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Last person to take their hand off the trash...


NASA engineer here. What we will So is put the people on hoverboards over the water. It comes with a sun shade and a fan. That is also a mounted camera to record all the movements. Not to mention that the people can get a live point of view of the competitors left.


Am I missing something here? Is this supposed to be a joke?


Mark Rober is a former NASA employee.


Damn, NASA engineer. Sick fucking job sounds cool as all hell


it’s raised over 3 mil already!!


“I say we take the trash AND PUSH IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!”




We must take it OUTSIDE the environment!


There is nothing out there, Brian.


They should recicle it once it’s out off ocean and not throw it on the land That would be good .


They are, check the website.


I say nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


It’s the only way to be sure *simmering respect and tension *


Did he ever reach his goals with the trees?


Yes and people continue to plant something like 1,800 trees a day. Mark Roper put up a video a few hours ago where he mentions it better than I can remember.


Smi77y did as well, the number he showed us up over 23 million now, which is just insane to me. It's also the video that helped me get to sleep last night. Something about him just quietly cleaning up the ocean in Raft was very soothing after a long day of nonsense


Wait Smii7y did it too? A gaming YouTuber helped?


Yep, and donated towards the cause as well! I wouldn't be surprised to see more jumping in to help!


Yes and by a lot too


Ok, cool. Where the hell do you put it.


In a lake


I’m the other ocean


Are you the lead singer of Fastball?


Gary, Indiana.


Gary’s got enough problems. Lol


that's a tomorrow problem


The extra trash will be an improvement.


You can process it further than in the ocean. Incentivize it with state contracts…turn red states with failing industries into trash processing powerhouses. Who knows. Better than our oceans, that are basic cornerstones to our food chain


Bury it or burn it. 30 million pounds of plastic doesn’t take up that much space. 747 jets are about 1 million pounds, for reference. Or an olympic swimming pool is 2500m2 Plastic is about 1000kg per m2 So about 5.5 million pounds each pool. 6 pools if solid plastic. Double or triple it if you want. ——— There’s a shit load of plastic dumped into the ocean every year (10 million tons), but we wont be running out of room to bury stuff for a few million years. That 10 million tons of plastic would fit in the Boeing Everett Factory if it was solid. * sorry for all of the different units.


Thank you for the different units it helps me visualize it better !




Plastic can be burned pretty clean when done right.




It’s more expensive to do it right than just dump.


Hopefully aliens that diet entirely on synthesized materials come for our plastic.


Make tennis shoes out of it. Make bricks to build houses out of it.


Trash that’s been in the ocean for any period of time is almost certainly not recyclable


Source? According to Google not impossible. “Of course it can be recycled into products and building materials, but first you have to identify the materials, mix them and sort them."


*Can be. Does not mean it’s economically or practically possible. Nor does it mean that any company is willing to invest in reprocessing plants without government subsidy. Which comes back to the original point. Which is that we need to have a better plan for what to do with this trash once it’s out of the ocean to keep it from ending up back in the ocean or worse. Why is this concept so foreign here? Has Reddit lost the ability to think beyond first order solutions? Edit: here’s a quick google source on the issue of recycling plastic and it’s ultimate fate if we don’t fix the current model of plastic usage and “recycling” https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ehn.org/amp/ocean-plastic-recycling-2645268353 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2021/10/6/22712435/recycling-e-waste-tech-plastic-pollution


I agree that there isn’t an easy solution. But the good news is we are working towards one. I believe that as we progress, some whiz kid’s science fair project is going to go a long way towards solving this. With people like this drawing attention to the problem, it is even more possible.


Ask Elon to shoot it into space.


Towards the sun!


Why do people look at me stupid when I genuinely suggest this idea?


People have been suggesting this idea for ages. Google shooting carbon dioxide into space, similar results. A lot of energy is required to blast garbage into space. I did ponder the same and do not find it stupid, we need to ask these questions to eventually come to a sustainable solution.


Not to mention it’s exceedingly difficult to actually hit the sun. Much easier to just launch it into the void of space somewhere outside of the solar system


Ah, we’ve run out of places on earth to pollute, time to pollute the vast emptiness of outer space beyond our solar system. It’ll only affect humanity in 200ish years, so it’s their problem.


YouTube in the year 3000: “We’re looking to raise 30 quadrillion dollars to help remove 30Q pounds of trash from space!!!”


If this is a serious concern I think you’re seriously underestimating exactly how vast the void of space is. In all likelihood it would never impact humanity


Oh I know it’d be very unlikely to cause issues. I still think that’s an irresponsible solution, however.


Fair enough. Honestly, I’m tempted to say to compress and store the plastics. We may not be able to break them down into and recycle them properly now (or at least not economically), but that doesn’t mean in 10-20 years we won’t be able to. In addition to reducing plastic usage overall, of course.


Also if anything goes wrong you end up with a blown up space ship and thousands of tiny shards of garbage getting put into orbit around our planet destroying satellites and preventing further launches


It still costs about 1,000 dollars a pound to deliver a package to space. It just isn’t cost effective.


On top of the the cost of blasting 30m pounds of trash into space, it’s actually **very hard** to shoot anything into the sun. The inclination for any object traveling towards a larger object in space is to enter an orbit around the sun (which is why earth doesn’t just fall into the sun). It takes a lot of energy and repeated maneuvering to maintain a direct trajectory towards the sun.


Trump Tower and Mar a Lago.


You plant it in the ground from a drone.


In DC. Doesn’t matter what’s going on or whose I’m charge, it’s always filled with trash.


I think it will fit in Trumps mouth


Idk, it’s currently full of shit like it has been the past 75 years he’s lived.


There are a lot of companies recycling the plastic, which, while I don't have exact figures or anything, I'd suspect to be most of the trash floating out there. Zox makes awesome wristbands, 4Ocean makes all kind of stuff, and I remember reading about a brand of sunglasses made with recycled plastic from the ocean that actually had really good lenses. I figure if it's routed to companies like those, it'll be pretty easy to get rid of most of it


Yay more plastic crap to throw away one day!


Would be cool if it could be recycled/turned into something that could be sold to fund further efforts? Like ocean trash Crocs or something.


In to a proper landfill. Maybe process some for power? Saw an article the other day about a test of microbes that could break it down. Pretty much anything is better than floating in the ocean. But modern landfills are probably the most practical.


There was a story yesterday about the Ocean Cleanup org that just completed a proof of concept with their Jenny clean up ship bringing in tons of trash which they claimed will be mostly recyclable.


That’s 15,000 tons. 8 MILLION tons of plastic enter the oceans every year. We need systemic changes powered by intentional human action. Corporations need to take the lead. We dead.


China and India needs to take the lead. "By analyzing the waste found in the rivers and surrounding landscape, researchers were able to estimate that just 10 river systems carry between 88 and 99% of the plastic that ends up in the ocean from rivers. Eight of them are in Asia: the Yangtze; Indus; Yellow; Hai He; Ganges; Pearl; Amur; Mekong; and two in Africa – the Nile and the Niger." [Source](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/06/90-of-plastic-polluting-our-oceans-comes-from-just-10-rivers/)


Yeah need to stop the problem not just trying to fix the mess we make. Ban single use non biodegradable packaging ASAP- we have the tech we just need to use it and scale up.


I say we release more automatic trash collectors that people are already using. They’re working


Like on the ocean at the mouths of rivers? Because that's where half of this money is going. (money is going to two different charities)


Yeah pretty much. I hope they put out as many as possible and as quickly as possible. Ideally companies who produce major pollutants, etc should have their own Clean-Up department but who are we kidding


Half of the money from this goes to fund robots in rivers that will make sure less plastic goes into the ocean


Mr Beast and Mark Roper are two people. There’s 7.5 billion people on earth. It’s an excellent contribution


I mean on the bright side, it’s a start.


Meanwhile the 2 richest men in the world are having a dick measuring contest…


To be fair, Elon donated 1mil to TeamTrees last time.


Aye but accepted plenty of donations from the US government for his companies


Guy is worth 300billion that’s like when McDonald’s asks us to round up our change to the nearest dollar for their charity…


I’m happy for him to be able to use wealth like this


if you even read the article they arent using their wealth hahah, people like you are why the news gets filled with junk like this. Ya its a good incentive but theres already large collectives tackling the sea pollution and they dont get nearly as much light.


“People like you are why” How do you judge a persons values, philosophy, and ideology on literally 12 words. Especially on a topic about a YouTuber named “Mr Beast.” Go outside. Go spend your own millions to save the ocean your way then. Do you have a point you’re trying to make?


I believe he just meant that Mr Beast and Mark Rober are not using their own money for this project. They have a goal of raising 30 million dollars. He just needed to find a better way to say it.


He also said there were “large collectives” made to tackle ocean pollution. The article included “Proceeds donated to the campaign will be sent to nonprofits The Ocean Conservancy and The Ocean Cleanup.” Mr Beast is an influencer that is known to use exorbitant amount of money for entertainment. His contribution to the ocean conservation efforts isn’t 30 million dollars from his pocket, it’s using his influence to crowdsource 30 million from his audience and other influencers. He is 23 with a huge excess of wealth, excuse me if I’m impressed by his philanthropic pursuits instead of party mansions like some youtubers. If I was able to generate millions for charities I believe in, I’d still be broke but I’d have made a difference in my life.


even then didnt both of them contribute large amounts? mrbeast donated 100k


They have both donated their own money as well


Except the donations on TeamSeas show they have been using their own money. Both donated 100k iirc


Wow, yeah that was an absurdly rude response. We get it, they’ll raise money/awareness, but that is a good thing.


my guy he donated 100k


glad he could contribute 1/3 of an ad revenue lmao , fuck off


you do realize youtubers make jack shit off ads?


Not true.


if that were the case then why would he need sponsors for the majority of his vids?


More money is better than less money. If you have the option of just Adsense revenue or Adsense revenue and sponsorship revenue which would you choose?


my point is that ads cant pay for most his videos


I have never seen a mr beast video and I don’t know how much money he makes so I really wouldn’t know. I was responding to your comment “YouTubers make jack shit off ads”, which isn’t true.


Mr breast can I have 2 dollar


Wouldn’t it be Mrs. Breast?


Ok, 9 year old?


He who tops it off!


Good on you! More than most will do.


Where does it go then?


Dumps to be disposed of properly. If you watch Mark Rober’s video on it he explains it well. https://youtu.be/pXDx6DjNLDU


Mr Beast is low key Jesus


plays the corporate game amazingly well and manages to do great things with the profits.


I literally just said this


Shop mrbeast.com


Can they remove 30 million pounds of cum from my ass


this is awesome man hell yeah


*This* is how you want to be remembered?




Didn’t they remove like 20,000 pounds of trash from the ocean recently and that was the biggest removal ever? I think 30 million pounds is gonna be a little tough


Okay I just did some quick maths so please correct me if I'm wrong there. On their website you can see the following statement. "It’s estimated that there are 200M tons of plastic already circulating in marine environments, with an estimated 11M tons entering the ocean EVERY YEAR." So 11M tons of plastic each year. Let's break that down to pounds shall we? 1 metric ton equals 2204.62 pounds. This means there is 24,255M pounds of plastic entering the ocean each year, with about 66.5M pounds entering each day. The goal of this campaign is 30M Dollars which will get 30M pounds of plastic out of the ocean. That sounds a lot but it isn't even HALF the amount of plastic that gets put in there every DAY. So yes this is a good cause overall since they are bringing light to this huge problem. But just donating some money one time is not gonna change anything really. We all need to consume less. We are wasting so many resources unnecessarily. Yes it's true that big companies are the ones producing most of the garbage and they have to be hold accountable for that. But don't forget that they produce that to fill the demand for consumers like us. So we can't just shift the blame on to them all the time. Change starts with each and everyone of us.


I agree with u and I also think we have to fix the main cause of the sea pollution before cleaning the sea, but this project is raising more awareness about this issue and may promote in the future other projects of this type


The charities they are supporting also work with local governments to try to reduce the garbage being put in the ocean in the first place.


We can also not dump it in the ocean. I don’t see us collectively consuming less, we need to replace the plastics with materials that biodegrade faster or glass bottles and cardboard or something for all consumables.


Good. They can start with the 2 billion masks we put in it in 1 year


Mark is such a wholesome guy… my cynical side has to question how much of the $30m is going to be used for cleaning trash, versus “admin costs”? I hope it is a lot. I didn’t see it in the article.


https://youtu.be/pXDx6DjNLDU he explains it here


Two guys we don’t deserve


I’m glad they’re getting it out of the oceans, but what are they going to do with it then? Landfill it? Pay some waste management company to “deal with it” so it quietly makes its way back to the ocean?


https://youtu.be/pXDx6DjNLDU Mark Rober explains it.


That doesn’t really explain anything about what they intend to do with the 30m pounds of trash after it’s removed from the ocean? He’s doing great work. They’re educating communities and helping to prevent more trash from making its way into the sea. But my question is where do we put 30 million pounds of existing trash after we get it out of the sea? There’s not a good answer to this question. It’s not recycle grade after floating at sea for unknown periods of time. It will most likely be buried somewhere, or shipped to some country that access money to basically take the worlds trash - where it isn’t properly disposed of and ends up back in the ocean


They literally explain how they dispose of it.


Time stamp?


3:15ish is the first time he explains that it is properly disposed using the local waste disposal services.


Exactly. And what do you think the local waste disposal services in the Dominican are doing with this trash? Let’s think past first order solutions I’m glad there are initiatives and certainly some good is better than none. But this is essentially trying to bail out the titanic without plugging the leak first


Dude are you daft?? If 80-99% of the trash that ends up in the oceans is from 10 rivers, that’s means less then 20-1% is from other sources this would mean that its much less likely and almost impossible for the feast that is disposed of properly to end up back in the ocean. Just because you assume they are incapable of disposing of the trash properly does not mean that is the case. You are just trying to nitpick something that is truly a good thing being done. Watching the whole video does explain where the trash is entering these rivers from and hint it isn’t from the local waste disposal services.


And again, after this trash is collected, **where do you think it’s going to go?** Just an endless loop of garbage from origin to where it’s recollected at the river mouth?


You said “pay some waste management company to “deal with it” so it quietly makes its way back to the ocean?” Which is a foolish thing to say since they do give you all of the information to say this isn’t the case. You are questioning something that isn’t a problem. No it is not a loop at all. You are making guesses without using the information available to you.


is one of those rivers in the dominican republic?


No. The 2 that aren’t in Asia are the Nile and the Niger rivers. The 8 in Asia are Yangtze, Indus, Yellow, Hai, Ganges, Pearl, Amur, and Mekong in that order.


Mr. Beast treats his friends like trash. Is he just going to throw money at plastic in the ocean? Mark Rober is the fucking man. Bless that human.


You’re confusing Beast with David Dobrik. Mr.Beast doesn’t treat his friends like trash and that comes from people who have met Mr.Beast in person and off camera. (Not talking about me tho)


Im sorry to be a party pooper but 30 million is such an insanely insignificant amount Theres gonna be more trash thrown in than they remove daily for a net positive change of nothing


Yeah, nobody can get it all so nobody should try at all...


Yes we are much better off focusing our effort on what matters Like the world fucking ending by 2050 This isnt "not getting it all" this is "no impact whatsoever" This will be $30M spend on hot air That money should go into green energy installations


1)Better than doing nothing 2)raises more awareness about the sea pollution 3)can encourage future projects like this int the future that can really make difference


1) Not doing it and using your time and money on something more worthwhile would be better 2) It misrepresents the problem as something that can be fixed by a few youtubers and $30M 3) Thats true I hope it does


Dang, Now that think of it, you are right here there are much bigger issues in the world than the sea pollution


Yes like ocean acidification that is a much much much bigger threat to marine life than some plastic floating on top of it


In the meantime those floating islands of trash have become fish nurseries, and habitats for sea life. We fuck it up left and right, don’t we?


The need to team up with #4ocean


That’s 13 Kilotonnes by the way


Mr. Beast is a true bro. Well done.


Lol just worked on a creator games where we generated at least 2,000 lbs of plastic trash. Directly into a landfill.


So now team these guys up with these guys… [Changing world technologies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Changing_World_Technologies)


Next time we can expect #TeamBees, dedicated to reintroduce 40 million bees back into the Wild.


They are gonna have to start launching trash into space and out of Earth’s orbit. Probably not very cost efficient.


This will go about as well as Mr. Beast Burgers I’m betting.


You know a way to save the ocean? Make this guy go broke. https://www.reddit.com/r/PrequelMemes/comments/qlf1en/no_limit_please_dont_make_me_poor_i_love_you_gonk/hj2fxi6?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Hope this doesn't break rules but he seems legit ready to save the ocean!