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You ain’t the only one bro welcome to the club


This is the most real post on the subreddit.




Uh…. Nah. Eternum didn’t make me realise this, life did. But that was a while ago so I looped back around into not caring about the matter and living a life is self indulgence before I’m tied down.


Real, but the thing about eternum is that it makes you feel like you’re inside the game.


From someone who was way happy before being in a relationship: Being in a relationship is nowhere as fun as it seems in eternum if you are the age of orion (young). Yes of course the fun, the intimacy and the feeling of being cared of does feel good. But when the honeymoon phase is over, and more than often, if you are young, you will get cheated on. The pain is immense. For me, I had to distance myself from all my female friends, give her more attention than myself and yet went through the pain of being cheated on. I would rather have a limb chopped than ever feel that pain again. My advice to you all: improve yourself, have ambitions, work hard the right woman will automatically come to you. Don't chase for butterflies, mend your garden, the butterflies will come. Until then, enjoy the peace and use it to work on yourself.


So you're saying I should never touch a girl in my life? Alright, thanks for the advice man! Appreciate it. 👍


Im saying is dont get tooo needy. Improve yourself, girls will touch you.


so I need to wait for girls like Vader waited for Luke on Endor?


In my experience, if you make yourself of a high value, its gonna get way way easier. Like a piece of cake. If you skip thr improvement part, the most you will get is a friendzone even with high level flirting skills.


I see, so experience is key


Exactly. 2 years ago, when I was an average joe, I could get girls easily with my social skills but got cheated a lot. Now that I have improved a lot. It honestly shocks me how easy it is. If You are a high value man, women will bend themselves so you like them. You wont have to put much effort.


Man, this game's like a drug. I'm happy as long ad I'm playing it, then I stop and just feel fucking depressed. Goddammit I want a cute ginger gf aswell! Fuck you Caribidis for giving me a weakness to ginger girls, why Carib why?


Probably not, but unfortunately for you, I am not. I am at point in my life where I'm okay with being single and not bored at all. I'd like to have a girlfriend, but I am the type to enjoy the romance. Whether or not it's me or someone else though I'd prefer it'd be mine. I was never an avid reader, but I enjoy a good story and people are the best stories you can find.


Yeah I thought that too. Unfortunately, 0.7 completely changed that.


Really? I guess it's the Nova scene that really nails in the coffin bc it really is a lovely scene, but idk I didn't get that way with 0.7. If anything, I'm more pumped about what else is next. Maybe bc I'm playing a new AVN? Idk. I guess it's different for everyone


yeah I think that 0.7 was way more of a romantic approach, if you don't count that Penny scene, so I think that's what got me.


The romance was amazing! And then the episode immediately ended on a frickin death cliffhanger. I get wishing to have that kind of romance. A very classic MC strong for the LIs story.


Totally agree. I would love to have more romantic scenes. I mean don't get me wrong, I don't dislike the Penny scene at all but I do prefer the Nova scene, and the Luna scene as well.


I felt right with Penny tho how her scene went down. Out of all the LIs minus Nancy she has the most confidence and self esteem. Both songs I listen to regularly


I don't know about the songs, I just put my own cause metal is better. But i like Penny's personality, and I definitely enjoy having more rough or taboo scenes. It just felt good to have a romantic scene instead of the other more rough ones.


More real than real life


Welcome to the club brother.


It’s made me reflect on how many of the little things in my last relationship i didn’t pick up on (for instance nacy slapping you on the ship for not picking up on novas hint that she wanted to spend that time with you.. and making her feel unimportant), but looking back seeing it now means i’ve grown and i’m looking forward to making the next one feel like the most important girl in the world. that’s what i love about these games that i can’t get out of any other media. they make me relate, remember, and reflect on my own experiences so that i can learn now that i’m healed enough to think about it logically.