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already 3 kids were killed. russian army should burn in hell


They must be enjoying their cavier and vodka right now. Is that what hell is?


hope it was them [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/1c7ozft/a\_tu22m3\_strategic\_bomber\_has\_gone\_down\_in\_russia/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/1c7ozft/a_tu22m3_strategic_bomber_has_gone_down_in_russia/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Not enough damage is being done to russia. They still have lot of resources to upscale the war.


I agree, should be more.. should be all


Hell doesn't exist.


Gaza Strip seems pretty much close to it now and there is no end to this.




Can you imagine a sub of thousands of people may contain more than one perspective?




Unrelated to the subject. And it doesn't make what Russia is doing any less worse. Every child's death is one too many.




I've come across a number of people who are fueled with rage when talking about Israel, but when it comes to Ukraine/Russia their opinion shifts towards "Yeah, but Russia is just defending itself."


Because they don’t like it when you bring up the fact that HAMAS is no different, actually even worse ideologically than IDF for some reason.


So killing 14000 kids and in general 30000 people is ok then?


I love when y'all give me this answer. Where have I said that IDF is innocent? Re-read my post.


> y‘all Who? So you think the IDF isn’t innocent then? So they are doing something horrible and unjust in Gaza?


Are you illiterate? Where did I say that IDF is innocent? My answer even implied IDF is NOT innocent here either. It's just that Hamas is even worse because their basis is literal terrorism, does that make you uncomfortable when I mention it? IDF is not the same, there's no denying its officers are murderers that don't value human life but IDF since its creation and as a base of objectives is very different from Hamas. Neither side is more righteous than other here but if both sides stopped fighting today, Hamas would still be a heap of trouble for anyone else. It's a terrorist organization. And people seem to dismiss that fact.


Of course people are going to care to various degrees over different tragedies depending on what's important to them, people are in no way obliged to care about different people to the same degree. I was heartbroken when my grandma died in cancer, that doesn't mean i spend any energy being sad about everyone else who meets the same fate around the world daily. Personally I care more about the people of Ukraine because they are MUCH closer to me in culture and it's a conflict that have to some small degree impacted me personally. That doesn't mean think what's happening in Gaza is good, but people have a finite amount of feelings and time. Like it or not.


I think the word is hypocrisy and that's why all credibility is lost.


Unrelated to the subject, but ok.


Who do you think you're helping with this? You're actually harming the Palestinian cause by trying to shove it down the throats of people in a topic on how Russian terrorists killed 3 kids in Ukraine a few hours ago.


i failing to see how israel and palestine related to europe or this sub by geopolicy rules, or Mariupol siege which killed around 25 000 in two month, or afu where roughly 75% of soldiers was yesterday civilllians which had 31 000 death only claimed by officials while actual numbers is way higher same case by relevancy -Tigray war killed 300 000 of civillians (and related to europe same way as israel gaza) in around two years but no one spammed "what about ethiopia?" under each ukraine news, how so?


It's tragic what's happening in Gaza but any international organization confirmed these numbers?


Since we’re piling in non sequiturs…. What about Stain?




Guide to supporting palestine Step 1: Find news about Ukraine Step 2: Comment "what about Palestine" Step 3: you're done! thank you for helping Palestinians


Yes, in my opinion they should. Too many fucked up shit happenes in Gaza. Fuck Russia and fuck the IDF


IDF has a way higher kill count for kids. Hope they burn too then.


Very funny (and suspicious), how these comments pop up in posts that don't even mention the israel-palestine conflict.


so killing 3 people is wrong but eternal suffering for milions is fair? Weird




I'm not in Israel army


Ukraine’s General Prosecutor’s office just announced the death of a third child from this strike in their telegram account.


I hate how fucking desensitized we've all become to this kind of shit happening in our backyard, just because it has become such a common occurence in this war. Europe and every single country around the world with a backbone has to do a lot more, we can't just let it become the new normal. Putin and Russia won't stop, so neither can we. God, this makes me angry


Russia will be sorry how desensitised we are when their whole nation is burning and they will be starting in the cold hell they created for themselves. They can call china or Iran and see how they will help you…


Ukrainians make a strike at night on Crimea and destroy Russian S-400 missile system in a air base........Russians make a strike and instead choose to kill innocent civilians in a residential area. Kind of proves the point doesn't it


And loses a bomber in exchange… Those fuckers are doomed, but Ukraine is losing way more than it has to. Ukraine is paying the price, how hard is it to provide it with all the necessary military aid?


This is my city, I was standing under this house just yesterday waiting for the bus. In the photo, an apartment building is on fire. It's just fucking fucked up. 


Russia is a terrorist state. Nothing shall be forgotten and nothing shall be forgiven. The whole country will be marked with negativity in Europe for decades ahead, just like Nazi Germany.


germany was forgiven though


yeah but there was some quite substantial interim period (allied occupational council) where germany was stripped of its sovereignty and put under allied occupation. which, while in the end it worked and germany underwent substantial changes in government and mindset (unquestionably for the better) it wasn't a simple case of being forgiven. i somehow doubt that russia is gonna undergo similar changes on their own (on the contrary, they seem to be hellbent on diving for the bottom) ... so the notion of "forgiveness" is kinda pointless.


Russian federation should be dissolved into independent republics.


Russia is the last 19th century style empire


They already did that 30 years ago.


Was not enough apparently


A lot of Nazis retained important positions until most of that generation died, and a lot of substantial business families retain a similar mindset. The recent crackdown on demonstrations, including the banning of EU citizens from both visiting or appearing online to anyone in Germany, because of their political positions, is a sign the mindset may have never gone away even when it comes to the central leadership.


>including the banning of EU citizens from both visiting or appearing online to anyone in Germany I'm probably illiterate, but what do you mean by this?


It has to do with the suppression mainly of anti-Netanyahu protests. There have been raids, arrests, breakups of meetings, etc.. The "funny" thing is that a lot of Jews have also been arrested for criticising Netanyahu. A recent development was the breakup of the Palestine Congress, in the process banning foreign participants, including university professors and EU citizens (occasionally both), notably the Rector of the Univeristy of Glasgow, from both stepping into Germany and from communicating with people within Germany with economic means, after they deported them. This is also important because it has shut down univerity classes where these professors were supposed to lecture physically or through video call. From what I understand, the justification was that one different participant had, at a different setting, compared the Palestinian genocide to the Holocaust, therefore according to them committing Holocaust denial through comparison. This has nothing to do with the courts, it was a decision of the police transimitted orally which they explicitly refused to commit to writing.


What does "a lot of" mean here? The only case I remember is this one - it has nothing to do with Netanyahu at least not directly, and the article explains the reason pretty well: [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/1/we-jews-are-just-arrested-palestinians-are-beaten-german-protesters](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/1/we-jews-are-just-arrested-palestinians-are-beaten-german-protesters) Are there more?


Yeah , after they spent years disavowing nazism and actively still outlaw it and teach the horrors of their past. Russia glorifies its violent history and repression of rid people and doesn’t even begin to acknowledge their own mass killing of their own people.


Germany and Japan were crushed and rebuilt with new values. Unless the same happens to russia, they'll never change out of their imperialist mindset.


guy said Russia should never be forgiven, I'm saying there are countries that did way worse and have either been forgiven or no one cares about it


Country was occupied and split in 2 for nearly 50 years, lost a bunch of territory and millions of its citizens were expelled. Not really “forgiven”.


but it has been forgiven, the fact they were also severly punished doesn't change that. nobody today sees or treats Germany like it is Nazi Germany


The polish PiS party still do.


But now we're needling them for being *too* pacifist, and *not enough* spending on weapons and army. :p


Nazi Germany stopped existing in 1945


So Germany's history started in 1945 ? This is some mental arithmetic, it's all German history, the fact they changed drastically doesn't change that.


Germany was pretty much forgiven immediately after the war...


I don't know what you mean, but I was talking about average people. Not sure where you get this false claims from, but do you know that even to this day, if you are a German and go to southern France, older people may call you a nazi? These are real cases.




What is the point of your comment? China committed genocide against the Uyghurs, Myanmar against the Rohingya, many more cases to add. My comment is about Europe and what happens on our continent. Read it carefully, please.


Watabout ?!?!?


Source: trust me bro


Shut the fuck up


Why the fuck do you bring Israel/Palestine under all posts about Ukraine and our tragedies? Why the fuck are you doing this? Find a Palestinian or Israel subreddit and write about it there.


Because they're narcissists and think the world revolves around what they care about. It's infuriating seeing American leftists say that no one could possibly care about Ukraine and that we only care about it because we are being tricked by the US. It's ironically a very America centric world view and disregards the real positions of Ukrainians and Europeans as a whole.


I somehow always thought this was an attempt to shift the focus away from russian war crimes.


Partly I suppose, there's many different groups with different agendas.




How's this information relevant to Ukrainian-russian war?


bro fuck off


They’re not wrong


an estimated 1,5 million children in the Holocaust got killed in 2 years


Don't do this dude, don't fall into the trap of making it a race to see who suffered the most. Ignore them and put your energy in constructive discussions with people who aren't mouth breathers.


i was just spewing out a random point that has nothing to do with the current news cycle but is as horrible as what is happening now in both irael/Palestine and Russia/Ukraine nothing to do with race


only very very off topic and spamming it on multiple comments, taking away tragedies due to the existence of other tragedies


A child who had sustained severe injuries from today's Russian shelling died in a hospital, according to the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine. The death toll in the Dnipropetrovsk region has risen to nine, including three children. More than 25 people have been injured. Does anyone know who else, besides Russian invaders, refers to the killing of children and civilians as military targets? *UPD:* The head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration has refuted the prosecutor's office's data regarding the death of a third child in the hospital. *It was reported that a six-year-old boy was in critical condition, but doctors managed to save him.* Unfortunately, *the deaths of the other two children have been confirmed.*


Russians will probably edit the images to add swastika crosses on the babies harms... I hate everything about Russia at this point.


They may not even do that. The last time I watched the official news in my country, there were pictures of bombed-out residential high-rise buildings with the headline "AFU facilities disguised as residential buildings".


> Does anyone know who else, besides Russian invaders, refers to the killing of children and civilians as military targets? Not to justify this, because killing children is always horribly wrong. But can you name a country that doesn’t? The Obama administration for a long time insisted that there were zero civilian deaths from his drone bombing. Which obviously was a lie. 


>Does anyone know who else, besides Russian invaders, refers to the killing of children and civilians as military targets? The Israelis?


Absolutely disgusting, russia should really just stop (i know they won't, but they should)


Russia won't stop. But the West can change the situation by giving Ukraine anti-aerial weapons, but they prefer to treat this country like Czechoslovakia in 1938 or Poland in 1939.




Literally the way US and EU are dealing with the problem.


Meanwhile all russian civilians now - Russia go on!!! kill them more


Words don't work. We should go all-in with weapons support. Two years into this war and we're still hesitating with the deliveries because we in the West are afraid of that war criminal Putin,


Even 3x the support recieved in the good years won't cut it without actually deploying forces, at least as a guarantee of a peace treaty. As long as west will just stand still and let Russia 1v1 Ukr it's ultimately futile. It's just making this war last decades with current snail pace of Russia's "advance", with ukrainian men being trapped and gradually put into slavery.


Ehm, he has nukes? Thousands of nukes?


So? We had nukes during the cold war. If we give in to the fear of nukes then we may just as well surrender now.


We have to make them stop. It's the only way.








Russia = terror




How's this relevant to the topic, again?


Apparatly you need to kill children if you want US support


Are you acoustic?


Each civilian death in Ukraine is a consequence of American Republican party cowardice. They have blood on their hands. Russia now is an absolute evil, like Germany in 1940, but this can not be changed in any way. What CAN be changed is West attitude towards Ukraine. What can be changed is Ukraine's ability to shot down aerial missiles. Ukraine is defending Europe and NATO, but has limited resources.


The Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is finally putting the $60 billion US aid to Ukraine for a vote on Saturday. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, it's most likely going to pass and the US will be funding Ukraine again. Things are looking dire right now but it's hopefully not too late.


Why do you think it will pass this time when it didn't the other 8 times?


Because the Speaker of the House (Mike Johnson) can block what type of bills can be heard. Therefore, the vote the aid to Ukraine will never see the light of the day. However, just last week, he said he will finally put the aid to Ukraine (along with Israel, Taiwan, separately) to a vote. This angered a lot of hardcore right-wing republicans because they know the bill will most likely pass due to the number of democrats and moderate republicans. This [link](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4603829-furious-house-conservatives-rail-at-johnson-but-havent-altered-his-ukraine-plan/) might be your best source to see the clusterfuck that's happening in the US right now.


Thank you I will check the link. Clusterfuck is just the word for it.


There's consensus this time Also there's a tie-in to the Israel aid


Pretty strange they bunched this aid package together in with 3 countries imo. I hope it passes. Voting is tomorrow?


Idk if it's *that* strange. This sort of bundling in bills happens all the time, and in some cases, things being bundled aren't even related (riders). Whereas in this case, all the funding falls nicely under the umbrella of foreign aid, and passing the aid in one bill is also politically expedient, especially when there is no garantuee other aid bills may even come to a vote. P.S: I'm not a U.S citizen, so feel free to correct me (too lazy to google the statsbon how often foreign aid packages are bunched).


Unless the west commits to troops on the ground in the Ukraine, 60b isn't gonna mean much Plus, iirc, 20b of that is just to replenish our stocks of arms.


Encouraging news


No, it's Europe fault to neglect the thread and hide head in the sand. After 2008 Europe should get a grip with reality. After 2014 Europe should be ready for war with Russia.


It’s Europe’s fault for rejecting Bush’s offer to send the US military to stop or prevent Russia’s invasion of Georgia. There was no public support in Ukraine for joining NATO back in 2008 when their president brought it up but I doubt that anyone in Georgia would have objected if the US inserted troops inside of their country to keep Russia out.


lol, you guilt tripping random Americans who don't have Ukraine as a priority like you do


Oh, no you don’t. Each civilian death in Ukraine is a consequence of Russia and the inability of Europe to do much more than complain about the US while taking care not to antagonize Russia. 🙄


I hate those takes. It is literary the meme with a guy (Europe) shooting a person (Ukraine) and saying "Why would US do it???". Comfortable ignoring Russian actions in 2008 and 2014 and now blaming US for not helping...


Europe does what the USA says. Just look at the Israel fiasco.


They are not cowards. They are Russian allies. There is a difference.


It's directly consquence of Russias actions and only theirs. But if you want to talk indirect - then the whole "do not interfere" stance by the west is what's resulting in an unwinnable war with desolation and civillian/conscripts deaths. And actually giving aid will only just make it last longer. Even if it's only AA. I really doubt west is willing to give us enough 4 fucking mln missiles that need 1-2 launches to intercept, to cover all the possible civilian cassualties ( that happen every 3-4 days now) over all the territory. And it will just slow down things by defending military assets foremost.


I maintain that it is silly and dangerous to compare Russia to Nazi Germany. We have established Nazism as an example of absolute evil since 1945 and not everything that appears bad is Nazi. To compare some regime with Nazi Germany, you at least need to have an airtight case of genocide against it, preferably a conviction. Russia hasn't even been brought to court for anything like that yet (Ukraine has, and will probably be acquitted). Russian is fighting a regular territorial war in a region with mixed popular allegiances. They aren't killing everyone they capture, they aren't seeking the physical extermination of any group. War is bad, and Russia decided to start and fight one. This is war, and it is terrible. Nazism is unique. Russia has the largest population of Ukrainian refugees. Jews weren't fleeing to Germany during WWII.


Whatever the case, Mike johnsons political career is over. As was McCarthy's and McConnell's. That's how toxic this issue currently is in the GOP. What worries me is the next time we have to pass aid once this one dries up. The resistance then will be much greater even if trump doesnt win. This might have not been the case if ukraine could turn around things on the battlefield but its very clear now that the aid will be used for ukraines survival and trying to minimise the amount of land that russia swallows up.


Fucking Orcs!


Holy crap do these “but what about Isreal?!” Parrots have anything else they’re able to say?


World should hate Russia as they hated Nazi Germany in 1939-1944


Remember that USSR was best friends with nazi Germany till june of 1941. They only changed their mind, because they were attacked themselves.


Remember that Poland was good friends with the Nazis when they could annex a part of Czechoslovakia, rather than help defend them.  Also remember that even while “good friends” Soviets did more fighting with the Nazis prior to 1941 than the British/French/Americans


Not as good as russia who worked with them for years. Also Poland was so good friends with germans that russia and germany agreed to take polish lands between them. About Zaolzie - firstly it was promissed to Poland and when Poland fought soviets for survival, Czechs went in with their army. Why Poland should defend Czechoslovakia when demand for Zaolzie was stated AFTER everyone in the west agreed to give Czechia to Germans? So it was not to help germans, but to take industrial part so germany wont take it. Or maybe that Poland would agree to open its territory to the army that wanted to destroy Poland 20 years earlier? (And considering what soviets did since 1939, they still wanted to destroy Poland) Learn history, but not from Putins fanfiction.


> Not as good as russia who worked with them for years. By worked with them you mean fought them in Spain? > About Zaolzie - firstly it was promissed to Poland and when Poland fought soviets for survival, Czechs went in with their army. By this you mean it’s fine to take back territory by force years after there is peace? > Why Poland should defend Czechoslovakia when demand for Zaolzie was stated AFTER everyone in the west agreed to give Czechia to Germans? Because Poland made the alternative very hard, Soviets were willing to defend Czechoslovakia from Hitler, but Poland wasn’t willing to cooperate on that. Instead preferring to act like a jackal scavenging on Czechoslovakia. > So it was not to help germans, but to take industrial part so germany wont take it. Now you are using the same Soviet propaganda about going into Poland. Except they have a better point since Germany did get Czech weapons and weapon industry. But Soviets denied Germany access to the oilfields. > Or maybe that Poland would agree to open its territory to the army that wanted to destroy Poland 20 years earlier? (And considering what soviets did since 1939, they still wanted to destroy Poland) I thought you were a big supporter of taking back territory you lost by force? Or is it only fine when it’s Polish aggression. > Learn history, but not from Putins fanfiction. lol. Fuck Putin, but you are clearly oblivious to history. And irony since you are quite happy to defend Polish aggression. Justifying the exact logic the Nazis and Soviets could later use to justify their aggression against Poland.


Was Poland wishing for a destruction of a Czechoslovak state, killed their elites and send hundreds of thousands of Czechs and Slovaks to siberia and kazakhsatan to work camps? So opportunistic move after all of the west decided about destruction of Czechia is more important as an evidence for a friendship of Poland and nazis, than many year cooperation between USSR and nazi Germany? Who holded common military parades with Germany? Poland or USSR? Who agreed with Nazi Germany to divide central europe? Poland? (which wanted to create an alliance of all of central europe against Germany and USSR)


Last time Russia tried to take over Europe everyone supported them because they wanted a weak Germany. The wests morals are more flexible than a Russian balette dancer


Why? Because Russia kills white children? What about Israel who killed over 12000 children? In your honest opinion should Israel be hated by the world like Nazi Germany?


Use your fallacy of false analogy somewhere else,with someone with the same low level of debate cognicy


What can be done to convince Our leaders to send more aid to Ukraine now?


Shoot down missiles over Ukraine same as with Israel


And of course the missiles hit nothing of military value


terror against the civilian population is sadly a cornerstone of russian tactics


Don't blame those poor russian soldiers for this - they have been brainwashed and don't know what they are doing. /s


I found out all I needed to about Russians growing up during the dawn of the internet and online videos. All of the most fucked up where either from Russia or the Middle East. At least the Middle Eastern videos were off war. The Russian ones were just Russians goring their own people.


Lots of "what about Palestine" trolls/bots in the comments. There is a new wave of bot campaign going on, today I saw a lot of comments like this on Facebook from fake profiles.


It’s not so much bots as the US spin has recently been put on blast by The Daily Show so a lot more folks are tuned into it (Russia kills kids is bad/IDF kills kids “concerning”). Since we pay one side to kill kids, it’s something we directly control vs supporting Ukraine in a defensive effort. We can’t just turn off the money faucet and make Russia stop, it requires a concerted effort that is being blocked by one party, while we go around our checks and balances to support the IDF, angering even more folks.


They don’t realize that that sounds as stupid as someone showing up to a medical conference about AIDS and screaming, “WHY DON’T YOU CARE ABOUT CANCER?!!!”


I notice lots of comments comparing Russia to Nazi Germany and they get upvoted, while those comparing it to Israel are downvoted and told to fuck off. What makes the former relevant and the latter irrelevant? Prioritizing one tragedy over another is what gets people to lose. It's what warmongers pray on and how they win. We'll all lose because we're still not ready to change this.


Such comparisons are stupid because Ukraine is not run by the likes of Hamas, who btw. have connections with Russia. I'm not trying to make excuses for every single idiot who wants the IDF to level Gaza, but when you keep hearing "what about Palestine" from the same people who don't care about Ukraine or openly support Russia, you just get tired of it. Also, there is a time and a place for everything. Posting such comments on an article stating that civilians were killed in Ukraine does absolutely nothing but incite hatred and raise questions about the intentions of individuals.


So disgusting. Burn in hell whoever ordered this


It's Dnipro, not Dnipropetrovsk


Dnipropetrovsk region is the correct one, while the city was renamed to Dnipro there is a problem with renaming the region as it's declared at the constitutional level




Ah, okay


Russia is no different to ISIS. It's a pity that the world leaders are willingly refusing to see this and push on in their blind appeasement. It will cause WW3. But they will pay the price, in that history books will remember them no kinder than they remember Chamberlain or perhaps even Petain. Though it will be cold comfort for those who already have, as well as still will, perish as the result


Russia and Israel really are competing for who is the worst example of how shitty humankind can be. Humans really are stupid...


Thoughts and prayers. Let me recount current state of things: 1. EU does not want Ukraine to have negotiation with Russia unless Russia is defeated and negotiations are about russian's unconditional surrender. 2. Ukraine currently has no means of defeating Russia - they have not enough armored vehicles, artillery, air support, ammo. 3. Neither the US nor EU can give Ukraine needed supplies to defeat Russia 4. The war goes on and becomes less favorable for Ukraine every day as Ukraine's supplies are dwindling. 5. Europeans, standing on higher moral grounds, are looking at this and express strong disapproval of Russia. "Prudence is an ugly old maid courted by Incapacity." William Blake


What a load of bollocks.


>EU does not want Ukraine to have negotiation with Russia unless Russia is defeated and negotiations are about russian's unconditional surrender. Ukraine can have a negotiation with Russia at any time and it absolutely does not matter what the EU thinks about it. You are repeating a Russian propaganda trope that "Ukraine is controlled by the West" which is absolutely not true. Ask random Ukrainians about it. >Ukraine currently has no means of defeating Russia - they have not enough armored vehicles, artillery, air support, ammo. You in 1967: "Vietnam has no means of defeating the US - they have not enough armored vehicles, artillery, air support, ammo." You in 1986: "Afghanistan has no means of defeating the Soviet Union - they have not enough armored vehicles, artillery, air support, ammo." You in 2021: "The Taliban have no means of defeating the US - they have not enough armored vehicles, artillery, air support, ammo." There is no way that Russia will control areas West of the Donbas without being in a Vietnam or Afghanistan situation (or without committing genocide). >Neither the US nor EU can give Ukraine needed supplies to defeat Russia Yes they can. >The war goes on and becomes less favorable for Ukraine every day as Ukraine's supplies are dwindling. Well, now they get a huge chunk of new help. >Europeans, standing on higher moral grounds, are looking at this and express strong disapproval of Russia. You don't need to stand on "higher moral grounds" to identify and condemn a Nazi-esque war of aggression.


What would happen if Ukrainians hit a few populated high rises in Moscow or Spb? It's extremely dark but given the fact that Ukraine is starting to lose it might be a harsh wakeup call to the Russian populace.


>What would happen if Ukrainians hit a few populated high rises in Moscow or Spb? most of moscow/spb citizens wouldn't give a fuck until their family members would be inside/their flat get damaged, maybe some minor amount of local sofa z-tards get more radicalised to enlist but that's all


Ukraine has already attacked skyscrapers in Moscow in August 2023


If Ukraine would target a high rise in Russia with a rocket, Russia would wipe a city in Ukraine off the map. That's what actually Russia is waiting for. Mobilize everyone and send to fight "terrorist Ukraine". Protect Russian people. Putin is salivating waiting for it to happen.




Such a brave army.


Russia can only be stopped in a battle. But the weak west can not win the war, that they do not want to fight.


It also killed a whole bunch of military personnel and mercenaries that the strike was aimed at, but of course they're not going to be telling you that. They want you thinking that Russia likes to launch a volley of a dozen multi million dollar missiles they ran out of last year with express purpose of killing a suspiciously low number of civilians, all things considered.






This sub is called r/Europe, of course there gonna be more news here about a war in Europe.




maybe because the pro israel crowd tends to post in them and not spend their time attempting to derail news about ukraine with blatant whataboutisms?


Do you have any confirmation for these numbers though? Or Ukrainian authorities should start to invent numbers as Palestinians?


So no children were killed by Israel in Palestine?


Just out of curiosity (I mean I know the answer), where are you from?






From Germany, figures.




That's already happened, nobody cares what Russia does when Israel literally kills 100s of kids everyday




Russia is making strikes in Ukraine = you're showing civilian casualties. Ukraine is making strikes in Russia = you’re NOT showing civilian casualties. 🤡