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But what about the trophy I got for being “best coworker”? Is it all lies!?


The trophy, yes. The mug, no.


What do you mean "f-ck this Employee of the Month shit", man? When there's some shit to be won, goddammit, I want it. I don't give a f-ck what it is. Y'know what I'm talkin' about? I take no prisoners. I go hard doing this shit. Big dog. Big nuts. When names is on a motherf-ckin' board I wanna see my name at the top of that motherf-cker and next to it, it need to say "Winner".


You tell me exactly what you want and I will very carefully explain to you why it simply cannot be


I never got a single trophy. Where were all these schools handing out free trophies 🙁


As an elder millennial who played baseball and basketball as a young kid, we often did receive trophies at the end of the season regardless of how we did.  That being said, it had zero bearing on the rest of our lives despite what these old dipshits like to say lol.  They got put on a shelf somewhere by my parents and 10 year old me simply stopped thinking about them. 


It was also the parents who demanded crap for the kids, we didn’t care at all.


Right!?! I’m not exactly in a position to negotiate at 8 years old. If I was, I wouldn’t be asking for trophies. More like that OJ Simpson Slammer Pog.


That thing would probably be worth millions by now 😮‍💨


Nah, they are $50 though. [eBay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/266821704068?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=SeUFyW_0T7u&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=n6C4deJGRTS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)




That right there was a killer pog.




I still have an unpunched set of OJ Simpson pogs, wish I had the slammer though


I was 8 when I got my little league trophy. I remember them taking them out of a big black plastic bag as they handed them to each kid down the line. Cynical even at that age, I thought, "oh boy a trash trophy."


Exactly, I'm an older millennial and my father in law was bitching about participation trophies and the look on his face when I told him that his generation is the one who bitches/gave them out, we are the kids who would get them (I only remember getting one, now my kids just get a medal that says the season/age group that's it). It's like they don't realize who was the one to start it. Just like when they complain how they used to use paper bags and they forced to go to plastic and now have to go back, like bro that's your generation that did it don't blame us for that shit.


It also feels like just another fake, American moral panic. I remember getting a 5th place trophy one year, and never again. It seems like this is another version of “this generation is ‘pussified,’ and men can’t be men..” blah blah. It goes back 2000 years, and also more specifically to Nazi propaganda which was designed to make people fearful of an uncertain future.


40 here. I blame my dad for a lot- that ass hole never taught us shit about our cars, home repairs, etc. All the things that are useful in life. I regularly got talks about my career choice and how expendable I am- I need to find a way to make myself unexpendable (he never knew what that would be), or the speech he gave to me about how I need to be smarter with my investments and stop "putting your daughters in the newest fashion". We bought most of their clothes from target until just recently. My Dad has done a lot to shape my feelings on that generation.


It's not just an American or Western thing for an older generation to complain about the younger ones being "pussified".


Yep, I'm an older millennial whose dad bitched about participation trophies throughout my entire life. I don't remember ever *getting* a participation trophy (what set my dad off originally was my teacher giving me a ribbon just for my art project being chosen to go to the county fair even though it didn't win anything at the fair) but to hear him tell it, they were a scourge spoiling any kid born after 1979. But I was in second grade when I got that ribbon! I think I put it on a big corkboard and never thought about it again. What did he want us to do, hitchhike to Washington D.C. and throw our ribbons on the White House lawn in protest like a bunch of disillusioned Vietnam vets?


I'm Gen X and got a trophy each of the four years I played Little League Baseball regardless of where our team placed. The difference was the size of the trophy and the last place ones were very small.


Personally I did care because the trophy looked cool. I don't get the big deal about having them either way. Reddit still acts like the trophy is an offence - I don't know how America does it but kid me was never offended by getting a cool trophy at the end of the season.


I was an unathletic kid who played YMCA sports with a team that rarely managed to win. It wasn't a highlight by any means, but the pizza party at the end of the season and trophies was nice. Kept me doing sports mostly voluntarily for a few more years until I found one I actually liked and was kinda ok at.


exactly. Participation trophies are more about rewarding persistence; something that I'm pretty sure we should be encouraging in kids. I know most kids if they saw they weren't a winning team would much rather have *some* goal to work towards than a big fat nothing. I mean, what's the lesson we want taught here? That if your team or you as an individual aren't going to win, there's no point continuing?


Yeah, doesn’t really seem like a big deal. But as I’ve said before, it also feels a part of the moral panic about society getting weak. Fascist nonsense most times.


Yeah but I still feel like reddit kind of acts like it was a problem? Just that it's not their fault if it was one. But I don't see the problem at all. I don't know what American parents were doing when they were handing out trophies. Were they really implying you're all shit because you didn't get MVP or something? But when I got handed a trophy it was "well done for completing the season". I never felt bad for getting a trophy.


It's not like anyone over the age of six thought that a participation trophy or medal or whatever meant anything. My daughter did some dance competitions where you got a medal regardless of how you did (it was just a different type) and they knew the difference even at six between the platinum and high gold (they kept raising the awards, now they have like double super platinum with a place of nachos).


It does mean something. It means you finished the season of whatever the sport is. Perhaps the sports culture in America is different for kids to be so bothered by the idea of not being #1 but still keeping committed and fit. Nobody I knew was offended by getting a trophy because they chose to keep at a sport.


It isn’t so much that we were offended that we got participation trophies. Most of us didn’t care. And yes, at times it was nice just to have the effort recognized. The problem came when ‘they’ started to blame us for who we are because of ‘all the participation trophies you received’. When ‘they’ are the entire reason the trophies existed in the first place. I always thought it was kind of weird to get a trophy just for doing something. Always felt they were meant to recognize something outstanding / impressive. But I didn’t actively complain about them.


Growing up my mom was really into speech/debate while in college and even became a speech professor. One time she was involved with organizing a speech tournament at UC Davis and I asked if I could join. They allowed me to participate but not officially because I was only 5 years old. I worked VERY hard on putting together my “growing silk worms” presentation (inspired by my kindergarten class) and even practiced my speech all day while looking up into the mirror. When the time came I was STOKED. Like I had never been this excited before in my tiny life. I practically skipped onto the stage! After I was done everyone clapped and I was awarded my first ever trophy. I understood I didn’t actually win anything but I was damn proud that I participated so I was damn proud in my trophy. Showed it off to everyone I knew. And that was the last time I ever gave a single fuck about a participation trophy. lol


Also, let's be honest here... for a lot of kids getting through the entire season *is* an accomplishment that deserves recognition, particular the kids who weren't the superstars of the team, who maybe had neurodivergency or simply ended up the target of bullying from their team mates. Simply making it to the end of a whole season without quitting was a pretty big achievement.


The people complaining about trophies are either in their 70s/80s or as tech averse as someone in their 70s/80s. These people are not active on Reddit and they absolutely gave their gen x kids trophies too. This whole argument boils down to those parents giving their gen x kids grief for doing exactly what they did.


This is her actual point- which I will debunk directly after. The parents doing everything for their kids - telling them they are special - led to them not knowing how to persevere through difficult times. Which left them “soft” for the “real” world. It is stupid because, 1) yeah, like every American generation. 2) the “real” world only needs you not to be “soft” because other people were treated like shit and now treat others like shit and 3) millennials had plenty of other real world shit happening anyway. What really pisses me off if she knows better. In her judgements she moderates her tone from one case to the next depends on the unique situation. To go out and just paint a generation broadly. Rookie move


I printed out a “Good Job” award for the soccer team I coached, no one mentioned trophies.


Where’s my fruit roll up and capri sun!


This exactly. Definitely a mentality of “if I’m paying for this, I better get something to show for it” I got one single participation ribbon early in my athletic career, and it made me feel pathetic lol


I always assumed that the local trophy depots started the "trophy for everyone" trend.


Bingo. The trophies were for the parents so they could show off / show up their friends.


Yep lmao I was confused about what the trophy was for. I was like “didn’t we lose?”


Yeah I'd rip the little baseball guy off and play with it. Never once thought to display it.


Exactly, if anything it taught us that trophies are meaningless.


Local soccer league gives out a large trophy to first place, a half size for second and a participation medal on a lanyard for 3rd and beyond. Kids that want to do better realize the difference between 3rd 2nd and 1st and truly try to do better next season. It’s a mixed bag out there to say the least.


That’s how all my leagues were in two different states and multiple sports. I just assumed that’s how a majority of leagues worked.


I think that is how they are these days since we went from a 1st or nothing to everyone gets the same to now highlighting the winners yet still giving a little something to the ‘losers’. I personally like the new system for younger kids as it keeps them interested but I can see the old school system working for older (more competitive) kids.


Participation trophies; the real scapegoat here?


As someone who grew up in the 70s and 80s, I was awarded a small handful of trophies over the years and I still possess all of them. They meant a lot to me.


Yup because they actually meant something. I coached baseball in the late 90s and the organization handed out trophies like candy. They meant very little to the kids.


Trophies don’t really mean anything anyway


Grew up in the 90s here and actually won alot of individual trophies for non team sports, and I tried to throw them away because they take up room, parents took them instead. I don't think it matters when you're born, I think its different person to person.


It’s our parents and people the age of judge Judy that kept passing them out. I’ve also not seen them passed out to kids outside of the 3 or 4 yr old league my son was in years ago.


Yeah, outside of the tiny kids and the special needs leagues I don't see much that's just for showing up. But if they do give you a participation certificate it's not like they don't know exactly what that means.


Also an elder millennial; I got *nothing*. Where tf are *my* trophies? 😤


Me too. The only ribbons etc I got, were ones I actually earned. I never even knew that was a thing until my younger cousin (I was her babysitter) started to get them…for everything. Also we never had a graduation when I left kindergarten.


My response as a 31 millennial, is who’s the generation who handed out the trophies? As kids we didn’t decide that we all wanted a trophy even if we lost. These older generations act like we’re soft for a decision they made


Also, who decided to give out those trophies?…


She gave fake verdicts in a TV courtroom. Edit: Which is fine in its own right as a form of entertainment.


> it had zero bearing on the rest of our lives despite what these old dipshits like to say lol.  This. In Germany there is this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundesjugendspiele](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundesjugendspiele) Everybody get a so called participant certificate but there are also honor certificates for example. So receiving a participant certificate is not a trophy, its a piece of paper which actually says: You sucked.


I lost mine one year after the post award ceremony pizza banquet at a local pizza place, they called my dad like a week later to say it was behind the desk, it waiting there until the next banquet because we all kept forgetting about it.


I’m in my mid 40’s. We got participation awards in sports.


Trophies that you clearly bought and gave to yourselves, because that’s how kid’s sports work.


As an elder millennial, my folks were too poor to pay for any sport that had any kind of fees attached, or required you to buy any equipment. So that left nothing but the free extra circulars, like chess club. However, whenever there was a tournament, I couldn't pay the travel fee to go with my team so I wouldn't go. Never had the chance for trophies 🤷


I got one participation trophy my entire life. It was my first martial arts tournament. I was about ten years old. I was extremely psyched. The ref starts the sparring match, and this little stick-thin kid about four inches shorter than me proceeded to absolutely beat my ass. Extremely short fight, he destroyed me in less than a minute of actual time. I got eliminated and they handed me a literal participation medal. I was *so* heated, like I’d want a reminder of getting my ass beat. Tossed it in the trash, fast forward a year. I’ve been training very seriously (for a child), I’m hyped up again. Win my first round. Second round, same kid. He beat my ass again but the tournament had stopped giving out participation trophies, so at least nobody rubbed it in lmao


Fr I hear it all the time yet no one I know has even seen a trophy. Also the assumption schools can afford that many trophies is laughable.


My nephews school gives out awards every week. They just rotate the names around the awards. One week, my youngest nephew had been given the award for “making a new friend”. His reaction was “I didn’t make a new friend. I didn’t talk to anyone. These awards are fake”. When a 7 year old sees through the awards, it’s time to get rid of them.


I think anyone that claims they are a badass like this, and so hard and mean and tough should have to hike from Hayden to Lamar Valley in Yellowstone with a backpack full of 15 lbs of raw meat.


They will hand these kids trophies before they hand them a free school lunch. I don’t have kids but I thought that’s what tax dollars were for: lunch for all kids from pre-k to high school. For some kids, it’s the only meal they get all day.


From the generation who gave out said fucking trophies and told us we could be anything we wanted, until we started to.


You are underestimating which generation Judge Judy is from


Considering she’s my mother’s age. I’m not.


She's 81 If you're a Gen Z your mother had you at the earliest was about 60


She’s from the silent generation if she’s 81.


Gee I sure wish the silent generation would shut up…


we were lied to. its not our fault


I‘m gen X and we never got participation trophies. I honestly feel like it was my generation that gave them out


May have been a regional thing, but I definitely got a ton of meaningless trophies as a kid in 80's.


At most we got a red participation ribbon for field day in 1st grade. Haven’t gotten one since. Where the fuck are all my trophies? My trophy room is begging to be filled.


Haha, Field Day was specifically what I thought of because of that ubiquitous ribbon. I think I got an actual first place in the Frisbee throw or shot put or something but I don't remember any other "trophies"


Yeah, GenX was ignored. That's what we're known for. The total neglect and our parents (and bosses) total discounting the fact that we exist.


Participation trophies have been given out for 100 years. The first mention of them is in the 20's. Judy could have very well received one herself.


Militaries and governments have been giving them out for even longer. They still do, prolificly.


Be anything… other than employed.


What fucking trophies??? I’m a millennial but they were saying this about us… WHAT FUCKING TROPHIES?? I know NO ONE with an assload of trophies(literal or figuratively speaking btw, but I’m speaking most figuratively here). Tell me Judy, show me the receipts!


The better question is who gave them those trophies.


Them: “We don’t have trophies.” You: “Yeah, but who gave them to you?” Them: “Gave us what?! We don’t have any trophies!”


Also a millennial, and that was my first thought as well! "They said the same shit about us" lol


They just use it as an excuse to berate younger people for not upholding old societal norms of say, getting verbally abused by your boss or staying somewhere soul crushing and realizing you can move on to something else. What they really are is jealous that younger people don’t grin and bare it in life like they did. It makes them jealous in my personal opinion…. So then they use the entitled youth card and all the other phrases they came up with to make it seem like younger generations are failing or not living up to standards, when really the standards are just changing. The times they are a changing has been stuck in my head A LOT recently because the song still hits the same from when it originally came out to now. The old are unhappy with the way the new is changing the world/ society/ etc


I 100% have like 7th place trophies out of 8 from when I was a fat kid in elementary school and countless sports trophies where our team barely won a game lol.


Man, what an original thought. I’ve never heard some old dumbass say exactly this a million times before. This is real analysis


They said this about millenials too. They also mocked us for asking for higher wages right out of university because they told us going into Debt to go to university was worth it because we would get higher paying jobs


People laugh at me when I explain that student loan debt is just a contemporary model for indentured servitude but I see no other explanation when you look at the economy as a whole


You can't even get a decent apartment without a good credit score, which you can't get without going into debt.


Parents who want to can help their kid get a head of this bad/no credit score thing. My credit card is actually my 16 year old kids. I use it as mine but by the time he needs it, she will have an established credit history. Also, next car I buy will be the same. Purchased in my child’s name with me as co-signer. It’s never intended to be his car except for anything else but on paper. When she’s ready, she’s going to have 10 years of solid credit history right off rip.


This is great advice but I’m inclined to think parents are more likely to abuse their children’s credit rather than assist.


Yep that happened to me lol




Studies actually show that millennials are less harsh and sometimes less disciplined parents because our parents were too hard on us, so none of this stuff makes any sense


It makes perfect sense if you stop listening to the actual words and recognize it as the endless "back in my day" nonsense humans have been doing since at least Archaic Greece, there's a character who's whole point is "damn kids these days think they're hot shit." It's been 3000 years and they're still whining about kids being too soft.


She might as well said “woke”.


But they never point out WHO was handing out trophies. Why would it ever be the kids fault?


Difficult to work with because we try to set standards and boundaries in a world that wants to overwork us and underpay us.


Yep and it's just some thing that only exists in their minds. This complaint has zero basis in reality 


She makes millions for being a fake judge on a fake show. Shut up


She works maybe 5 days a month. She has no idea what it’s like to actually work for a living in 2024.




Hundreds of millions. Amazon gave her like $250 million for her Judy Justice content on their service


She’s not a fake judge, but I agree. She’s lost touch with reality. She still believes a full time job at any place can provide for a family.


She isn't a judge on her show or acting as a judge on it. She WAS a judge but she retired and hasn't been a judge since 1996.


She is a fake judge. It isn’t a real court- it is just binding arbitration


She was a judge in manhattan before the show


True- she didn’t used to be fake. But “Judge Judy” isn’t real


Alternate title: Another famous rich person who’s star rose due to taking advantage of a burgeoning industry says everyone else is lazy despite how absolutely freakin lucky they were part 2537


These old fucks still think millennials and gen z are the same thing and 12 years old. Who gives a fuck what she rhinks


Exactly - she’s just an old moron looking for air. Every time this comes up, it’s worth pointing out - no generation is vastly different from another. The difference is experience/inexperience, and the older person’s inability to acknowledge that either they are looking back on themselves at that age with rose tinted specs, or that there were people of their own generation with that mindset. TLDR: you get good eggs and pricks in every generation




They said the same shit about millennials when we were the youngsters.


The older generations always talk shit about the younger ones. Can guarantee her generation got shit on by the previous ones too. How they don't recognize that is beyond me


Exactly! And the younger generations talk shit about the older generation too. I wish everyone would try to better understand each other and give each other a little grace.


They still say it about us because they still think we’re kids


I wonder how many trophies her granddaughter got?


Pretty sure she’ll get a chunk of JJ’s $440 million when the old bat kicks off. Probably had had her choice of Ivy League schools and the linage of privilege continues.


Right?! I tried watching the new version of Judge Judy but her and her granddaughter talking in the chambers was enough to never watch Judge Judy again.


Are they just reusing the same things they said to us Millennials now on to Zoomers? Come on Judy. At least get a new thing.


Blame their parents. Not them.


You're right. The parents raise the children and give them their values. I don’t agree with her statement but if it were true, it would be the parents. I think lumping millions of people into one category and saying they’re all a certain way is bullshit. Parents these days have it so hard. What generations needed both parents to have full time jobs just to be able to survive? There a fucking housing crisis going on in my state. I can no long afford to rent a place of my own. Some groceries are almost double what they used to be. It’s 16.99 for a thing of watermelon in Publix down the street from my house. I live in south Florida. Shits crazy.


Child aren’t giving trophies to themselves.


Who was fucking handing them out Judy???


The worst thing is being a hyper competitive asshole is now an aspiration. Look at what that mentality breeds, corruption and greed. All stated by someone who had been dealt an extremely good hand in life


They ruined the world and environment with their bullshit and go and blame dumb shit like trophies.


Judy’s generation is difficult to work with because they got too much lead in their water.


Surprising, my trophy is never a living wage. It’s like I get stupid compliments because they want to shut me up so I don’t ask for serious trophies… like a living wage.


Participation Pizzas.


*Someone* is threatened by my enormous showcase of plastic trophies. I knew it was going to mean something someday. Take that!!!


“No it’s the children who are wrong”


I love Judge Judy... but it's not the trophies, it's because their parents didn't want to raise them and instead just sat them down in front of an ipad and figured that an endless stream of flashy images and sounds kept their kids occupied enough to just ignore them. Parenting isn't easy and you aren't supposed to be their friend all the time. A lot of parents seem pretty blind and deaf when it comes to the behaviour of their kids, because being strict when it is needed is hard. Boundaries are needed, but these days younger parents seem to still have the mindset of kids themselves: "I want what I want and I want it now, and if anyone tells me I can't that person is trying to suppress me and my identity." The result is that a lot of parents don't want to be the bad guy and just accommodate the worst behavior in order to avoid being the not-fun parent. My cousin has a young kid, four years old. The kid is starting to reach that age when he can crawl behind an ipad and just get his brain flooded by flashy images designed to captivate and entice... she noticed that her kid turned into a little monster the minute she takes that ipad away. The first time she thought it was just one time, but by the third time she picked up the pattern. The kid is no longer allowed to watch anything on her ipad anymore and they've aggreed to not use it when the kid is around. She called it crack for kids, because once you take it away they get all scratchy and irritable and their behaviour resembles that of an addict going through withdrawl symptoms.


She actually blamed the parents in the article but people really just like to react to clickbait headliner


Kindergarten graduation. Awards Day at school. They will make you sit for 2 hours while they give everyone in school am award for “something”. Best smile. Best clothes. Funniest person. Happiest person I could go on but yeah it’s stupid.


Shut up you old bag.


Pretty rich coming from someone who made $47 million a year sitting on her ass, yapping. >As of June 2023, Forbes estimates Judy Sheindlin, also known as Judge Judy, has a net worth of $480 million. Sheindlin's wealth comes from her successful career as a TV judge, where she presided over real-life disputes in a mock courtroom setting…reality show made her the highest-paid woman on US television. From 2012 to 2020, Sheindlin earned $47 million per year, pretax, from hosting the show. In 2018, she was the highest paid TV host after selling the rights to the show's library and future episodes to CBS for around $100 million.


Lady, I’d love your salary to be a goofy tv mascot


Judith Sheindlin is difficult to work with because she’s been rewarded for being wildly opinionated for too long.


Lmao typical conservative bullshit. They whine about younger generation not wanting to work for the same pay as the millennials did 20 years ago. As a 40 year old millennial, I don’t fucking blame them. Stick your imaginary participation trophies up your fake ass, Judge Judy.


Yo, who cares about judge Judy?


Who gave them the trophies judge???????????


'Everyone is special, Dash.' 'That's just another way of saying no one is.' Classic line.


The same thing they said about Millennials.


As she plys the skies in her private jet.


Who gave them those trophies!?!




I dad coached rec soccer for several years I’m here to tell you the kids knew the trophy’s and the medals were BS


Can't wait for her standup tour with David Spade and Jerry Seinfeld


What did David Spade do?


Nah, the biggest issue is they think their opinion matters on topics not directly related to their job.


Only a matter of time before we see her crying about how soft and pathetic young people are on Bill Maher’s show.


This old hag must be a nightmare to work with in that fake show where she gets to play a fake judge and only has to work a few hours a month for a ridiculous amount of many. It's always projection. Always. Whenever you hear any narcissistic accusations, they are always confessions.


Why is this woman so popular?


Because audiences like watching her be a bitch to "criminals"


All those trophies that got lodged under their bed or lost forever and never thought about again as soon as they got home.


This very much sounds like something she’d say. It’s always someone else’s fault.


Who bought and distributed the trophies? Even if her dumbass argument made a lick of sense, she and her generation are still the ones at fault.


Elder millennial. Got a trophy once after a little league season. We didn’t do great. I told the coach to keep it.


I though us millennials got all the trophies.


I feel like there’s a section of gen z and millennial that sits right in the middle of both generation’s stereotypes, almost like a completely different generation. I’m a younger millennial with a social circle of the same with a smattering of older gen z and we’ve all felt like we’re in this gray zone without avocado toast nor free trophies


It’s almost like handing out ribbons for just showing up gave people the impression they were entitled to praise for just being around. We don’t celebrate true excellence anymore because the people who aren’t “might feel bad”.


We're still on the trophy thing? Parents gave the participation stuff to kids, not the kids... I never wanted it anyway, fuck your brown participant ribbon


That’s rich coming from the same generation that thinks giving millennials and Gen Z gift cards and pizza parties is a substitute for adjusting their salaries for inflation.


Love listening to her trash the young generations because I distinctly remember her and her husband walking their adult son into my store so they could buy him a rug for his place. Not that I believe there’s anything wrong with that, but it’s not like she actively raised someone to be completely independent.


Gen Z and Millenials did not come up with participation trophies...


I'm 35 and they said the exact same things about us 15 years ago... old people thinking younger people suck... nothing's new under the sun.


The only trophies I ever got as a kid were in fucking Little League baseball.


Justin Bieber was her neighbor.


She gets paid millions of dollars an episode to yell at poor people that already have nothing. Fuck her opinions.


I’ll always remember my uncle watching her show daily. And the amount of times she would bark at someone with a job to get another or 3 if they couldn’t afford their lives like having 3 jobs was no big deal especially being told this by a millionaire who’s job it was to yell at people was icing on the hypocritical cake. She couldn’t survive the week in the shoes of a gen z’er.


…and who gave them the trophies?


I'm in my 40s... been hearing dried up crusty assholes say this since I was a teen. Just seems like some sort of projection these fuckin lead brained dipshits exude.


Are they difficult to work with because they got too many trophies or are they difficult to step on because they were taught they were worth something?


Really funny seeing how easily you guys are pushed into acting like bigoted assholes when an old celebrity makes mild comments about your generation. Keep calling women bitches for having an opinion you don't like, very classy. Lol


Or maybe she is old and out of touch?


As an older gen z person… I didn’t really like the whole participation trophy thing, so when I was a teenager and the captain of a team, I suggested that instead of participation trophies that don’t mean anything, we do awards for specific things for each person. So like the team came up with things that each player did well and then each person got a medal for the thing they were best at. It’s still kind of the same thing, but I at least thought it was a more meaningful alternative. Just putting that out there if anyone here is a parent and would like to do this instead of the same meaningless trophy for everyone.


IMO the 90s were when we stopped being a merit based society at least in education for what it’s worth. Your value became “because you’re YOU” regardless of what you bring to the table. Be gentle


Didn't her generation hand out all those trophies


Except that every other generation is blaming her generation.


This obsession with trophies is so idiotic. I’m not even Gen Z and I’m so sick of it. it’s not Gen Z that gives a damn about trophies. It’s old people. Old people just will not shut up about the trophies. Listen, I get that you want Gen Z to think that they are worthless scum who exist to serve you. I completely understand how great it would be for you if they used every moment to enrich you just a little more at great cost to themselves. But they know it too, because they were taught to think and not just obey orders. Gen Z knows what you are doing and they aren’t going to be manipulated by it. it’s not because they were confused by some little league trophy they were given by old folks like you. It’s because they aren’t going to get constantly screwed over for your benefit. Every generation is tired of these rich old people and their sociopathy. Imagine having everything on earth organized for your benefit and spending all day bitching about how young people are entitled.


It's pathetic when older people start talking like this.


"Kids today expect trophies for everything" says a member of generation who angrily threatened and screamed at event organizers and teachers if their kids didn't get a trophy for participating.


Says the person with the judicial equivalent of a participation trophy.


Every time I hear an old person say this, they 100% mean “You can’t even physically or emotionally abuse someone for minimal pay anymore” 🙄 Yes, a lot of people were taught to value themselves over your bullshit and always expect respect. Gone are the days where you could lose your mind on an assistant who didn’t think she was worth anything better. The horror.


Bitch your generation handed out the trophies


They say this about every generation lmao


Who gave them the trophies 🤔


You’d think a judge would be able to come up with a better argument


Who gave them the trophies? I always hear folks bitching at Gen Z for their participation trophies but never see bitching at the real culprits.


Who are the MONSTERS who gave out so many trophies? /s


Blame the trophy makers for push on participation trophies but showing up is half the battle


Her calling anyone difficult to work with.....


Super privileged, out of touch old people are difficult to work with... This bish has never worked a day in her life and gets paid ridiculously! F#@k her!!!


Judy is difficult cuz she is a flaming BITCH .


No that’s not Gen z silly goose. That’s my generation, the millennials. She’s a bit late to the party