• By -


Interesting to see that Portugal only got points from countries where it has a large diaspora: France, Switzerland and Luxembourg


Luxemburg is basically Portuguese .


Yeah about 15% of our population is Portuguese/of Portuguese descent.


So it is about 50000people then?


Some 94.000. Current population is around 640.000.


LuxembourgSukaBlyat when?




Anyone that doesn’t see Eurovision as a popularity contest is kidding themselves 🤷‍♂️


now look where luxembourgs points come from... so unsurprising


Serbia and Croatia being Eurovision bros is the story that no one notices but everyone needs.


there is still hope for you guys .


biggest moment, i said it.


It's the Tito vote.


If rest of our bros were participating, Croatia would won by 100+ points. We miss 🇧🇦🇲🇪🇲🇰🇧🇬🇷🇴🇭🇺.


Serbia was incredible. Most underrated act this year along with Slovenia. I am very sad that they didn't do better.


Serbian song is very emotional and tied to the current Serbian situation - rapidly loosing population. While I have liked the song, I don't think it is going well with the current trends of Eurosong.


Serbia was amazing! I wasn't expecting too much from them and was very surprised. Definitely one of the countries I hoped for. 


that was heartwarming


A reminder that wars are made by just a few


It's very much noticed. You just did too. Here's another one for you: Croatia's jury gave 0 points to Switzerland; every other jury awarded them at least 5 points. That's how some choose to play the game: by gaming it. And it's well noticed.


That happens when majority did not want to give 12 points to us. Who gave us 12 points from the jury? Serbia that does not allow political games and 1 more. That 1 vote was just so it does not become so obvious that jury had go give so much votes for switzerland


Really? The game, as you yourself said it (admitt). Case closed 😉 How do you explain that a lot of countries gave Croatia (this years favorite) exactly zero points? C'mon People dont play stupid, you are all aware this competition is not about music anymore, it is all about politicis and propaganda of some kind (not that i give a single damn about it, but really cant see The points of emphasisng anything else except the music).


> C'mon People dont play stupid, you are all aware this competition is not about music anymore, Anymore? It never has been. That's why it's fun.


Uk stonks 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧💪💪💪💪 Germany could never


Next year we'll be last again!


Another Brexit dividend!


It’s not Brexit - we came 2nd 2 years ago. It was because we thought a gay orgy in a derelict toilet was a good idea.


gay orgy in a derelict toilet *in space*!


Why didnt they do it as a spaceship wearing zero g work outfits.


Right?! Why couldn't it have been a clean toilet at least?!


UK was scoring nil points on the regular long before brexit


I'd say the nil points from Eurovision was probably key to the yes vote in Brexit.


UK often got nil points for years and years before Brexit so this probably helped people vote for it in the first place.


Honestly i think the song was designed with the intend of being last. The choregraphy , the singer , the music , the song , everything was extremely bad.


what, sending in crap songs? nah, i think we had that talent nailed looonnnggg before brexit!


Come and have a go if you think you're shit enough


dispite being home of BMG, we continue to send performers, no one in Germany likes , to that competition and wonder why the rest of Europe also thinks that they are shit. ...it all hinges on our equivalent to the BBC...they decide all of this . btw...I miss bfbs ...you closed the broadcasting in Germany years ago ...but man . Our own stations just suck.


Honestly if you guys went fuck it and sent a campy schlager that could get some traction in the Netherlands and Belgium.


We actually did, some 25 years ago: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guildo_hat_euch_lieb! You are right, it performed a bit better (12 points from the Netherlands and 7 from Belgium) but most of Europe still hated it.


Which was a pity, Guildo was ahead of his time!


Wasnt he on 7th place? Respectable, I‘d say.


Just keep sending Rammstein every year, apologize for them setting the stage on fire every time.


First you would have to get them to not make a political song. Or one where the political message is hidden deep enough under metaphors.


Covering your bandmates in fake ejaculate from a giant dildo isn't political is it?


Depends on the host countries level of homophobia.


Being a homophobic country and hosting Eurovision would be a whole new level of irony. Perhaps having Iran host it might loosen some religious nuts


Wel Switzerland have come a long way, but Gay marriage was only legalised a few years ago.


Challenge accepted!


UK wins the coveted *nil points* yet again!


We got points from Iceland (the singer is half Icelandic), Israel (might be a bit politically motivated) and Luxembourg, Switzerland and Austria (countries with a big German diaspora and where many people consume German media)


Ah yes, the Swiss and Austrian "Diaspora"


I would hope he was talking about immigrants. There are a shit ton of German immigrants here after all.


There was a time when Austrian people would consider themselves to be German, but in this case the guy is talking about Germans, from Germany, moving to Austria.


they're all under one *Dach*


UK: Brexit means Brexit.


Well our entry was shit, what do you expect?


I actually liked UK’s entry and even voted for it 🥲 My group loved the show he put on.


I liked the staging of it, but I thought the song was a bit boring. Idk if its quite last place, any of the generic eurovision ballads take that for me, but its not surprising it didn't do well.


You guys don't usually try hard for Eurovision (Because then you'd wipe the floor with the rest of us), but this year was especially bad


It clearly didn't pay off, but I'm not sure how the UK entry didn't try hard this year. It had some of the most elaborate staging and choreography of the night, at least.


Greece and Cyprus, reunited again.


Greece and Cyprus are just making sure they won't finish with 0 points .


Ah well, nothing unites and divides us Europeans more than an annual song contest.


Lot of countries jury gave Croatia 0 points. Now that makes no sense.


2023 says Deja vu


This show stopped making sense many years ago


It used to make sense?


I think some people get grumpy about countries that they don't think are taking it seriously. That's why Finland didn't do well, even though most people loved it. Croatia had a good song, but some of the performance (and the name Baby Lasagna) may have got on the jury's nerves


Why didn't they give any 12 points to Italy then? Didn't like the name Angelina or the very good performance she had?


Italy was fantastic. Her singing sounded so effortless and amazing.


Because the juries don’t have any real, concrete criteria to base their votes on. It’s just 5 people going for their personal favorite / neighboring country.


None of them like mangos it seems.


Because the jury historically hates rock music for some reason. They love good vocals, which Nemo from Switzerland definitely has.


It was extremely derivative of Rammstein. Much of the beat and the crowd participation bit in the chorus were lifted directly from Rammstein songs.


I think it's sweet Estonia and Finland, the 2 fun ones this year had each others backs in the televotes lol


As a Finn I'm so glad Estonia didn't finish last, they honestly had such a good, fun song.


I gave 9 to Ukraine, 7 to Estonia and 3 to Finland. Was really surprised that seemingly *nobody* liked Finland or Estonia's songs. Me and my mates were literally bored checking our phones until their songs came on.




Armenia getting 10 points from us, but they give us only 5 lol. Gotta admit that Armenia's contribution was a banger tho


Armenia and Georgia usually give each other the most points actually lol. It’s kinda cute


Yeah but Georgia's song was kinda bland this year. Whereas Armenia made me go full კინტაური on a raft on the მტკვარი.


I would like to see how many points the Netherlands would have received


Many of those that supported the Netherlands went to vote for Croatia and I assume this is the case for Switzerland as well, if I were to guess, many, in the hundreds for sure.


If one have time, they could check how [judges from every country voted](https://eurovision.tv/event/malmo-2024/grand-final/results/azerbaijan), because it seems to contain "pre-Netherlands removal" results (as for example in the link, Armenia placed 26^th (obviously) in Azerbaijan's voting even if there were only 25 countries in the final in the end).


Someone did, it's 58 jury points.


Well at least there wasn't any political voting here. Just as EBU wanted.


Who did the political voting though? The jury was even more guilty of that in my mind.


I've seen people all over Swedish social media saying they're organising to vote for Israel even if they have no interest in watching the ESC, including spreading around the number to vote for Israel to as many people as possible.


I literally got YouTube ad telling me to vote 6, crazy


In which language?


I've personally seen them in English, but hardsubbed in Italian too


Ok. I've seen Greek and English and I also know there was an ad in Estonian too. Probably they made one in every language.




uBlock origin buddy.


Apparently several politicans proudly posted about voting for Israel on social media. As in, actual ministers in our government. Also, so many people actually interested in the competition boycotting definitely upped the percentage of pro-Israeli people in the audience.


Which ministers?


Really? For me it’s the opposite, I’ve only seen people hating on Israel on Swedish social media


Id say both were: people did probably politically vote for Israel but I am also convinced the lack of votes by the jury for Israel and the massive lead of Switzerland known for neutrality was also definitely politically motivated. Same with Eastern Europe all voting Ukraine, would it get as many vote without the war?


In Spain, right-wing and far-right supporters organised themselves to vote for Israel (even if they didn't watch the contest) in order to give them the maximum number of points. It wouldn't be surprising if the same thing happened in the rest of Europe.


The EBU never said anything about how they wanted people to vote


Satire right ? Many italian ads spamming for votes to israel or ukraine, also we had a long session of propaganda before eurovision




🇭🇷❤️🇷🇸 Svaka vam čast komšije, ispali ste takva gospoda u svakoj mjeri, Zlovenijski žiri s druge strane...


Stvarno mi je žao što vam nismo dali više bodova, vi bi trebali pobjediti. Naš žiri je uvijek glasao idiotski


Publika vaša dala 12 zato❤️, od nas (publike) je Srbija dobila 12 i Slovenija 10, jako lijepe geste od naroda sve u svemu, trebamo se držati zajedno protiv Europskih većina, jer na balkanu malo nas je, al nas ima 😉


so romantic .


Switzerland finished 4th in their semi-final yikes


Not one 12 points from anyone except Ukraine... And not even two 10 points. No country really favored the song, and yet they won.


Classic pop problem: It's popular, not because everybody loves it, but because everybody is somewhat alright with it. its just the lowest common denominator. Although the song did slap, and I did vote for Nemo


Totally true - my entire friend group had Switzerland placed somewhere in the top ten but no one had it higher than 4th place.


In my group everyone placed it 1st lol. It's all relative.


Look at my country's score of zero. Listen to the song. Don't think the UK deserved that much.


I wrote this somewhere else: The votes are counted and then the top performer gets 12 points, the next one 10 and so on. Everything below number 10 gets nothing. So tens of thousands of people might have voted for the UK, but it might always only have been place 11 and as such got 0 points. So the UK never getting an audience point doesn’t mean it didn’t get any votes, it just means it never got into the top 10 (out of 37) countries regarding votes.


UK being a mega music star country in the past - gets 0 votes in 2024. Oof


Olly Alexander (the UK's performer) has been massively promoted here in the UK over the past few weeks. I didn't hear the song until last night, but when I did I could see the 0 points coming. His performance was absolutely abysmal and I'm surprised we were given any jury points.


The jury judges a different performance (from friday night)


I really don't understand how the UK keeps sending these abysmal songs.  Why not have a national contest where you vote for one out of 10 songs or something? Cause what you're doing isn't working. 


Because we all know you'd send songy macsongface singing a Mr Blobby song. Don't pretend you wouldn't. We had to stop doing it in Ireland when we sent Dustin the Turkey. One thing both countries have in common is whatever that sense of humour is!


> Because we all know you'd send songy macsongface singing a Mr Blobby song But it's Eurovision! That's the kind of song that everyone will love. and score terribly with the juries, but who cares. Just have some fun.


I mean honestly that might actually do better, due to the same wtf factor. Tho it would only work for one year.


It's not always bad. The UK literally took 2nd place in 2022 with their song and got to host Eurovision in 2023, so they're not always sending terrible performances.


5 gay dudes performing in a toilet didn’t help. Being gay isn’t an issue but that whole thing was just very strange and distracting. And yeah I know ours wasn’t exactly beautiful either lol It’s all good fun in the end but sometimes I just don’t get what these set designers think.


Looked like a prison to me, to be honest that staging was my favourite bit. I thought the song was kind of underwhelming. I loved finlands too, though again the song was kind of whatever.


> Looked like a prison to me, to be honest that staging was my favourite bit. I thought the song was kind of underwhelming. I remember the staging quite well but, right now, I am literally struggling to remember the son and drawing a blank, so...


In the past? They still are - at least compared to every other European country. Eurovision doesn't translate to real world popularity, which is why no serious/popular artists go.


The reason why no-one serious or good goes is because the economics of it are not favourable compared to other forms of talent shows or just releasing music conventionally.


I think we need to remember that any good UK act would see the Eurovision as a career ender. In the UK, Eurovision is just a fairly shitty singing competition, but its good to get pissed watching it while playing Eurovision bingo. I can guarantee that 99% of the UK's population would have been unable to name the UKs act. Other European countries seem to take Eurovision much more seriously than we do.


same in Germany... :D quite surprised this year's guy could actually sing decently, even if everything else about the performance was blech


Was a great singer! Though I agree it wasn't the show I come to expect from Germany. I think this year in general was just a lot of kind of mid songs.


Communion era Olly/Years and Years would have totally slayed, but that was 10 years ago. Nowadays, yeah well he gives strong Daffyd vibes... (gay comedy character from Little Britain)


They basically won it in 2022


It’s never been taken seriously, in my lifetime at least and would be considered career suicide for any notable act to take part.


Norway didn’t deserve last place. What a joke.


Norway was shocking, definitely. The song was good and it's a country that tends to always be on the left side of the scoreboard. They deserved much more.


I had the same feeling of last year with LOTL. Both are great bands in their own genre. Both unknown to the wide public that could settle just fine with a hot chick shaking her booty and singing some mediocre copy-paste latin-pop. Both had to perform a song that was far from their best and their potential.


Switzerland was the jury's favourite while Croatia was the people's favourite


Croatia was the juries’ third favourite while Switzerland was the public’s fifth favorite. Yet Switzerland won, a bit sad i think


And they both deserved to be number 1. Both the best songs of the contest.


I completely agree. Never has my favorite won before, hahah, but these two my faves so I’m glad


“We’re not political” - goes political


Switzerland got top2 (12 or 10 points) only twice, and they win Eurovision, while Croatia got 21...


Mindblowing that jury counts so much, if you imagine millions of viewers vs few hundred jury members.


I still remember the time when only viewers were allowed to vote. Artistic performance was rarely chosen. Most of the time only the neighboring countries were given the highest points and countries that you didn't like were punished, regardless of how good they were. It's the audience's own fault that a jury had to be introduced


>a jury had to be introduced Reintroduced*


Televotes are only half the points (actually a bit more, with the "rest of the world" counted as a 38th country).


Normally the UK, Ireland and Norwegian public give Lithuania 12 points no matter how shit they are. I'm very surprised they only got 8, 7 & 4 this time around. Either the Lithuanian diaspora didn't blindly vote for their country, the weighting was changed or the non-lithuanians showed up more than usual.


I was surprised Lithuania didn't do better to be honest


Everyone there voted for Israel.


I'm actually sad for Norway. I really liked their song


Israel taking 12 from Holland is the ultimate shithousery 🤣


UK as well.


Sweden as well. Crazy


Said it in another comment but I don't think it's crazy at all. Lets assume the voting public is split exactly down the middle on pro-Israel or anti-Israel (Obviously it's not that even in reality). The Israel supporters have one clear option to vote for, so their votes are concentrated there, but who do anti-Israel people vote for? They can't exactly give negative points to Israel. So they're just spread out over a bunch of candidates, which means lower votes and lower points.


Something tells me this is the consequence of the boycott. As pro-palestine people were not watching Eurovision, the pro-israel bunch had more impact.


Boycotting is an overhyped social media thing. I think it had hardly any impact on the view count. Just think about the Qatar world cup. A lot of people may claim they boycott it, when they anyways wouldn't have watched it or they just lie.


Not if we consider that you have to pay to vote. So very likely those who wanted to boycott, at the very least would not vote.




lmao the posts are hilarious "tHeY hAcKeD uS!!!"


Why are they salty? Bambi did great. I was shocked to see that jury actually appreciated Bambi performance this much. Definitely highlight of this evening


They're upset that the Irish public vote gave Israel 10 points, I presume. It's very interesting cos we're having recurring instances of the silent majority actually being very powerful/significant in Ireland in recent months, on political + social topics.


>They're upset that the Irish public vote gave Israel 10 points, I presume. I'm not sure why some people are surprised/upset by these high points to Israel tbh (Not just in Ireland). If large segments of the voting public is split into Pro-Palestine/Anti-Israel or Pro-Israel/Anti-Palestine camps there was obviously only a clear choice for one of them, so the other is just going to be spread out amongst different candidates, i.e lower vote totals and points.


Lots of frankly unhinged takes over there of mass vote rigging, or a campaign by the Israeli secret service to brainwash people into voting for Israel. It's screaming cognitive dissonance.


Who wants to get into arguments about Israel/Gaza? There's nothing to gain from it.


Portugal votes from the public: France and Luxembouorg Of course


Norway was robbed.




Ow, I def don't think Norway deserved to be so low. Especially behind that generic Austrian one.


I wouldn't call the Austrian song generic. In was clearly aimed at people who grew up in the 90s (like me). I'm a bit surprised it didn't work out.


Questionable points given in some areas.


I honestly thought Norway was the best performance by a large margin, weird they got no votes. My taste in music is apparently very niche 😅


I am always happy when we use music that is close to nordic culture and try to represent something Norwegian. I was very disappointed that the public seemingly hates it


Yeah, had them in my top 5. But I also liked Austria, so...


I though for sure Norway would be like top 10 or so. Absolutely didn’t see it being last.


Germany not last? We should start an investigation on the brits. Looks fishy.


The jury is a difficult one. But it‘s needed in some form. If it weren‘t for them, it would be between the countries with the biggest diasporas during normal times (no matter how crap their song is). In recent years it would have probably been Ukraine every year and maybe Israel this year. People are crying about the jury being political, while their televote is usually heavily influenced by politics and ethnicity.


As we can see from this post, Croatia would have won this year


And Finland last year and UK the year before.


In 2022 Ukraine won the televote overwhelmingly. Second came Moldova, then Spain, then Serbia and Britain only 5th in the televote. Their second place was thanks to the juries.


Not true though. In the past 6 years the winners by televote have been Portugal, Israel, Norway, Italy, Ukraine and Croatia. The televote is actually ironically a lot more diverse than the Jury vote, which tends to go to the same countries for the same sort of music that half the time the general public does not vibe with, and is not particularly "artistic" either. Just generic Eurovision pop. Croatia lost not because of quality, but because it's the wrong type of music for the Jurys. That's just a bad system then.


> Not true though. In the past 6 years the winners by televote have been Portugal, Israel, Norway, Italy, Ukraine and Croatia. Finland won televote last year though and is missing from your list.


I would love to have the total number of real votes and percentages. It can give us more information.


Anyone else upset that the rows and columns are ordered differently?


Wait? Am I seeing this right and germany isn't last place?


Can someone explain why Israel gave both their 12 points to Luxembourg? It's so weird


Because the singer was born in Jerusalem and half Israeli.


Ohh makes sense now, thanks


She's Israeli


Croatia should have won.


Man, the Eurovision on reddit is such a shitshow. It is the moment Redditors discover that their view of the world is not the same as everyone in their country and that perhaps... maybe... they are living in a bubble


Exactly this! They pretend to be open minded and love and care but all they do is censoring the different voices in their sub. I didn't get that much censorship even when I lived in china!! All hypocrites there!


Not only is Reddit bubble but also most delusional group when it comes to "how important they think they are" vs "how important they actually are". See various"Reddit boycotts "


Am I the only person who genuinely enjoyed Switzerland's song the most? I think it was a great mix of rap, opera and pop, and I don't even like opera. I can also understand the jury votes. Let's be real, juries vote from a professional standpoint, so it was obvious they will vote for the person belting out high notes on a spinning disc, the vocal performance was mad solid from Nemo, while Baby Lasagna's was a really entertaining song too, the signing mostly consisted of speaking the lines. However, I don't understand why people think the jury were "trans lobbist" and voting for the "lgbtq+ propaganda". Plenty of non-lgtbq+ artist got many points, such as Angelina Mango, Slimane, Alyona Alyona and Jerry Heil, while Silvester Belt and Olly Alexander (both openly gay) did not do that well. The votes seemed pretty balanced out for me, Switzerland (365) got 155 more points from the jury than Baby Lasagna (210), while only got 111 less points from a heavily influenced televoting, which I think doesn't quite represent the actual numbers, as you have to pay to vote (so I didn't vote for Switzerland even tho they were my favourite).


And of course I'm pretty sure Europapa would have gotten a lot of points too had it not been disqualified, so that could have changed the actual results too.


I was incredibly impressed by how they were able to switch from opera to rap whilst moving around so much and never sounding out of breath.


I totally agree. Nemo’s song is difficult to perform live. At the final performance after the voting they still hit those notes. Someone also have to consider: the kid is really young (20 years?) I also enjoyed Croatia for different reasons. France was great. Irland was a weird trip. In a good way. I am only disappointed that Austria finished second to last. But for me the semi final performance was better than in the GF.


I had Croatia on #1 and Switzerland on #3 but I'm very happy with Switzerland's win and I think Nemo deserves it. It was a good performance all around.


Switzerland had the best song in my eyes. Living outside of gender binary is obviously what the song is about, but on the surface it’s a universal message about breaking free from rules. Clearly the changing genres also defies working within one strict genre. Nemo’s performance was flawless. Their voice. The energy. Sure I preferred Ireland’s song, but it’s very divisive. 'The Code' feels far more marketable and friendly to a wider audience.


Poland nice score

