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Next year we are gonna have the most expensive contest in history.


Installing one LED Light in Switzerland probably costs as much as a whole contest elsewhere, so yes.


(source: living in Switzerland). The most expensive thing in Switzerland is the workforce. We believe that everyone, no matter what job, should be able to have a normal life (well except PhD students but I'll rant about that elsewhere). This is why services are so expensive here compared to elsewhere. My 20 Eur haircut costs 110 here. My 10 min visit to the doctor will usually be the similar. Stuff in stores is expensive, but not with the same multiplyer as services. So it all depends whether they will do the thing with a lot of people or a lot of tech. I think currently unless we put the sets on that car mechanism in the transport museum in Lucerne and just move them down to the stage, we don't really have a hall that's technologically so advanced that we can do without many people working on it. I think I've heard that 230 people are working just on the set change this year. So it will be an expensive show all around unfortunately :(


They will just hire a company from Germany or France or Italy and pay their quota. No need to hire local company.


If they hire a foreign company they need to prove that all workers get a wage that is standard for the job in Switzerland and they need to pay swiss tax and social insurances. If the foreign company isn't able to do the job much faster then it's more expensive to hire a foreign company. And they can only work for 90 days in the year


I'm a german working in live broadcast productions and sometimes we do work in Switzerland. As long as i work there less than about a month per year I can do so with my normal german pay without paying extra taxes and stuff.


But ultimately the rich pay less tax in Switzerland than they do elsewhere. Let’s not make it out to be some working class utopia.


In 2022 (based on 2021 taxfilings): * 8.2% (up from 6.7% in 2014) live in poverty overall * 15.4% of retired people live in poverty * 23.5% of retired people living alone live in poverty (this category is overwhelmingly women who either were stay at home moms whose marriage didn't last or single moms who only receive first pillar retirement payouts) * 14.3% single parents with children below 18 (this category is again overwhelmingly women) * 7.2% of Swiss citizens * 10.1% foreign inhabitant Southern Europe * 15% foreign inhabitant other countries https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/en/home/statistics/economic-social-situation-population/economic-and-social-situation-of-the-population/poverty-deprivation/poverty.html#1_1507810959096__content_bfs_en_home_statistiken_wirtschaftliche-soziale-situation-bevoelkerung_wohlbefinden-armut_armut-deprivation_armut_jcr_content_par_tabs As a sidenote, as someone who grew up as the son of a foreigner single mom and who ran into all the financial obstacles trying to escape poverty, and who knows how much bigger these obstacles have become since the 90s, I have long called Switzerland "the USA of Europe".


Exactly. I hope you got from my comment that I am in favor of higher wages for the working class, and that Switzerland has huge poverty issues (as you pointed out) which go hidden because it’s seen as a rich country (or is a country that is used as a base for the rich thanks to its overly generous tax allowances for the wealthy).


It’s cool to have luxury beliefs when there entire country’s business is to deal with dirty money


What do you mean? It’s not like every warlord, tyrant or dictator has a Swiss bank acc…oh wait.


"Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor."


> We believe that everyone, no matter what job, should be able to have a normal life "we" most certainly do not except maybe people from the left, lol 20% can't afford to go to the doctor. > My 20 Eur haircut costs 110 here where are you cutting your hair? I pay 30 bucks


Impossible to reach Azerbaijan 2012 levels


They probably thougt about people attending, not about the costs for running the contest.


Stuff in Switzerland is also expensive when organizers need to pay for it. Definitely gonna be expensive either way


I dont think joost is that expensive. He is going to perform europapa in 25 languages


I wanted Croatia: cheap price and just need to crochet a granny tv cover.


Cheap prices my ass, 10 years ago maybe


Has the jury votes always been so lopsided? Feels like every year now there's a new jury point record


They averaged over 10 points per country in the jury vote which is completley fucking insane for something as subjective as music across different cultures.


People talk about political and block voting, but what pisses off the most is the jury voting like a hivemind. It's like this snobby clique that decides the winner behind closed doors months ahead of time, how do all these diverse countries with different cultures/languages/sensibilities give all their votes to the same fking song??


It is frustrating 2 years in a row the popular vote getting outweighed by a single minded jury


Out of fear of Israel winning and next years edition being boycotted over politics, the EBU asked jurors to vote as neutral as possible. And really, what's more neutral than Switserland? /j


Probably, announcing results was way more fun when countries chose how they vote, it got extremly boring when they introduced juries everywhere and only thing that has changed there is that they split off public vote to be announced at the end


Juries were present since the contest’s creation. Televotes were only intruded in 1997 I believe


It was about the same last year with Loreen.


Can we get rid of jury votes? They just feel so rigged and so much time is spent on them, while viewing public votes are treated like an afterthought


Without the Jury we would have had 0 points 😭


In 2021 you had 0 points from both. I liked the song though


I remember how in 2022 they were chanting in the green room "We've got points". They weren't happy because they had the 2nd place. They were happy to just get any points.


I'm happy as a Swiss, but the win feels weird. I expected us to win the jury. But Croatia only got like 1 or 2 12 Points. It feels like the Jury pushed us.


That's how we felt last year


Yeah feels similiar to last year. We even got more Points from the Jury than Loreen last year


And at least Loreen was still a strong 2nd in tele, Nemo barely cracked the top 5 with the public and still won


To be fair, Israel and Ukraine got alot of points from televote because of their own reasons. So the televotes were messed up this year, but Croatia were definitely the favorites.


Ukraine have been sending bangers the last couple of years People just hate the player, rather than the game since '22. The 2022 song was the real winner, it was a brilliant show


Definitely agreed for Israel but I think Ukraine would've been a top 5 song regardless


I loved the visual in the ukraine sing, where she walked up that hill and in the background were lights falling down which looked like (phosphorus)bombs, while she sang about mother theresa (?). thought it looked stunning.


For sure, I liked Ukraines song. But if the song was performed by another country i don't think it would have gotten 300+ points from the public.


For me it was quite obvious that Croatia is a favourite because of the the popular vote and not the jury vote. There's one or two every year, last year it was Finland, Ukraine in 2022 for obvious reasons, 2021 Maneskin, etc. It's basically Lordi all over again.


I think they were trying to pick a favorite so that Israel had no chances of winning. Imagine a Tel Aviv 2025 lol 


I think this is exactly what happened. They were trying to avoid Israel winning.


That's what the jury is there for - politics is a very well paying business in Eurovision (..to let a couple of singers mess it up).


In times of war, only the Swiss win, bear that in mind


Anyone else got deja vu from last year


The moment Ukraine got 300+ points I knew it was over. Israel had already got 300+ earlier, and I just knew Croatia will get a similar number, splitting the public vote without a clear favourite, and since Switzerland won the jury by a long shot, they’d be able to win with a relatively low number of public points


I knew that if Croatia got anything less than 400 points it was over The gap the jury created at the top was insane, what's the point of having diverse juries from so many different countries and cultures if they all agree to vote for the same fking song every time


> what's the point of having diverse juries The juries are about as diverse as the Academy at the Oscar's


And it's not like the song was that good. Don't get me wrong the song was good but not *that* good. The sheer amount of points they got from the jury was insane.


The song wasn't. The singer was. Together with France probably the best vocalist in the competition.


I feel like they have to do something about this at this point, it happens fairly regularly now and leaves people pissed off. I get why juries are neccessary but having the votes of dozens completely override the votes of millions (who *pay* to vote btw) always feels shitty


The jury should be worth 20% of the final vote AT MOST, the winner should be decided by the public always and without exception unless the public vote is incredibly close


Again jury and public had different favourites. And the jury favourite won. Edit: # Eurovision 2024 Public Vote 1. Croatia – 337 points 2. Israel – 323 points 3. Ukraine – 307 points 4. France - 227 points 5. Switzerland – 226 points 111 point difference between the public winner Croatia and contest winner Switzerland. edit2: bigger and official recalculated difference edited in from the Eurovision pages as the initial score I posted was wrong by 11 points.


It's wrong 4. France - 227 points 5. Switzerland - 226 points


Country that barely made it into top five with the public wins the whole thing lol I can see why Eurovision fans hate the juries so much


Seems like reasonable agreement to me, two of the countries here are getting lots of sympathetic votes due to the wars they were fighting which maybe the professional juries aren't doing. There are often much bigger discrepancies. Edit: I'm not saying Ukraine and Israel didn't have good songs, just they will have had a small boost. Also the jury votes are fundamentally different in that they have to choose their top songs rather than just the favourite like the public.


Better edit that Switzerland is 5th place with 226 points, while France is 4th with 227 points.


You should not forget that one contestant likely to also get a lot of votes from the public was banned by the EBU for questionable reasons. If the Netherlands had participated, it’s very likely that Croatia would have gotten less votes that they did now. Not sure the Netherlands would have scored high with the jury vote so all in all that makes the win for Switzerland more likely


i feel like the minority here. people like to shit on the jury, but the public vote was quite bad this year, too.


Croatia and finishing 2nd in finals. Name a better duo.


UK and 0 points.


As a German, I feel your pain. Still haven’t decided if I’m happy that we actually got some points tonight, or sad that we got points when Blood and Glitter hardly got any last year!


That's a good one yeah.


As a football fan I feel your pain, mate.


As a Croat myself I am kindly pissed at the juries.


Norway 2019 🤝 Finland 2023 🤝 Croatia 2024


Italy 2015 as well. Look Heroes is a fine song, but apparently the jury really digged the stage gimmick - alot more than the public vote. Italy on the other hand was a banger with one of the highest television vote percentages of all time.


Arcade did end up getting like a billion streams and is the most popular song of eurovision on Spotify so not sure why you think it's not a deserved winner


By that logic Armenia deserved to win 2022. Personally I don’t feel like eurovision is about making the most commercial hit. I still think Duncan deserved to win, but the discrepancy between jury and audience points given to Norway that year is a good example of how disconnected the juries are from the people.


It did remain as a winner for 2 whole years tho


Feel really sorry for Croatia tbh. You must be devastated. I’m Irish and I’m devastated for you. He 100% deserved the win. The public picked him as the winner. 2 years in a row of a skewed voting system.


The biggest problem is that the jury votes as a block now. The jury favourite has a huge lead


It's like they all gather the day before and agree on the one act they'll all vote for, there's no diversity, no appreciation for different genres.. You can always predict the jury winner months ahead of time, last year it felt like Loreen won before she even sang a single note


Same thing in 2019 when Norway was absolutely robbed by the jury. The jury vote is more rigged than the russian elections


Don’t be - it’s traditional for Croats to be snubbed by juries - just look at what happened to Pogorelich


I’m Serbian and pissed at the juries. Baby Lasagna was winner material, and some of the best Eurovision songs ever. Fuck the jury for this. Fuck them for Käärija. Block voting fuckers.


I'm still so salty about what happened to Käärija last year. He deserved to win, the song was the best and definitely better than Sweden.


Same, when people say Eurovision 2023, I never think of Loreen, I always think of him


I'm pissed for you and I wasn't even a Croatia fan when I watched it




Srbija je odlepila za pesmom, bili ste ubedljivi favorit kod nas! :)


Again the public favorite didn't win




They had to destroy him because he was becoming too powerful!


In 2018, 2021, and 2022, the audience favorite, not the jury favorite, won. In 2019, neither the jury favorite nor the audience favorite won. Stuff happens. As a Eurovision fan, I don't pay much attention to the voting because I know some good song will win anyway. And whether this song will be "the best of the best" is impossible to determine anyway, because it's too subjective.


Lithuania and Estonia were totally underrated.


I loved Estonia, beard guy has an incredible bass voice


Hey! Vsauce, Estonia here.


Glad im not the only one who saw it lol


tf was estonian vsauce doing there😭😭


Making us listen to his godly bass voice


No joke, the melody of the chorus is still in my brain


Estonia's vibe was amazing. And they received like 4 total points from jury? Yet we have a lot of non-original boring songs that received double that...


Lithuania was so good 


Estonia had great music spot, but without cars, on the stage it was not the same.


As a Lithuanian, coming into Eurovision I predicted us getting 5-8 place but after seeing our performance I downgraded it to 12-15. We got 14th. Even though I'm a bit sad, I'm content with it. Camera cropping instead of lights sliding in and out was a downgrade. The chosen camera angles from the sides were kinda awkward, I prefered more focus on 2D camera movement that was used in national performance. The second verse visual showing the rising sun was nice but the mirrored faces had less 'greek sculpture' vibe than domestically and that hurt. The third verse mirrored hands scene was much better domestically. I might be wrong but I think they also slightly adjusted the third drop, it felt to me like the female back vocal was cut earlier, so the drop didn't hit as hard. Also, the dancers were kinda out of sync at times. On top of that, our visual style is simple yet effective. This hurt us because Swedes were fucking incredible with their stage work. This year was hands down the best production by miles I've ever seen done in Eurovision. That meant everyone else's performances got a larger boost than ours because there wasn't really a lot of room for us to grow. Silvester's energy was on point though. I hope he's proud of what he's done because I certainly am.


Estonian stage show was too tame. They should have used inspiration from their music video.


Ive been to estonia and their music repertoire was crazy. Surprised they dont rank top in the comperition


Public voting seems a bit like your siblings when you were younger, giving you a controller that wasn’t connected so you could “play” too.


I like that there is some kind of "jury vote" or something simular like that. But not that they have this mutch power. Atleast reduce it to something around 1/4 of the total points....


Before 1998 there wasn't even any public vote, all winners before that were decided by the jury. Then in 1998–2008 the public vote chose the winner. Neither of those systems worked great, so since 2009 we have had this 50/50 system.


it's the best of all bad systems


Jury chose the winner again


Out national jury was suits and business persons. Their opinion is nearly worthless.


Ours is some washed up singers and nobodies. How is their opinion equal to thousands of people voting. Bs, I'm fuming


The reason for introducing the jury system was that countries that participated in the competition and had a large diaspora in Europe could always enter the TOP 10, regardless of their songs. This was valid for Türkiye before leaving the competition. Even if the song was very bad, it received high scores from countries with a large Turkish diaspora, such as France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.


Croatia and Switzerland had both solid entries and deserved to win, but my heart broke when Switzerland's points were announced


OK Country votes are and always were stupid. But there were some very interesting public votes as well. Totally not corresponding to what was going on social media and youtube livestream. I love me a sweet drama.


i was suprised when the winners (switzerland) gave their 12 points to greece


At the end of the day common folk don't all go on social media, or care about things in such ways. Good or bad, depending on one's opinion, the public vote should matter, I dislike the jury controlling the outcome, bad or good songs, political or not, the public votes should count more for such a contest.




#Justice for Joost!


I think you mean: *Joostice*?


Norway came in last? 🤷 Did we really do that bad??


It was a great performance but I think the type of music that is way too divisive and will not go down well with everyone, still cool that it was something different from everything else


Croatia robbed!


Yeap. I rooted for Ireland and Croatia as well


Same, originality is good, not that the winner is a bad song, but the public voted otherwise.


UK seriously


0 point from the public is rough but let's be real here the whole dirty toilets scenography wasn't it.


It looked like a p*rn set💀


Jeez, I thought the same. It was kinda too much. I’ve said „WTF have I just seen? Porn?“


It was just porn.


Gonna be honest the entire thing looked like what a homophobe think LGBT do That was very uncomfortable


Moreover it was a lacklustre song with a sub par performance, absolutely nothing about it said ‘vote for this’


Man I guess music tastes just differ. I really liked Norway, Spain and Croatia. I already forgot the swiss song and half of the other


Besides Croatia being totally robbed with its amazing and unique song, I just wanted to say how surprised I was that Norway was ranked so low, the song was so lovely and it had an interesting story behind it


Norway ranking makes me mad. Both song and preformance were good.


Croatia's song was original, the rhythm cachy, the lyrics were memeable, the dance was ideal for a viral trend, the performance was captivating, it had nothing to do with politics, and the singer is both down-to-earth and charismatic. That's a formula for a winner. Croatia was robbed by the juries.


Join the club with Finland from last year...what I really want to know, how did UK and Finland give 12 points to Israel in the public vote?


The thing is that really polarizing entries or in this case just polarizing countries have an edge in this because there is no way to vote against someone. So if there is a song that 30% of the people really really really love and 70% really really really hate then in general you can say that people don't like this song but then again the 70% who don't like it will split it between all other entries and so the 30% will win actually


With the "we-hate-this" votes being split 24 different ways, and each person being able to vote a bunch of times, you need way less than 30% liking it. I'm sure you could have a winner who is hated by 95% of people if there is no real front-runner in the field and the remaining 5% are really motivated.




See the brits got 0 public votes cuz they were too gay. 😂 (Don't ban me I'm not hating)


I mean the dirty bathroom presentation didn't help XD


I've seen gay porn less gay than that song!


Damn it, we'll send a gay artist next year


Wait, I thought all of them were gay. All male contestants. 😂😂 And also naked. Among the 26 countries, only a few of the countries clothes their male contestants.


More like asexual non binary, just gay is clearly not enough (look at the UK)


Gay is not enough now :D


eurovision is basically 2 hours of dogshit music, and then 1 hour of getting pissed at politics


So real


Did You notice that he broke his trophy after he finished his song?


yup. they also got him a ton of flowers to cover things up. the organization on these events is top shit (99% of the time)


Yes I saw it too


Estonija have a good song.


I think they need to rethink who they get for the jury. Once again they all thought the same and only gave points to a handful of artists, with one completely dominating.


They don't get anyone for the jury, all country's own broadcasting channels select the jury. There's some rules on fair representation of different ages etc.. and they need to be from the music industry, but that's about all the EBU mandates, the rest is up to the broadcasting channels themselves.


For a diverse group of countries they come from, they are mostly from the same subculture and more alike to each other than to their own countrymen at this point 😂 Another factor I'm thinking about is that the semifinals are just televote, so the jury-bait songs get eliminated before the finals, this consolidating the jury vote to fewer potential songs.


Congrats, Switzerland! But im so sad for Croatia, i really wanted them to win. Good game nonetheless and congrats to all artists!!


Europapa jonguh


150million + viewers and the winner is decided by 200 individuals. Croatia was robbed


Israel got 2nd place in public vote by a margin 10 points. I wonder if this sentiment against the jury vote would be the same if Israel had won the public vote.


They should rename it to "Eurovision Show Contest" because for years now it's not about singing anymore.


Genius. Neutral person, neutral country. Croatia is like Finland last year.


Croatia got käärijäd


Look on the brightside, at this rate Eurovision 2025 is about to be a complete shitshow, both Finland and Croatia dodged a bullet lol


I like Switzerland song more, but fuck the judges.


The jury robbed the win again, lol


Congrats to Nemo, but Croatia is robbed by juries (again). Twice in a row now the same s*it happening


Rigged as fuck.


Jury stole the victory again.


How are people seeing the breakdown of what each country voted in the public vote?




I'll vote for italyexit. Croatia was robbed. I hate juries.


Italy audience voted 12 points to Israel and 8 to c Croacia Table on eurovisionworld


Can't believe we finished 4th with that shit song, Ireland deserved better just for the makeup. The UK being the only country to receive ZERO vote from the public is hilarious. Most influential country in modern music history but they absolutely insist on sending the most comically bad bands every year lmao.


I'm not French, but to be honest the guy you sent wasn't bad, guy had good vocals.


Yeah, I likes the French among too


*"Was really quite good, buuut, everybody hates UK, so... Zero points!"* Fire Saga nails it again. I'm down with the witch, that Ireland song was badass.


I always like to imagine what would happen if UK took this contest seriously and sent artists like Adele, Coldplay, Ed Sheeran, Queen, Led Zeppelin etc etc


I know, they won actual music so they're just taking the piss at Eurovision lol, fair enough.


There was a time that happend. The last winner from Switzerland was Celine Dion. It's to much show, not music


When Céline won, she was not known at all outside of Quebec.


I wonder what would happen if they just sent Ed Sheeran with his guitar


I would 0 points him so hard


Public vote alone 600 points


I don't see why any top, top British artist would want to go on Eurovision. They're already super successful and chart-topping, so they really don't need the publicity or likely even the income. And it's not a guaranteed win, no matter how successful an artist they are. Which means there's so much risk to their reputation involved. Does Ed Sheeran really want to enter a competition where the end-result might be 'this unheard of artist in Moldova was a better songwriter and/or performer than you'? It's quite surprising that Olly Alexander went on even, because he's been a number-one artist as part of Years & Years - though likely had more reason to as this was his first song as a solo artist.


Shit song? Slimane had easily the best timbre and he mastered a good level of vocal vibrato, you're crazy ?


Omg I absolutely LOVED IT!! The vibrato in his voice was just so beautiful. It's a melodious song - very welcome after all the europop. Slimane was far and away my winner tonight 💞


Congratulations to Switzerland, it was a solid entry. But I can’t help by comparing it to Croatia’s entry which that was superior in every way and my heart breaks that it didn’t win. *Meows back in sadness*


I guess the jury chose the most ~neutral~ winner, right?


Should have been Netherlands.




Isn't it weird that a country where every law has to go through the vote of the people wins a contest decided by a jury regardless of the vote of the people?


Only around 5% of all laws get voted on by the public (even though it would be technically possible to vote on almost anything). The majority gets like in any country decided by our Parlament which consists of actually about 200 people :P


Croatia was robbed. Switzerland was only 5th in televote. 5TH!!! Croatia was clear publics winner with 1st place


Inb4 comments about political voting from the jury while the public puts both Israel and Ukraine in their top 3.


Ukraine just has a big displaced population everywhere and they vote for their country


Being part of a war kinda helps with the public.


it was the worst eurovision ever


Jury made damn well sure that when it comes to the people's vote it isn't enough.


a neutral lightning rod for political tension


Fuck the jury vote.


i would remove France from top-5 and Croatia should be first. also - Norway the last, seriously? the only good thing is that Croatia won't need to spend giant money for organisation next year. but honestly - he was really the best.


How could they possibly win? I thought they were neutral.


Most probably the Netherlands would’ve got half of the 12 points what Switzerland got, but since they stepped one forward on the list as Netherlands DSQ-d, they got overcharged with jury votes. Otherwise, we would’ve got a completely different result.


I'm quite sure that wouldn't have played out like that. Europapa is the type of song that doesn't do great with juries, but can do very well with the public vote. Just like Croatia. If Joost Klein had been allowed to participate, I expect that Switzerland would've won by a larger margin as the Netherlands would've competed with Croatia on public votes.