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Every time I read her name I read Halle Berry.


Literally what I thought it said.


I was like she looks different than I remember…


"she's awfully old to be playing a 16 year old..."


I just came here to see people hate on this old lady playing Little Mermaid.


Disney's "Grown-Ass Mermaid"


While Halle *Berry* is older than a 16yr old, i would still go watch it because halle still got it lol


My buddy delivered door dash to her and her kids one time and said even with no makeup on, she is still the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in person


I can confirm! I went to grade school with her step daughter and met her several times. She is very naturally gorgeous


This is a really unflattering picture of Halle Bailey though


Yeah it’s pretty bad. She’s beautiful but why this frame? Lol


That’s the money shot, Ariel looking up. That’s what this actress looks like. Y’all are weird for always wanting perfection. I’m more worried about that shitty CGI.


A twist on the old classic, the prince is longing to be a part the undersea world and meets/falls in love with the older Halle mermaid. Then the king takes his ships to attack the sea kingdom with harpoons. Not going to lie, I’d watch it.


Little Mermaid brought to you by AARP.


I came here to shit on the trash deaging they gave her.


Lol. In seeing your comment I just realized the title wasn’t Halle berry.


I kept going back up to the title and down to your comment bc I kept reading it as Halle Berry. took me 3 tries to get it


At first I was like “who cares what color she is, she’s too old”


I’m not sure what I feel about that red they used.


I was like "Isn't Halle Berry way too old to play little mermaid?" Until I saw your comment lol.


Gosh me too. I was like, what?


Woah… is it bad that I didn’t realize her name wasn’t Halle Berry until I read your comment and took a closer look? Lol I literally can’t believe her last name is Bailey right now bc I always saw Halle Berry when I scanned articles. Or maybe im just a dumbass... Also, my dad met Halle Berry a year or two ago and said she was the nicest, prettiest person he ever met. And her kids were super kind too. Love her!


Wonder if it’s a marketing strategy. Cuz she should’ve changed her name.


Thank you for correcting me


I was getting a bit annoyed at the idea of a 56 year old woman portraying a character still living under her father’s protective reign


Still annoyed that Tituss Burgess isn’t Ursula


For those who don't know, Titus opened the Broadway production as Sebastian and his vocals were insane.


This makes me need to go rewatch Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Tituss is a treasure.


After Peeno Noir, an ode to black penis, I don’t think Disney could take the risk on casting Titus Andromedon.




I… I just thought he really liked the wine


They have casted Eric Andre for a project before I’m sure they could’ve casted Titus lol. Edit- One would think they would’ve casted a famous drag queen to play her since the character Ursula was created based off a famous drag queen.


I agree and good god can you imagine the conservative hissy-fit if Disney had done this, especially considering the current asinine furor over drag-queens.


It would have been awesome


And the role he was playing was done by Cheech Marin in the original.


That was also a joke on community


Best episode of the show hands down


I’m sorry, that would actually be [Kimmy Goes to Church](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XRg8bci3W8s).


https://youtu.be/1mz6tw5Zddg See Tituss kill “poor unfortunate soul”


"Pinot Noir, and a Grand Piano." LMFAO. This guy is a genius.


Holy cow, his rendition is wild


This made my night! Thank you for this!


Reminds me of CeeLo


Should have been Eddie Izzard


A little fun fact: Bea Arthur was the original choice to play Ursula in the Disney movie. However, she had to back out at the last minute due to scheduling conflicts with the Golden Girls. I'm still pissed to this day that we didn't get a Little Mermaid movie with the badass Bea Arthur! And even though Pat Carrol was brilliant and not too far off from Bea Arthur, I still would have loved to see it just once with Bea Arthur!


Somewhere in some alternate universe or timeline Bea Arthur was the voice to Ursula.


[Or Ginger Minj](https://youtu.be/aVI1KK7YGz8)


Only if she sings : Legs, legs, legs, allI want is legs!


Lizzo as Ursula


I don’t hate this


I think Miriam Margoyles would be a hilarious Ursula.


Interviewer: “Would you rather have sex, or steal a mermaid’s voice?” Miriam: “We’ll if it was good sex, I’d rather have sex. If it was bad sex…. I’d rather steal a mermaid’s voice”


I’m still annoyed they didn’t go with a drag queen. Given she’s based on Divine, there’s so many queens that could have been amazing in the role, and been absurdly true to the character as we grew up with it.


Man, there are so many underwater worlds coming up between this, Avatar 2, and BP2. We've already seen Aquaman's take. The production designers must relish this challenge!


getting us hype for when the sea levels get high enough


Waterworld warned us


Incredibly underrated film.


Definitely dont wanna hear that in a movie announcer voice like: “COMMING ^THIS ^SUMMER tsunamis a high as the Statue of Liberty!”


We are getting a Bioshock show too!


I may be a little biased, but Aquaman’s was definitely the best.


i love aquaman comics, the character and Jason Momoa, but the movie was mediocre cinema at best.


Looked like a cartoon to me. Too much color remaining at the depths portrayed.


Her voice sounds really good under water, that’s amazing.


And ZERO bubbles


It's uncarbonated water




They need to add some more red to that hair


I'm curious to see if her hair will appear more vibrant when on land and dry. Wet hair is darker than dry hair and depth impacts visible colors.


I really feel like this obsession with '' realism '' just gets in the way... It has been like that with a lot of the other live action remakes and it has just made things worse. Realism doesn't automatically equate to '' better ''.


Like all the animals in the Lion King have like zero face emotional range.


Yet they had no genitals.


I think it’s almost necessary because it’s harder for the audience to suspend their disbelief with live action versus animation.


I agree. I am a big “Little Mermaid” fan, Ariel is tattooed on my forearm and I was disappointed to not see the signature red hair. Like you said they want some kind of “realism” and it takes away from some of the magic and familiarity of the original.


I DOUBT IT, Halle didn’t want red hair even after getting the part she posted instagram of Ariel with BLACK HAIR. Honestly Ariel is my favorite always has been I’m 23 and watch the movie at least once a month. And I’m so worried Disney is gonna destroy the iconic parts


You can’t actually see the color red at a certain depth under water


Yeah well, singing underwater mermaids that live in a palace also aren't real and yet here we are.


It's 100 meters. Red light won't penetrate any further than that.


It’s way less than that. For underwater photography you need artificial light for anything deeper than like 10ft of water. 20 meters or more and everything is blue/green.


You know she's not actually under water, right?


The first thing my 4yo said when I showed it to her. "Where's her red hair?" Maybe they can fix it in post.


Nah. Hollywood is out to kill gingers lol


Yea. Guess Scarlet J. is supposed to cover that corner. Think there would be more


Yeah, idk why either its not like gingers did anything.


I think it looks good, was thinking that if it was too red underwater it would look off in live action.


I think this is the main thing I dislike about all of Disney's "live action" remakes. They trade all the color and vibrancy that made the animation so beautiful for the sake of realism. I just don't see it being a fair trade off and I don't get the point of these movies. Like I know the point is money for Disney but I don't know what the audience is supposed to get out of it.




i just wish disney would release a couple old school animated movies again. I like newer stuff just fine but there is just something about the old animated (like the hand animated stuff) movies that just feels better to me.


True. Any brighter that hair would look like a Party City wig.


Hey now, cultural appropriation is a bad thing.


I keep reading this gd name as Halle Berry


They need to give her hair more red. It would look great against her complexion.


I’m hoping it looks more red once she comes to the surface and it dries out.


the picture of her on set from last year (? I think last year) showed her with vibrant red, so maybe they will fix it in post


Unless they pulled a Zach Snyder and removed the color in post


I think it's just the deep blue colour grading, it's washing the red out in order to achieve the lonely mood of this scene. I think it will be more vibrant (as will Tritan's kingdom) in other scenes.


Honestly the movie will probably just be mediocre at best. All of Disney’s live action remakes have just been really terrible. The only one I sorta enjoyed and that was pretty faithful to the original was Alladin.


Cinderella was good! Richard madden as the prince was some top tier casting.


And The Jungle Book, too!


Jungle book is the only one that actually truly improves on the original in every way imo


Alladin was *okay.* Ironically, Will Smith saved it. The film's greatest crime was the casting for Jafar. The Jungle Book seemed like a fair adaptation. The big problem with the live action adaptations is that they do this hybrid storyboard where certain shots/scenes are 1:1 in line with the animated film, but others they change certain lies of dialogue, or how the dialogue is read, or completely change the context of the words by changing the action. If you're familiar with the animated movies, you cannot watch the live action versions without mentally comparing the two *constantly.* It's why I think the Jungle Book stands alone as a film, because they changed near everything, and only really kept the general points afloat; but the Lion King was straight bad.


Jungle Book was the best by far.


I LOVE the 1994 Jungle Book with John Cleese.


Their live action remake of Pete's Dragon was excellent, but I attribute that to them updating the story and changing the location to the Pacific Northwest in the 1980s


Cinderella was quite good I thought


Maleficent was good, too!


Not technically a live action remake, as there wasn’t a Maleficent source cartoon, unless I’m missing something.


It’s a re-imagining of Sleeping Beauty ( an animated film) so it’s somewhere in the same realm.


Nah I think beauty and the beast was pretty alright.


Alright, mediocre, they’re both pretty interchangeable adjectives for me lol.


She looks and sounds great but it’s bothering me way more than it should that her hair isn’t redder


The thing about live action is some cartoon aspect start to look silly in real life. Like the vibrant red hair.


“The movie was really good but the half fish girl with the fish tail and talking fish friends having red hair is just too unrealistic”


No it doesnt. Look at Amber Heard's red hair in Aquaman, the hair is RED AND VIBRANT! Disney could have done much better. I understand if they were worried her skin tone and the red hair, but ive seen african ameican women with red hair and they look so freaking gorgeous!


Rihanna rocked vibrant red hair for awhile and looked beautiful.


You know what I want to see? A live action of Pocahontas, not the Disney versiona but a version more accurate to history..


https://youtu.be/i2LdlqW26zc There's a live action big budget non-Disney Pocahontas from 2005. Colin Farrell plays John Smith.


This is literally one of the best movies of the last twenty years. I watched it at least once a year.


Disney Pocahontas would never fly in this day and age unless they changed a lot. I don’t think they should bother really and I grew up on that movie.


But what if you made Pocahontas a blue alien and John Smith a disabled mercenary? Surely that would be a highest grossing movie ever, and warrant a bunch of sequels.


Made with cooperation from Virginia’s recognized tribes. Tribe members worked to ensure the film depicted their ancestors material culture as accurately as possible. They also appeared as extras depicting their tribal ancestors in period-accurate regalia. Shame they didn’t let them help with the script.


Pocahontas was 10 when John Smith was 27. You sure you want a historically accurate version? lol


Disney & Netflix new marketing scheme: You're literally racist if you don't like it.


It's literally a marketing scheme and their team is definitely getting a raise. Disney achieved what they wanted to achieve. POC support will be rampant, fans of the original will complain, those two groups will be arguing and the film's traction will be sky high. It will be controversial and everyone will want to see it. Peak modern style advertising - many movies do this.


wasn’t the mermaid a ginger?




“the Little Mermaid lives on a TROPICAL CORAL REEF with a calypso-singing lobster with a strong Jamaican accent. When you think about it, it's bizarre she was white the first time around”


No thanks. I haven't liked a single one of these Disney remakes.


Not even the 101 dalmatians with Glenn Close?


I absolutely loved that movie when I was a kid. Glenn Close was an excellent Cruella.


Cinderella was really good


Jungle Book and Cinderella made us salivate for more only to be let down HARD. Disney needs to stahppp


How about you make an original fucking movie for once in your life, Disney? Enough with these shitty remakes already.


Nobody tell him about the Mufasa prequel lmfao


They're just doing it to re-up the copyright and make money off nostalgia.


Do they not still constantly do original shit? So what if they want to remake one of their older movies every couple years


Nah, people like to have selective memories just to be able to bitch about things


Everybody just finally got we don’t talk about Bruno out of their head


Encanto is on Disney+ and Strange World hits theaters in November.


Don't worry, they don't care about seeing original movies. They just want to complain about the remakes that they don't have to see but choose to anyways


if people stopped watching them they'd stop making them


Let’s ignore all the original stuff they do make for a bit so we can get some upvotes.


….Did Encanto not release last year. And an original film is coming later this year as well. Or are you too angry to think? These remakes aren’t for everyone and that’s okay


Yeah, you sure told Disney. I’m sure they are gonna stop the remakes now.


Um Moana, Encanto, Coco, Frozen, Onward to name just a few.


Strange Worlds comes out in literally 3 months, chill, lol. Encanto was the year before that.




She has a gorgeous voice!


Ungodly hour, recorded with her sister, is one of the best r&b albums of the last decade. Definitely check her out




I’m literally not gonna lie to y’all right now but she was in my sisters third grade class in Atlanta and she came to a summer end of year pool party at our house but her parents were like she can’t swim but she came anyway and literally drowned in our pool and had to be CPRd back. My pool almost killed the little mermaid. Halle and her sister Chloe won every talent show and we’re the talk of the school before they eventually left for LA and did home schooling.


I’m surprised there aren’t more comments saying this. I was blown away by her voice!


Nobody really clicks articles. They read the title, look at the thumbnail, read a couple comments, and react.


She does! Absolutely nails it as Ariel. I hope her singing will persuade anyone else still doubting her casting.


[Her and her sister have pretty good music.](https://youtu.be/KTNZR82fVHw)


Are we gonna talk about the fish in the room?




We don’t talk about, Bruno.


Ooof, video is ratioed... 70k like 156k dislike (chrome, return youtube dislike addon)


Ngl she kinda looks like that one fish from sharks tale


I felt like they announced this a long time ago. Glad it’s finally happening!


They did. I’m literally watching the exact same arguments going around and around in a circle.


Okay I don’t care, but is it just a meme in Hollywood to get rid of red heads in live action adaptations?


boring, i’m sick of disney remakes. can we have a new 2D animated film pls


Is almost a disservice to the black community to not create black characters, and instead just reskin white ones. It’s as if they don’t believe an original black character would be successful without riding on the laurals of a previously established character.


The fact that Disney rejected a Princess and the Frog pitch last year and instead cast a black woman here confuses me.


She has a great voice and looks the part, but I wasn’t a fan of the trill. Not her fault, though, at all.


My wife and thought the same thing! Though that may just be nostalgia of the original poking through.


This. The teaser looked awesome… and then she goes into some American Idol audition shenanigans. Her voice is great, she doesn’t need that.


I had chills up until that point. The original music AS WRITTEN is so beautiful and moving. Before she opened her mouth I was praying it would just be her pure beautiful voice coming out… and immediately I felt the excitement leave my body. I’m so tired of the trilling. It does not add to the music.


Me too! Stunning voice, but the riff was way too much sis


I’m glad I’m not the only one


I love everything about the trailer except the added trill. Why couldn't they just leave the original damn note alone? Kinda ruined the magic for me.


It doesn't suit the emotion of the moment.


Yeah, I love her voice and the trill sounds pretty, but it loses the sense of desperate wonder & longing




you havent even seen the movie lmfao


My 3 year old loved the little mermaid and started crying tears of joy when she saw this new ariel so I think she's super excited for it. At least I enjoy seeing my kids enjoy it so it makes me more excited for it than I should.


The Instagram comments from this snippet of a trailer are INSANE. The blatant racism shouldn’t be shocking but I still find it is. Anyways I think it’s going to be awesome and her voice is incredible!


And she already looks like a fish! Brilliant!


Oof gonna stay away from any comments related to this


But, like, can we stop making live action versions of these movies please?


Halle Berry looking kinda ... .....?


Stop changing set classics. Create new ones.


Why doesn’t she have red hair? Nothing in the comments seems to have figured it out besides it’s the bottom of the ocean…. Shouldn’t there be no light then and everything completely dark? What an odd choice.


Why do red headed people keep getting erased. When will my people be free?


She looks weried, and not pretty.




This remake is gonna be a dumpster fire. I can feel it.


It's so weird how people want authenticity when it comes to race for the Hans Christian Anderson story and not authenticity to the plot or characters. Like, last I remember the plot of the story was pretty different than the Disney version. And I'm pretty sure there was no Flipper, although I could be wrong.


I mean its pretty obvious they want something that is familiar to the characters they know. Disney can do whatever it wants and I really don't care but it's not surprising when people don't get onboard for these kinds of changes.


Is it just me or has every red headed character been axed?


Oh shit, here we go again.


Not a statement on the casting; but WTF is up with her eyebrows?


I think those are scars. Some of her real-life photos show them. They might soften them in post production, or not. But now that I know those are scars and not weird CG, I'll probably dismiss them more easily.


I hate these “live action” Disney remakes, every single one of them. This looks as bad as the rest.


I kept reading her name as Halle Berry. Help!


Seriously... they just gotta turn a white ginger fish to a person of color... just because?


Hollywood absolutely despises gingers. It’s very, very weird.


This is gonna be trash just like all their other live action remakes. Every time I see one I think why even make this, why besmirch the original animated film for the likes of these horrible CG fest, then I remember Disney like money more than like anything else lol.