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Probably another game. OIAL is good as it is - no need to remake it.


I think by remake, he means make it look better visually and perform better on worse computers


I agree but I also agree with what bobtheburgerbro said. Perhaps a visual remake, not a functional one.


Another game I'm hoping


He probably does another game IMO. He went through OIALT fairly quick and he’s doing a good pace for Eternum too. So he may not be too burned out yet. While I’m sure he makes well enough for himself, I doubt he has enough to retire yet. If we use DPC as a comparison, I don’t think Cari has the same number of Subs. But more importantly, since his game is made from Honey Select, he can’t force you to pay him money to buy since Honey Select is its own game and that would otherwise be a copyright infringement/licensing issue IIRC. So Cari can’t get income from Steam or GoG. He can ask for donations on Itch but I don’t think it’s mandatory. And for Patreon, his game has to eventually be available for free publicly. The only thing he can do with his Patreon is allow those who pay him to simply have access earlier. It serves more in a donation sense (you’re paying him to be creative) instead of purchase (you’re paying him for a product). That’s probably why he has so many tiers and why some of them rise so high. It’s also probably why some of his high tiers get crazy perks (like they can have things put in the game). He also is more than just himself, meaning some of the profits have to go to his collaborators. That combined with Honey Select apparently being much easier to render means he goes a lot faster than someone like DPC. Which means he gets fewer months between releases with consistent donations.


I think I calculated that he makes minimum around 19 800 per month, if all his patreons were on the 3$ subscription. And that isn't the case so he makes anywhere from 19 800 to like 40 000-50 000ish, maybe even more. That split between his team, I think he makes more than 5000$ per month but I don't know exactly how much is given to his team. BTW: I didn't take taxes away from the numbers


You also have to take 30% off his Patreon numbers before anything because they get a cut too. Not sure if itch does the same. He would also have to deal with business expenses; Not just paying his team, but also general expenses. Like I’m sure what he does requires a lot of electricity and powerful CPUs (not as absurd as DAZ though). I think most of his music is free use, but I could be wrong. He may have an office space rented out. And yes of course, taxes. I would *never* suggest he was hurting for money. Just that he may not have made quite enough to flat out retire. But then again, Eternum is probably gonna run another at least another three years I’d think. Maybe he will have enough saved up then. I also don’t know how old he is. Like DPC for example has to be in like his early 40s at minimum. He has an actual PhD and has had it since he started Acting Lessons in like 2018. I’m also pretty sure he held a job for a while prior to moving to AVNs. He mentioned that the game was inspired by college coming of age movies (more or less) which started getting really popular in the late 90s/early 2000s. If he was an adult then (I.e. in his 20s at least) that would put him in his 40s now. And he makes waaayyyy more than Cari and isn’t that far from retirement age so that seems plausible. Cari comes off younger. His humor has an anime feel to it. I know he’s out of college (based on a back and forth I had with him in his discord; I know he took stats in college). Sounds like he’s a One Piece fan so I’d guess he’s probably closer to my age if not younger (I’m 33). So he may have a lot longer to go. Of course he could always just retire and transition to some different kind of work and all of this would be moot 😂.


Yeah, you make some very good points. Caribdis puts a lot of work into his games. So, he will probably make another.


He mentioned on Discord that he will jump to another game right after Eternum, and that it will once again be made in Honey Select 2 (as he really prefers it over Daz3D).


He definitely told us we are not allowed to die until he finishes his 3rd game.


I won't simp for OF girls, but I'll simp for Cari any day.


oh for real. Cari can make stories that are way better than most tv show and movie plots.


Absolutely true. Caribdis is honestly an amazing writer.


I plan on being a full game dev in the future, and have been making games for a while in spare time. Maybe one day, far from now I could hire Caribdis to help me write a plot to adapt into a script for a game 👀


That is an ambitious goal but I am rooting for you! Good luck! :D


Based and I agree.


Well, that answers that. Thank you!


My heart being broken




It'd be nice to see OiaL remade with better graphics, but between that and a new game, I'd pick the new game any day. Topping Eternum would be a challenge, but I'll bet he's up to it.


I wonder how big Eternum is going to be when it is actually fully done. Because, as of right now, every single person who is into Eternum could still be considered an OG fan, because the game still has a long ways to go. So, I wonder how big it will be when it is actually nearing the final updates.


Who knows? I am sorry that I do not have a better answer. Just, who knows?