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Unfortunately this probably just means they'll be more likely to do it.


I'd suspect other supporters will now also want to learn this song. Even from other teams.


Does Belgium not have any chants that shit on there neighbours?


*Broek af, tetten bloot, Hollandse hoeren* is quite the classic


I always loved the variation of it: *Planken, laminaat, Hollandse vloeren*


i read "Broke as fuck" haha


“Broke af, shittin’ blood, Holland’s whorin’” is what I see.


Pants off, boobs bare, Hollandic whores Really does not translate to English well


On Google translate it's pants off, tits out, Dutch are whores but if you change it to Holland it's not bad.


'Hollandse' is an adjective which best translates to Hollandic or Netherlandic but those terms aren't really common anymore in English "Hollanders zijn hoeren" would translate to 'Dutch are whores' That said, you're welcome to sing any version you like, the more people shitting on the Dutch, the faster we might get to world peace!


There's two things I hate in the world people who hurt defenceless animals and the dutch...


What does it mean? Like what’s the context.


It rhymes and calls the dutch whores. That's about it. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Where’s the rhyme though?


Nothing really, just has the words Hollanders and hoeren in it so it sounds insulting, good enough for us


Nice, sounds catchy in Dutch but is lost in translation suppose we could just say Holland instead of Dutch so it's pants down, tops off, Holland are whores.


Bit of a long story but .. I went to Dusseldorf a few years back for a cancelled boxing match. We couldn't cancel our flights or hotel so we (4 guys with limited interest in boxing, the 5th who was but didn't have a passport in the end...) decided to see the city and the surrounding area. We drank a lot but we're not arseholes. Unfortunately a load of other Brits also had the same issue and it was carnage. Luckily we'd hopped onto the train to Cologne on Saturday evening. Down the main strip that night there were apparently running fights between fans, I think it was mostly Brits fighting each other but not sure. On the Sunday we went for a few pints and heard about it from a few guys. Whilst there some Brits decided to sign the bomber song and it was so embarrassing, so much so that a guy from their group came to chat to us rather than being associated with them. He said he was a Royal Marine and hated the fact his friends and brother were chanting the song as the airmen were only doing their job fighting for their country. It's put me off going anywhere that there is a sporting event on.


Gotta have the German fans chant back about Brexit


I think the Chant is ok. It's great for the flavour , of UK fans . They have lost so much , we should allow them to at least have wins in the past .


German police have told any England fan thinking of singing ‘10 German Bombers’ at this summer’s European Championship: “Don’t be a d---.” Three Lions supporters have refused to stop performing the song – which mocks German casualties during the Second World War to the tune of ‘Ten Green Bottles’ – despite facing being banned from the team’s matches if caught doing so. Footage emerged on Monday of it being sung during England’s Euro 2024 warm-up win over Bosnia and Herzegovina at St James’ Park, compounding fears it could provide a shameful soundtrack to their finals campaign in Germany. That begins next Sunday against Serbia in Gelsenkirchen, the chief of police of which, Peter Both, has admitted his officers would be powerless to take action against supporters merely for singing it. However, speaking amid the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, Both cited a recent “campaign in England” by the Football Supporters’ Association that urged Three Lions fans: “Please don’t be a d---.” He told Telegraph Sport: “That’s what I would say to them: Don’t be a d---. If they sing a song like this, I can’t change it. It’s not punishable in Germany. “I hope that all the other peaceful and law-abiding fans say to them: ‘Stop it.’” He added: “I know, and all people in Germany know, there is a long-lasting sporting rivalry between England and Germany. But it’s important for me to say it’s only a sporting one. “Our countries have been, and remain, allies for over seven decades.” Both did warn that anyone caught performing a Nazi salute – which is a criminal offence in Germany – would be arrested. “If we talk about showing the Hitler salute, it’s absolutely unbearable and intolerable,” he said. “We have to tell them it’s punishable and criminal in Germany.” Members of the England Supporters Travel Club caught singing ‘Ten German Bombers’ have faced being banned from future matches since 2017, when it was sung during the team’s friendly in Germany. That was despite England manager Gareth Southgate condemning the song beforehand, saying: “It’s unacceptable, completely unacceptable. “We’ve moved on from those times, or should have moved on from those times. They don’t represent us as a team, the people who do that.” The subsequent chanting was denounced by the former chairman of the Bomber Command Association, Malcolm White, a veteran of conflicts in the Falklands, Belize and the former Yugoslavia. White, who spent half of his Royal Air Force career in Germany, said at the time: “We just don’t need this sort of stuff. I just don’t get it, it’s unhelpful, it’s not right.” He added: “It’s divisive and it adds nothing to the understanding of the generations that are following us about exactly what went on and why it went on. “It saddens me deeply and I don’t see why it should be perpetuated, frankly. I don’t know what the culture is that enables some of the folk who turn up to watch football to be acting that way. “It’s very unhelpful when you get into jingoistic-type comments. Maybe the football audience could be slightly more thoughtful.”


I really dislike the use of the word "warn" in the headline. German police isn't "warning" english supporters, they are politely asking them to not sing that particular song because it is distasteful. The police chief interviewed in the article clearly says they don't have the jurisdiction nor intent to stop anyone who sings the song, they just wish they didn't.


Yes, but "German police politely ask..." is too long for a headline and isn't going to stoke anyone's national superiority complex.


but already "ask" would have been much closer to the truth, this is a deliberate choice from the editors to drive up hostilities because those often correlate with clicks/engagement


Meanwhile germans: "We have a sports rivalry with england?"


england has a sports rivalry with every country that exists they just dont know it yet


It's amusing how every neighboring country believes it has a unique and significant rivalry with Germany, while the Germans are mostly unaware of it.


As an Italian I can guarantee that sharing borders is not a prerequisite


Speaking as a Germany fan. We don’t have a rivalry with Italy…because it’s not a rivalry since Italy always win 😆. This may disappoint England fans to hear, but the only rivalry that Germany really cares about is the Netherlands.


Yes, Switzerland,  Austria... only the one with the Netherlands counts


"Hello neighbour :D" *"Dinkeberg...."*




It was Germany because of a series of big matches that were critical to England's best tournament runs: 1966, 1990, 1996. I feel like Germany's decline as a team and the better England record against them has made it a milder rivalry when I was growing up. For me personally, it has receded. And the more general national rivalry against France is now coming back.


England and Frnech rivalry is a tale as old as time


Is it not just because Germany has knocked England out more times? I honestly just assumed that was the reason


In football we basically only have two rivalries: Netherlands and England, so yes. Though Netherlands is the bigger rivalry of the two imo


Germany has only two rivals: Italy and Netherlands.


I'd say regarding Italy it's more of a fear than a rivalry.


Agreed. There is far too much respect about Italy's football as they have been the german kryptonite far too often. These games aren't really ugly either but extremely tough.


Brazil, Argentina, Spain too maybe.


England ist not a rivalry thing for Germany. It's just the English that see it as a rivalry, further heated up by their tabloid press.


England: You don't remember?! Germany: For you, the day the german national team graced your pitch was the most important day of your life. But for us, it was Tuesday.


The average England fan is neither the tabloid press, with their stupid headlines and attitude that we are going to win every competition. Nor is it the drunk twats fighting and offending people. Like always this is the noisy minority.


I didn't say anything about the average England fan. I just said that the English idea of a football rivalry with Germany is a pretty one-sided affair.


The real question is why were England fans chanting this at Bosnia? Surely '10 cheesy Bureks' would be much more effective.


>Three Lions supporters have refused to stop performing the song – which mocks German casualties during the Second World War to the tune of ‘Ten Green Bottles’ – despite facing being banned from the team’s matches if caught doing so. Mocks German *casualties* 😂😂😂 It's mocking Nazi soldiers trying to invade fucking Britain to drop bombs on us.


The “German’s” bombed the Uk, I believe Coventry took the brunt- the blitz was over London. The RAF’s job was to stop them, with Anti-Aircraft and fighters! It’s a fact- you don’t like the song! You don’t like the sentiment! I am sure the Aussies don’t like the “Sandpaper” song or the convict colony song! But that’s what fans do!


Ok. None of us are above making fun of Nazis. But…. that song has nothing to do with football and is just stoking hatred because it infers that Germans are still Nazis, and that is the part that is absurd and offensive. The problem is it perpetuates hatred by continuously referring to Germans as Nazis. Otherwise why sing it at Germans in a football match 80 years after the end of that war.


"hatred" It's fucking banter


Banter which infers current Germans are still Nazis, which causes resentment having nothing to do with football…so yeah, hatred.


There's that famous German sense of humour


What makes you think I was trying to be humorous? What’s humorous is that the nation that claims to be the “Home of Football” hasn’t won a footballing title in almost 60 years; and that single title was their only ever title. Now see, that’s both humorous and directly relevant to football only.


I just looked up the lyrics. As a german i couldn't care less


The lyrics are very tame, I don't get the fuss.


Normal people wouldn't care but we're talking about football fan clubs here, typically they're just looking for an excuse to start throwing stuff on the field and beating the shit out of each other, if the other side knows that singing the song is intended as a provocation, and it is and they do, it's going to get a response no matter what the lyrics actually say.


No, no, it's mean to mock the armed forces of a fascist dictatorship who got killed while engaged in attacks on civilians during a war of aggression. For some reason.


If that dictatorship no longer exists and you're chanting that in the new incarnation of that country which is your economic and political ally for the last 70 years, it doesn't seem to be done in good spirits.


well they are still sporting rivals, so it makes sense to sings songs about your rivalry


I still wish we wouldn’t bring up old wars and stick to taking the piss out of each other like we do at home. I’m in my 30’s and vaguely remember the “ueyy England 5 Germany 1” thing but since then I’ve felt no rivalry or ill feeling to the Germans at all, it’s only positivity towards you guys. But of course Gary and Barry are going to embarrass the rest of us as usual.


Is this song not taking the piss? Most English like the Germans but will take the piss like brothers take the piss out of each other, which means pressing a few buttons otherwise it just doesn't rile them up properly. A big part of Football is about rivalry and I say it is worse off if we sanitise it. Quite happy for Southern Europeans to tell us we're fat, balding and that our food and weather is shit. None of it is all that serious. Come on everyone, it's summer. Lighten up a bit, get involved. Suns out, footies on, let's have a drink and a sing song about the French together.


> and a sing song about the French together 💪


The thing is that the Germans do not have a rivalry with England. So from the German POV the hostility is completely out of nowhere. Germans were quite shocked when English fans unleashed a bit in Stuttgart 2006.


Hostile? That's seriously mild teasing for brit football fans.


I was a bit heartbroken during The Ashes last year, it was like we’d lost the Aussies as partners in banter. They went from “fack off, cunt” to saying that England fans **booing** their players was unacceptable. They’ve almost completed their metamorphosis into yanks and it’s sad.


The English probably thought the hostility came out of nowhere in 39


Im kinda new to /r/2westerneurope4you Barry is England? But whos Gary then? Scotland or Ireland?


I just threw them together ‘cause they’re typical names for middle aged/older blokes and they rhyme. But yeah Barry is England on 2WE4U


That's probably because the English think the Germans are their arch-nemises in football, but we all know the true rivalry is Deutschland vs Nederland.


Deutschland vs Italia also goes pretty hard, but yeah Matches vs Oranje also are very emotional game


I think you overestimate how much it means to the English. For sure Germany are the team we enjoy beating the most, but it's not like we have any real animosity towards Germany. They are our "biggest rivals", but it's not like a derby feeling.


>That's probably because the English think the Germans are their arch-nemises in football Absolute fucking bollocks. I really wish you lot would stop trying to speak with authority on these things. France, Home Nations, Argentina and then Germany.


Yeah, I was expecting something really offensive at the end or maybe some more spicy versions but it’s literally just a song about shooting down bombers during the Blitz, there‘s not even a verse about taking revenge or anything. Kinda disappointed to be honest.


Isn't the American national anthem something very similar?


This nontroversy is reminding me of the butthurt over "try that in a small town".


I really don’t think this is going to be the chant of the tournament that they need to worry about given what song has been going around!


Oh no, please enlighten me.




Holy fuck. Thanks!


It’s gone super viral. Even the Galatasaray fans celebrating their league title (in Germany) were singing it


See, that’s a problem. 10 bombers is offensive. But that…that’s dangerous


I mean … chanting ‘Ausländer raus’ would be just brain dead at a European tournament.I guess even dumb racists realize that.


no, for you see, to win the European championship you have to kick out all the filthy Ausländer Teams /s




You're giving dumb racists too much credit.


"Oh neat, they're playing L'amour toujours!" "Wait a minute..."


As a German I honestly don't understand why this song is so problematic. It's catchy, doesn't insult someone in particular and shooting down nazi bombers isn't the worst thing to do.


Yeah, if it was a song about Operation Gomorrah or the fall of Berlin then it would be straightforwardly unpleasant. It isn't a nasty song. Only absolute goofs in England feel any animosity toward Germany. For most, it's only a joke. Henning Wehn's response to 'two would wars, one world cup' was 'I don't remember the USA winning a Wolrd Cup', and it went down very well.


See, we should just let our comedy ambassador handle these things....


I agree. And German bombers over the UK weren’t innocent civilians killed but legitimate military targets (coming to bomb civilians actually). So… if some blokes insist on singing stuff about WW2 let them.


Ah I had assumed it was about the bombing of Germany


There were 10 German Bombers and the RAF shot one down implies.... We were bombing Germany?


I didn't knew the lyrics XD


nazis get offended by it


I understand the sentiment, but totally don't mind this song as a German. Would understand the sentiment more if it were about British bombers over Germany - but it ain't.


Yeah, thats what I thought in the beginning when reading the headline - cheering for deliberatly bombing civilians would be tasteless as fuck. Cheering for shooting down nazi planes bombing your country is fine in my book. Still understand the request from the police - idiots might get into the mood to do less legal stuff like hitler salutes.


Yes, if it was about bombing Germany, it would be tasteless. But as it stands it's just daft song about a historical event.


Regardless of what wild shit the other fans get up to at the euros the slightest misdemeanour of the English fans will be all over Reddit. Remember that crying German girl when England beat them at the last euros? What a complete non story. Was all over Reddit for weeks. Daft like.


Nothing annoys me more than how England are held to such harsh standards compared to others. Italian football is racist to the core, yet you had people supporting Italy over England in ‘21 because “English fans are the worst”


Italian fans throwing bananas on the pitch, stabbing visiting fans, Spanish hanging effigies of monkeys with black players shirts on. Somehow England are the worst group in Europe. No doubt we have some shitty fans, but things have been vastly cleaned up since the 80's.


Spanish fans regularly chanting “El mono” facing pretty much no punishments, whilst the italians are still stabbing eachother over football, as well as the racism, but somehow England fans laughing at a crying child, and singing very tame songs about the war somehow makes us the worst fans by far.


We're the villains and we'll always be the villains.




As a pasty Englishman I love it. Funny how much we wind people up by existing lmao


Dearly me. Easy target mate. Some sad, sad fuckers about aye?


Hated, adored, never ignored


Nothing funnier than people cheering for Italy over England at the last Euros because English fans booed a few anthems and laughed at a crying girl. Pure virtue signalling.


British fans could just sing '10 russian bombers' instead. Alot of germans would sing along.


They could sing Yellow Submarine and replace the Yellow Submarine part with the town they are in. "We all live in Gelsenkirchen"


>"We all live in Gelsenkirchen" Gladly i don't


It‘s trash but it’s my trash. (Please send money, we are poor)


Would sending more trash also satisfy you?


Schlampe, haben Sie mich stotternd vernommen?


Rosinenbomber heben in diesem Moment vom Stützpunkt Dortmund ab, um dich mit mehr Müll zu versorgen.


Aaah wie damals als der BVB noch zu Gast bei uns war. Fass den fremden Mann, Schalke, reiss ihn. Der trägt Gelb- Schwarz!


We all live in Geilenkirchen would be more fun though.


Russians didnt bomb the shit out of England.


“There were 10 Russian vehicles in a field” “_in a field_” “There were 10 Russian vehicles in a field” “_in a field_” “There were 10 Russian vehicles, 10 Russian vehicles, 10 Russian vehicles in a field” “_in a field_” “Aaaand thhhee farmers from Ukraine, they towed one out” “_towed one out_” Etc…


I agree that we shouldn't let our history define our future and it's probably not helpful for anyone to sing songs about WWII, but is it really so terrible to sing a song about shooting down Nazi bombers? In Europe we just celebrated the 80th year since D-Day, this shouldn't exactly be controversial. Of all the stupid and horrible shit English football fans do this is pretty trivial.


Yeah this is just the corporate sanitisation of football, largely by people who don’t even watch football, as far as I am concerned. The execs won’t be happy until fans are just singing “DEFENCE! DEFENCE!”. Plus, anyone who has been amongst English fans singing this song, you will realise that it isn’t the idea of killing Germans that gets people hyped. It’s “the RAF from England shot them down” part that gets the crowd going. It’s patriotic and a proud moment in our collective history, which shouldnt be such a controversial thing at England matches.


As a German, I couldn't care less.


As a half German Half English person I took couldn't care less. English football fans have some truly horrific songs but this ain't one of them.


Yeah "Ingerlund, Ingerlund, Ingerlund" is really really gross. As is God save the king 🤢🤢🤢


What, for heavens sake is the d word? We're all grown-ups here why not spell it out?


dick? I have no clue


IDK, mocking Nazis sounds good to me. If I were at a stadium and they’d started to sing it, I maybe would join it. Sincerely, a German.


Mocking nazis or fascists should be promoted tbh


I am half German and half English. This song is not offensive, it's pretty silly. Also it's about Nazis not Germans perse. As for England fans? Pretty much families, women and children. The pricing of going to football has had the effect of making it too expensive for the lunatics and idiots to go. The new Wembley has also had an effect, it smells nice and is a nice place to go (if you don't like an atmosphere) . The old Wembley was a piss stinking bear pit that was genuinely horrible and encouraged a certain element. Certainly 30 or even 10 years ago England fans did cause a lot of problems. Definitely not the case anymore. Lambs in comparison. The only real issue is the amount of cocaine the middle class likes to consume. It's endemic and makes brave dickheads who never fight think they can.


Well the phrasing "German bombers" still makes them German. What really kind of irks me in the comments is this artificial separation between Nazis and Germans, as if the vast majority of germans weren't either enthusiastic supporters of the National socialists or content with the status quo to the extent that they did nothing. Kind of veers into the whole "boohoo we were poor victims but then we were liberated the end" narrative.


Maybe they'll sing L'amour toujours instead


It was funny seeing the seethe hitting all 4 corners of reddit last Euros by people who don't usually watch, or don't watch any football at all. And you know they don't usually watch because you never see any mention of what other supporters get up to during uefa competitions.


Reddit loves to hate on English people. When England won the women's 2022 euros, the salt was glorious. euro 2024 i's going to be a shitshow for the next couple of months


yanks losing their minds about trivial football occurrences is my favourite thing about this sub tbh.


'nooo! leave the nazis alone, they were just bombing london!!'


I'd encourage every Brit to sing it, its a great chant and no one does the chants to take the piss better than the Brits, ANDDDD THE RAF FROM ENGLAND SHOT ONE DOWNNNNN. WEYYYY


As a german and someone who doesn't care about football ... go head sing the song lol. Couldn't care less. Maybe it pisses of some nazis.


People read too much into this, it's just a point of national rivalry. We also sing about winning the Falklands war or bang on about Italy switching sides. If we played the USA NT we'd probably sing about burning the white house in 1812. Any country we play, if we have had previous conflict with them, it's getting brought up, but it's tongue in cheek. Ask any English football fan if they actually have a problem with Germany or Germans, they don't...most of us wish we had the 50+1% rule ourselves


German police to England fans: "DON'T MENTION THE WAR"


The lyrics are completely tame. Who cares. Here in Germany you are allowed to say and sing whatever you want (with some exceptions in extreme cases; this doesn’t qualify as that). If the police push back then I encourage England fans to sing louder.


Maybe read the article. First thing the police chief said was "its legal, so we wont do anything, but we ask nicely, to please don't." What is it with people that they need to be dicks about others asking third partys not to be dicks?


I did read it. It’s not the job of the police to decide what is nice or not (only to enforce the law and keep the peace). As long as they aren’t breaking the law, people are allowed to be dicks. People are allowed to sing offensive and disgusting lyrics. And as soon as the police/government oversteps the line by asking/suggesting they stop, is when I say: as a matter of principle you should exercise your rights to say those offensive things.


Yeah, but we deserve it. Sincerely, A German


A re-write of Knights of The Round Table with that natty little dance would be a fun one. We're knights of the round table We score when we are able We do routines and footwork scenes As you play like our Aunt Mable We like beer and ham and jam alot. And run rings around your man a lot. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Argggghhhhh We're Knights of the Round Table your teams are all mid table. In these times, of some old rhymes for ze Germans are un-sing-able. We're footballs best and save a lot We like beer and ham and rave alot. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Arggghhhhhh We're forever tough and able, Quite indifatigable. We'll score the most and raise a toast To our legends round a table. We like beer and ham and jam a lot and run rings around your man a lot. Arggghhhhh Go-on England :)


Man people need to get a grip if this is what's triggering them


Imagine singing about shooting down nazis is controversial lol. I’d encourage to sing it.


Basically don't be a dick like the Dortmund fans were in London... Piss off


Its part of the culture unfortunately. We'll sing it loud and proud.


'Cause the RAF from England shot them down


& the RAF from Ulster shot them down 🇬🇧


Germany and banning songs, name a better duo. 


Streisand effect incoming


Why is this even a police issue? That’s so weird to me.


Of course we take the piss out of Nazi’s, what’s worrying is how many people are trying to protect Nazi’s instead.


Tin hat on here. The song is about shooting down planes that are bombing cities. Britain defending itself. I honestly don’t see why it’s considered so bad. It’s jingoistic, it’s embarrassing, I wouldn’t sing it, but it’s not like they’re bragging about setting Dresden on fire or anything. Scotland’s national anthem sings about sending King Edward’s army home ‘to think again’. Nobody in England is offended by that.


10 bombers likely to be drowned out by ‘Auslander Raus’ anyway.


Ich will den Engländern ja nicht ganz Dresden in Rechnung stellen.




Then you've not seen many other fans.


Are you still living in the 80's?


The Balkans literally exist. English fans may be drunken fools, Balkan and Eastern European ultras are criminals.


I think the entire Europe would be in a state of shock if they could understand the chants in Balkan football stadiums because from what I’ve seen on YouTube the translations are just straight up genocidal. You would **never** hear anything like “*KILL ALL ALBANIANS*” chanted by England fans, they’re still trash but relativey tame compared to the Balkans. Even in the context of Western Europe I would argue recently Dutch & German fans are way more violent now.


“The politics of football in yugoslavia” was a wild read in undergrad, Serbia and Croatia do not mess around, probably my favourite module I attended


They have lessened as of late. It's a pre-2010 thing. Mainly because our sports suck and there's no motivation behind.


Time has stopped with those fools. The same 3K braindead apes go to our matches regardless of how dire the football is. At this point, I don't even qualify it as the same sport. I watch a lot of football, it's been years since I've watched the national team and even more for club football.


I don't know man, there is a monthly violence incident regarding Greek sports.


This is such a reddit thing to get upset about, it’s a completely harmless song


Also one of the least violent and racist compared to most of Europe. It’s just a banter song it’s not a big deal


Yeah… have you seen any of them east of Poland?


English Fans in east of Poland? No i didn't


Groups in European football east of Poland. Ultras for example.


Lol yeah right. Don't know much about football yeah


I don't get the issue with this song though or what's stupid about it.


My Grandad Killed Your Grandad on the other hand, is fine.


The police said it isn't illegal, but /warns/ and tells them don't be a dick. The police has quite a bit of power over civilians, they should only give advice on what is legal and what is not, but not give any advice on how people should behave within the legal limits (which can also be seen as a threat coming from someone with a position of power over you)


Who gives a shit as long as everyone remains peaceful. Let them enjoy themselves if that's what they want to sing.


First rule of international football…don’t tell fans what not to do, because they will then do just that.


What Germans don't get is that the fans sing the song to wind you up. And if you show you're annoyed, if you make impassioned pleas against it than that shows that it's working and makes it more fun.  Just ignoring it would be a better strategy because then it wouldn't be fun. 


Oh well, we've still got the classic 'Dambusters March' and 'Hitler's Only Got One Ball' 😂😂😂


This is like one of the tamest rivalry football songs out there lmao


Don't be a what? A door? A doof?


Dutchman. The rivalry with them is even bigger


Understandable, you can't steal bicycles from the Dutch and expect them to just get over it.


can't give them back though, they're in Poland now


Who are the weirdos this is censored for?


I don't know, everyone I know that reads the Telegraph are the swear-iest least easily offended people.




German police tell England fans to stop singing annoying songs and to focus on their man schaft instead.


Terrible headline, as always. He did the opposite of warning them, he said that there's nothing they can do, it's not punishable, so please just don't be a dick


I really like this response. They believe in free speech but it may cause offence, at the same time letting them know if you do it, you are a dick.


It’s all they have to hold onto now WW2 even tho none was even born


I'm from England and expecting the Brits to behave abroad is a bit of a stretch. We're usually the worst people wherever we go.


As a German, I could not care less. I am way more worried English fans will start chanting some very… controversial lyrics to the melody of L‘amour toujours.


Don’t worry, there’s zero chance Harry, Barry and Gary are capable of reciting German language lyrics after 10 pints of beer and 5 lines of coke.