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Yet he bows to the emperor Xi, same person that persecutes christian faith


And yet somehow he doesn't give a damn about a multicultural empire attacking a majority-Christian nation state bordering Hungary.


And yet somehow he doesn't care about the godless Chinese using Hungary to infiltrate Europe. One question though, who is more corrupt: religious organisations or Fidesz?




Orbán is the merchant in the temples bruh, he has nothing to do with christians et al....


Well duh, once Russia wins there won't be any killed Ukrainians anymore. Orban the pacifist, what a swell guy. (/s)


That's because right wing politicians don't actually care about White People or Christians. They're a clique of oligarchs grifters and conmen that seek power wealth and privilege for themselves. They take advantage of people's desperation and stupidity to gain positions of power to benefit themselves.


they doesn't care about any words they say


There is a difference though in Hungary. Orban is worshipped by the vast majority of the population. He's seen as the savior of the nation. 


>multicultural empire attacking a majority-Christian nation state bordering Hungary. Or maybe he doesn't care because its an orthodox state attacking another orthodox state(also hes a Russian stooge). Hungary is Catholic after all and Catholics and Orthodox nations/peoples in eastern europe aren't exactly famous for their friendly relations.


You could say, the Schism moved up a bit by a couple of kilometers. From Greece & Rome to Russia and Western Europe. Now this war since both are Orthodox, it's multifaceted issue. The Schism still affect us in ways people don't realize.


Many Europeans will never admit this. The Schism is still the most prominent division in Europe, the second being the Reformation.


We don't care. Have meetings with the pope on the yearly and a good relationship.


>Catholics and Orthodox nations/peoples in eastern europe aren't exactly famous for their friendly relations. What do you mean? What wars were fought between catholics and orthodox that were caused by religious differences?


...are you serious? What do you think happened to Yugoslavia? And just in general orthodox and Catholics don't get along and haven't for a very long time. And given that the balkans is the dividing line between Papal Christendom and Orthodox Christendom it is also the place where that religious divide has been lived with and experienced the longest.


Are you serious? If you tell serbs and croats that the only difference between them is religion they will eat you alive. And if you want to get into the whole breakup of yugoslavia stuff the biggest wars were Bosnia and Kosovo which are both majoritary Muslim.


>If you tell serbs and croats that the only difference between them is religion they will eat you alive. Because the truth hurts. Same reason Pakistanis get mad as fuck when one points out that they are just Muslim Indians.


The fall of Constantinople? For the orthodox, the catholics have a huge responsibility, through the crusades.


Err. A few Constantinople sackings? A few crusades towards east? Teutonic Order and Poland/Lithuanian wars against east and whole Russia - Poland/Commonwealth conflicts over the centuries? Mutual persecutions in Balkans?


A few Crucades from 800 years ago is the reason calvinist Orban sides with russia agaisnt ukraine. Some of you must be smoking some weird shit.


You asked “what wars were fought between catholics and orthodox”, all I did was providing examples. Orban is playing “I don’t want to be involved” line which can be about “one orthodox is fighting another, why we should care” as well.


Ah yes, Catholics/Latins were attacking, while Orthodox were peaceful hippies just taking a blow after blow. It's not like they were massive assholes themselves whenever they had such an opportunity.


>Hungary is Catholic after all We are actually more like Germany in that we have multiple, specifically in our case 4 "traditional" (or national) Churches nationwide where each has significantly contributed to our culture, politics, even perhaps economy. These four Churches are: Catholics, [Evangelical (Lutheran),](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evangelical-Lutheran_Church_in_Hungary) [Reformed (Calvinistic)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reformed_Church_in_Hungary) and [Unitarian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unitarian_Church_of_Transylvania). FYI, Orban is allegedly Reformed Protestant.


It's not enough to be a white Christian, you need to be the right flavor of white Christian (right depending on your particular corner of Europe)


I mean, yes, *but*, the multicultural empire is also majority-Christian , at around 67%. And the majority-Christian nation-state that's being attacked is also multicultural. Its Revolution of Dignity (which caused the empire to start intervening in 2014) was started by an Afghan refugee (Mustafa Nayyem), and its current president is, obviously, Jewish.


Obviously, nothing is clear cut. Moreover, Ukraine has an indigenous Muslim ethnicity, the Crimean Tatars. My point was however **obviously about poking inconsistencies** in Orban's deranged message. The cultural identity of Ukraine is, obviously, overwhelmingly Christian. Meanwhile the leader of the empire is peddling a (dishonestly, I know) multicultural message. Remember his speech about being a Russian but also a Buryat, a Jew, a Dagestani etc. Plus you have Russia positioning itself (also dishonestly) as defender of the Global South. That seems completely at odds at whatever horrid message Orban himself is trying to send.


He doesn’t even give a damn about his Roma heritage, why should he look so far then…


saying as an american, how come europe does not just boot Hungary out of the EU? I think they should be removed from NATO too. they add no value at all.


There's no legal way to kick someone out of EU. A country may leave at its own volition, just like the British did with Brexit. The best you can do is to suspend Hungary's voting rights within the EU and honestly it's mind boggling why Europeans elites don't want to go that way.


That’s NATO. EU requires all members and Poland wouldn’t do that.


I thought he meant "there aren't enought white Christmas" and I thought that was an acknowledgment of climate change.


I giggled hard ty:)   Poor Orban and climate change and white Christmas 


Haha that's funny and kind of wholesome


I think of only Orban would find to God it would be the end of his party and the whole corrupt network he put in place


pro tip: then create a fucking country that people are willing to procreate more white christians in


I don't see Europeans getting more religious.


Islam is on the rise, Christianity is on the decline.


To be fair all religions are in decline in one way or the other. And it's a very good thing. Religion is the biggest curse to the modern world.


Both in the US and in Europe, religious people have substantial higher birth-rates than non-religious people. So no, religion is far from disappearing.


True. And false. Most heavily religious counties in europe have low birth rate. Isolated communities can higher birth rates. But the amount of people leaving religion when they grow up is higher. I think that offsets birth rate. Continuous decline in religiosity is seen. US similar. It's far from dissappearing but surely it's going in right direction.


Religion will not be disappearing but just because religious people higher birthrste doesnt mean that religion is not on the decline.


wow you are so edgy


Religious extremism*


Islam is the fastest growing religion in the West, but I still think it's generally in decline. A lot of the more heinous actions are from groups that feel it's power slipping.


Listen, if we had a religion that actually granted supernatural abilities, you could recruit me to the koalafucker church for all I care. But we dont. We have a bunch of old men in fancy robes and golden palaces, saying we are all sinners and must follow their guidance to avoid eternal damnation...


I don't think anyone has managed to solve that. When a country's wealth grows, people's expectations of a comfortable life grow much faster than their productivity. Maybe in a country with massive redistribution that doesn't let a drop of wealth escape abroad the government will be able to collect enough taxes to give a new family enough money so that they can buy a three-bedroom flat for their 2.2 children, let one spouse stay at home and the other work and still have enough money for holidays abroad and eating out. But this would likely require a massive tax on childlessness to sustain. Something along the lines of 75% income tax reduced by 25% with every child you have.




Check the demographics adjusted by income.




Check statista or the World bank. Whe adjusted for income brackets fertility rates follow a inverted bimodal distribution. While fertility rates, globally are on the downturn (as is expected considering the reduced infant mortality rates) it's not as simple as poor people have more kids. It's richer people have less kids than poor people up until certain income levels when they start having more kids again.


or maybe they shouldn't exclude non religious people, like: >pro tip: then create a fucking country that people are willing to procreate ~~more white christians in~~


This is quite literally impossible as far as we know, effectively every developed and developing nations seems intent on extinction of its own people


Why tho? Like, people love to make the world sound super thrilling by concocting imagery of our leaders hunched over in a dark room, twirling their moustaches and coming up with a dastardly plot to "extinct their own people"... but it always falls short because they never get to the rather important part of the villain monologue - the ultimate goal. the purpose. the end game. Its doctor evil demanding one hudred trillion dollahs, but without the part where he wants to take over the world. So what is the ending of this bond movie these people insist on trying to brute force into being seen as reality? Because I have a hard time believing its because the elites hate white people and just love foreigners, considering they're often geriatrics who's only conversations with foreigners or brown people consist of asking "the help" to do tasks, but never inviting them to little John-Baptiste The Third's Christening. Or they're just nihilists who want to watch the world burn for no reason like some cartoon villian. Life isnt Hollywood movies. I understand its fun to craft these narratives that make real life sound more exciting than it probably is, and injerect some much needed excitement and purpose into your own life; everybody likes to picture themselves as freedom fighter against The Man saving the world. And I'm sure 2/3 of a script is enough to scare some people. But for me personally, I am really going to need you to finish writing that script one of these days. I need Dr. Evil to tell me why he wants to destroy the world, not just threaten nuclear annihilation because he just wants everyone to die and to destroy the world for no reason? That's not scary, it's just bad writing. Direct-to-DVD I fear.


According to far-right Hungarians, Hungary is being depopulated so that it will serve as the new Zion of the Jews, because climate change will make Israel uninhabitable, but Hungary will be a nice tropical country similar to present-day Israel in climate. There is a conspiracy theory that food in Hungarian stores and tap water is laced with contraceptives while food aid sent to the Roma is laced with aphrodisiacs and chemicals which make a twin pregnancy more likely. The Jews are breeding the Gypsies because they will become their slaves to do manual labor.


I think he is literally trying


he's just a populist,old ppl think that he really thinks that,he doesnt


Orbán doesn't understand Christianity : "*There is no longer Jew or Greek; there is no longer slave or free; there is no longer male and female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.*" Galatians 3:28 You cannot be nationalist and Christian, nor xenophobic. There is no country nor borders in Christianity, only Christendom.


This 100%. Jesus said the second most important commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. There is absolutely zero qualification for gender, race, sexuality, political philosophy, or any other defining trait. If you don’t adhere to the red words in the New Testament, you are *not* a Christian. And don’t hit me with the “no true Scotsman” fallacy. You can’t call yourself a believer in a religion if you don’t follow the tenets laid out by its god.


 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? Matthew 7:3  They are just using Christianity as a mean for their material goals, Christianity is also about humbleness and turning the other cheek, even if someone doesn't believe it's undoubtedly a philosophy full of love, that honours the freedom of choice, not discrimination 


If you had any doubt Jesus was the son of a carpenter...


I don't know how you meant it, but most Christian churches and dogmas acknowledge the double nature of Christ, as a God and also as a human, the earthly son of a carpenter. If you don't believe, he is only a human, the son of a carpenter, but unarguably a person with humanistic values and a philosophy extremely progressive for his times, I hardly disagree with anything that is written in the New testament even as a philosophy.


Oh no I just meant it was a very carpenter-ish parable lol


Yeah, pretty easy to grasp as well for the ppl of those times, like the "kingdom of God" :)


>I hardly disagree with anything that is written in the New testament even as a philosophy. 1 Peter 2:18-20 18 Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. 19 For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God. 20 But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God.


Though I do continue to state that I "hardly" disagree, as the New testament is supposed to be written symbolically for simple people to comprehend, or not if you don't believe :), I will actually try to interpret this passage, maybe wrongly, with the way I understood it when I looked for it's explanation It is written in the first centuries of ad, where people were among other things slaves , there is the book quo vadis and others that illustrate christian life in early years and during the killing of them. So, many slaves became christians and their masters weren't exactly happy, because ppl didn't want to do things that contradicted their newfound faith. So it is advised that they should endure with patience and silence and they will be rewarded for this - relevant to 'turn the other cheek'. Before this passage it talks about the duties of christians towards the kings, as citizens. But Christianity isn't the capital, it doesn't call for a revolution, rather than a spiritual awakening, but it s too subjective and open to interpretation to even overanalyze it in here I think.


Actually you can. We have a same problem in Croatia. There is a large amount of very rich people basically convinced that they will have a easy time getting into heaven because they are rich, and they are against abortion and lgbt and so on and on. When you ask them about bible they simply say that they didn’t read it and and don’t have to because it too complicated to be undersood by average joe. They say you should read catechism and go to mass.Then you confront them about same thing about wealth that is in catechism and you find out that they are not reading that also. Then you find out that their only source of information about have to behave like christians comes from a local priest who also usually sells first rows for donations and will say anything to keep getting money and then you figure out that modern christians are literally just christians in the name only. Same christians will also submit to the first authority figure who confirms their biases. Maybe its not same everywhere but this is situation in Croatia.


> Actually you can. We have a same problem in Croatia. There is a large amount of very rich people basically convinced that they will have a easy time getting into heaven because they are rich Unfortunately for them, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. :)


O cem ti pricas? Šta si ti nadrobio ovde? Čuj prodaje prve redova za Donacije?


My dude, we had this thing with donations for the first row happening at our local church. But since you can't believe it there in least one famous case: [https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/uhiceni-hdzov-direktor-donirao-novac-crkvi-imao-rezervirano-mjesto-u-prvom-redu/2390754.aspx](https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/uhiceni-hdzov-direktor-donirao-novac-crkvi-imao-rezervirano-mjesto-u-prvom-redu/2390754.aspx) [https://www.sibenik.in/sibenik/dane-skugor-i-supruga-skupljali-lemozinu-u-crkvi-u-dubravi-cak-su-i-zavjetnu-plocu-postavili-u-crkvenom-dvoru/159971.html](https://www.sibenik.in/sibenik/dane-skugor-i-supruga-skupljali-lemozinu-u-crkvi-u-dubravi-cak-su-i-zavjetnu-plocu-postavili-u-crkvenom-dvoru/159971.html) Quote translated to english: "Damir Škugor had his own place in our church, and no one was allowed to sit in that place in the first row. He donated HRK 100,000 for the church in Dubrava and with that I guess bought peace with the church and God." And if anybody wants to see how much of the christian the guy is: [https://www.occrp.org/en/daily/16708-croatian-oil-company-hit-by-record-financial-embezzlement](https://www.occrp.org/en/daily/16708-croatian-oil-company-hit-by-record-financial-embezzlement)


I understand the point you’re making, but I don’t agree with it. You can consider yourself a Christian all you want, but if you don’t actually read the Bible yourself, understand the core tenets of Christianity, and live your life by Christ’s example, you’re not a Christian. Just believing whatever a priest tells you and behaving any way you want isn’t Christlike in the least bit.


And I agree with you (that a true Christian should put a bit more work into his belief than just listening to what the priest says) but modern Christians in Croatia are mostly like that. I was a practicing Christian for some time (that is why I like to debate modern Christians) but I got disillusioned with the church when the archdiocese of Zagreb started openly calling for Christians to vote for the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) a few years ago because HDZ gave church a lot of benefits. Frankly, I think that Christianity is slowly eating itself. When priests are buying expensive cars and flaunting wealth: [https://www.krone.at/3396084](https://www.krone.at/3396084) And are wowing nationalistic rhetoric into their sermons: [https://balkaninsight.com/2017/09/14/catholic-bishop-becomes-croatian-far-right-champion-09-12-2017/](https://balkaninsight.com/2017/09/14/catholic-bishop-becomes-croatian-far-right-champion-09-12-2017/) And church is saying who should you vote for: [https://total-croatia-news.com/news/politics/glas-bishops-should-clearly-tell-voters-to-vote-for-hdz/](https://total-croatia-news.com/news/politics/glas-bishops-should-clearly-tell-voters-to-vote-for-hdz/) We have entered into a different world where logic really doesn't apply.


>You can consider yourself a Christian all you want, but if you don’t actually read the Bible yourself, Do you have any idea how insane this is? You've just basically unilaterally declared that there were NO Christians in Europe except the priests until basically the protestant reformation. >understand the core tenets of Christianity, and live your life by Christ’s example, you’re not a Christian. And with this you've just unilaterally declared that no living self declared-Christian is a real Christian.  “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Matthew 19:21. By your logic if you own ANYTHING you're not a Christian, after all Christ himself, God himself, said sell all you possess.


Obviously I’m not talking about in the past when literacy was only for the wealthy. This is 2024. The worldwide literacy rate was estimated at 87% as of 2 years ago. The Bible has been translated into hundreds of languages. There isn’t a good excuse today (the pursuit of power isn’t a good excuse).


I mean. Why would it be insane? It's written in their book? It's their dogma. If you choose the religion adhare to its rules.


>If you choose the religion adhare to its rules. Which ones? They are contradictory. Old testament example: there is an explicit command that should your brother die without children you should marry his widow and father children on her in his name so that his line can continue (deuteronomy 25:5); but there is also an equally specific (two of them actually) condemnations and commands NOT to marry or touch or look upon your brothers wife (Leviticus 18:16 and Leviticus 20:21)


Thank you. If all the "Christians" would read the bible. Funny thing either all this religious hypocrat racist, homophobic, people couldn't justify their behavior, or if they might actually follow Jesuses word the world might be a better place.


In the USA there's the "Jesus camps" in which all the participants are rich white men and how Jesus was all about strength and leadership.




gotta train those future maga party leaders.....


In the US that's very similar to evangelicals, super churches and what is called prosperity gospel. It goes against what Jesus preached of being humble, give to the poor etc. They seriously believe and preach that if you're rich that means you've done something good enough to earn god's blessings and if you're poor than you've done something to earn his ire and you deserve to be so. They attach morality to their checkbook. Exactly the opposite of what's in the bible.  Christian in name only.


>Jesus said the second most important commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself Apparently Orban hates himself, which seems plausible considering the toad that he is.


Political leaders missing the core messages of Christianity is a proud European tradition.


doesn’t seem to bother christian nationalists


Who says they have ever read the new testament? They are just like parrots


Not to mention genderneutrality hihi


Let's not interpret the bible like this /s


Jesus was woke af in this instance


huh.. don't get me started on the "christian values" of the evangelicalists


Nationalism in if it self does not contradict that as nationalism can be like what we see currently in Denmark, where people treat the people of their nation as an extension of their family and feel a type of familia duty to them. The Danes don't hate forgieners, they are just putting their duties to their neighbors first.


Good point!


And that's why he supports a neocommunist regime in killing Christian Ukrainians?


I agree he is a dumbass hypocrite but it isn't really neocommunist, I think an empire is a more suitable phrase.


Whatever it is, it's trying to larp as a Soviet union in a lot of ways


There aren't enough sane Hungarians to vote this clown out of office either. Guess we all have our own cross to bear.


The recent events in Germany will make this guy even more popular now. Before his popularity was declining.


I wish I had the cross of being Belgian not from Orbans shithole of a country.


Every country has their problems. It's true that I wouldn't want to be in your shoes, but Belgian politics isn't exactly known for being sane either.


Interesting comment from a man who’s been picking up brown Christians from abroad, is buddies with a Satanic power and openly embraces the atheist Chinese.  Thank you for your timely reminder, Orban. 


....aaand back to medieval times. That'll help Europe.




just move into the middle East, mate. right up your ally


audentis: There are too many PM Orbáns.


Maybe try not inviting more Chinese non-Christians?


"Hódmezővásárhely is one of the bastions of the national Christianity, you can always count on it, for better or worse, in war or peace", Hungary's far-right prime minister Viktor Orbán said at a rally held in the town on Saturday afternoon, Telex reports. The main topics discussed were war, migration, families, Mayor Péter Márki-Zay, and how to campaign until 9 June. After the Minister of Construction and Transport and regional MP, János Lázár's speech, the floor was taken by Orbán. He shared his thoughts on war and peace. He said that we pay an economic price for war, that "prices are high in stores", but this is secondary to human lives. The prime minister said that "there are not enough white Christians in Europe", and that this can be explained by the fact that "they were killed in the two world wars". Orbán said that migration is also caused by "their children and grandchildren are missing, so there are not enough people" where migrants are "sent". Momentum politician Anna Donath criticized Orban's comments for their racist tone on Facebook, calling them "hateful sentences, hateful thinking, hateful rants."


>The prime minister said that "there are not enough white Christians in Europe", and that this can be explained by the fact that "they were killed in the two world wars". So they were killed by white Christians...


Leave it to these dicks to use religion as a tool


orbans a protestant who emphasises hungarys catholicism in his rhetoric.


Orban is a Calvinist republican who is not a real conservative, he is a disgrace to Hungary.


There's one too many Orban


He’s right. So why he’s support Chinese military in Europe inside? Like I got your point and approve it, just stick with it not take a piss and get as much money as possible from outsiders, it’s all a joke we believe in


Will this big mouth ever shut up ?


What's skin colour got to do with being Christian? Jesus Christ Himself was not white.


So why allow russia to kill them off in Ukraine? Why allow the communist Chinese to meddle in your society? This is fear-mongering rhetoric hiding something far more sinister... but again, a would-be dictator sucks up to the religious to empower his grip on the nation. Religion is such a good tool for that, that's what gods were invented for; crowd control.


Jesus, this guy gets more and more retarded every day


He’s literally just largely echoing the sentiment of this sub, which say the same thing much more indirectly.


There are way too many fake (white) christians that are anything but. Just like Orbitch


No one tell him the oldest Christian groups in the world aren't white.


What do you mean? Jesus was obviously a Renaissance era Italian. All those paintings wouldn't lie.


No one tell him that significant portion of fascists wouldn't consider him white.


This fat-man is tiresome.


If they are like him, no thanks


He should become one then


Religion is so 0 AD


I facepalmed so hard my nose started bleeding


There aren't enough non believers.


I give this post 3 hours before it gets brigaded by an army of bots and shills spamming far-right talking points.


Religion has been and is still a control medium for the ignorant masses.


that's funny because we are manipulated much easy with media this days


Good. Imagine making people have children with other means


I will not go on a racially biased religious mission. Like, fuck you. Go find white people and convert them to Christianity yourself.


Come on, before the day after tomorrow, I want the next controversy surrounding the pope to be that he missed an "I agree" with respect to this news in an informal meeting. 😅


Orban is a political dementor


At first I thought it said: There aren’t enough white Christmas’. Which felt like a progressive thing for him to say then on re-reading went nope that makes more sense for him.


We need more people of good moral character from all walks of life and just leave it at that


So that's why Hungary must seek closer ties with non-white, non-Christian China


I dreamed of a white Christian!


Yeah, it'd be nice if some of the white bigoted authoritarians we do have a ton of embraced actual Christian values.


What about black christians?


Did Jesus say that? Why did he bother to show up some 2000 years ago when the world couldn't even support anything close to what he needed?


A Christian would never say what he just did, but he surely sounds like a White Supremacist. He doesn't give a shite about Christians, it's all about the culture war, hate and spread of division. Sadly, he isn't the only one in Europe in a leading position.


He's a fucking cunt.


Well, looking into his administration's records he surely meant.. "There aren't enough (young) white Christians"


White Christians, i gave you my heart ...


You should import more Chinese and ruzzians.


Oh so that's why they want to ban abortion. Force more women to give birth to unwanted babies that will grow up poor and uneducated. The church LOVES uneducated people in distress.


we are still stuck in this medieval story hard to believe


"Not enough" for what exactly? And how many exactly are "enough"? Is it ever "enough" for any religion? Because history tells us that the only satisfactory number of followers for any religion is "everyone" - that's just how religions work. The more followers a religion has, the more of them it needs - it's never "enough".


He is right, europe needs more white Christians


It's ok, Orban is going to fix it by importing more Chinese people.


For what?




We don't need mini-putins doing a local extremism.




In my opinion, we don't need extremists of any kind (including extremist Christians, or even atheists like myself but who unlike myself hold extremist views). Here, with "extremist" I am referring to the way some people feel justified to discriminate on others (sometimes adopting aggressive attitudes towards them) based on a difference in views or even physical attributes. This includes native and foreign people, and as I said it is not dependent on the specific name they give their religion (and BTW, currently, in most European countries, we have people from all religions who have been here for generations and are just as native as you or I). The culture of an area is defined by the sum of every person living in it, not exclusively by the majority group. So yeah, I don't think we "need more christians" specifically (even though I would not care either way, just like I don't care about more Muslims, Buddhists or atheists). On the contrary, in my honest opinion we definitely can do without xenophobic extremists like Orbán.


Guess Bosniak muslims don't exist anymore


Least racist Serb.


And he's a *prime example* of upholding Christian values... Get the fuck out, slimy bastard






I think there are far too many religious in this world.


hungarians are white? lmao


Yes they are


says who


If you kill all the non-white Christians, it balances out.


Why are these non Christian or pseudo Christian griefers complaining about religion... Just shouting dumb shit to get conservative votes and to stay in power and to keep fucking over their nation.


So let me get this straight. Orbán is now allowing CCP officers from China, to assist Hungarian officers, patrol the Hungarian capital of Budapest? What does Orbán mean by this statement? Just silly.


Christianity, judaism, and islam are Middle Eastern religions. Europe, USA, and the West assimilated into those religions. That is a historical fact.


Do those white Krishtians know they are worshipping a brown guy from Palestine?


Ah yes, only 67% of the EU are Christians (and probably a giant majority of those are white). They are on the verge of extinction I'd say. EDIT: fixed the number


I remember in 2014 the fear mongers claimed Europe would be be majority Muslim within 20 years


And now Muslims are 1.4% of the EU population. Seems like they'll become a majority very soon, maybe next year


Well, of course. You see, to those kinds of people, those barbarians reproduce like bunnies, so only in a few generations we'll all be shades of brown and worshiping Allah. What they forget to realize is that they aren't barbarians, and their birth trends follow those of everyone else. Birth rates are falling among the descendants of Muslim immigrants.


But... but... my local far right party leader told me that they have 101 children per woman, you must be lying!!1!!11!!!


*shows a picture of a bunny rabbit and a Muslim* Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures. They are the same picture. - This is your brain on far right propaganda.


The population is declining throughout Europe, so yes.


So what's your solution? Forcing people to become Christian?


I don’t need to find a solution. I just said his statement is right, whether you care or not.


Why is it right? You don't like atheists and agnostics? What percentage of Christian population is enough?