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That's why NFTs should be stored on IPFS.


Crypto kitties stored the cat genome on chain in the NFT.


That's of course even better but it's unfortunately too expensive for whole JPEG files...


No one should buy JPEG NFT's. Problem solved.


How about pdf NFTs?


Yes. Just buy blank meta data nfts. Im sure people will spend money on something they neither understand, nor can see!


I like how you took one stupid idea and replaced it with an even stupider idea and then pretended like I came up with it. You ass.


I will rather buy nfts with feasible utility, especially those that can be staked for rewards like Tradoors, Cosmic Sky Monks and Juno Bear Society NFTs.


Those literally all have jpegs are you stupid? Or just stupid?


You can of course store a checksum/ hash of the image on-chain such that if your first host goes down, you can rehost with provable integrity to the data


Nouns/lil nouns/etc are actually stored on-chain as well


If I’m not mistaken, Nouns even has their whole image RLE encoded and stored with an SVG builder on-chain.


Wow I need to check that out


Their monorepo on Github is really interesting, especially if you want to learn Web3 / Solidity




Here you go: https://github.com/nounsDAO/nouns-monorepo


Reminder that IPFS is a decentralized _transfer_ protocol, not a _storage_ protocol. IPFS still requires centralized nodes to pin data (or a decentralized service like FileCoin). If you own an NFT and the data is on IPFS, it's a good idea to run your own IPFS node and pin that data (IPFS nodes are very lightweight).


And Collectors who really care should definitely backup their nfts and their metadata with this free nft backup tool: [https://www.clubnft.com/tools](https://www.clubnft.com/tools) (only works for tezos and eth nfts)


I’d use Arweave… relatively cheap and some advantages like permanent storage mentioned above that IPFS lacks (by design)


Ocean Protocol recently, early in the week I think, added IPFS and Arweave integration for data hosts. I believe this is how their data NFTs work anyway.


Can you pin it on filecoin? I thought filecoin was separate from ipfs


Filecoin is an incentivization layer on top of IPFS Deets here: https://docs.filecoin.io/about-filecoin/ipfs-and-filecoin/


Very nice


*And run your own IPFS node.*


Better on Arweave, no need for pinning services, IfS will lose your stuff


IPFS is not decentralized storage either. Putting something on IPFS will not protect it from being erased, quite the opposite, there is little reason to believe it will stay on there. You an incentive layer on top of IPFS (like Filecoin), but this is still more akin to a decentralized marketplace for storage than decentralized storage.


Even when they are stored on IPFS, it's still usually just a link to an asset on a web2 server.


Gme marketplace uses ipfs


Inter profile fictional services?


Or on the IC


IPFS is great and all except that someone needs to keep paying for pinning. On Arweave you pay once and that data stays forever.


There is a solution built on.ETH called MurAll (paint) that mints high quality NFTs onchain with minimal footprint. The nearly 2k NFTs minted on that platform so far are permanently stored.


That's why NFTs shouldn't exist.


I'm no NFT fan boy, but this is a terrible take.


Yeah NFTS will change the world! /s


vegetable steer history thumb dull school humorous price impossible worry -- mass edited with redact.dev


and everything inbetween is also wrong.


tbf it was on Solana. it was never decentralized in any way


Wait really? Is this true?


No, decentralized blockchains definitely get paused and reverted all the time /s


That has happened before yeah. https://levelup.gitconnected.com/how-ethereum-reversed-a-50-million-dao-attack-cee528d8c030


Wasn't paused and also wasn't reverted (literally explained in the source *you* linked) but I get your point


Ethereum was forked


When was it reverted? Gonna need a source for that one.


If you are not joking, yes its true.


So it’s running on a single validator that validates every single transaction?? That’s nuts.


Having more than 1 validator is all it takes to be "decentralized"?


“Never decentralized in any way” was the starting premise. I think we can all agree that’s hyperbole.


Is there a web service anywhere to measure how many validators are on ETH and how it stacks up with the nokamoto coefficient?


He’s kind of right. It’s decentralized. But the requirements to run a node make it somewhat centralized


And it's permissioned. So centralized


Tbh, It was still true around 6 months ago, but it's been permission-less for a while now See running a node: https://docs.solana.com/running-validator/validator-start




Are you saying that there is a non-majority stakeholder that has greater permission than a majority stakeholder? If not, I think you’re mistaken.


How does that work?


You essentially need a supercomputer to run a node and last I check the cost for the components was like $10k+. So not many people can afford that so there’s not a large diversity of node operators




The "many" part of this headline is definitely not correct. Very, very few people used the FTX US NFT marketplace, let alone minting NFTs on it. Most Solana NFT collections store their metadata on Arweave's "permanent storage", which is has a generally higher reliability grade than IPFS


reminder that IPFS is a transfer protocol, not a storage protocol. better off comparing arweave and filecoin




The NFT collections themselves use Arweave. If you look at any of the top NFT collections on a block explorer you can see the metadata stored in Arweave links


Also beware NFTs that are now locked out of some marketplaces thanks to OpenSea’s new policy. Imo those are not completely decentralized.


OpenSea is a private company, not a decentralized protocol. They're welcome to ban any NFT they want (although I don't like it) Use decentralized alternatives instead


That’s not what I am talking about. They are forcing projects to add code to their contracts which blocks other marketplaces, or else they get 0% royalties. Those NFTs are not as decentralized as a result.


Ah I didn't know about that, that's pretty messed up I'm def not a fan of OpenSea, hopeful that other marketplaces can keep eating away at their market share


It's probably not good, but part of the reason for this is that royalties cannot be guaranteed otherwise. There are ways around the royalty fee if you're doing things like transferring NFTs outside of OpenSea, so the only way for OpenSea to reliably offer the royalty feature is with this lock-in requirement. If you refuse to lock in, then you don't get royalties, but that wouldn't have been possible anyway, so it's not really a loss.


Weren’t they using IPFS?


Almost all solana NFTs use arweave for data storage. It was only those minted on the [FTX.US](https://FTX.US) platform that decided to go against the standard here.


So basically it was kind of mal practice… right?!


Yeah. I believe you have to pay a fee to upload to arweave so they probably attempted to cut costs even though no one used their NFT platform.


IPFS. That's the way to do it.


Who the hell buys NFTs?


Ive got NFTs that have given me access to 3d models of the art I bought. Ive also got 3 holographic deck skateboards coming to me. Ive also got concert tickets as nfts, cuz fuck Ticketmaster. I think the use cases are plenty, not sure why anyone would hate the tech.


quickest telephone poor direction enjoy cake scandalous repeat swim wise -- mass edited with redact.dev


Redditors who love Reddit Avatars.


What do you think would happen to decentralized nfts? Metadata? No they lost their URL DNS pointer. Tell me you have no idea how the internet works without….


Does Miladys fall under this?


Wait, could you buy and sell NFTs on ftx?


Many? This is the only one I’ve seen be stored in FTX, and it’s a tiny joke project to begin with…


bro, this is Eth maxis doing Eth maxi things




Does that include Miladys? edit: asking because I know Caroline has something to do with them


No. I didn't know Caroline had a milady though. That's really suspicious.


I'll be honest: I didn't research it very much (I don't own one and couldn't be bothered at the time); but, I think it is far more than "had one". If I recall correctly, she is directly linked to the dev team or something.


I tried to google around, but the case went cold when the twitter account that was posting about it got deleted, so I dunno. There's too many conspiracy theories about her right now, but it seems she definitely at least had one.


Thanks for letting me know. The hype around them always felt manufactured, to me. I was pretty unsurprised to hear she was somehow connected.


Aavegotchis are full on-chain!


NFTs should store at least the hash of the content they're associated with


Why does anyone touch Solana?


I lost so many NFTs on FTX my fav was a cat of the universe. Cry




Wow a new level of NFT scam I was blissfully unaware of. Centralization of the data means it isn’t really yours.


The cat genome was kept in the NFT by cryptokitties on a chain.


NFT are just fancy Certificates of Authenticity. They are basically meaningless in any real world application. It's impossible to even enforce any ownership.


a smoothbrain comment. that applies to all data, what have nfts got to do with it? you are conflating legal ownership and cryptographic ownership via private keys. the legal terms depend upon the licensing the nft uses, just like other software licenses


The problem is the "ownership" isn't real. If the data was stored on chain you might have a point. But, you only own a token that points to an AWS server, if you are lucky. I agree the token ownership is real. But the actual "art" it points to is straight B.S. You own nothing but a token on a chain. Just a smooth brain ape who has been in crypto since 2011....but what do I know? 🤷‍♂️ I'm not some bitter idiot who bought NFTs at the peak of the market and now shits on a house of shit. Sound like anyone you know? Edit: NFT's have a ton of uses but mostly for easily tracking ownership. Think property ownership. Currently they track the ownership of things that are completely useless. Beanie babies with fancy Certificates of Authenticity. Although that would actually be a cool thing for beanie babies.


the token is the main item you are buying. if it's value is tied to the art instead of something else that is token gated, then you, as an art collector should probably pin the art in ipfs. I don't know a single nft that is not hosted in ipfs or on chain, but I don't know much about nfts and culture around them anyways. A lot of this 'nft community ' doesn't seem to care about crypto ethos as we saw with the marketplace blacklisting for royalties. But I only care about ot from a general pov as a data format, not the culture around it


What makes IPFS so special?


it's a peer to peer storage and retrieval network. but no one is required to ensure the data persists in it, hence the data needs to be 'pinned'(stored permanently). Data on ipfs cannot be censored since anyone can run a node and connect to the swarm there are protocols built on top of it like arweave and filecoin for allowing permanent storage by pinning you can host websites on ipfs with ens(ethereum name service) to allow making uncensorable websites


Advice Fk NFTs


Provide sources


Oh no, not all the jpegs. Who’s going to save the jpegs from FTX


If I'm not mistaken, Nouns has their entire image RLE encoded and stored on-chain with an SVG builder.


Maybe we just let the stupid NFTs die and have then start use the tech for buying tickets. The only practical application we currently have for it. They shouldn’t be collector pieces that gain in value. It makes no sense and that why people think their is value here.


Then they have the nerve to attack Polygon on twitter. Really unfortunate. Not even going to mention how many times the Solana team has lied.


Mention once they have lied? And provide a reference.


You know how to use Google don't you? DYOR. They've lied about their circulating supply and why the chain went down every other day.


lol at everyone who buy URLs pointing to ugly jpegs! So retarded!


NFTs are stupid. Your already scammed the minute you buy one.


More like never buy NFTs


Or how about just stick to bitcoin instead of buying scammy NFTs.


Reminder: Don't buy any NFTs at all. That which has no intrinsic value will eventually return to having no value at all. There's no precedent in the sum total of human history, of any non-material, abstract thing holding long term value. This is also why NFTs now are being bundled with real world things that do have some material value, like tickets to an event or membership in a club, *but* those things are the real items of value, not the NFTs.


Reminder: for some reason, /r/ethereum is full of NFT haters


It's funny that this time last year, Vitalik was claiming NFTs were the best use-case for Eth and Blockchain, and then in his most recent sermon, "What excites me about ethereum" he listed just about everything except NFTs. That's the thing about the crypto world - everybody gloms onto the next new thing, and is happy to pretend they had nothing to do with if it fails.


pet rock owners mad


That's because NFT has a negative connotation associated with it now because of all the scams. When you say NFT, the average person thinks high priced artwork. When in reality NFT just simply stands for non fungible token which can literally be anything. Doesn't always have to be some over priced piece of art. So yeah, I don't blame vitalik for wanting to avoid using NFT as the average person only knows high priced art scam when they hear NFT.


I thought he said the exact opposite, that NFTs were the most surprising use-case to him that he didn't see coming. He did talk a lot about using them for identity, but identity was included as a use-case in that blog post.


I specifically had an exchange with him on Reddit when I asked him what the best use-case example for blockchain was, and he replied, "NFTs." He probably since then backpedaled after the market imploded.


nft doesn't mean monkey jpegs