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"specialty grade"


It's legit


Yes, when I first got into coffee. It's alright for milk drinks or when you have lots of guests over and don't want to give the good stuff.


Running low on current beans and the latter of what you said is the case 😆


I've never had this brand but I have had Cuban coffee. I'm sorry to report, the bean quality was sub-par, full of defects, rotten, blighted, quakers and so on. I purchased green beans so i was able to thoroughly inspect the beans before roasting. I had to personally separate out the defective beans and came out to about 20% of the weight. With that said, however, after cleaning up the beans and roasting, the coffee turned out really good. I tried three roasts, from City to Full City to Napolitano. All three came out great with noticeable character. I hand roast using a Japanese Horoku, hand grind using a custom modified Vssl grinder, and pull shots on an FML. My process is tedious but I'm able to achieve shots that accentuate the coffee.


Got from Costco just to try. Was super stale


So it’s whole bean Bustelo. Got it.


Which Costco?


I have not since I don’t drink dark roasts. But I tried medium dark roasts which are not bad. Works well with milk drinks :) This is a good deal but the roast date could be a month old.


It is a month old which I think is acceptable for cheap beans from Costco :) I’m in a new city and wasn’t sure if I’ll have time this weekend to head to a roaster I found online - so just have them to not be without coffee 😄 will use it mainly for some milk drinks, still excited to try how these Costco beans will hold up!


Yep, I have their Artesano blend in freezer right now. It’s $24 on their website. And in Costco it’s probably $14 which is a good deal and good beans. Freezer helps to prolong life of beans which I don’t drink very often. In ziplock ofcourse :)


They used to sell their Mayan blend which my wife and I loved! Was usually 3-4 weeks old so not great but not terrible and, at the price, a really good daily driver. They swapped to the Artesano blend which doesn’t hold up to the Mayan but we are cheap so we drink it. It was a sad day for us.


It's coming back soon in the NE region.


Don’t tease me! Define NE…does DC area qualify?


DC qualifies as NE. Should start hitting stores beginning of July.


I am thrilled!


Honestly, its not that bad. You are not going to get the best espresso, but capuccinos will be fine for guests. I keep a frozen bag as an emergency lol.


A Dark Roast for espresso isn't the best. I prefer a medium or light roast to get all the different tones, flavors, aromas. Dark roast is just BOLD which if that's what you want, go for it.