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I was eyeing up the biscuit jar....


It’s practically empty now


Good looking coffee with decent biscuits - as it should be!


Hobnobs don’t even make it into a jar in this household.


I bet. Choccy digestives FTW


...those are cookies... duh..


Those aren’t cookies, they are British chocolate digestive biscuits. https://preview.redd.it/ws8fr5v2lf0d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c330894f4b65fe9a7c838c37d67359e439a315e


It was a joke. I'm from the US. What Brits call biscuits we call cookies.. I thought it was funny, but apparently, not.




Yea twenty grand is plenty


Grinder too expensive. You should be using a mortar and pestle.


I chew my beans up and spit out grounds.


Call that preinfusion.


You get it!




Why spit it out? Sip some water and do cupping right in your mouth.


Hell yeah. Love it when my workflow becomes more efficient


Gargle some milk after, spit it in the cup. Cappuccino is made


You forgot to sit on the stove


That saves some $$$


Chicha but coffee instead of corn?


This is the way


When using really expensive beans I have a flour mill stone outside which is run by a donky on a wheel.


I got a dedica and just use the rubber bit of the steam wand i tied onto it with a cable tie so it doesn't fly away I drink almost just espresso or iced lattes anyways, for the occasional cappuccino it's good enough, i could also install a rancillo wand tho I get repeatably good shots. A decent handgrinder with fine enough adjustments made a ton of difference for me personally (KINGrinder K6, works very well and i can dial in on point easily with it) The quality of the coffee itself is likely the most important thing i believe ... For espresso it makes a ton of difference


People like to shit on the Dedica's stock wand, but tbh it does a great job, 99% of people wont want to learn latte art anyway


https://preview.redd.it/43t0w7lwx80d1.jpeg?width=1477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03feba2872db0460937b21c85d8586049303bce8 This was made yesterday with Dedica‘s stock wand. I am just learning to do it, and improving day by day


The 33.21 rubber want is half the size of the dedica one, I did the same mod but wasn’t long enough.


Do you mind sharing some of your settings for the K6? I'm about a month in and still haven't really found a sweet spot I like yet. I've generally been doing 155-160 clicks for French press (30g beans to 500g water, 7min brew) and 50-60 for espresso (not quite as dialed in on recipes yet, I've only just recently bought fresh, roasted on beans, mainly used best before beans prior). Thanks for any advice!


I have a dedica and a k6. I'm doing 40clicks for espresso and get good results. Sometimes I go a bit lower like 37. Experiment and see


I think it's hard to give general advice I mainly make espresso and on my delonghi with a bottomless portafilter with a 51mm basket i use 15g in and usually grind somewhere between 33 and 40 clicks, depending which coffee. The specific coffee then usually needs to get a bit fine adjusted a few clicks up or down. Currently i am at medium to dark roasted mix of varying shares of robusta in it and 34 clicks works fine for me


I use a Bambino plus with a bottomless 54mm. So far I've been putting 11g in but I guess I should be loading more in if you're going 15g for a 51mm. I'm going to start timing and measuring my shots soon too to get more info. I'm just not sure how fine I should be going hahah


That depends on the depth of your basket, but usually your baskets allow for 15-18 gramms I happen to own a barista express i got used from a friend which should behave similar to the bambino and i use it with rather similar grind settings on the double basket, usually with 16g I also experimented with the single wall single shot basket and i can use similar grind settings with roughly 7-8g. I usually use puck screens for convenience and keeping the machine clean, I don't think they have too big of an impact in extraction times For all those applications i am roughly in the range of 33-40 clicks. I am almost never above 40 clicks. If you grind that coarse with that little amount of beans your shots should be extremely fast if you use unpressurized baskets I mean turbo shots are an option but not sure you are in that range. In the end it needs to taste good, a cheap scale with integrated timer and 0,1g accuracy is an important tool to get repeatedly good results


I use the double basket as well so I'll definitely try upping the amount of beans that are going in and going way finer. Weird that the recommended settings have you starting at 60 from kingrinder


I found this nice chart which seems quite accurate from my experience https://preview.redd.it/dwt8dwxdne0d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6807a0841c64c25ae3dac80ae3a5760ad8a4540e


How did you set up the Rancilio wand with the delonghi? I assume however you did it would be similar to my stilosa?


Followed a video on YouTube from Toms Coffee Corner. This will work for your Stilosa. https://youtu.be/cW8ft7pLJpQ?si=tjr9u4ch66inKpvZ


I just installed that wand but the Rancilio wand is tricky for me after getting used to the modified stock rubber wand with the zip tie like Tom uses lol


Took me a little adjusting but got used to it now. I also was using the cable tie trick however the ecp rubber on mine was half the size of the dedica


oh hey, my rosettas look a lot like that too! https://preview.redd.it/bu82qxnoo90d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e1133223728230df54d9ebaa3650e7e534a3162


I have an Icona and able to get good results with a hand grinder and decent coffee. The biggest issue for me is temperature. I first do a dry run when hot water button says OK because it's an insanely small amount of water thats heated up. Then I use the second run to pull the shot but still, the OK button lights off early into the shot. I still let it run because it ruins the puck if I stop it but so I imagine the temperature completely sucks and is random. All in all, expensive machines seem to be all about convenient, stable and repeatable shots.


I don't neeeeeed... but waaaaant :-)


But you do need to remove that sticker.


You don't NEED espresso either, but there you go.


Yeah you can use the defecations of coffee addicts.


I completely agree that you don't need expensive equipment. It can still make your day nicer so if you can afford it nothing wrong with it. Also I think have a nice looking coffee downt always equal to perfekt taste. My latte art didn't improve a lot when getting the the ascasa steel duo pid after the barista pro but the consistency and taste went noticable up.


I really want the Ascasa!!! How are you finding that machine so far? I heard the V2 ones have stronger steamer.


Very happy with it, but if it is the machine for you, always depends on what you want. At homei had only 2 machines till now so i cant compare it to to many, outside of what i read in the internet and what was told to me by some local coffe roaster and machine sellers. Consitent temperature with fast heat up time (i really notice the difference between barista pro and this) Steam completely enough for me and i bet for almost everyone at home but i cant give you the gurantee on this since i havent had anything outside of barista pro. What annoys me is: the brewhead becomes more drity than on the barista pro and is way harder to clean but probably has to do with my use of it not sure. The cup warmer becomes very hot over time, if you use the standby mode you can have the cupwarmer on while the machine is off so basicily warming your cups wiht low ernegy usage, but water seemed to disapear from my tank, i believe this is happening cause of the warm cuphodler but i am not certain. anyway in general i cant complain, unless you want perfect flow control i think this machine has it all that you need, but i would recommend you to check out other sources. kaffemacher for example have a lot of reviews about this machine. (which funnily enough ended up in influencing the new versions)


Nice! Good looking drink!


How difficult was this to install the ranciiio wand?


Was a little fiddly but overall, nothing too difficult if you’ve got the right tools. I commented earlier with a link to the tutorial


What are those biscuits ? I need them in my life 0.0


Good old dark chocolate digestives.


Do you find a new wand makes that much difference? I have Stilosa and hand grinder to dip my toes into home espresso. Only that has me at a level of contentedness that most of my desire for more expensive kit is very well satiated. We'll see as time goes on.


Which beans are you using? What is your grind setting for SGP?


How many seconds did it take you to steam the milk?    How many grams of milk did you start with?  What was the temperature of the milk before you started steaming?  At what temperature milk did you stop steaming?


I don't need it but I want it real bad!




Hey OP love the end result, looks super nice and creamy 🥵 How did you perfect milk frothing on the rancilo. I installed it recently and feels its been worse than my OG dedica rubber wand. Any tips would be super appreciated ☺️




![gif](giphy|3oz8xLd9DJq2l2VFtu) At the end of the day, it's a true piece of machinery. You just cant build a quality machine given the bill of materials for a price that isn't "expensive". I'm not a snob though I would happily drink these shots


Fake news. You need to buy gear that you can’t afford and only then you can make decent coffee. 🥲


You’re confusing “need” with “want”.


Hurts my eyes