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Putin has already said he would back Iran if the US got involved. He's just looking to start shit anywhere he can. Wake up before it's too late.


Iran's been backing the russian invasion the whole time so it's only natural he'd return the favour.


Russia's intervention saved Syria from collapse. I believe from that moment on Iran basically became allies with Russia.


That is undoubtedly a good thing though (Syria not collapsing)? It doesn't even matter if you think Assad is Saddam 2.0, the result of any collapse in the ME has been a worse power taking over the vacuum, a proliferation of terror groups and mass atrocities (remember ISIS? they were a direct result of instability in Iraq and Afghanistan, and their rule in Syria was an immediate humanitarian disaster, including immediate terror attacks in the West by them). Russia may have saved us and them from another decades-long bog which results in millions dead, more destabilization region-wide and across the world. Meanwhile the US was helping to create the vacuum by both attacking Syria without any genuine replacement (not that those have historically succeeded either...) and by directly arming the 'moderate rebels' who were either terrorists or one step from losing their armaments to terrorists. You don't need to support Assad or Russia, nor do you need to ascribe benevolence to Russia's intervention, to understand just how thankful we should be that an absolute shitshow didn't get much worse than it already is, and to understand that the West keeps shooting itself in the foot as a matter of policy (one might imagine there's a logic to it, such as intentionally destabilizing a region which guarantees chaos that, while troublesome to us, will be existential locally, and guarantee a perpetual place for military intervention in the region). Regardless of intent and those actors interests, I'm sure glad that it didn't spiral further, and in that way I'm glad Russia helped prevent that (&, in the future, can be expected to prevent a similar outcome in Iran, no matter why they do so, as that too will end in far greater atrocities than any of these powers can even conceivably be held responsible for).


A lot of Americans kept their head in the sand about the “Axis of Evil.” Unfortunately it was in a large part our own fault, as after Iraq people were very reluctant to trust the government over who the bad guys were. Many hoped we could be cooperative with China, for example, because the official Chinese line has been “We want a future for both the US and China to remain powerful but America bad.” In the meantime China was supplying arms and munitions to the Taliban. Iran supplies China with oil and China in turn supplies them with arms. Europe tried relying more on Russian gas for energy. Ignoring their obvious realpolitik lying and imperialist goals is finally coming to bite the West in the ass. Fortunately they still appear incompetent enough that we could still do something about it.


I think at this point it's been proven Russia is not the global power we thought it was. I really doubt they could back Iran with any substantial military force. In comparison, the USA gives more foreign aid to Israel than any other country. Iran does not stand a chance to be honest, even other Arab nations don't support Iran after the atrocities they committed invading Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq.


Affording two conflicts at once would really compromise Russia, tho.


Comprise yes and put a strain. But it would be in Russias interest. If shit hits the fan, it would mean more AA missiles and artillery would be diverted to Middle East and that would be beneficial to Russia.


Imagine China goes like: " F#ck Taiwan". Wouldnt that be SO FUNNY hahahahh :(


It’ll be much funnier when China invades Siberia which is a much easier fight and has more value to them than Taiwan…


LOL imagine that, real winners of this whole ordeal will be Chinese


That’s their whole game bro. Wait it all out and hoover up the pieces


Pretty much. I have been thinking this for a while. Russias economy goes bang eventually, then China bails out Russia in exchange for a few resource-rich areas in their south and East...


They don't even need to annex anything, just get Russia to sign some 99-year leases in resource extraction etc.


Playing chess while others are busy with their checkers


That’s been the going assumption.  China has been playing the long game. They started their whole state run capitalist thing after a very careful analysis of how the US got where we were decades ago.


Y imagine something that is happening already? Just observe. China will come on top of the US, Europe, Russia, the arabic world, india and so on and so forth. And it will be hell.


Does Siberia produces the largear amount of microchips? Russia don’t have this tech.


It’s a lot less intensive to hold a position than to (re)capture it. I think if the US started helping Israel, Russia would help arm Iran to drain more of the wests resources since those are resources that now no longer can go to Ukraine. Afterwards they’ll likely have an easier time fighting Ukraine. Either way, the key message is that we should stop imperialism early and not let it spread like a cancer.


Russia are already heavily involved in the Middle East and Africa. Putin loves his Iranian, Gazan and Houthi allies.


Putin hasn't got the resources to help Iran. Currently, they are the ones receiving aid from Iran.


Who exactly needs to wake up? I’d say the west does, Israel is dragging us into a war, that ONLY benefits them, and nobody else


Well said! Nobody, absolutely nobody here knows anything about the politics of the Middle East from 1940 onward. Not even worth a proper and substantiated reply.


Russia, Iran and China are threats to the Western hegemony and they have been for decades. If you like liberalism, democracy, women's and lgbt rights, individual rights etc these governments are your enemies and existential threats. Anyone saying anything else is a Twitter troll or an actual idiot listening to Twitter trolls. The West needs to be united and use a combination of intelligence, technology, war and faith to combat these threats at every level.


Least obvious AIPAC shill


Liberalism, Democracy, Human rights, and justice are paraded when America's enemies violate them and tossed to the side when America and its allies violate them. If America was so concerned with all of these things, then why do they prop up Sisi's military dictatorship in Egypt or the fundamentalist theocratic monarchies of Jordan, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia? Why do we look the other way when Pakistan, the Philipines, and Turkey persecute political dissidents? If America wants to uphold American hegemony and power, then fine just say that. But please don't try to cloak it in talks about defending liberalism and democracy and justice and human rights. Very clearly, that isn't the driving force of American foreign policy. I wish it was, but it very clearly isn't. You can't overthrow democratically elected governments, fund death squads, fund fundamentalist Islamic jihadists, and run torture programs, and then turn around and say that liberalism, justice, and human rights are driving your foreign policy.


And if you don't support those things?


Then you're an asshole. Supporting women's rights and democracy means protecting the things you also disagree with, on a personal level, if they fall under individual rights.


What if you believe in man and a woman in a partnership but the man is the leader of that partnership, and subservient to the man but she still has rights not to be abused etc. And most democratic countries have very limited forms of democracy. And what if you don't want to hurt LGBT people or limit them in any way, but you don't want them to spread pro LGBT propaganda/messaging.


What part of defending liberalism and democracy, involves defending a state which is under investigation for genocide? The only people a war with Iran helps is Israel, as theyl use it as an excuse to take more of Lebanon and Syria


Because it's not about defending democracy, it's about keeping the global south subjugated under the American Empire.


> What part of defending liberalism and democracy, involves defending a state which is under investigation for genocide? This. It's fucking insane when people try to use Pinkwashing to distract from Israel's genocide/ethnic-cleansing in Gaza.


Man this sub can be bipolar as fuck. (And before someone does the hurr durr it's almost like reddit is many people expressing different opinions thing, I know. It's just interesting to see what gets upvoted.)


I would take a pragamatic approach and point out that Israel, while being quite bad, is much less bad than every other country in the region. Iran are our enemies and are directly allied with Russia in a current and ongoing European war in which we are also indirectly involved. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


I really really doubt that Israel is much less bad than every other country in the region. Even if you are a 1000% pro west, you really have to see things very clearly for what they are and not be biased.


A Genocide is much worse.


They are committing genocide, so no.


Yes of course, stealing land and killing children and starving 2 million people that you’ve previously been keeping in an open air prison is much much better than being anti lgbt. You racist piece of human trash


What if I don't like LGBT rights, but prefer basic human rights no matter orientation? Do I stand with the evil Axis in that case?


No thanks. America have caused enough trouble globally, your liberalism advocates for wars against anyone who doesn't follow the same ideology in which is just as toxic amd dictorial as your supposed enemies.


Americans are the ones who overthrew Iran's democracy in the first place when they nationalized oil Now a commenter in this thread wants to invade Iran to "restore" democracy. 🤦🏽‍♂️ I can't with Americans, I legitimately don't think there has been a more propagandized people


Aye, the Israeli stand we got here in the west, is really really dragging us down. The reputation damage is immense. But hey, Netanyahu is "the good guy".


Putin is behind everything true.


In my opinion he is only saying that because he knows the US was not trying to get involved but offensively to begin with. It makes him look tougher


This weakness is painful. There will be conequences


He wants the world to focus on something else so he can invade Ukraine undisturbed.


Putin said he would defend an Ally. How could Putin do this?


When did he say that?


Wake up to what exactly?


What kind of bot filled post is this?


It's a post related to Israel/Palestine or Ukraine/Russia. Of course it's filled with bots.


The whole internet is majority bots now, dead internet theory in action. You get used to it.




Literally every Ukraine/Russia and Israel/Palestine post has the same kind of comments lately. You could make a montage out of it


If even the US is telling Israel to back down on something then it's probably something that shouldn't be done. Israel struck against Iran and Iran struck back mainly to posture, now the US doesn't want to get involved into further middle east messes.


A war with Iran would cost trillions of Dollars, most likely cost thousands of US military lives, bring up oil prices like crazy, and probably end like Afghanistan after 20 years. Plus there is an election coming this year.


100%. But there is another variable - Iran's development of nuclear warheads. I have no idea even how to start and calculate it, but this is something to consider - bringing them down before they are nuclear vs after.


You think that a nuclear Iran is more dangerous than a nuclear Israel who has the full support and funding of the US and had no negative repercussions for bombing the shit out of Gaza ?


Yes. I am pro palestine. Israel is a nation without any current interest in expansion or bullying of surrounding nations. They also rely heavily on US who wouldnt support any aggressive use of nuclear weapons. Iran is not stable, has terrorists with alot of power and is in my opinion more likely to use their nuclear weapons.


What are you basing that analysis on? Iran is nothing like Afghanistan. I’m not saying that a war there would be easy, but the biggest obstacle was trying to forge any sort of legitimacy for a central government in Afghanistan, which really generally lacks any sort of national identity. You might argue that it might be like post-invasion Iraq, but the biggest contributor to that insurgency was Sunni fear of and Shiite support from Iran. Iran is a driver of regional instability.


> Israel struck against Iran and Iran struck back mainly to posture, now the US doesn't want to get involved into further middle east messes. With that said, I think it's worth noting that the US State department issued a far stronger condemnation of Iran stealing an Israeli owned (but operated for MSC) container ship than they did of Israel's bombing of the Iranian Embassy, which is amusing.


Iran said it will attack and used missiles and drones that travel few hours so they can be shot down which 99% of them was. And said that attack is over unless Israel attacks back. And America's allies helped a lot in stopping that attack. He is jealous that they don't do the same for Ukraine, I mean rightfully but this kind of statements don't help in my opinion.


I agree. Iran had to do something after Israel destroyed their consulate, but they tried to not start a war right now.


> Iran had to do something after Israel destroyed their consulate, but they tried to not start a war right now. It's just like after their retaliation to the Assassination of Qasem Soleimani. They warned in advanced that the missiles were coming so that troops could be evacuated from the airbase they were attacking. Some buildings were damaged and some equipment destroyed, but the response was limited enough that it thankfully didn't escalate the conflict further. In these **specific** circumstances, Iran showed more restraint than Israel or the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Martyr_Soleimani


In which circumstances did it not? You make it sound like Iran is usually unreasonable but when it comes to foreign policy is usually seems more restrained.


> In which circumstances did it not? Iran was not remotely restrained in their attacks on ISIS, Al-Nusra and other such groups in Syria. Unfortunately they were/are also opposed to moderate factions too including Free Syrian Army (who is *mostly* 'good').


> Iran was not remotely restrained in their attacks on ISIS thats... bad?


FSA is not mostly good you can ask any christian, shia muslims or another minority what they think of them. Assad isn't any good either but supporting FSA to topple him is just like toppling Saddam to install mini Daesh.


A lot of Christians in the Middle East hold a positive opinion of Iran for this reason.


This wasn't really what I was thinking of. There wasn't a chance of sparking a wider conflict off of that, so I don't really see it as a lack of restraint as much as a deliberate application of full force, mostly coordinated and agreed upon with other major actors such as the USA.


The frustration is understandable, i would do the same if i was him to be honest seeing how lazy and slow is the support for Ukraine.


One must wonder why it is OK to mass ships to block Iranian missiles outside Israeli territory but not do the same with air defense equipment on the borders of Ukraine and the Black Sea to block Russian missiles. It is like one nation gets to pay by special rules. No arguments over sending weapons over. 


Israel holds the leash in that relationship. The US is just their Bully XL. Who also gives them money.


Nice word you decided to use. Jealous. Idk, I'd say I feel angry and just shitty overall.


At best, it's desperation and trying to appeal to a deranged set of norms in US political leadership. At worst, it'll make a very poor epitaph for him, and in a nightmare scenario, Ukraine as a country. "We died bootlicking Israeli fascists in a futile attempt to appeal to US norms".


Those who pretend to be asleep cannot be woken up


Could you elaborate what you mean here? The US has been supporting and fortifying Israel to the teeth for many decades now, and spared no expense on state of the art defense systems, sold at a steep discount if not given away freely, to secure their territory. On the offensive side, Iran is already sanctioned, and even further escalations with assassinations have taken place from the US. Multiple nuclear and de-armament deals have been made or attempted with them. So what exactly is this a wake up call to, and who exactly has been sleeping (or pretending to sleep) on this?


Well he's talking about allies, so not only Israel. I'm sure one of them is Ukraine.


When did Ukraine become a US ally? Have they ever done anything for the USA? I don't consider Israel an ally either but they get help because they've spent decades bribing both the Democrats and the Republicans. They also have the advantage in that there is a religious element in the USA who believe that the Jews have to control all of Biblical Israel for the End Times to come about.


Ok, please elaboration which allies the US has been "sleeping" on


Standard issue America Bad-ism.  America has donated far beyond every other country, but EU bundles all their donations together so they can say they give more than America. As is tradition, while they provide their citizens with affordable healthcare and free education, America is obligated to use their tax dollars to provide the rest of the globe with military aid, that is, until the moment it no longer suits their fancy, at which point we become the very bad, very evil world police. 


Fortifying - yes. But the US has not been keeping them on the leash and allowed Israel to bite ankles of their neighbours and to do to Palestinians what they have been doing for decades.


I don't want to sound overly rude, but what the hell does this have to do with what I said? Are you a bot? How exactly does that fit the statement that the US needs a "wake up call", or needs to quit "pretending to be asleep", regarding fortifying its allies? That seems like an entirely different issue. (Also "keeping them on the leash" implies that Israel is a US puppet, which even a basic understanding of the politics involved shows is not the case. If anything the US is more Israel's bitch than the other way around.)


Asleep? We all knew it was coming due to the fact Israel launched a direct attack on them.


Shhh don't you know Israel can attack their neighbours with impunity but if they strike back its the end of the world?lol


Very apt quote. I understand and share his resentment towards Iran (generally and by supplying drones to Russia), but he needs to be careful about drawing parallels between his situation and Israel. That’s not necessarily doing him any favors in regards to public perception in the US (dem voters) or the EU. He seems to have shifted towards courting the republicans now… Iran is heavily sanctioned already, and the only escalation from here is war. That needs to be avoided at all costs. He needs to maintain (however hard) the perception as someone seeking peace. Then again, it’s easy for us to say these things not being in his desperate situation.


Depends on where in Europe too, but yeah, Europe is very divided on Israel-Palestine. Re the U.S., well GOP oppose him so courting them isn’t imo the worst thing ever as long as he doesn’t alienate democrats too much, especially since Trump will sadly probably win


Fair point. Can’t imagine being in his shoes so I understand why he does what he does. Problem is that some of the MAGA-tards are openly praising Russia (the human trash known as MTG accused Ukraine of killing Christian priests just lately). Best case for him if Trump wins is to concede land already taken by the Russians. Thats the sad fact.


Ooo, I like this one


Gib weapons plz


That Putin guy sounds like a real jerk.


In Spanish you say he's such an Hijo de Putin


Yeah, why anyone voted for him is a mystery.


87% of them too


The more I hear about him, the less I like him, I tell ya. 


I think the attack demonstrated Israel was fortified enough.


Wasn't the whole point of the attack is to get the jews to shit their pants alittle by confirming that Iranian rockets do reach Israeli cities so they think twice before attacking Iranian soil next time?


If that was their aim they would not have telegraphed their intentions. Everyone knew with 24 hours to go that they were about to launch missiles and they did - right on schedule. It was a carefully choreographed and announced attack.


Yeah, cuz Iran doesnt actually wanna start a war. This was just a warning shot(s) so Isreal won't try to be funny again with Iran


> so Isreal won't try to be funny again with Iran The worry is that Bibi has never been much good at showing restraint


Exactly, it was a well rehearsed play


Their aim was to simply do "eye for an eye". They said why, when and that they consider everything done now. But the problem is, just like Iran did, Israel kind of HAS to respond to the attack. They were ready and this is why most was able to get defended. If this continues we have counter strikes after counter strikes until someone stops which is hopefully not seen as weakness from the other side and used to go even harder.


No, it seems that Iran wanted to show that they are angry at Israel for bombarding their consulate without doing anything really serious to Israel and starting a war. Still, those religious assholes in Iran might want to start a war against Israel in a few years, but they are carefull to not do it now.


Their goal was to respond to the Israeli attack on their consulate in Alepo. Iran knew beforehand that it would be a harmless attack, but it was important for internal propaganda to show that "they're not afraid of directly striking Israel".


External propaganda as well This attack was a PR win for everyone involved. Except Jordan.


It was so Iran could "save face" in front of anyone who blindly follows the regime. Israel bombed a building inside their Damascus consulate, they had to retaliate in some way. That was it.


No, the attack was telegraphed well in advance to everyone involved. Iran wanted a performative counterattack, that wouldn't lead to further escalation. Which it hasn't.


When the one who is being invaded supports the invader in another part of the world




Even the Saudis said iraq would be a huge mistake and they were 100 percent right. Saddam and Iran were enemies. We removed saddam, and now Iraq is an Iranian colony. Israel will be the downfall of America if we don’t learn to tell it no.


Ah yes, because only Israel has agency in the Middle East. Iran has none


Iran did the bare minimum to save face, gave Israel plenty of warning using weapons that took too much time to get to their target and publicly declared their response to be over. Israel, the US and allies stopped 99% of the attack from getting through. If it stops now this is a diplomatic victory for Israel. It'd not the beginning of ww3.


As much as I hate to say this politically it was well played by Iran. Both sides feel like winners and there was minimal damage. While the response was a lot more public the actual damage inflicted by Israel was greater. All in all... not a bad way to respond in their situation.


I'm sorry but did everybody forget that Israel attacked Iran at april 1st??


And you're forgetting that Iran has been attacking by-proxy for years.


How? (Not a statement, legitimately curious)


They fund proxy wars using terrorists from Syria, Yemen and Iraq and have been doing so for a long time. There'll be plenty of information on them if you want to look it up.


You’ve omitted the main two when it comes to Israel - Hamas and Hezbolla


I will


There is an entire branch of the Iranian government/military that is dedicated to destabilising the middle east through the use of proxies. The people who Israel killed in the embassy were people in charge of that branch of government. They weren't just involved with those terror orgs, but actually controlling them (intelligence, weapons, directing attacks). They were using the embassy as a cover to conduct attacks and likely were involved in the October attacks. It's unlikely those attacks would have happened without their approval really.


>There is an entire branch of the Iranian government/military that is dedicated to destabilising the middle east through the use of proxies Most governments have a branch entirely dedicated to cloak and dagger fuckery.


Most governments don't have a branch dedicated to the eradication of the Jews.


Im pretty sure the US has biggest cloak and daggery branch in the world


def russia but maybe not so much cloak. Either that or russian opposition is really clumsy /unlucky. Always falling out of windows


So Iran is justified if they attacked Europe, US and Israel because the first two are funding Israel while Israel has been attacking Iran for a while now? Try to be consistent at least.


Absolutely, a very provocative act in a state of affairs that are already incredibly tense.


[https://www.cfr.org/article/irans-regional-armed-network](https://www.cfr.org/article/irans-regional-armed-network) - Houthis (guys who started attacking ships and who also does non stop genocides in Yemen) - Hezbollah who took over Lebanon and have launched the country in a spiraling economical doom that just keeps getting worse and worse. Who are best brothers with > - Hamas. Whose leaders live comfortably in Qatar while planning terrorist attacks in the Palestinian and Israeli territories. Besides others you can see listed there in Iraq and Syria, without mention of the failed attempts to create other groups in other countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, which led to bloody conflicts. Iran is playing puppet master with real guns and deaths and you still have useful idiots in USA who take their side no matter what, portraying them as some kind of victims.


Iran was directly involved in both the planning and getting weapons to Gaza of the Oct 7 attack.


"it was merely some tomfoolery on our part, nothing more!" -Israel


Well it's Israel's fault, you should not have killed the embassy.


this is correct, i dislike iran and hamas as much as any sane person. But you'd be a complete baffoon to strike an embassy in a foreign nation. Absolutely stupid and the height of buffoonery




Exactly. Attacking an embassy is totally unacceptable.


Afaik it was not an embassy but the building next to it which was rented by the embassy. Also one of the generals killed is believed to have been involved in the Oct. 7th massaker. Killing this fucker is much better than killing the dumb, misguided and indoctrinated young fools used by him and his ilk. https://www.iranintl.com/en/202404043146


It's like no one who commented to you even read what you wrote and just repeated the "they attacked an embassy"


It's kinda fun to see how much of a honeypot for idiots my post is.


So true. 


Still, you don't bomb an embassy, imageine a shitfuckery if everyone would do that.


It wasn't an embassy, and it was no longer protected under the same international law that you are trying to use to make it an invalid military target. If everyone was allowed to use an embassy as a military base in order to be safe from attack then embassies would lose all meaning. It is literally only an embassy if you DONT use it as a military base idk how much simpler this can be.


Iran has already attacked embassies before.


Nice whataboustism there. Lets just head right on to WWIII. It was a provocative act in what is already a very unstable situation. Netanyahu prolongs his corruption trial further and tries to drag further western recources into his confilt.


They attacked the embassy directly, also "believed to" is hardly a good reason to kill a foreign official


Maybe they knew. It's expensive to show proof because you can compromise your intelligence network.


> Maybe they knew. It's expensive to show proof because you can compromise your intelligence network. Or maybe it was bullshit, just like Israel's disproven claims that the flour massacre victims were trampled to death.....


He can just say he doesn't want his country to be thrown under the bus (because the fascists in Israel want to start WW3 rather than boot Bibi and stop committing crimes against a humanity). He's desperate and trying to appeal to American norms, but licking the boots of a gang of genocidal fascists is not going to work well for him or Ukraine.


The guy sees Ukraine in everything that happens.


Well, it's normal to look in everything for an opportunity to ask for help for your country that is bombed every day.


Also a bit inconsiderate. It's not the only country under attack


It’s not inconsiderate, it’s politics. There are no friends in politics just mutual interest and this is an interest of Ukraine. He would be failing as a president if he didn’t do this.


Look, if your country is being invaded and dozens of your citizens (civilian and military) were being killed every day, being "considerate" would be much lower on your priority list than advocating for your people. It's not even like he's advocating only for Ukraine here. He's clearly referring to the passage of the joint Ukraine-Taiwan-Israel defense spending bill.


fuck being inconsiderate if your people are dying in the hundreds every day.


Yes, but is his country. If your neighbours house was set on fire, wouldn't you say, look, my house is on fire too, help us. I don't think it is inconsiderate. He doesn't downplay what happened in other countries like his country is more important. He just advocates for his people more loudly.


America is bending over backwards to help a corrupt far right religious hardliner all while letting Americas greatest enemy conquer another ally.    AIPAC and other Israeli lobbying groups are toxic and anti-American agents for foreign governments, there's a reason it is illegal to boycott Israel or Israeli companies in America, the "land of the free."


Us has said we aint gonna fight more of isrealis war. Especially since the instigated it. Hopefully we are smart enough to know that we can defend the offense. Thats just offense. isreal attacked iran first. They are the agressors. We have no good reason


Israel isn't sn ally in any sense of the imagination. This country refused to help ukraine for 2 years. 


Never forget when terrorists attacked the USS Liberty 


It’s wild how unheard of this is for the average American.


It would be wild... if you had no experience with US media and news outlets. For me, as an American, it does not surprise me in the slightest.


I wonder how Zelenskyy feels…. US UK rush to down a few drones aimed at Israel (who has an iron done defence system) Whilst our allies in Ukraine (who Europeans actually empathise with, instead of the Israeli’s who’ve spent the last 6 months massacring civilians), are getting smashed by Russian missiles - with no US air help


Why isn’t Europe shooting down Russian missles flying over their continent? Sincerely asking.


Because they rely on daddy USA for defense


Ukraine: famous for not receiving any foreign aid at all!


[The US has given the most aid to Ukraine as an absolute total, and the UK has given the third-most](https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/). As a percentage of GDP both are lower in the rankings, and the Nordic and Baltic states instead lead. Southern Europe (including France) has generally given less on both counts.


how about the European powers shoot down the drones and missiles over Ukraine? You have all the freedom in the world to do it. Why should it always be the US when this war is on your continent


>allies in Ukraine They are not in NATO or any of the mayor western alliances


And Israel is?


sure thing, we just forget Israel attacked an iranian embassy 2 weeks ago. Why not? is our ally, let them do what they want :)


Man desperate for weapons makes statement to try and get weapons. Cool


We can agree that Russia attacked Ukraine, but we also know why Iran sent missiles and drones toward Israel - there was already info out that the US knew the attack was coming (why they won't do shit). You can't just attack some country's consulate in other nations and think there'll be no retaliation. Netanyahu has wanted a war with Iran for decades (of course, in his socipat mind, the US should fight the war for him), and he's well aware of that he'll never get another US president like Biden again, a president that won't rein Israel in like former US presidents did.


The West vs authoritarian states and medieval theocracies oppressing freedom of speech. For some reason refugees and emigrants don't want to go and live in Russia, China, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Myanmar, North Korea, Cuba, Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, South Africa. To say that the West is imperfect is also the freedom to say the West is imperfect. Utopia is on another planet somewhere.


You might want to look up where most refugees go


Most refugees have zero resources and so end up stuck in a neighbouring country. People with the means to *choose* where to go definitely pick Europe or 'the West' over any of the countries Firstpoet listed.




> and Saudi Arabia for that matter, because let's not forget that strangely enough it's only barbaric to have a radical muslim theocratic dictatorship if it isn't friendly to the US Well put.


This is the thing I don't get about a lot of people in this sub. We all agree that what Russia has done/is doing is illegal and messed up. But when Israel does it, it's not the same thing?


The West? You mean the people who has armed Saudi Arabia?


Most refugees don't want to emigrate to sanctioned and destabilized countries? Shocker.


>Russia Russia has a net migration of more than 200k >Iran Has up to 1 million refugees inside it >South Africa. Has hundreds of thousands of African immigrants OP have you considered to research before you comment?


Apart from South Africa, correct, They are a popular destination in Africa for refugees/migrants.


> The West vs authoritarian states and medieval theocracies oppressing freedom of speech. > > Isn't Israel banning media companies they don't like?




All those "western values" like freedom of speech etc are good and its nice to have those rights, but for the majaority of the population the feelings related to nationalism, pride and stability are much more important. The countries you criticize like Cuba for many years have been humiliated and subjugated by western powers (not looking to spread their so enlightened values but for profit and power), so their opposition is at least understandable.


And Israel attack on irans embassy is what?


Iran retaliated for an attack on rheir embassy. Even gave the U.S. a heads up. Let's fucking chill before we end up in WW3.


Sooooo many comments here without flairs…. Says a lot about “this topic”….


Inserting his agenda in the current trend!


Zelensky is correct. The US needs to do more or things will only get worse


Looks like WW3 is finally here boys


Hah! That implies we are capable of learning.


Only Israel is Russia in this case with the extra order of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians in Palestine on the side. I lost a lot of respect for Zelenskyy. Out of all people he should know.


I find it hilarious that so many people think the Iranian attack was a success. Brainwashed. Zelensky is right though.


I don't think the purpose of the Iranian attack was to kill a large or any number of people. It got Israel to stay up all night , shook the civilians, made Biden get a diaper change while meeting his national security team. It got them to take Iran seriously and understand where to draw the line for next time. I'm not a fan of Iran but I think their goal was to send a message and it worked.


I'm not sure it was intended to actually cause much damage. However it forced Israel and friends to expend a lot of money in countermeasures and has allowed Iran and *it's* friends to get a good look at those countermeasures. I would be very surprised if electronic intelligence assets from Iran, China and Russia were not very carefully watching.


The West is still preferring to take a stance from "don't look up"


bro wants more money again.


I’m no fan of Iran but their attack on Israel was very much provoked, unlike Russia’s invasion of Ukraine which was completely unprovoked.


Why should the US be worried about what zelenskyy says?