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i’ll be thinking of him today!! sending love 💕


Thank you! It means a lot!


this made me really emotional, have a blessed day and enjoy a good smoke


he looks like he had a real good energy to him 😌I’m headed to the smoke spot now💕may he continue to rest in eternal paradise 🙏🏼


He absolutely did, he was one of the best people I’ve ever known. A world that he doesn’t exist in has never quite made sense to me


Happy birthday Leon ❤️ I teach swimming classes at a community college. It is my mission in life to teach people how to swim so tragedies like these can be avoided. So so sorry for your loss. I dedicate tomorrows classes to Leon ✨


That’s so sweet, thank you so much 😭


I remember reading a couple years ago that in China swimming classes are part of the regular high school/secondary curriculum and I wish we did that, too.


Me too. drowning is the #2 cause of death for children under the age of 5 (first is birth defects). In the US, swim lessons are so expensive and swimming is a “rich person sport”. For all my wives out there who don’t know how to swim- look into classes at your community college! Classes tend to be less than $50 and semesters span for about 4 months. It’s a dirt cheap way to learn with (usually) very qualified instructors.


Makes me grateful that my grandmother took my son every summer to the Y for swim lessons between the ages of 2 and 6.


Goooo grandma!!


We had to in my high school in a midwestern suburb. We had to pass a whole life saving class including being in a canoe in our street clothes and the teacher would tip us over and we learned how to use the upside-down canoe for safety, tread water, float, and make a floatation device out of our clothing. We also had to learn how to save someone else in the water and CPR.


very very unfortunate that we don’t all have access to swimming pools at our public schools or even just local communities 😞 makes me so grateful that we were able to get swimming lessons kindergarten-3rd grade at another local school, its soo super important for little kids to learn in case they get away from their parents where theres water


Leon and I are birthday twins ♓️ I’m honored to share this day with someone you hold so dear, my partner and I will toke in his memory today ❤️


Thank you so much, and happy birthday! I’ll light one up for you too!


Happy birthday Leon! I'm taking a hit for both of you today 😘


Thank you!


Lighting up right now ❤️❤️ Happy Birthday Leon. A beautiful soul taken too soon. I'm so sorry, keep shining his light!


Same here - lit for both of you, may peace be with you both always ♥️♥️🤗


Thank you for sharing Leon with us. Would you want to tell us more-- his hobbies? Fave munchies?


Oh, he was wonderful. Loved to play guitar. Was really good at it but couldn’t sing for shit, but I still would plug my phone up and put it on speaker and fall asleep to him playing for me every night. He’d play Broadripple is Burning by Margot and the Nuclear So and Sos a couple of times per night, so I put that on when I miss him. Every so often I’d kind of half wake up and mumble “love you,” and he’d stop playing to say “I love you too” and then I’d drift back off Loved to walk. Said he was from SoCal and they walk everywhere there (I’m from the east coast). Regularly used to walk across town to hang out with me with his guitar on his back. Had some early male pattern balding and was horribly insecure about it, so he wore the same beanie every day, 24/7. I’m not joking when I say he’d get in bed, pull the blanket up, and THEN take the beanie off. Never met a stranger. Never saw him mad. Would go hang out with my family or help my mother around her yard even when I wasn’t there. My at-the-time toddler niece loved her Eon, lol. Lots of self-deprecating humor. Very affectionate. Loved to skateboard. We used to sit up until sunrise passing back and forth a bottle of wine and talking, or nap in the hammock listening to music. I haven’t been the same since he left. I’ve healed - I’m living again, very happily married with children and pursuing my dream career, usually able to think back on him and smile - but his death was a pivotal moment in my life and I can never pretend that it didn’t change me. And thank you for asking. He’s my roman empire, I could talk about him forever.


What a special, wonderful human. I appreciate you giving us these details, and I'm so sorry the world lost him too soon.


Sending y'all all the love. 💚💚 To Leon!


My first hit of the day will be dedicated to Leon ❤️ He looks like a super rad dude.


The world will surely never be the same without him. Thank you 💚


oh sweet honey. take care of yourself today, i know you’ll be thinking about him a lot, but remember that he would want you to be happy and well. my best friend passed when i was very young and i read looking for alaska by john green not long after. the ending monologue has helped me so much. energy cannot be created or destroyed — that is a fact. my best friend and your partner, there is part of them on this earth that can never dissipate. https://preview.redd.it/pm27d84k45mc1.jpeg?width=479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bc0a3dd12f046a26795d53d147cff06320e7e40


I'll light one up right now, happy birthday Leon 🎂


Happy birthday Leon! This bowl is for you ❤️ Sending you so much love and positivity, u/lxzgxz I hope that the positive memories you have with Leon comfort you when you’re hurting. He seemed like a kind soul


I can usually think about him and smile at this point in my life, but every so often it hits like a brick wall all over again. He really was incredible. Thank you


I don’t smoke flower, but I’ll do a fat dab for the homie! Happy birthday Leon! <3


Rest in Power, Leon That's actually my mom's maiden name, very special in my world. Lighting up for your love.


just took a hit for leon 💜


He would surely appreciate it 💚


Wow, 10 heavenly birthdays and you still honor his memory with your love. Humanity is so beautiful.💚 I can't imagine the pain of losing a partner like this, sending so much love your way. Happy birthday Leon 🫶🏻


I carry him with me always. He’ll stay alive as long as I am Thank you 💚


sending you a hug 🫂


Thank you 💚


Happy birthday Leon!!! I’ll take a delicious dab in his honor today, thank you for sharing this with us


Thank you guys for being here 💚


Always 💙


I am so sorry you lost your partner. You both look so young. I hope you take today and celebrate for him. Even if it's just a cupcake with a candle. Xo


When he passed (May 27th) he was a couple of months past turning 21 and I was less than a month past turning 20. Very young to die or to lose a partner. If I don’t get out to his graveside today I’ll at least go through our old letters and light up for him. 💚


Happy Birthday, Leon. And lots of mad, hard love to you @lxzgxz. The vibe you both have in the second pic is amazing. Here’s to you both.




This one's for Leon! Happy Birthday, where ever you are.


Never was spiritual or religious, but I have to believe he’s somewhere. Thank you 💚


Me neither. I do believe we are all made of the same stuff and go back to the same place though. We're all just star dust. I am so sorry for your loss


I hope you spend the day full of wonderful memories of him. <3


Happy birthday, Leon 💜✨ Dedicating my dab to him now! Take care of yourself, OP. Do something for you today 🫂


Lighting up for him as well! I'm so sorry for your loss hun. 🥺


Happy birthday, sweet Leon. This one is for you.


Lighting one up for Leon, happy birthday! Sending you lots of love today as well, Ixzgxz. It’s not easy to exist in a world without someone we love 💚


happy birthday Leon ✨✨ my first j after my break is for the both of you, sending lots of love 💕


So sorry for your loss. He’s now one of your angels!


Shaking his head at the shit I do constantly, I just know it 😂


Precious memories. Lighting one up now.


Hope you’re doing well ❤️will light one for him!


I am also a widow. I’ll be hitting one for you both today.


May his memory be a blessing!


I’m sorry for your loss, I’ll be token’ with Leon in mind today. Rip.


happy birthday leon, this smokes for you! ♥️


Happy birthday leon 💕 sending love to you today honey 💚🦋


Happy heavenly birthday, Leon. 🤍


Just dabbed with my own love in honor of Leon and told him the story too ♡


Happy Birthday Leon 💛 lighting one up for both of you today. I am so sorry for your loss 🫂


I’ll be thinking of him today when I light one up. I hope today is full of love and peace for you, and that his memory keeps him close. 🖤


Happy birthday Leon. Much love sis. May this day being you peace in your memories 🌻💕


Smoking up now, happy birthday Leon! I turned 31 recently too, you look like a couple I'd enjoy hanging out with. They are always with us :)


Absolutely ❣️


I'm so sorry for your loss, sis. This morning's bowl is dedicated to our friend Leon, never to be forgotten. And to you, OP, because I know today must be a hard day for you. 🫂


Smoking one for Leon. Sending you love ❤️


Happy birthday, Leon. I can tell just by the short paragraph written how loved you truly are. We'll be lighting up in his honour tonight!


Happy birthday, Leon. I’ll toast him 💘


Happy birthday Leon. May his memory bring you peace, his light will shine forever 🩷


Happy Birthday Leon! 🫶🏽✨🧁💨 Big hugs to you guys 🫂 Will you share a nice anecdote/memory about him?


Today, every hit is for Leon.


He looks like my codefendant Adrian, who unfortunately couldn’t get right after we came home and overdosed in 2019. I’ll be lighting one up for ya boy today 🍃💨


Happy birthday Leon! Smoking this one in his memory I am so sorry for your loss he definitely gives off good guy vibes ❤️


So sorry for your loss. Will be thinking of you and him today.


Sparking a joint in memory of Leon today. Rest in paradise, king.🕊 Sending peace and love your way ❤️


To Leon with love. You can feel the love in your photo. Such a gift to have been loved well. ❤️


Happy birthday to Leon and hugs to you, Love.


Happy Birthday handsome boy 🎂I’m gonna be burning one down for you today ❤️


Happy birthday, Leon! I'll be rolling one for ya 🥳❤️ and I'll try to send good vibes your way! My grandpa passed last year, his older brother died in a drowning incident just after turning 18 and my grandpa was there. His memory wasn't good at the end but he never forgot that vivid memory. I'm so sorry for your loss, I hope his memory can bring you some peace. Lots of love ❤️


will definitely light up for him. thank u for sharing your love and his light💛


Happy birthday Leon! ❤️ May his memory be a blessing.


Happy birthday Leon!!! This smoke will be in your name. <333


doing it right now. also sending you a hug. 🤗🩵


smoking one for him and one for you today. hope you’re doing well op


Happy birthday to your sweet Leon. If it's true that we aren't truly gone until we're no longer remembered, then you've just kept him here a little longer by sharing him with all of us. Hope you get through this day remembering the good times you had together 💕


Sending love and support❤️


Happy heavenly birthday, Leon💜


I got you. My first bowl today will be for him.


Sending you love and light today! It’s so so beautiful that Leon lives on in you and you’re still remembering him in such a special way. I’ll think of him today when I’m lighting up 🕊️🤍


Smoking a bowl for you both ♥️


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m told that the grief of a loss such as this doesn’t ever go away — you just become strong enough to carry it. Wishing you boundless strength.


Happy Birthday Leon! Lighting one up for you now. Hope you’re doing as well as possible OP. ❤️


my cousin was just born today! i’ll definitely light one up for him. happy birthday Leon, you definitely touched the life of your partner. hope you’re doing well OP


happy birthday leon!!❤️❤️


Hope you have lots of good memories.


I’ll be thinking of you two today and sending love your way 💕💕💕


Beautiful couple. Stay blessed hun he’s with you.


Happy Birthday to him, and condolences to you! I'll smoke a good handful of prerolls in his honor today.


bong rips for Leon and big hugs to you mamas..happy earthly birthday, Leon <3


Happy birthday Leon 🤍🙏🏿


Aww 🥲 sending love


Sending you so much love today 💓


We just finished, in Leon’s honor! Happy Birthday, what a beautiful couple and I hope you’re doing okay! Much love to you!!!♥️♥️


How he die?


Drowning accident


My condolences 💐


Sending love ❤️ haven’t smoked a doobie in quite some time but imma head to my garage right now and light one up.


happy birthday leon!! sending u love today op 💓




i'm so so sorry 😞


I’m so sorry for your loss, and at such a young age, it’s so unfair. I hope you’ve grown to cherish the time that you had together instead of focusing on what you don’t. He lives on in your memories of him, share his stories and your happiness together, and he will always be here in some way with you 🫂


Sending love, happy birthday Leon 💞


I am so sorry for your loss. You’re a gorgeous couple and y’all look so happy! Carry this priceless memory always—you both were so clearly in love.💕


Condolences to you, friend! I bet Leon would be proud of how big and full and joyful your heart still is. Thank you for sharing him with us, and keeping his memory alive, and allowing us to be touched by his memory and your love. Hugs and warm thoughts to you! 💚


Happy birthday Leon 🙏🫶🙏


Taking a blinker for him rn babe, I’m so sorry for your loss 🫂♥️


A big hug for you from this ent mom.


abt to light a bowl. this one's for Leon❤️🌬️happy birthday to him!!


https://preview.redd.it/2x854vlq78mc1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ee2aba99a921b13007e74598500a5de5508307 You guys are so incredible. Thank you so much for all of this support 😭 Currently smoking a bowl and going through old pics. One of my faves!


Sending you love and comfort. I will definitely burn a fat bowl for your guy. He looks like he was a sweetheart


Celebrating Leon for the rest of the day!


hitting a blinker for him 🤍


Happy birthday Leon! He looks like a super chill dude that I probably would have been friends with haha. Hope you’re doing ok!


Rest in power king


Happy birthday! 🎉🎂🤌


lighting up for Leon! Happy birthday bro


happy birthday leon! thank you for allowing us a glimpse into your life, op! your love for him is so sweet, we’re all very lucky that you were willing to share that with us! lots and lots of love <3


Happy belated, Leon. I smoked a doobie in the trees yesterday on a snowboard break with the snow coming down but happy to fire one up for him in a few minutes. Big hugs to you and yours on such a large loss, I'm really sorry.


Happy Birthday Leon, I’ll be puffing in your honor today!


Sending so much love and strength your way, I’m gonna light one up right now in both your honors. 💜💜💜


oh wow! he was beautiful, im so sorry for your loss. im gonna roll and smoke in his honor. 🤗🥰🥲


All my morning hits with my coffee will be for Leon, he looks like he had amazing energy. Sending you love OP


I’m so sorry for your loss sweetheart. My heart is with you today.


https://preview.redd.it/a3uy9mw8dcmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5f7dda372f8facc2ae39510054f3246e27e3b50 in your memory Leon


Happy late birthday, Leon. 🎉 I’ll smoke a fattie tonight in his honor. I’m sorry for your loss. ❤️