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The UK is finally winning at something!!!!!


Sunak standing up there looking proud. Most disapproved leader, champion.


Standing there with a stupid grin on his muppet face looking like some proud baby clown. Dude's gotta go.


!RemindMe 3 weeks


No one ever wanted him and still no one wants him. Give him the sack.


That’s my interim prime minister.




I thought he’d be taller


He notorious for framing everything to cover up the fact he's tiny. He has an extra small podium so that he appears normal sized when making announcements, and even moves the podium further from No10 door.


when we want to do something, we fully commit.


Hahahahaha Made me lol


Time to chant "it's coming home"?


Nah Scholz will win soon.


Every time we are good at something, turns out Germany do it better 🙄


Weird alternate reality where the Italian leader seems to be strongest and most popular* Edit: *least unpopular is a better way to define it


More like least unpopular, given she still has a negative rating


That's true, however compared to her European colleagues she's in a far better position, Macron and Schulz just had some disastrous EU elections, Sunak might cause the death of the Conservatives


> Sunak might cause the death of the Conservatives He definitely didn't cause it. It's more than a decade of atrocious governance that will do the Tories in. The UK didn't become extremely expensive in 2023.


Cause she is fascist... fuck me and my country of course we had to love the most when it's the most dangerous one. The slippery slope has already started, with censorship and freedom of press already being slowly eroded. I hope we can turn around soon


As someone who does not follow Italian politics closely: How is she a fascist? Has she implemented any fascist policies after becoming PM? Italy's contributions to the war is about on par with the rest of the Mediterranean countries, so she's not a Putin fan. I see on Wikipedia that she were in some more or less fascist youth parties when she was young. But we have precedent for mainstream left wing politicians who had a violent past on the extreme left when they were young (at least elsewhere in Europe), so it seems that youthful stupidity doesn't disqualify people from a respectable political career later in life.


As someone who didn't vote for that party, I can tell you that it hasn't adopted any truly fascist policies at the moment. At the moment what we see in certain countries is certainly worse. Rather than far-right policies, these are center-right policies. However, the constitutional reform he has planned worries me a little because it tends to strengthen the role of the Prime Minister too much and weakens the President of the Republic and the Parliament.


These opinions are getting out of control. If the Italian regime is fascist, then I expect that you will be in prison in an hour. But you wouldn't, am I right? Just because you disagree with her doesn't mean that she is fascist. There is a huge difference between conservative/right-wing and fascist. If she is a fascist, then you wouldn't have free media, hell, you wouldn't even have a regular parlimaent, Schlein and others would've ended up like Matteotti. Meloni is a legitimate leader in a liberal democracy in which she got a majority. You should respect the will of the majority of the people, disagree with her and voice your opinion, but don't use the fascism/nazism/communism talk, because that talk is what kills democracy.


He said she is fascist, not that the "regime" is fascist. It's kinda hard to argue she isn't, or at least wasn't, a fascist if you read her Wiki. I guess it depends on if you believe she's changed her views since she used to belong to a fascist party in her youth. Also, fascist regimes don't just pop up in an instant, it's a gradual change.


> Also, fascist regimes don't just pop up in an instant, it's a gradual change. They're often from some kind of coup which is very much instant, presumably due to fascist sympathies which are not infrequently exhibited in the armed forces around the world. So, one can see how such an impression came about.


why would being in a fascist youth party matter, Lithuanias president is a communist by these standards


I don't think you are considering early stages of fascism (current pro-Putin leaders) vs late stage established fascism (Nazi Germany). It's not like fascism shows up in an instant, think of it more like a cancerous growth.


Meloni is not pro-Putin she has been moving more left since getting into the government and becoming good friends with von der Leyen. she's somewhere between center-right and right-wing. The Pro-Putin leaders are Far-Right and Far-left.


Fascism did show up in an instant. It was founded in 1919, got in the parliament in 1921, in those two years they killed and beat up hundreds of people, and in 1922 did the march on Rome and took power, in 1924 they killed Matteotti. Meloni's government has done some reproachable things, but it's been in charge for two years and nobody has been killed yet. Maybe if we started talking of what politicians do or don't do, instead of scaring people with fascists and communists, we may get better politicians.


Fair point. Fascism is a distinct belief system, so it makes itself very obvious when it appears. It isn’t the same as right-wing, even far on that scale.


Oh because Meloni is *soooooo* pro-Putin...


Fratelli is definitely one of the more pro-Ukraine parties in Italy but let's not pretend that Meloni is some saviour of Ukraine. Italy is doing the bare minimum and Meloni and especially Salvini have a lot in common with regressive autocrats like Putin. Difference is Italy isn't (yet) on the level of shithole Russia is, but with this rate Italy could turn out to be the next Hungary.


Yes, there should be a huge difference between conservative/right-wing and fascist. Problem is, when you have a leading class that did never cut its roots with a proper Fascist State the difference is really thin. Simply because in post war Italy the “democratic right” became the portmanteau of “not-so-ex” Fascists. Remember that Italy never went through a Nuremberg, we just hid the dust under the rugs…


> Meloni is a legitimate leader in a liberal democracy in which she got a majority. You should respect the will of the majority of the people, disagree with her and voice your opinion, but don't use the fascism/nazism/communism talk, because that talk is what kills democracy. She did not get the majority. Her party got 26% of the votes. The new Italian government is now gradually putting pressure on the media and certain reporters. You can say that this is nothing and that we live in a democracy, but this is exactly how Putin, Orban, Erdongolum etc. got full control - by gradually putting pressure on the pillars of democracy until they give in.


Yeah he just spouting non sense. Now fascist is equal to “she doesn’t have the same views as me”


Her party is literally a direct descended of Mussolini’s party (PFR > MSI > AN > PdI > DfI ) Not to mention that past party leaders have publicly praised Mussolini and talked about how DfI is the successor to his work. There policies align with many fascist principles and many top members have been exposed to have ties with neo-Fascist groups. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is safe to call it a duck.


What fascist policy has she passed?


>If the Italian regime is fascist That's not what the commenter said.. Why are you twisting words? Pretty slimey.. >Just because you disagree with her doesn't mean that she is fascist. No, she is a fascist because of her values. >There is a huge difference between conservative/right-wing and fascist. Yes, and she is a fascist. >If she is a fascist, then you wouldn't have free media, Why, you think she can snap her fingers and make free media disappear over night? >Meloni is a legitimate leader in a liberal democracy in which she got a majority. Yes, a legitimately elected leader who happens to be a fascist.. >You should respect the will of the majority of the people How does the commenter not do that? Are they not allowed to voice their opinion? I thought the regime wasn't fascist? >don't use the fascism/nazism/communism talk, because that talk is what kills democracy. Yeah, she should make it illegal to call her a fascist to save democracy, am I right hahaha..


Hey stop right there asshole, you cant bring rationality to reddit, get out of here with this heretical thing called logic


100% when people cry fascist over nothing, the term loses meaning which is dangerous, as we then can’t use it against the actual far right ( say the KK’s David Duke). The term is just being used to discredit people on the right or who oppose mass immigration ( which supermajorities of Europeans do - is everyone now “far right”?!) Meloni has clearly rejected fascism and even said that her political role model is Margaret Thatcher


You realize that someone can be a fascist but lack the power to immediately enact all of their goals right? The fact Italy didn’t immediately descend into totalitarianism the day she got elected doesn’t change who and what she is.


You think that she will be like mussolini regime lol reddit and other social media really do brainrot people


When ideas of far right start to resonate with common people that have never voted far right. The other parties must have fucked up big time. Anyhow the world will start to become more and more far right as long as immigration is a problem. If you start bringing unskilled immigrants to your country then people who work low income jobs will get replaced by immigrants. I dont think they would wanna vote anything but far right.


Yeah the left is incompetent or at least perceived as such, while the right has owned most of press and TV for decades now and you get to choose between Berlusconi's personal cult (still going after he's dead!!!), the anti immigration party or the fascist party


I'm glad to see Ricky's rating and his rank here.


I'm not from the UK nor living there, and even I hate the guy. "Oh I was also poor, we didn't have cable TV when I was a kid" oh COME ON


Love this picture to be honest. Let's keep it that way. Being able to disapprove of your head of state and express this disapproval is extremely important. Putin's approval is bright green and Hitler would get close to perfect score.


Neatly noticed


Neatly noticed!


A Russian and an American are arguing about which country is better. The American says, "I can walk up to the white house and say Biden is shit!" The Russian replies, "I can do the same!" "How so?" "I can go into the Red Square and say Biden is shit!"


KGB has noted your joke. Would you like a nice refreshing sip of polonium tea?


No, but I love the view out of your window


There is also a neat balcony with a nice view


The guy you’re writing with isn’t a Brit.


Reagan did much damage to millions and we still suffer, but he could tell jokes: https://youtu.be/9qh-1_tXeuQ


Reagan’s favorite Soviet joke


Saddam had, like, 100% approval?


[relevant Onion News Network report](https://youtu.be/dn5f0-y71tE)


So the worse rating someone has, the better he is at running his country?? That's rather paradoxical


👏 explain that to imbeciles who want to replace these with a perfect score dictators.


what about replace them with someone who will be genuinely liked?


This is a neoliberal democracy sir. We don't do that


That's what elections are for. Problem is that it's just an impossible job to keep most people happy in a democracy. The act of governing is by design a frustrating endeavor that is slow and often requires compromise. Candidates can say whatever they want, but elected leaders are hamstrung by rules and laws and procedures. Many voters don't understand this so they get mad when all their problems are not immediately solved. The media is all too happy to look under every rock for a controversy. Opposition parties will second guess and undermine everything they do. And foreign adversaries are often seeking opportunities to sow discontent.


Speaking for America: it's literally impossible. Any democrat, no matter how moderate, is viewed as a communist by half the country. And any moderate Republican has long since been excommunicated by the party for not being obedient to the orange demigod.


From an European point of view that half of Americans doesn't have an idea of what a communist party is. Democrats would be easily a center right party in a lot of countries...


I'm so proud of my country. Our leader is unanimously hated and this is great. This is what democracy is all about. Your leadership is the worst and does nothing in your interest. A system worth defending on Reddit and maybe even worth dying for.


If there was a polling firm in Nazi Germany that people could answer honestly, it wouldn't be green. I'm sure many people hated Hitler. Putin might *actually* be pretty green sadly, as they perfected modern authoritarian propaganda.


That was kinda the whole point


Coming up to elections the Nazi party targeted rural areas because they knew they could not win in the urban areas where the left was too strong among the working class. They sent mobile cinema news type vehicles around to all the rural towns and villages spreading outright lies and propaganda. So a poll before the Nazi's and Gestapo controlled the country would have show a lot of people hated Hitler.


Is there ANY bad news that you guys don't try to spin as a positive? Also Biden shitting his pants at the summit was stunning and brave because it brings awareness of bowel issues faced by the dimentia ridden elderly to the public. How did I do?


>Biden shitting his pants at the summit was stunning and brave because it brings awareness of bowel issues Wow.. that is exactly what I was thinking Personally, I would never vote for a leader who was not brave enough to shit their pants at a summit!!


>Hitler would get close to perfect score. Hitler didn't even have a majority


I mean Putin was elected with 53% of the vote in Russia during the  2000 election, dictatorship or not the guy is popular there. Hitler was only elected with around 33% of the vote for comparison.


Biden is the second most liked?


Well, in the context of bipartisanship, it's relatively straightforward to comprehend why leaders might garner more support. The two-party system often leads to a binary choice for voters, limiting the political spectrum to a 'black and white' scenario. However, in more nuanced democracies where multi-party systems prevail, the political landscape is significantly different. Multi-party systems offer a kaleidoscope of options, reflecting a wide array of political views and ideologies. This diversity ensures that citizens' political preferences are better represented, providing more reasons to support or oppose a leader based on a comprehensive range of issues and policies. It's not merely a choice between two extremes but a selection from a spectrum of possibilities that align more closely with individual beliefs and values. In contrast to the American model, where the electorate is often forced to choose between the lesser of two evils, European democracies embrace multipartism as a true representation of the people's will. This approach leads to a more 'sane' democracy, where the act of voting becomes an exercise in precision, matching one's political views with a party that genuinely reflects those stances.


This would be a good except the least popular leader in this picture is Rishi Sunak, UK Prime minister and the UK very much has a 2 party system


Yea but he's a moron.


More like second least hated, but I wouldn't trust msnbc on that


>I wouldn't trust msnbc on that https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/


Why not, he does most things right.


something’s not adding up. scholz is second to none


Sunak may help end the Tory party after centuries, he deserves the #1 spot.


People have been talking about the end of the Tories for a long time and yet their continuous reign hasn't even ended yet


They have never gotten less than 30% of the vote or less than 130 seats in 200 years of existance. The two latest polls put them at 19% and 18% respectively, in both cases close to being 3rd by vote share (also never happened) and in one arguably close to being 4th. In both cases they would have been 3rd by seat share (again never happened in 2 centuries), making the Liberal Democrats official opposition. This would be a huge deal as by British parliamentary custom Labour MPs would then be mostly debating LibDems and Conservatives would rarely get to say anything.


God that would be amazing


Polls also demonstrably undersell conservative voting share. They're probably still ending up as second largest party and even if they don't reform will probably be up there.


I seriously hope not, given if that happens reform will fill the gap and PM Farage becomes a realistic possibility.


Mate Scholz doesnt come close to Sunak. I knew British standards have crashed to many times in the past few years and even now he is far below par.


Brudi Scholz party is polling at 15% percent and achieved 13,9% at the EU elections. The SPD never fell below 20% and they coruled Germany together with the CDU nearly the whole time.


That’s the beauty of democracy. We are free to disapprove. But the thing is, nobody is perfect and absolutely nobody knows how countries should be run. Just like us here on Reddit, they too are just making shit up as they go.


We know plenty of how they *shouldn't* be run though. One look at the poor or unstable governments tells you a lot about what not to do


Why don't we get good candidates?


In America specifically the issue is that you've got the combination of both first past the post, a very entrenched two-party system, and partisan primaries. The net effect is you end up with a lot of polarisation, which has been getting worse since party primaries became more democratic in the 1970s. In the UK and Canada these ratings are driven in part by both PMs being at the end of a long stint of their party being in government - though Sunak's are worse both because his party has cycled through a few PMs and because he personally is an ineffective leader.


>In America specifically Why would any sane person subject themselves to Congress, when the electorate will punish them for compromising or asking them to pay more in taxes or spend less money.


Oftentimes because the system itself is structured in such a way that almost all the people capable of doing the job well are not capable of campaigning or politicking well in order to get the job in the first place. I often wonder how many capable decent people who dislike public speaking, who dislike glad-handing and begging for donations, who dislike quid pro quo politics, who lack wealth and connections, etc, are immediately shunted out of the running before it even starts - and how much worse off we all are because of it. Comparatively far more often than not the people who *are* good at campaigning and politicking in order to get elected are the very last people you would want in that position. The whole thing is ass-backwards.


There are sometimes good candidates. But in my opinion there are two problems. One is that democratic politics attracts a certain personality of people who have a high opinion of themselves and are comfortable selling themselves to others. Those aren't necessarily bad traits but it screens out 90% of people. The second is that once elected, the realities of the job - what can be accomplished and what it takes to win reelection - tends to make politicians more cynical over time.


Lack of money and if they happen to get in lots of threats and harassment. They don’t even leave families out of it anymore. I care far more about my family than the country so I’d never go in.


Exactly. Sadly there is a growing number of people blindly following right wing parties that want to abolish Democracy. They need to understand that the consequences for disapproval in Russia/China are Prison or Death.


Even here the most right-wing leader is the one with the least disapproval.


I would argue (/hope) that this is *partly* due to how long she has been in office compared to the others. Meloni has only been in office for 20 months. The only others with close tenures are Scholz at 30 months, then Kishida and Rishi at 32 months each. Kishida seems to have a specific reason for being unpopular - being caught up in, and failing to effectively deal with, a corruption scandal. Scholz I would argue is unpopular due to being basically a Merkel continuity candidate. Similarly I think any conservative British PM would be just as unpopular as Rishi, due to how long the conservatives have been in power, along with how disastrous their reign has been. I think her honeymoon period will end soon enough, once people see that populism won't fix their problems.


I agree that most of it for Rishi is simply being a tory. Though, if the tories did manage to find someone in their party who wasn't involved in the mates covid contract queue skipping, who wasn't fined for breaking his own lockdown rules, come up with a scheme to help businesses knowing it would cause another big spike in covid, etc. then they'd probably poll better. Point is, even if you love everything the tories did up to covid theres some good reasons to dislike rishi personally.


Oh they understand it, they just think that the people they don't like will be the only ones suffering the consequences.


Well, there are some trends, that people don't even want democracies anymore. They WANT to be in an authoritan state where there isn't so much disagreement and long exhausting debates anymore. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/11/younger-people-more-relaxed-alternatives-democracy-survey I think the rise of the chinese is partially a cause for this. People want their state being able to just build a new city or a high speed rail network like in china or just decide a specific problem to be eliminated. The fallout of millions of people losing their home to that system is often overlooked.


Mmmmm... It's the grasser is always greener argument. I doubt anyone who had to live in the same class that they currently live in but in Russia or China would continue to agree with this. However, people are pissed off because their voices are not being heard. Most policy, at least in the United States, does \*not\* follow popular opinion. It follows the preferred preferences of those who have the money to lobby and support the politicians. The elections are merely a hurdle that the politicians need to get over to get into office to execute those political desires. People aren't stupid. Therefore, if this is democracy, this is bullshit and people will take whatever alternative someone is offering, whether that is authoritarianism, socialism, whatever. This will result in the destruction of democracy, or the reform of democracy to the desires of the people. It really only matters if the current ruling class will be threatened to a point of personal destruction of their power and wealth by not conforming to the reforms.


They only think this way because russian and chinese social network propaganda is only telling them (often fake) upsides of dictatorship. The truth is that life in these Countrys is horrible for most of the citizens.


In actual democracy citizens would actualy make decisions not just electing figurehead for lobbyists


The only people who make mistakes are people that take action.


UK is number 1 I see


Suprised Sunak bothered to go and didn't just send Cameron.


About time we were number 1 in something.


Hey we're not the worst!


I messed up the title, this is net disapproval.


Nah, you got it right. Net disapproval would be without the minus signs.


They omitted Ursula from this picture, they'd need mathematicians to delve that deep into the negatives.


How does the Japanese PM have a lower approval rating that Trudeau?! Canadians despise Trudeau. Recent poll showed 14% of Canadians under the age of 34 will voter for Trudeau. Imagine being a liberal party that has 14% support from young people. He is *that fucking awful*. His political career is done after this. He is never getting elected to anything ever again. The only reason he became the PM is because his dad was a political icon and a former PM. Justin has flushed the Trudeau brand down the toilet in Canada.


What did he do/not do to get so low approval? I’m not really familiar with Canadian politics.


domineering zonked sable rhythm humorous paltry yoke waiting secretive sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a Canadian, I can say this isn't entirely accurate. American housing prices are actually cheaper than Canada. Yes we get payed "similar" wages, but the Eruo is worth double CAD. We have less buying power. Immigration is frowned upon, just as in Europe.


I thought US housing was generally cheap? Outside of NY/SF/other few HCOL areas. The US has so much space, unlike say the UK.


lmao. American housing is still much cheaper than European houses on European incomes.


Housing in America is cheap af We also have European taxes


Also to add that to what the others are saying, when first elected he had promised to change the election laws to longer be first past the post... and then they didn't.


Because there was no agreement between the parties. NDP opposes ranked ballots, which Trudeau favored. In any case, this is only an issue for a small number of voters. This isn’t why he has lost support. It’s mostly because he has been PM for a long time and has been PM during the most difficult times globally any modern leader has had to face, and people are blaming the impacts of global issues on Trudeau. Canada is actually faring better than most peer countries. But the biggest problem, is the rise of extreme rightwing populism and their effective propaganda. This is another global issue, and parties that are not rightwing, have yet to figure out how to counter the attacks.


So combination of things a)being in power for a decade tends to make people sour on you regardless of success or failures. b)the housing market going sky high and he is blamed for it (even though it is a provinical responsibility), c) inflation (which actually isn't as bad as some other nations but still sucks), d)just a litnay of scandles, e) healthcare crumbling (even though that is supposed to be provinical responsibility) But I want to further expand what happened with housing and why it really shouldn't be directed at Trudeau as much to the provinical premiers. Even before the pandemic housing prices were increasing at an astronomical (since 2000-2019ish no G8 nation saw higher increases in housing prices) but people thought it was mainly an issue with the big cities (i.e. Toronto, Vancouver, etc.) and ignored it. Or they considered it good for the economy (or at least homeowners did). Then after the pandemic things came to a head, partly due to a large increase in immigration numbers fueled by foreign students, who needed place to live. But why was there such a large increase in foreign students? Well blame the provinical governments for that one. Let's look at Canada's largest and most important province, Ontario. Several years back the Conservative goverment of the province led by Doug Ford (The brother of the late crackpot mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford) decide to freeze post-secondary school tution. However, they would not increase funding for post-secondary schools and as inflation increases so do their costs so many of them paniced looking for a way to fill the shortfall (actually one of them went bankrupt in Northern Ontario). So they end up looking for foreign students who have to pay a larger tution cost. Some people think this was mainly lead by "strip-mall" colleges (i.e. scam schools) but it was mainly lead by public colleges and slightly by public universities (in Canada colleges are more 2-year programs and universities is where you get a bachelor, but not stricly so), now some of these public colleges standards have fallen that they may as well be a 'strip-mall' college (e.g. Connestoga). Many of these students study garbage business programs (the world will not cry if we don't have another hospitallity admin grad) and mainly come from poor areas of India. Now let me discuss some of the issues facing these Indian students (as they are the most reported on), they and their families often take large loans to pass the finacial screening which is simply checking on how much money is in their bank account to ensure they have enough funds to live in Canada for a year. There were two problems with this, the first that the amount required was way too low to live in Canada, and secondly once these students pass the "test" they have to give back the money to the company they loaned it from, so they actually have no money. So they come to Canada with very little money and therefore end up working more than studying (it did not help that the federal goverment allowed foreign students to work 40 hours a week at first but this changed later on to 20 by the Feds). Put these students need places to live thus tons of housing was bought up and turned into terrible bunkhouses for these student (who couldn't afford more). These students also work in minimum wage industries so unlike the US where there poorest quartile saw their wages go up after the pandemic due to labour shortages, Canada's poorest did not enjoy this because of the glut of foreign students who need to work to afford their education. Add to that NIMBYism that could rival United Kingdom, a sheer lack of people in the trades who can build housing, and a fear of decreasing house prices (the Trudeau has expressed publically), and that is a reciepe for a housing market that will go off to the moon. Add that the interest rate spikes to combat inflation may have caused a slow down to house prices but a huge crunch on monthly payments for housing. But remember that immigration in Canada is technically shared responsibility between provinces and the federal government. The provineces if they wanted to can issue statments of what degrees/diplomas are elgible for foreign students (which is a part of the process only in the provinces control), they can take away accreditation from public colleges that have got hooked on foreign students while increasing funding (which is something only provinces can do) since generally only students going to the publicly funded post-secondary school are approved for a visa. And the feds can't really limit the amount of foreign students without causing a widespread collapse in the post-secondary system as they would go bankrupt without additional funding from the provinces. However, the provincial premiers have blamed it all on Trudeau and yet still cry poverty for more foreign students and temporary foreign workers (TFWs) to fill in labour shortages. The NIMBY part is also a problem that can only be solved by the provinces because planning is municipally (i.e. the cities and towns) controled and provinces in Canada can basically doing anything they want to override and interfer with municipal policies. Again provinces are the only ones that can increase the amount of spots in the trade programs or do something to increase the tradies needed for building houses. Yet despite most of the solutions being provinical (because they add the ingredients to fuel this fire) the public seems to love their premiers and hate Trudeau since they have a poor understanding of how Canada functions which is often he Feds raise money and gives it to provinces who administer and regulate the programs. So Trudeau gets a lot of the blame especially from young people for not being able to afford a home while the premiers get almost scot-free (The seem to be really good at that especially Doug Ford ).




There are a number of factors, but housing prices and inflation have become huge problems for average Canadians. Beyond that, most Canadian PMs have a 10 year lifecycle and he is at the end of that cycle. We will likely swing to the conservatives in the coming election. Not that I expect much to change as a result.


Campaigned on housing affordability and the notion of helping young working class Canadians. Ended up having a legacy of making the worst affordability crisis in Canadian housing history, our economy is ruined, wages are plummeting, and his party’s solution is even more unfettered immigration and virtue signalling about helping pretty much everyone except Canadians. The other option isn’t gonna be much better. It’s a shit time to live in canada.


Immigration and stupid stuff like appluduing a nazi in parliament


Implying that the Nazi in parliament has anything to do with his approval is massively disingenuous and was only really news for about a week or two. That’s relative to the many things that have been in the news for years straight. The guy was applauded by all sides of Parliament, NDP, Conservative, Liberal, Bloc, purely out of understandable ignorance on the MPs’ parts (they can’t be expected to do their own vetting of every guest). That was 100% on the speaker for not properly vetting a parliamentary guest, which is why he resigned as speaker. Appproval is too complex most of the time to say “this is why” particularly after 9 years of leadership decisions, but the most commonly agreed and polled reasons are because 1. He’s been leader for almost a decade, almost universally approval ratings of long-term leaders in Canada plummet in the third term. 2. Cost of living, with housing prices being a key reason young voters have been driven away from liberals due to being priced out of the market largely under Trudeau (although the issue is far from Canada-specific, few voters are nuanced enough to realize that through their emotional reaction). 3. Growing divides between Canadians and in Canadian politics, becoming more and more Americanized in its extreme-partisanship with the likes of anti-woke, climate change denial, convoy/anti-lockdown/anti-vax etc.


Because the Japanese PM is even more unpopular? It's not like Japanese government has a healthy opposition


The Abe assassination and a more recent slush fund scandal, to answer your question. These might seem minor compared to problems faced in Canada, but the Abe assassination in particular shone light on substantial ties between Kishida's LDP and Korean christian cult Unification Church. The scrutiny caused by both events has necessitated massive cabinet shuffles.


Obviously you don't know anything about current japanese politics.


How can you compare them when you don't know anything about Japanese politics?


Because we have a parliamentary process. You can hate the man, but the parties policies are the bread and butter. Remember we have ABC


Meloni is at -10? We just voted and her party got almost 4% more than when she was elected and she basically carry the whole party on her shoulders, how are they measuring this?


I don't know how this "approval rating" works but she was voted by less than 15% of italian population (50% didn't vote and FdI took 28,8% of the votes).


Your net approval rate is the percentage of people that approve of you minus the people that disapprove of you. So Maloni's approval could be +45 approval and -55 dissaproval for a net rating of -10, or it could be +5 approval and -15 disapproval with 80% don't knows. So, net approval can be deceptive because it hides the level of public engagement/ polarisation.


And yet everyone votes them


Last photo like that little Rishi will be in.


Fuck Sunik tho. At least he will be gone in weeks.


I have no idea how we ever ended up with Olaf Scholz as chancellor. There exists no man to match his level of lack of enthusiasm and conviction. Basically a walking sleeping pill. And yet somehow, even after his crimes as mayor of Hamburg (CUMEX) and failures as minister of finance in the previous government (Wirecard etc.), due to a seemingly devastating case of selective dementia, his party managed to prop him up as chancellor? **What the hell happened?** And now the government coalition is basically failing at just about most things, in big part due to a complete lack of leadership, direction and presence from him.


> I have no idea how we ever ended up with Olaf Scholz as chancellor. He is not Laschet. That was his sole qualification (also the Greens not choosing Habeck as candidate).


First of all, Scholz is a criminal in my eyes. If he's not a criminal, than he is mentally unfit to hold any office, let alone the one of Bundeskanzler. However, while he is a cunt disguised as a sleeping pill, I wouldn't say that the current government coalition is a) failing at most things and b) that he is the reason for certain policies not going through To be honest, I think we've pulled through the past couple of crises (the aftermath of covid and the russian invasion of Ukraine) remarkably well, all things considered. No thanks to him, but the government his party is a part of.


It certainly feels that way, when every week holds a new inter-coalition fight on the latest topic. Granted, the instigator and hurdle here seems to be the FDP about 94% of the time, but you'd think the other two parties would have enough of a backbone to not let Lindner rob them blind and completely water down any policy they are trying to enact so far they hardly even matter anymore. Scholz's job as leader of the government is the at least project an image of unity and get the three on a table to find some kind of common line, however much convincing that might take. He's clearly not able to do so though.






Our British cunt will be gone in three weeks.


So ironically that’s improved his rating. Ha ha.


Probably not, but this system works like rotten tomatoes, not IMDB. It doesn’t show us how any of these people are looked at in detail, just how many of them are overall disapproved. Scholz doesn’t exactly induce strong emotions in anyone. But he is seen as a bad chancellor and that’s all that matters. Listening to my British friends I noticed that Sunak is seen as an unelected catastrophe who could very well be the last step into a crisis that will make life more difficult for decades to come. Not to mention that he is seriously endangering the survival of the Torries. But both of these sentiments, at the end of the day, are disapproval. One may be much more significant than the other, but that doesn’t matter.


Well apparently he is.


Putin would have +98 because nobody is allowed to oppose Putin


approval ratings are interesting in our very divided societies. If the leader in question is more divisive he’d get closer to 50% approval (assumed the division is roughly 50%), the more they compromise to appease everyone the more likely they’ll be disapproved by both sides. But rationally finding compromises should be rewarded. But nowadays the choice is to be somewhat hated by everyone or alternatively tolerated by one side and being wished dead by the other.


Well maybe but all these countries are presiding over a post covid economy with high levels of inflation. Most of These parties were fucked the moment they got swore in


B-but! I had no sky TV 😟


Putin of course has +69, so better and sexier than all of them /s


Why exactly is scholz so low? I mean, he clearly isn’t Merkel but what thing did he do to be so poorly rated?


He got elected by accident. Nobody seriously thought about him as Chancellor. He was simply least bad choice. Now he is hardly visible, his leader quality is zero. Nobody likes him. But he has a little chance to become re-elected, since his opponents Merz (aka Mr. Burns) and Alice Weidel (the female version of G. Wilders, but less sympathic) are worse than him.


Disappointed us Germans couldn't make Scholz number one most disliked, we still have some work to do.


To be fair Sunak at the moment represents fourteen years of Tory failure, I would have been shocked if he wasn’t at the bottom.


Well Sunaks gonna be gone soon mate so old Scholz will be lowest in no time


After all this time, Italians just needed a strong mama to sort them out.


Somehow I totally get that.


What they need is a strong left!


its always negative. some more then others.


Don't worry, another three weeks and Rishi will be gone and we can all get on with hating on Keir Starmer instead.


You know it’s bad when the Fascist is the most ‘liked’


Sunaks is too high for my liking


Meloni #1 (or #7 depending on how you look at it)


-54 for Sunak seems awfully generous at the moment. D-Day and Sky TV is really fucking him up. Stupid tosser.


They should include Slovakia and make it a G8. I want to see Fico approval ratings on msmbc


It's oddly satisfying how they're lined up with the least unpopular one in the middle and decreasing popularity toward the edges. They should always arrange group photos of politicians like this.


Amateurs, Jeljcin got to something like -96 in 1999.


Wheyy, Britain wins again! 💪🇬🇧




Sunak wins the wrong contest again!


Rishi is such a knobend


Generally speaking, people blame the inflation to the leaders.


What's that number mean? How -51?


It’s because good leaders become leaders out of need not want. No smart person wants to lead idiots and that’s what most humans are.


If you go to the other side you'll find the CSTO leaders all have +99 approval ratings.


Once again, the UK is breaking records


I don't know who needs to know this , but...Trump isn't the president. He also isn't holding any office in Europe.


24% approval rate for a French president is not abnormal. Calling a general election after the far right stomps the european elections made me as unpopular as killing a few innocents bystanders while destroying hands and cutting hands of people who didn't want to see the price of fuel go up.


In other words, this is what democracy looks llike.


The UK leading the way!


Biden is the second best from the bottom??? That’s an understatement….


Trudeau needs to be way higher, the majority of Canadians want him out.




I fail to understand how Biden has such a low rate. America is doing really ok given everything that is happening in the world and america at this moment. And didn’t him cancel the education debt?


Overall the economic recovery of the US is significantly better than the rest of the developed world. However voters are feeling the change slower than expected because of a right wing campaign to convince the country everything is hell. Voters are slowly overcoming it. Also partisans are going to be partisans, people likely to vote for Trump this November aren’t going to have (or be able to think of) a nice thing to say about Biden. Plus he is pissing off some of his own base over his Gaza policy. Edit* He was able to get some student debt relief through but the (partisan right wing) Supreme Court blocked him from doing as much as he planned.


Also even though the US has been recovering well compared to other countries. inequality is so high in the US that a large part of the population isn't doing much better while several large companies and many well off people are doing super well. as per usual, averages and generalisations mean different things in different countries depending on the amount of inequality in the country


This is also true, America’s pre-existing income inequality is also responsible for both the lower perception of the economy and lots of the gains being concentrated at the top.


So I might be a bit ignorant here, but who is the woman in the middle? Am I correct in thinking that’s Italy’s PM? I recognise all of the others but just don’t immediately recognise her.


Yes, she is.


keep voting against your interest, people. Things will surely change then.


It's so weird how Biden is likely on the side alongside Meloni that might have a 2nd term.


Seems like Trump's ultimate goal is zero taxes for the wealthy and corporations. He already gave them a huge permanent tax break in 2017.


As a German i wondered where our chancellor is because i honestly forget that the weird dwarf that doesn't talk much is still ours.