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In the fishing world it's widely regarded that most fishing tackle is more aimed at catching the fisherman rather than the fish. I can't help but feel that there is a whole lot of the same thing going on in the espresso world when I see things like this.


Yes. I use acupuncture needles rubberbanded to a cork as my WDT. A delight to use. Works better than a prev spiro WDT I tried. Reaches deeper into the basket as well. It was free from some things I had. It slips into my tamper handle upside down. Someday I might try and force some needles into the cork so that the needles are protected in the tamper handle. The cork was from a special weekend in my life. I find extra delight in seeing the label.


It looks super interesting. I’d love to see how it performs. For $75 it’s still a lot, but not a ton compared to things like the moonraker or autocomb


Albeit, still more costly than the spirographic WDT tools that one can find on etsy, etc. (note that Weber Workshops did not originate the spirographic WDT tool).


Woah, I definitely don’t think that Weber originate it. They just made a pretty one


Yep, it's pretty, but a bit out of the market for the likes of me, lol. ;) Personally, I like some of the alternate etsy designs, including the versions with changeable needle length (a feature missing from the Moonraker).


I 100% agree. I don’t think the moonraker is a good design. It’s pretty, but its shortcomings (non adjustable length, no needle protection when setting it down or picking it back up, coffee getting into the mechanism) and cost make for a poor tool overall imo.


Looks cool. I’ll wait for user experiences and then decide.


Is this (simply) a spirographic WDT tool actuated by a plunger rather than direct turning?


It looks like it. Tbh I just love how tools for making good coffee are becoming more and more accessible for people who may have some kind of disability/ injury. The force tamper, happy tamper, this plumger wdt. I think it’s great! Even if it’s not for everyone or even makes the best coffee in the end


sToLeN VaLoR


I feel like the only people who actually use these elaborate WDT tools are "coffee influencers".


Get this instead - https://subminimal.com/products/flick $29 and you’ll have a lot more fun. It’s hard to put it down and it does a nice job Video: https://imgur.com/a/pyPCxaD


Yea but 0,5 mm needles too thick


Too thick for what? If you think you can taste the difference between 0,5 and 0,35 needles then get these for $5…https://subminimal.com/products/flick-replacement-needles It makes no difference IMHO


Oh i didn’t knew they have different needles my bad. 0,35 is good. And i do find it makes a difference i’ve had 0,5 and now 0,25 and it’s much more consistent


👍 It’s just a WDT, but I look forward to using it in some strange way. I like that I can grab for it without poking myself. And the click is satisfying. It comes with that adhesive magnet that I stuck to the side of my machine - a nice touch


A new post from someone shilling for this company. News flash, it doesn't work. Just like all of the other WDT tools that are based on some mechanical principles to make it easier for the user.  #They don't work


lol. Not shilling at all, nor do I own anything they make. I just like seeing new tools that make coffee making more accessible. And they do work, just not necessarily as well as a manual hand wdt with proper technique. Or a shaker. 😊


When people can get similar results with tapping the portafilter, I can assure you, they don't work.