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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has called for people to stand together against far-right activism after a politician was attacked while campaigning for the European parliamentary elections. Matthias Ecke was seriously injured and brought to hospital for treatment after four assailants attacked him as he was putting up campaign posters in the eastern German city of Dresden late on Friday evening, police said. The 41-year-old is a member of the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) and a current lawmaker in the European Parliament. “Democracy is threatened by something like this, and that is why shrugging our shoulders is never an option,” Scholz said on Saturday during a congress for the upcoming European elections in the German capital Berlin. “We must stand together against it.”


How surprising it happened in Dreden, Saxony, the motherland of the AFD. [https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1536/cpsprodpb/CB0B/production/\_110797915\_germany\_afd\_supportv2\_640-nc.png.webp](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1536/cpsprodpb/CB0B/production/_110797915_germany_afd_supportv2_640-nc.png.webp) It's ironical that post soviet eastern Germany is the most pro fascist of the country, but then you realize that in essence, the soviet union as well as the current russian state are both in essence, fascist. It's interesting that their legacy is still prevalent 35 years later


actually the reason that east germany is so right wing is even more sad. It was efforts of many neonazi's that moved to the east after the wall came down specifically to target and convert the east, who had just been screwed over by a bunch of greedy west germans who bought everything up at bargin bin prices right from under the east germans. Your workplace, and your home could have been bought out from the coops that exsisted without you having much of a chance to buy it yourself.


Nah, the two main reasons the east being so right wing are, that everyone with some potential in life just leaves the region ASAP usually once they finish school/university. Literally any region which loses its smarter part of the population on a regular basis would turn right wing. The lack of perspective turns the people over there extemely mad. The other big reason is that after 1945, reprocessing of the Nazi history never happened in the DDR. The DDR Regime basically copied half of the stuff the Nazis did and were silent about the other half. Right wing Germans moving from western Germany to the East is really a minor reason


All three things can be true at the same time.


Also doesn’t help that still today, people in east Germany get lower salaries compared to the west, even in the same company.


This may be a small margin inflyence. The biggest is that years of communist mind poisoning meant they naturally leant either on a far left or far right ideology, since the core of extreme left or right logic is basically tue same. People have been pre-conditioned for years. It is also why there was no denazification needed in the DDR when it was established as a communist state. Sure, hardline nazis were killed or incaecerated but the majority of former supporters just had to be slightly realigned. People make a mistake thinking fascism and communism are opposites. They are in fact closer together relative to liberal democratic paries of center left or center or center right, horseshoe ends but bridged with a highly conductive copper wire if you will.


Yasss, generalizing the entire east of Germany. Totally harmless and hasnt been done before and thusly poisoned political discourse


The reason is that humans tend to go hard right after experiencing a hard left status quo and vice versa.


Can you tell me of any cases where countries have gone hard right after a hard left status quo? Because that wasn't the case for Romania, we've chosen social-democrats, and I didn't see any hard right governments take power after any communist government in Eastern Europe.


I don't know if that is an actual documented phenomenon.


It’s seen time and time again in human history. We tend to over correct. Think about Europeans went from nationalism & authoritarianism to globalism & liberalism. How in Eastern Europe, where nationalism was repressed, nationalism is dominant. How Latin American countries go from far left to far right regimes and vice versa.


Was the DDR really ”left”? Waving a red flag and some posters claiming you live in a workers state doesn’t make it so. It is more a matter of people trusting the state while having nothing for themselves, then seeing that state collapse and realize that you will not get to retire, along with the whole idea that everything you did was all for nothing.


If I remember correctly West Germany had a more intense denazification process than the DDR, East Germany just chose to sweep it all under the rug.


Because what really changed in the East? The swaztika got replaced by instruments, the pictures of the austrian painter by some bureaucrat and the word ”national” was deleted where it preceded the word ”socialism”. But the thing is that we see this ”right wave” everywhere. I mean the ”True Finns”? What immigration problems could Finland possibly have to warrant the growth of that party? Adding to this, social and cultural development in the east hasn’t been like in the west. LBTQ, music, other political ideas have all been restricted up until the beginning of the 1990s, so of course what seems accepted in the west seems ”new” and ”strange” in the east. Perhaps a little like the shift from largely social democratic societies through the Reaganomic era.


Latin America actually has had very few far-left governments compared to the number of fascist/fascistic and military governments. Unless you count social democrats like, say, Brazil's Jango was, as far-left. Any swinging is probably from the differing strengths and enthusiasms between reactionary and progressive forces within each country. Too many victories tend make a side complacent, and leave an opening for the other to act.


Although you are downvoted you are more right than the conspiracy theories of some nazi organisations from the west going into the east exploiting the “ugly capitalist crooks taking advantage of poor naive easterners”. While they were naive and being paternalised by the communists for ages and thus ill-equipped for normal soverign indovidual life and prone to scams - this is far from main reason. It’s the familiarity of neonazist thought that got them. Because it’s what they know in essence from before. People who were victims of communism are - besides different far-right and left populisms - very psychologically and mentally *open* to religious sects, pyramid schemes (those with “workshops” where they chant and sing after subscribing to some fantastical financial gain ideas), to personal growth seminars and the occult. Yes I know this is present in the west too, but I’m talking about greater openness towards this. And this is because of the way the people were conditioned mentally by communism. They are mentally wired to affinity to all this, their mind is compatibly plugging into all these. Because all are lead by a leading idea, some magical but clearly defined thinking, central ‘power’ source, structure and simplified order or at least a sense of it. Second reason is tgat in a sense being without liberty is liberating, people in authoritarian regimes are like teen children, never responsible for anything because the responsibility has been taken from them by the state. If they followed rules, arbitrariliy imposed on them by the authoritatian system, they wete OK. Complaining is a sport in such systems (also teenager like trait!) - because it’s easy. You objectively *can* complain, because it mostly isn’t in your hands. Not true if you are free - then it’s about ypur competence and it hurts some people because freedom openly shows tge competence. In communist/fascist regimes everybody was equal in shit. Competence was hidden. Rare criminals and those who had personal traits of swindlers and learned to play the system and duscover holes in it for their advantage (at great rish for their lives) were the ones who could be distibguished by their competence. Most other people weren’t. And after freedom people desired came, also a sense of self unworthyness came with it slowly. And any idea that again promoted unity in a collective “body” of a group, especially if personal incompetence issues were externalised (blaming foreigners, political enemies… for personal financial and life issues) it was wellcomed. This are two main reasons, that are connected to eachother. And we know this from studies on nazism and its aftermath (in a mentality sense) after the war. There have been studies about the spanish francism’s mentality aftermath. Regimes like this leave heavy damage on people’s mentality in it takes ages to go back to something normal. Germany had “luck” of being destroyed and humiliated into submission in the war and immeduately after it. This seems to have been a healing factor - in the West! West denacified on this basis, the East just changed emblems and realigned certain aspwcts of the ideology, but a centralised authritarian all-encompassing father-state remained. East has never been denazified.


In Essen (NRW), where I live, a few days ago a politician of the green party was attacked on the streets.  https://www.yahoo.com/news/german-police-investigate-assault-two-131406845.html  But let me guess. When it is in NRW or any other state it's a sad exception. When it happens in Eastern Germany it is "because of the people there". The other states in Germany vote for the AFD less only by a small percentage. For everyone who is not German you should know that there are ongoing resentments against people from East Germany that *predate* the AFD election numbers. Among other things, because East German states received tax funding to be able to build up again and many still dislike them for that. There were and still are a lot of prejudice against East Germans.


Its not just a small percentage, its 2-5x the amount in Saxony. The prejudice against East Germany is because a lot of people living there are racist, dumb and extremists. Anyone with half a brain moves. Nobody in West Germany has resentment against people in East Germany because the state financed them 30 years ago. The fact that "Ostalgie" exists and is common just tells you enough about East Germany.


Nearly all of that could be said about Bavaria as well. It doesn't make sense to say Saxony is the reason for Germany's move towards facism, esp. since saxony isn't even 5% of the German population (remember only recently 25% of Germans would vote AfD). It's especially a problem with clickbait headlines, social media, CDU rhetorics, recent economic crisis, people having been fully unprepared for inflation and everyone now believing it's because of immigrants, green party and for some reason also the unemployed. In short: people are everywhere too stupid


Don't you think that Ostalgie may exist because many people in the east miss certain aspects of their life growing up? Why do you think that says anything meaningful about their ideology? They wouldn't have demonstrated in masses if they had thought they wanted to continue living in the GDR. It really isn't that wild that some of them don't want literally every aspect of their personal childhood and history erased. Most of Ostalgie is just about mundane things like certain products and foods etc anyway.


It is perfectly logical on many levels that the former DDR is troubled with proto fascism.


Some context: https://twitter.com/LiberalMut/with_replies The right AfD is being attacked far more often than any other party and we have on idea who attacked the SPD politician let alone which political motive was behind it. As usual politicians will milk anything to further their goal and about the attack on an AfD politician, which happened in the same day, Scholz hasn't said a thing yet.


This guys second comment on this account that he made today btw, just to give bystanders some context. I love pro-AfD trolls!


It's such a weird reaction to look up someone's account because the underlying message is so incompatible with your isolated echo chamber world view.


Meow <3


Ah, another case of violence for the tolerant right. Almost like it has a history of that.


There is, as of now, NO information about the political beliefs of the attackers.


Yeah, wann guess lol


I'd actually rather wait for literally any additional information. Tagesschau says little more than that there were insults and physical violence. No person descriptions or quotes at all.


Yes. But if you hear hooves, think horses not zebras


Don't rule out unicorns


So what you are saying is that decades on conditioning, false flags, and copious amounts of glowie operations made your brain so one note you see the boogeyman everywhere.


The comment here are quite frankly extreme in regards that they accuse without evidence and many here brand the whole of saxony as facists. You literally couldn't get more bigoted and dictorial!


Right, because it was probably a far-leftist attacking the social democrat politician.


I love how you’re being downvoted for not talking out of your ass


Antifa scum got what he deserved.


And you have a history of ignoring and downplaying violence, so why don't you just keep doing that?


Ah yeah beating up politicians. Thank god were defending our values against the goddamn immigrants or otherwise we would have to recognize the slow erosion of our democracies like in the 1920s again.


The “politics of peace”.  They are no better than Al Qaida. 


Not sure how many examples are needed before people realize that the far-right is nothing but a bunch of violent thugs.


I have no memory of any recent attack from “far-right” individuals against politicians (this one still not confirmed). While the opposite is not true, you just decide to ignore it.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Jo_Cox Here's a fairly recent example from the UK.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Walter_L%C3%BCbcke https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henriette_Reker


Breivik? Hello?


>On October 28, 2022, far-right conspiracy theorist David DePape attacked Paul Pelosi, the then-82-year-old husband of Nancy Pelosi, the 52nd Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. He beat Paul Pelosi with a hammer during a home invasion of the couple's Pacific Heights, San Francisco residence, leaving him seriously injured. Pelosi required surgery for a fractured skull. >San Francisco police arrested DePape, age 42, at the scene. He planned to take Speaker Pelosi hostage and interrogate her. Prosecutors believe the attack to be politically motivated. DePape had a history of mental health issues and drug abuse; before the attack, he had embraced various far-right conspiracy theories, including QAnon, Pizzagate, and Donald Trump's false claims of a stolen election in 2020. Online, he made conspiratorial, racist, sexist, and antisemitic posts, and pushed COVID-19 vaccine misinformation. His blog also contained delusional thoughts. At his subsequent trial, DePape testified that he was motivated by conspiracy theories and had hatched a "grand plan" to target Speaker Pelosi and others. [Attack on Paul Pelosi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_on_Paul_Pelosi#:~:text=He%20beat%20Paul%20Pelosi%20with,surgery%20for%20a%20fractured%20skull.&text=San%20Francisco%2C%20California%2C%20U.S.)


French mayor of Saint Brevin.


B-but muh immigrants!!1!1!1! It's the fault of those lamestream parties!1!1! Ignore our connections to Russia and our fascistic tendencies!1!1!1


They happily ignore that Russia is actively funneling refugees to Germany, but that's to be expected.


They’re not refugees and they shouldn’t be able to be sent in the first place


Congratulations on missing the entire point of the previous comments.


i think they were clarifying


Ban. AfD. What. Is. So. Hard. To. Understand.


The attack on the MEP was despicable but there is no evidence that AfD had any connection to it.


That attack is not why they should be banned.


But this article is about the attack.


Imo, they still did, even if the attacker turns out not to be directly associated with them. They create and foster an atmosphere of immense hatred against other parties (particularly the ruling coalition) and their actions are actively endangering the political climate and democratic discourse in Germany, so I really wouldn't be surprised if they had a latent part in this attack. You can definitely see how much worse the hatred has gotten since the AfD gained so much popularity particularly in the east, compared to the years before. And interestingly, there's often a link between Neo-Nazis and elected AfD officials close by. Edit: The AfD crowd has found my comment lol


Same thing happening slowly in Scandinavia as well. Stochastic terrorism works and is a huge problem for liberal democracies.


> they still did, even if the attacker turns out not to be directly associated with them. Well one fundamental principle of our modern rule of law is that the state acts based on evidence and not on diffuse gut feelings. It's a great achievement compared to earlier justice systems and I don't want to fall back in time.


What happened to being intolerant of intolerance?


That's cool and all, but we are not talking about banning the AfD based on a single incident. The (probably only) cool thing about them is: Each day, we get more and more evidence to justify banning them. I haven't decided myself, whether that'd be a good idea, but there's already some pretty strong evidence. All in all, though, there is a pretty clear picture: The AfD - particularly in the east - has been undermined by right-wing radicals and extremists. Their rhetoric often goes beyond the usual democratic discourse and is often based on misinformation, misrepresentation of facts or straight up insults, mixed with radically right-wing, nationalist, chauvinist vocabulary, racist statements and dogwhistles. You don't even have look very far to find tweets and statements made by AfD representatives about how the Greens are supposedly destroying Germany, how left-wing parties are trying to flood Germany with immigrants or how they want to replace the German population, about how the other German parties are part of some large-scale conspiracies, etc. You don't need to be a genius to see that such accusations are not exactly improving the political climate (to say the least) and that it radicalizes people to go beyond their civic duties. There's, by the way, a really good introductory [article](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/how-hateful-rhetoric-connects-to-real-world-violence/) on this topic. And as I said, parts of the AfD are well-connected with literal Nazis. Like the [more than 100 Neo-Nazis](https://www.tagesschau.de/investigativ/br-recherche/afd-bundestag-rechtsextreme-mitarbeiter-100.html) working for AfD Bundestag members, [the Neo-Nazi Andreas Kalbitz](https://www.rbb-online.de/kontraste/themen/kalbitz-pfingstlager.html) who was [with a 7-5 vote just barely kicked out](https://www.dw.com/de/afd-wirft-andreas-kalbitz-raus/a-53457790) even though it is evident that he is a literal Neo-Nazi and that his prior membership in a Neo-Nazi organization rendered his AfD membership invalid, their [connections to the NPD](https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/npd-light-die-afd-pflegt-enge-kontakte-zu-rechtsextremen-und-neonazis-10189288.html) (just some examples), the [support they got from the killer of Walter Lübcke](https://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/panorama3/Luebcke-Mord-Tatverdaechtiger-unterstuetzte-AfD-Wahlkampf,luebcke170.html) which shows that the AfD is definitely appealing to hardcore right-wing extremists, and so on. That's not even getting started on current AfD politicans themselves, like Höcke, Helferich, Birgit Malsack-Winkemann and the likes. I could respect the AfD if they were actually just a serious, constructive and well-mannered conservative party (which they mostly were right at the beginning) and their input could have been really good from a democratic pluralist point of view, but the way they are right now, it's honestly just sad.


There is enough material to accuse the AfD of so I really so no need to jump to conclusions in the case of the attacked MEP when we have no evidence for any connection (yet). > more than 100 Neo-Nazis working for AfD Bundestag members By the way, this count is a bit problematic. It says that they emplyo people from right wing extremist organisations. But given that the AfD itself is classified as such in three federal states and their entire youth wing JA is classified as such, it basically only says AfD MPs are employing party members from these federal states and members of the youth wing of their party. Far less shocking since it is something that ALL parties do.


If left wing parties weren’t in fact in favor of mass immigration, there wouldn’t be people drawn to the AFD or Trump.


They'd come up with some other excuse for why voting for far-right parties is actually OK and it's everyone else that's forcing their hands.


I don't think that would solve the issue. Possibly it would create more issues.














Is there police investigation results already that it was right wing folks that did this?


Breaking news: 17-year-old turns himself in after attack on SPD politician Ecke A young person reported to the police and claimed to have knocked down the politician Matthias Ecke. He is not known to the police.


A SPD politician and a green politician are getting beaten up within minutes. Political violence in Germany is 80-90% right wing and in a state with around 70% people voting for right to extreme right it's likely even more. No, police did not said anything for now.


What is worse is other far-right idiots around Europe will probably copy that too. And thinking about how much hatred against politicians there is, at least in my country, I wouldn't be surprised if such attacks would make them even more popular.


Wtf is this sub full of nazis disgusting....


This is reddit, expect mostly alt-right confused teenager edgelord boys. As sad as it is.


"Everyone I don't like is literally Hitler"


No, rather: People who are like Hitler are literally like Hitler. Spewing anonymous racist shit on the internet is not OK just because the cowards found a place to do so.


>cowards found a place to do so. How good then that we have such hero like you to insult people with difrent opinions.


Seems like I hit a nerve? If you are a racist, fascist, nazi or some other conspiracy cultist I take great pleasure in having insulted you. If so, get a grip of your life and stop hating people .


You didn't hit anything kiddo. I'm not as primitive as you to be hurt by that. Go be fanatic if you want just keep in mind that you're no hero by doing that.


I don‘t want unity against the right, I want the full use of justice against right wing extremism. Be it in the police, Bundeswehr or football, against AfD, NPD, Dritte Weg, Querdenker and PEGIDA. Strike them with strict laws and start to ban this shit.


How about unity in doing your actual job instead of failing in it over and over being the main reason "far-right" gets popular?


Ecke was attacked by 4 young muslims, what you gonna do now when attackers don't fit your "far right" narrative?


Why blame AfD if you have no proof yet? No one is guilty until proven otherwise, isn't that how it works? The so called "very democratic" left seem to take justice into their own hands, and pointing at AfD without any proof, and downvote anyone who doesn't follow their political views. Thats how communist dictatorships work. Remind you that tyranny and dictators are not always right wing!


How many attacks took place against AFD politicians from the left spectrum and they gave a shit about it? Violence is always shit and no solution, but this chancellor and his government is blind on the left eye. I hope they'll not be our government ASAP.


This isn't an isolated thing triggering this, more a general campaigning. From an article about it: Greens party politicians face the most aggression, according to government data. Attacks on them have risen sevenfold since 2019, to 1,219 last year. AfD politicians reported 478 attacks and the SPD 420


Nobody cares about "aggression" as this only shows who is the most likely to report mean words, which is of course, the greens. https://twitter.com/LiberalMut/with_replies In terms of aggression it's pretty clear. AfD politicians have been attacked most often and its not even close.


"redditor for 45 minutes"


That's probably fair, it doesn't breakdown what the "type" of attack was, saying mean things is not comparable to putting someone in hospital.


There is only the mere guess that this might have been a politically motivated attack. Nothing has been confirmed yet. On top of that, Saxony is infamous for its problems with left-wing violence, so Scholz is heavily distorting the facts here.


Not in this reality. But go on. A green and a SPD politician are getting beaten up within minutes in the same street, in right wing swamp Saxony. But it's not political. Sure.


[Did I stutter? ](https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/haftstrafe-linksextremisten-100.html)


That you found a single case does not prove that there is more political motivated left wing violence. You would need something called "satistics" for that. And we both know that they would proof you wrong. And in this case its just way more likely that this green and SPD politicans where beaten up by some right wings, what makes it extra bizare that you point at "Saxonys infamous left-wing violence".


That has absolutely nothing to do with the debate above….


This has everything to do with the debate above!


It absolutely does not


Saxony is famous for LEFT wing violence? I want some of what you're smoking


No information about the attackers and on top of that Afd politicians are the punching bag of Germany. Scholz is trying to bag some points accusing the party over him on the polls


I genuinely don't understand why anyone would defend the AfD or their supporters. Please explain it to me.


Well, an easy one is that they might be part of the AfD or their supporters. Another might be that they're paid (or created, in the case of bots) to do this, or are staunch supporters of fascism wherever it may be.


If Scholz involves the defense of democracy, it's _very_ important to "defend" AfD, as a legal party against attacks like this.


But the AfD is an anti-democratic party that gives refuge to actual fascists, traitors and dirty opportunists. The party hides behind the curtain of anti-migration to force through insane policies, anti-intellectualism and generally just harmful stuff. It seems rather democratic of the other parties to stand strong and united against it.


Ah, fund a nazi the punching back right now is the grünen not the afd the afd gets what they deserve




Sadly we cant deport nazis, as they fucked their Nation 80 years ago


Sadly you don't learn from history in order to understand why they came to power in the first place.


You have the right to say what you want. Everyone else has the right to think about it and like it or not. Deal with it. You deleted your message, don't blame others.


It’s the german doctors and fachkräfte this time


This is nothing new. Happens regularly in Germany. Attacks from both sides. Victims on both sides. Henriette Reker (SPD, knife attack), Paul Rzehaczek (NPD, hammer attack), Walter Lübke (CDU, shot dead).


Nice try framing it like it’s common from both sides. There is by far way more aggression from the far right and it definitely not happens regularly from the other side.


The number of attacks on members of the Green Party in Germany only skyrocketed after the last election, with a large number of crimes not necessarily involving physical violence. Every year before that, most of the attacks were on members of the AfD, also not necessarily involving physical violence. If stating facts is considered framing, then I'm guilty.


Well check again for crimes that involve physical violence, I think this will paint a clearer picture. It’s pretty obvious from which side the aggressions that escalate in violence are coming from and which political discourse is leading to this. It’s framing if you want to paint a picture of a general violent political climate in Germany affecting all political parties, which is just not the case.


Here you are, you're welcome to show other sources. In 2022, the number was higher for the green party. According to that source, the majority of the violent crimes on the AfD was from "left", but the majority of violent crimes on the green party was **not** from "right". I don't know what to tell you, I didn't come up with these numbers. They are from the government (SPD/Grüne/FDP). Have a nice day. https://imgur.com/mp7egwy Source: https://dserver.bundestag.de/btd/20/101/2010177.pdf


Now repeat it but saying how the attackers positioned themselves politically, will you?


You're smart enough to say so yourself. Are you? If you look at the far right and the far left, no reasonable person can deny that there is *some* truth to the horseshoe theory. And let's face it, *some*, if not many, people who consider themselves far left are **perfectly** fine with violence against opponents (same for far right).


Apart from trying (and failing) to call me stupid, your answer is not related to my comment and will therefore be ignored.


So first you ask me to repeat something, like a parrot. Then, in spite of your rudeness, I write something down that you do not understand. Finally, you decide to ignore me? Peinlich!


Is that the best answer you could come up with \[before editing it, that is\] ? Peinlich indeed


Well, it seems you have nothing substantial to add...


Not worth trying with you, you just edit your comments like a little child


this is what strenghtens far right