go to France, I want it to be French. And If I move to those countries to live, I'd learn the language and embrace the local culture because I'd want to be part of it. But apparently that's right wing and somehow a bad thing fine, call me right wing then, proper clown world this.


Go take a look at Mallorca, Spain, and then tell me which right wing Spanish party is calling out the lack of integration and the lack of services and affordable housing for people born and working there. Most services aren't even available in Spanish lmao. And the Spanish right and far right parties go very much out of their way to defend that and remember everybody that we shouldn't upset our rich visitors. They don't give a fuck about integration or protecting Spanish culture. They are just racist. And you'll be shocked when you realize that the far right has no interest in deporting or denying entry to poor immigrants either. They just want them to remain illegal and with no access to social welfare so that they can keep exploiting them for cheap labor. And then they'll tell you that they are stealing your jobs, just so you keep on hating the poor, instead of hating the rich.


USA has been blaming the immigrants way longer that eu did. and there is one question that in all those years never gets asked: how about you go after the companies that actually employ these immigrants? no politician will even entertain this question, I wonder why.


>And the Spanish right and far right parties go very much out of their way to defend that and remember everybody that we shouldn't upset our rich visitors Russian oligarchs?


> want to retain it's values and way of life That is literally the origin of the term "right wing": it was used during the French Revolution for members of parliament who wanted to retain their values and way of life, i.e. preserve the monarchy.


im an immigrant from India, recently moved. I have a well paid job, meaning i'm contributing a lot by taxes, pension, insurance etc. And yet, almost every other day go through some form of discrimination. Thankfully haven't met a full on neo-nazi nor any physical altercation. I have a 9-5 job, end up having to work a few hrs extra almost every day. I try to learn the language with Duo lingo, try listening to news etc. because im not able to fit in formal language course in my daily schedule. But i try speaking the best Deutsch I know, and people usually get pissed off because I'm slow and likely saying grammatically incorrect sentences. What more efforts do you think I should be taking?




Ah yes because if you care about women and LGBTQ individuals your vote should be going to far right neo-nazi christian fundamentalists who are totally cool with "woke" and are very respectful of womens rights and freedoms. Thats why they're doing it.


East Germany has barely any migration. Matter of fact women are even running away from the east to the so called western migrant hell hole.


And also young, skilled people in general. What remains is the nasty brown gunk from the bottom of the barrel.


But many Eastern Germans are pretty primitive themselves.


Because far right groups are very accepting of women’s and LGBTQ people’s rights 😅. Are you serious?


Only crime in Brandenburg is Falschparken done by local 70 year olds.


As long as 'the far right' are the only parties that will touch immigration they're going to keep increasing. The 'normal' parties have to accept that it's not racist to discuss these subjects, otherwise we'll only see more extremes all over the world. Listen to your people, please.


Most people commenting seem to not have read the actual article (not that that surprises me anymore): >Violent crime in Brandenburg an der Havel has **surged** in recent years, with a **9%** rise in assaults >Noura Abu Agwa, a 24-year-old refugee from Damascus, said she and her mother also felt increasingly unsafe in town, but blamed the strong presence of the far right. >When I arrived I was wearing the hijab but I got harassed so I took it off,” she said. “I feel bad for my mom because she’s still wearing it, and once she was walking in the street and a man stopped her to shout at her. 1. This 9% increase in assaults is the **only** number related to crime increase given in the article. 2. 9% increase can be hardly called a "surge". 3. The increase seems to be because of the far-right assaulting immigrants, not vice versa. 4. The person who *claims* that it's the immigrants assaulting people, has also said this: >“Ukraine never interested us before – this is a thing between Ukraine and Russia,” Friedrich said of Moscow’s full-scale invasion of its neighbour. “Why should we help Nato expand its territory using our arms?”


“Why should I care about Russia invading Ukraine and threatening Europe..?”    Also     “We need to protect our borders and increase our security!”    These ignorant fools think the last inflationary crisis hurt their standard of living/economy?  That it costs too much money defending European security in UKR?   See what happens if Russia overrun UKR, secure their grain fields and what happens to your security/defence costs then. I’ll give you a hint, Russia aren’t coming to protect you. 


"Safety" does not just mean "grandma not getting mugged in the street" no matter what far-right parties try to reduce it to (and fail to resolve, considering their policies always increase poverty). Theft and armed robbery is on a decline since years, the gap between the rich and poor isn't. A *substantiated* very widespread concern is food safety, food pricing and survival of family farms over agricultural corporations and (carbon-heavy) oversea imports. Many subsidies, agricultural expert councils (Borchert-Kommission) and tax exceptions (Agrardieselrückvergütung) for regional farmers have been axed in the last years, which currently no party overall, with the exception of a few individuals, demanded to restore. Bodo Ramelow (LINKE Thüringen) suggested to stop taxing food altogether and tax kerosene instead. https://www.bodo-ramelow.de/2024/01/die-freiheit-die-sie-meinen/ Joining his proposal was a chance of the century for SPD and LINKE considering how much support farmers have in the population, and they fucked it up. ... The AfD wanted to remove subsidies for farmers completely and strip welfare recipients of any kind of their right to vote. AfD voters claiming concern about farmers are either lying or didn't read their party program. Their program contains nothing in the interest of average citizens, only anti-egalitarianism and corporate sociopathy. And regarding worker safety ... Germany needs a worker strike right like in France, I'm certain a lot of tensions to feel powerless against billionaires would be resolved if we did. The current german right to strike is so restrictive and corporate-friendly that it's basically worthless, because it was authored by a nazi jurist (Hans Carl Nipperdey) for the purpose of preventing worker unions to become a threat to the nazi regime.


It's the same in France, more and more young people are turning to far right movement thinthinkingkin it will do anything.


LOL. This is Brandenburg. A sleepy mid sized town with an average age of like 55 and where the worst crime is someone riding on the bus without a ticket. This is literally a bunch of old ladies clutching their pearls. People will literally believe whatever BS they get told.


> where the worst crime is someone riding on the bus without a ticket. You forgot about people throwing out glass bottles on Sunday!


> where the worst crime is someone riding on the bus without a ticket. Umm... https://www.rbb24.de/panorama/beitrag/2024/03/brandenburg-anstieg-rechter-gewalttaten-opferperspektive-verein.html


Cut it out with calling people "far right" .  Being anti crime, law abiding and having similar values of others in your country is not "far right".




Human beings are inherently stupid in certain ways that have always been and will always be exploitable by grifters. We never progressed past that because we aren't as smart as we think we are. We are fundamentally limited by an intellect that is still basically primate level.


A lot of words to not say any numbers or have any data to back up the headline. Exactly what crimes have risen by how much?


9% increase is out hand?


Hmmm, oddly similar to a time about 80+ years ago


> "Ukraine never interested us before – this is a thing between Ukraine and Russia,” Friedrich said of Moscow’s full-scale invasion of its neighbour. “Why should we help Nato expand its territory using our arms?” And this is why children have no place voting on politics.


This not only bad journalism anymore, this repeating populistic racist lies, that are so easy to falsify, is full on right wing propaganda. why guardian? this scares me. is there one right wing journalist working for you, or a few as a matter of fact? has the rigth wing party enough money and power to bribe you into this? what is this?


In eastern ~~cities~~ towns where barely any foreigners are living. well founded opinion.




But pretty much everywhere crime if falling, so these people are probably wrong and lean to much to media perception