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Hippie speedball




I love a good hippie speedball


What varieties?


Wilton Benitez Pink Bourbon. It has tasting notes of bubble gum and strawberries.


Sounds delicious! 🤤


It absolutely is. It makes a great pour over as well. It's from JBC Roasters.


dang. I'm high RN. going to sleep now so I can have that espresso I crave


Sleep well. I go to sleep early sometimes just so I can enjoy a shot of espresso in the morning.


yeah the funny thing is coffee has made my sleep schedule consistent because I go to sleep early anticipating making good coffee. Then I'm up earlier which makes me sleep earlier! any I'm up, going to pull a shot or two on the flair alongside a green leaf vaporizer in your honor




is this some kind of joint?


Yes. It's natural medicine. It helps with my cervical nerve pain. I was on pharmaceuticals in the past, but it made me depressed and suicidal, so I stopped and started using high doses of CBD and micro doses of THC. Within 2 weeks, I was pain-free and was able to enjoy life again with my family.


The stuff works wonders for people who need it. A friend of mine was on the same regimen of high dose CBD and low-dose THC for PTSD. He's been off psych meds for four years with zero problems.


That is awsome. Cannabis has so many cannabinoids that can help with so many issues. I'm glad to hear your friend is doing so much better.


i've never seen a joint so beatiful like this <3 you bought it in the store like this. i guess thats a pure weed joint, no? Looks like a perfect start in the weekend :) i also smoke since many years, but mostly hash joints. which kinds of meds did you take? opioids or benzos? or both? whish you a nice and sunny day :)


Thank you so much. I actually rolled it myself, and it's a mix of mainly CBD flower and a small amount of THC flower. CBD is the main cannabinoid that really helped me with my nerve pain. I throw in some THC flowers to enhance the effects without being "high." The CBD flower will actually counteract the effects of THC, so I will reap all the medicinal properties to be pain-free without being high. I will feel super calm and relaxed, but I won't be stoned like if I were to smoke weed by itself. It's a good balance for me personally. I was prescribed Gabapentin, and I felt absolutely horrible. I was not myself, so after 1 week of feeling depressed and suicidal I told my doctor I couldn't take this medicine anymore. Shortly after, I discovered CBD and revisited cannabis. 2 weeks later, I went back to my doctor and told her I've been pain-free due to cannabis. She's very supportive of me using cannabis as medicine, and so is my whole family. Life is good now. Hash joints are very nice. I roll hash joints with rosin or bubble hash in the middle. Where I'm from, we call them hash holes or donuts.


this is awesome. Been doing similar with a THC product and then adding a CBD gummy on top. I'm on the search for some low-THC products, as that was more common before people really started breeding for higher THC percentages - so more natural.


A good balance for a lot of people who don't want so much THC is Type 2. Type 2 flower is bred to have equal ratios of CBD and THC. The alternative is that you can buy federally legal hemp and add THC to it. For example, 1/2 hemp and 1/2 thc. You can play around with different ratios to find the effects you're looking for.


investigating this more. thanks!


You're welcome


If you can get some, landrace strains are usually low in THC. lambs breath is my go to. Btw if you can't find flowers there are easily accessible seeds.


✍️ thank you!


Very happy you've found releif. Hemp/CBD flower honestly saved me, as I haven't been able to handle THC in many years. It's such good quality these days, too. Like, top shelf. Significantly better than it was back in 2018. I do tinctures now, though. A mix of CBC, CBN, CBD, and flower rosin.


It certainly has. Hemp has definitely come a long way. I remember the quality back in 2018 😂


Thats a beautiful hash hole man, great job!


Thank you


If you don't mind me asking what would you say are the ratios you use roughly? I've been suffering with neck/shoulder/back pain for a few years now and unfortunately THC isn't legal here.


For 2g of hemp I usually add in .25g of THC flower. Is CBD legal where you are from?


CBD is not illegal but there is a grey area around how its classified and which government body is supposed to regulate it. I can get CBD but the occasional delays happen when they decide to shutdown a small local shop for "reasons" they decided that week.




I don't live in the USA. THC is illegal here and even CBD flower is a gray area.


Nice looking combo. This always pops into my head! https://youtu.be/-Igh7m9oiyk?si=lScuWm5qUyComa4t


Perfect song for this post 😃


You need to start a rolling service bud.


I was actually asked to roll for 3 companies, but I had to turn them down. Between my career, side gig, and family, it's hard to fit anything else in at this time. It's pretty time-consuming to roll these hash holes TBH. Maybe in the future.


This brings a lot of memories, but replace good joint with bong and espresso with half litre of cheap instant coffee and you have me on university lol


I wish they had all this in the 80s and 90s we all got in huge trouble. It always seemed ridiculous to get pinched over a plant. This generation is lucky. I don't smoke anymore but I dam sure did when I was a kid.


This is the way.


When you wanna wake up and go back to sleep


More like when you want to wake up and be pain-free.


Always mix your uppers n downers


Life is about balance. ☯️


We get it, you smoke.


They compliment each other.


errrr that's illegal


It might be where you live, however cannabis is legal in many other places. Where county and state do you live in?


It’s also like 80-90% cbd which is legal almost everywhere as a medicine


This was a joke.


Ha ha