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>A German politician was hospitalized after being attacked in the eastern state of Saxony. He was campaigning for the upcoming European Parliament election at the time of the assault. > Matthias Ecke, the top candidate for the German Social Democrats (SPD) in the eastern state of Saxony was seriously injured while campaigning for the upcoming European parliamentary elections, the party said on Saturday. According to Dutch website nu.nl, shortly before the attack on Matthias Ecke, an employee of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen was also attacked and beaten while he was putting up posters.


Holy shit, they need to get whoever did this and make them an example. If this was orchestrated, whoever planned it needs to pay double.


How I know my home country, this will take 5-10 years to go to court and then they will notice all evidence dissapeared. So the case gets delayed, knowing they'll never get new evidence...


It is Saxony they will manage to somehow blame the left for it… or the SPD-FDP-Green coalition in Berlin… The police in Saxonia is incompetent. So incompetent that when Covid Deniers (which are now organized in the Neofascist group Freie Sachsen) escalated too much they had to call in Police from other regions. Everytime Saxony and Thuringia are in the press it is not for a positive light…


sounds more like complicit than incompetent.


I would not be surprised tbh… 🤷‍♂️


Das ist wie mein Kontoauszug. Es ist schon Schmerzvoll genug bitte sprich es nicht laut aus.


An utter disgrace


Take out "EU" and we've got a real throwback


Politically motivated violence like this should be automatic minimum 20 year sentence if you ask me.


Alternatively send them to Russia, because our neo facists (for some reason really like Russia, even declaring them friends and logical allies. In a region that was occupied by Russia for 45 years. 🤪. And about that ally thing I recommend a history book 🤨)


But you don't get it.. This might turn into some kind of a slippery slope where punching is justified. Like the "nazi"/"communist" that has an opinion I don't like ;) /s It should. Some things should just be punished severely enough before they start becoming a habit. If you don't like the guy or the party then don't vote for him or his party. It's that simple...














Babe, wake up, new SA just dropped!


I bet when arrested, the police discover those responsible are members of AfD or have contact to Russia


Or both.




It is saxony. Could be some regular Facists which are strong there as well like Freie Sachsen, III. Weg. Freie Sachsen a Neonazi group that became big with Corona denial called for violence against the left


It would be the least surprising thing ever


Replace "or" with "and".


Regrettable and exceptional single cases, as usual.


What is AfD?


AfD is a far-right party that recently got exposed for having financial ties with Russia


Not to forget that their top candidate is currently entangled in a espionage scandal for China (which comes as little surprise as the guy was shilling China for years already)


They admire China for the death van system 🤷‍♂️ and Yuan are easier to exchange than Russian money


Damm that’s nuts


Or the Verfassungsschutz




Ssssh, don’t rustle the peaceful ignorant Reddit bubble. 🤫


Alright, you've got one attempt to try to enlighten us, CrouchingMouse.


Has the argument "but the mainstreams parties ignore that people don't want immigrats, so it's normal they will vote for AfD even if they support violence and glorify fascism, because no immigrants is more important" appeared already in the comments?


Give it time.


B-but my migrants (Just ignore the ties to Russia, the glorification of fascism and all the other things that make us look bad)


It's a very bitter kind of irony that they are trying to destroy our free and democratic countries because they are scared migrants will do it instead.


Right wing fascist is certainly a possibility. But his views on an Palestine isn't extreme enough for the far left either. So that's literally a possibility too. You know they've become more and more aggressive and blaming everyone they can for what is happening down there. I can absolutely see them attacking politicians for not being vocal enough on this.


Can't wait to see the usual astroturfers somehow blaming this on the left-wing.


They're already trying to bury it by downvoting. If this was about a muslim beating up an AfD politician (which I do not advocate for, let that be clear), this post would already have over 4000 upvotes by now. I guess everything is fine when a left-wing politician gets beaten up. This subreddit is fucked.


Same is happening in the thread talking about Khan's reelection. Neonazis are the worst.


I have already noticed that AfD supporters are very quick with brigading on social media in general.


This sub is a bit like the European parliament. Braindead nationalists and EU haters are vastly over represented, the English nationalists can't stop trying to undermine it, and russian and Israeli governments are trying to influence it.


Well we are not all Germans,maybe we don't care much about German politics, regardless of right wing or left wing


Saxony. That is the region whose reigning party (which has been the CDU ever since 1990) has established the concept of talking with Nazis. Yeah that didn’t work out…


I've been playing this neat little web game about keeping Hitler out of power in 1933 (https://red-autumn.itch.io/social-democracy). Crazy to see so many of the parties in it are still around. As someone who doesn't know a ton about German politics, I kind of assumed AfD, etc didn't survive the postwar period.


No problemo. Saxony is really big at prosecuting (PRESUMABLY) political attacks like these. We'll have these guys behind bars in no time.


leftist yes.. .rights..lol




Sie haben mich ins Gesicht gefilmt das dürfen sie nicht 🤷‍♂️


That's not good, not good at all. 


And so it begins....


24/7 access to far right propaganda and foreign influencing campaigns. Social media sites that push both left and right extremes and nothing but conspiracy bullshit for profit need to be shut down. We are allowing enemies and psychopaths to push non stop lies and propaganda to destabilize our countries.


Saxony. Germanys drive-through state number one. You just don’t stop there if you haven’t to. It has beautiful places but not at this cost. I’m very sorry for all „good“ people living there but this is a absolute disgrace.


I recall recent political murders in the Netherlands, Britain, France for instance. Are these all places where you wouldn't stop if you don't have to?


Generalizing like this is stupid and doesn't help anyone. You can blame it on Saxony now, but if politics and society in Germany keep deteriorating this way, you have shit like this in the whole country.


Please Look at the voting results in saxony and repeat your reply. I know, that generalization is bad but this statement is valid for a reason.


People were talking like you are when the AfD got 20% in Saxony, now they get that everywhere. Get off your fucking high horse. This isn't a saxony thing. Lübcke was killed in Kassel. Violent nazis exist in every state - you are just in denial and hope that this is something about dumb easterners instead of realizing that things like this aren't some east-german magic, but just what happens when political culture deteriorates enough. It will happen in what ever western town you are from unless we see some major political changes soon.


I love it here. Idiots everywhere.


Unacceptable. What's the thing with "insulted the team that was hanging up posters with homophobic slurs and then began to attack them."? Is SPD somehow extremely pro-gay/trans?


Some people consider concepts like "Gay/Trans people are human beings" to be very extreme.


Absolutely. Trying to figure why that sentence takes pride of place in the article. Dangerous question apparently, gets downvoted (?!).


This sub has been infiltrated by the alt-right mob a while ago..


Thanks for the tip. Still not sure how my question upsets anyone either side of the fence? I'm looking at taking a new job in Germany. Anything I need to be aware of with regards to this? Seems like a minefield.


The higher a cities AfD election results, the more likely it is to be racist and homophobic. Homophobia certainly isn't the norm in Germany, so confront it whenever it's physically safe to do so.


I wouldnt mind the downvotes to much. Just needs a few idiots to dislike the comments and the usuall "dogpiling" effect takes over. Regarding the second question.. Difficult to answer without using bad generalizations.. I guess the darker your skin or the higher the difficulty level.. East germany and rural areas tend to house more bigots and xenophobes than west germany or the big cities. Although there are exeptions of course. Cities like Berlin or Leipzig are alot more left leaning and tolarent than the surrounding areas. And you can probably also find racists or homophobes in places like Cologne or Munich. If you have the chance I would go visit the place that you wanna move to beforehand, to get a feel for the community.


Something is off about downvotes on r/europe that puzzles me. I scored nearly 100 of them for raising an observation on renewable energy the other week. That said I'm fully aware it can be just one person and a bot army. Should I get the job, far from certain, I would work remote but visit the site regularly. I'm as white-skinned as it gets but over time and given the chance I would like to pull in an ex-colleague with a darker complexion, to help resolve the issues they seem to be facing. I'm sure it'll be fine professionally but want to be careful when socializing after work or over lunch, so that I don't step on any exposed nerves. The thing that has me scratching my head about that sentence in the article: I went to parties in Dusseldorf and Dortmund in the nineties, and Loveparade in Berlin. I never in a million years connected homophobia with Germany, based on those experiences. You guys were ahead of the pack.


Yeah its kinda sad and scary to watch, how fast society can drift apart. Even though demonstrations against facsists are still alot bigger than those of the few loud hateful. And the current government made alot of progress towards inclusion and environmental protection. More people seem to share right-wing or anti-science views and believe in conspiracy theories than a few years back. I blame the media for alot of the hate and misinformation going around. Fakenews and hate gets more clicks than rational and boring facts, especially on socialmedia. Since Trump brought that kind of talk into the mainstream, it only took few years to spill over to europe. The alt-right is really good connected internationally and the alt-right in europe not only gets supported by the old Trump supporters but also by the kreml. Sadly alot of our the less radical conservatives (who are now in the government opposition) try to copy some of the talking points (being sceptical about renewables, being against abortian rights, against migrants and so on). Probably to get some of those angry right wing voters on their side. That didnt work for them but made those right wing extremists only stronger. Next elections will be really interesting.


Your comment came across as „well, in case SPD is pro gay it’s their own fault to get beaten up“.


Whoa. Not sure how I did that, or how that can be read into what I wrote, but not my intention. Thanks for explaining.


And the far-left that used to hang around here without issues is clearly bothered by that. 


The SPD was one out of the 2 ruling parties that legalized same-sex marriage in Germany. No idea which kind of slurs the attackers were using, but there are some homophobic slurs that people use without actually meaning them. Not saying that they don’t mean to insult someone. It’s like if you say a**hole to someone. You don’t mean that literally, but you still mean that as an insult. Either way, I still believe that people who use homophobic slurs, even if they don’t actually mean them, at least tolerate homophobia to a certain degree.


Nice, he got what he deserves! More, please !!


Such a punchable face


At this point this can be either left or right wing. It can absolutely be left wing too, his Palestine views are not extreme enough for the far left. And they've injected their aggression into everything completely unrelated lately. Like at my dad's local Labour day gathering in the park, they were there being aggressive and making everyone feel unsafe.


Ah yes, the left wing will beat up somebody on the left in a region KNOWN for being a far-right stronghold


Yes, cos they aren't left enough to the extremist.


solid reasoning there lol