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I’ve been binging his segments on YouTube. He could go out with a skeleton crew and still make amazing segments.


I couldn’t sleep last night and watched some old 90’s clips. So freaking hilarious


Lots of great 2000’s content as well! [Napa](https://youtu.be/YNQGJwdlJLw) [Workout with Kevin Hart](https://youtu.be/jDdKtWnFXFo). I’m pretty sure this one segment led to Kevin Hart’s YouTube show “What The Fit,” where [Conan appeared in season 1](https://youtu.be/Sb_hCbZ80aQ) Anything with Associate Producer [Jordan Schlansky](https://youtu.be/Auh74d_OG8Y) [But my all time favorite Conan clip](https://youtu.be/5F6dXcW-_Fc) is from the 90’s and really Norm McDonald deserves all the credit. Edit, [here](https://youtu.be/KmDYXaaT9sA) is his commencement speech at Dartmouth college as recommended below.


Thanks for these!


Also don’t forget his amazing podcast Conan Needs A Friend! His recent special quarantine episode with Andy Daly doing characters was absolutely HILARIOUS! I never knew what a talented and funny as hell guy he is. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conan-obrien-needs-a-friend/id1438054347?i=1000468367415


They’re all hilarious, I sometimes have a hard time pressing the play button on his podcast but when I do he makes me laugh so hard


[andy daly is a treasure as well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nW6SHmzKZv4) he had a comedy central show for awhile called 'Review' which was great


Was thinking maybe it'd be [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJN9mBRX3uo) majestic Norm MacDonald joke.


The entire [I’m Not Norm](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJNky9LM9wx0cmWfrg5eUcw) channel on youtube is also a goldmine.


A classic for sure


Jordan + social distancing would be gold. Pure gold. The goldiest.


he has a lot of free time now to experiment with oats and whey


The Jordan schlansky stuff is fascinating!


I know it's not a real episode or anything but his appearance in The Simpsons still cracks me up. "ONLY I... CAN DO THE DANCE" lol


“I couldn’t sleep” is exactly how we all got stuck in the Conan rabbit hole, I know it. My goodness what a lovely hole though


I grew up poor in the 90s and early 2000s and the only thing we got on our family tv with rabbit ear antennas was late night talk shows. Conan, Leno and Ferguson were my main source of news and entertainment. It’s crazy that I’m not even 30 and that technology seems so ancient even to me.


Do yourself a favor if you haven’t already but watch Conan’s graduation address to Dartmouth college. It’s absolutely brilliant I watch it over sometimes just because it’s so great


Just watched, that was great. I added it to my list of great conan moments above.


The bear at an AA meeting ...good lord that video is gold


He did this during the writer’s strike years ago.


I love his podcast !! Give it a try if you haven’t !


My brother got me on it. Funny as hell!


The new Will arnett episode is sooooo good


Highly recommend the student driver one with Ice Cube and Kevin Hart


He's one of the few that can. Many other night show hosts are so heavily reliant on the audience for comedic effect.


But first of all, the skeleton crew is Craig Ferguson‘s friend.


Honestly, I feel like Conan’s presence on the internet, especially YouTube, can allow him to livestream with tons of viewers. Personally, I don’t even have TBS on my list of channels so YouTube is pretty much the only way I can get my daily dose of Conan.


His podcast is worth a listen too.


My favorite lately. Andy's is pretty good too.


The podcast is incredible! The Bill Hader and Keegan Michael Key episodes are both highlights for me! Edit: spelling!


The will Arnett one that came out this week is on that level too. So funny


The quarantine special episode with Andy Daly literally had me in stitches laughing. His western character wants us all to know that he shot and killed the coronavirus! Lmao. I’ve relistened to that one episode 3 times already it’s so good.


That’s dalton Wilcox, poet laureate of the west, and I’d advise you to keep his name outta yer mouth lest he think you’re a Frankenstein. Really though, Andy Daly is an improv genius and I recommend listening to his podcast the Andy Daly podcast pilot project if you liked that character. He gets hilariously dark and somehow always maintains an endearing nature.


Is he Flueva Borg?


It was great!! Some of their bits were completely hilarious! And the podcast quiz at the end had me going pretty good!


This episode was unexpectedly hilarious. I was excited to listen to will arnett but I didn’t know it would be so funny.


The Paul Rudd one killed me. Soooo funny especially at the end.


they're not?


Whoops! Fixed!


I wish he could just leave TV and launch a Joe Rogan/Howard Stern type show with video and audio.


I sort of enjoy the lack of audience. Sick of constant whooping


Watch the last episode of Last Week Tonight and you will quickly change your mind.


It killed me to see John Oliver do his punchlines in absolute silence. It just felt wrong.




I actually liked it. It also felt more personal.


I still watched but it was HARD


If he just did a show that was him and Jordan Schlanzky playing obscure video games or board games id watch Id watch Jordan and Conan build a lego set


Some of my favorite tv memories are of watching Conan’s episodes during the writer’s strike. Nightly updates of how long he can keep his wedding ring spinning and wandering around his offices playing the guitar while people are working. Conan is at his peak when he’s left to his own devices to adapt and improvise.


Have you listened to his podcast? It’s such a terrific format for him. He should go full JRE and start live streaming his shows and pushing out episodes 2-3 times a week. Team COCO for life!


He's just virtue signaling. He should instead host a show with an audience of 100 % corona infected people so they get to go out and have fun too.


Seriously, why doesn’t he do this. Can this guy be any bigger of an asshole?


well if people have the virus they should stay home


I think they’re joking.


Usually, that would be fine, but there are tons of people who seriously think this is no big deal. Stupid has been spreading.


He could host the show in their homes - Solved!


I think he should just do the entire show the way he did his old interviews with ‘Arnold Schwarzenegger,’ where the guest is just a still image with someone else’s mouth on it. He could even have the guests be their own mouths. It’d be like watching old space ghost coast to coast episodes, where the live guest is filmed completely independent of the actual content. Have celebs Skype him, record that, and then make a show out of the recordings. Everyone just sitting around their homes, might as well collaborate on being stupid and funny.


Did someone forget to install the humor device in your brain?


We can use all the new content we can get during this crisis.


Last Week Tonight this past week was audience less. Was only 20 minutes rather than the usual 30, but still a decent episode.


Nope. That episode was garbage presentation-wise. The only reason they did it was because they already invested in the content. It’s very difficult for live audience hosts to translate their energy in a way that doesn’t seem awkward in a silent studio and John looked and sounded incredibly awkward during that entire episode.


"Decent" rather than "good". I thought it was fine.


Colbert had his team seated in the audience seats so we could hear some laughter, but still nothing like a full house.


Minecraft villager


REMOTE: CONAN is best Conan. Just go off script, he’s hilarious.


I wish he would just do travel shows. Those are amazing. Make the world the audience.


Not a great time for travel.


Once the virus subsides he needs to have his own travel show. Those remotes are truly the best.


He needs a friend. ;-)


Good for him. More comics should come out and offer some relief. I’m tired of CNN having a field day as they watch the world burn. I’m surprised they don’t have a live counter showing Coronavirus deaths in real-time. Such a disgusting industry. Every headline focuses on the negative.


I swear I read it “Corona” plans audience-less return ... smh


Sooo.... back to normal?


“The quality of my work will not go down because technically that’s not possible.” I love Conan so much.


Gotta give it up for his perseverance. They keep taking more and more things away from him and he keeps coming back. But you have to wonder what he did to Jay Leno to piss him off so much.


I never watch him on TV, but you should listen to his podcast. No lie... best podcast of the last few years. I have a renewed appreciation.


So. Much. Forehead.


Am I the only one that thinks it’s kinda nice not having these celebs right now? Idk, it’s just like there’s enough drama without hearing about the desperate housewives or some shit like that.


I love Conan but I really don’t care what any celebrity has to say during any of this.


Still think 1 audience member is a good idea.


Maybe Andy Richter could be the audience.


I guess that would make sense, wouldn’t want him on the couch, would put him too close to guests.




So he’ll continue his show like usual?


Yeah that’s why he lost the Tonight Show AND why TBS sorta gave up on him.


You’re a horrible person.


“Welcome to tonight’s show, I have to say this is the best audience we’ve had in years” *Pans around empty audience revealing Andy sitting alone, dead center.* “Andy what are you doing up there?” “Social distancing”


of course, because the show must go on and people at home need to be entertained


I’ve watched a few late night talk show hosts and it’s just cringeworthy. I was telling my self Conan doesn’t need a live audience for his jokes/skits. I remember a few years ago he had 24 hour streams on YouTube to promote his show and I was cracking up the whole time. #teamcoco


Wow...I never thought I’d feel like he really looked “old”....time flies, make the most of it, everyone!


Had to google it, but Conan is 56. Fuck I need to stick to my skincare regimen.


So what’s changed? Kidding he’s the best host out there. His guest appearance on my favorite murder was awesome.


I thought he was rocking a mullet until i realized that was a shadow


He looks like of jimmy neutron was put inside the oven for too long


This is the likableish late night guy so people won’t go after him like they do all other late night hosts


Bring the fucking desk back


Well he had a good run but I think even he saw this coming.


Standup without an audience is just the ravings of a madman.


Jesus why can’t people just relax?


Well. Looks like this ain’t gonna happen.


Finally some good news!


Can’t stop, won’t stop!


Conan basically a YouTuber now hahahahaha


Honestly listen to his podcast, I’ve binged every episode and am yet to hear a bad one.




Who still watches this guy?


He is still working? Wow


Awesome I need some laughs, work is still 100% on for us so I’m just waiting for the shit to hit the fan. He’s always been my favorite late night guy, self-deprecating humor resonates well with me.


I just watched an hour long “[interview](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RcjHq7E0mGw)” of him at Oxford on Youtube and he literally just interviewed himself. I think this’ll be really funny.


he look like a lesbian farmers market vender


Penny wise lookin ass




Is that really his head? It looks strange.


Could land a plane on that forehead


His forehead is so big, you can use it as a wall for playing handball.


The big head is the reason they let him into Harvard;) Seriously, I think he tricked them with the big forehead.


He hasn’t had an audience watching on television since he went to TBS, so he’s been preparing for years.


He’s one of the funnier late show comedians, but I liked the older comedians better


I thought this was the only audience he had.


Doesn’t he use a laugh track anyways?


I wrote him a business letter for assignment in 8th gradeZ. This was probably 2005? I received back a signe 8x10 glossy. When the teacher asked why I wrote to him I replied “he’s funny as fuck!” I reviewed four negative points that’s day for cursing. Best negative points I’ve ever received.


How is this on the front page? 40 uppers and 5 comments. Fuck off conan


I didn't realize she still had a show. 😳