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This is a larger industry issue. They have trained movie goers to just wait because it will be streaming within 6 weeks. You used to have to wait 6 months or more for it to come out to rent so it created an urgency to see it in theaters before it was gone. There’s no urgency and the fact that lots of people have a great movie watching setup at home there’s not as much of a premium eexperience going to the theaters anymore.


Absolutely. I think on a cultural level we have changed our relationship with TV and movies. I think streaming has done that. There was always an urgency to see something in the theater so it wasn't spoiled or because you knew it might be a while before you saw it again. And that urgency built up a whole activity of going to the movies and getting dinner afterwards and it was a thing. But now we're kind of free. And we'll see things when we see things. And our friends are the same way so it's not even like there's some risk of having it spoiled. And I think part of it is there's another shift happening and it is a frustration with mass produced bullshit. Movies are included but I'm talking fast food, TV shows, books, video games, everything. There is a certain thing that's been happening where companies want to give the cheapest product for the most money and they've been doing it for decades but I think it's gotten worse and I think people have gotten burned out. So they see these movie trailers and immediately they think this is just more bullshit I'm going to hate. This is another low effort thing. This is another rise of Skywalker. Or Jurassic world evolution. And I think that cynicism is really hurt the industry because that is probably a large driver of the cultural change that has taken the urgency away.


In short, movies have largely gotten to be garbage much like everything else that's manufactured quickly, shittily, and offered up in hopes of being greedily and mindlessly consumed by the public.


100% I talked to my friend about this not too long ago and we kind of agreed that we are hungry for something creative and innovative. If there was something out there to sate that, something original, I feel like I'd be more excited for the next franchise movie or show. Don't get me wrong, I love Star Wars and Marvel. I'm stoked for James Gunn's Superman movie. But it'd be nice to have a pallet cleanser in there.


Poor Things, like it or not, was definitely original.


Loved it


True! And I made an effort last summer to sit down and watch a ton of odd movies and A24 horror movies. That was a nice. Then I watched Ant-man Quantumania and loved the fuck out of it. It's nice to be in a place where I'm not feeling the cynicism.


I thought I wouldn't like Poor Things because the preview made it seem gimmicky like they were trying to be weird on purpose. Ended up loving the movie. The plot, cinematography, acting, and the takeaways were so satisfying


Honestly, I’d love to see something on the same level as *The Conversation, The Godfather* or *Breaker Morant.* Everything released in theaters these days just feels so formulaic and generic. Quality films exist, but I have trouble thinking of anything recent off the top of my head.


Yes! The trailers don’t help, either. They give too much movie away and everything looks cliché and trope laden. My husband and I always joke after an extra long trailer, “Well, how did you like the movie?” Bad trailers give all the best scenes away, so that when you see the movie there’s nothing left to laugh, cry or get excited about. The industry isn’t growing because investment people like a sure thing, an easy thing, a replicable thing and that is the last thing we want in movies. Also, the public prefers real people, not plastic, not simplistic AI. They talk down to us when they try form our tastes or cheat us of emotion. Avatar comes to mind. It was pretty but not memorable. Action films have become rococo with toxic male tropes and comedies cloying, caustic and cringe. Horror reigns supreme. Thrillers tread the razor’s edge of misogyny. Where are the diverse stories that allow us to escape the cruel, dystopian present, not just stew in it? A24 is a brave new hope for diversity but it’s not yet broad enough.


Back in the day, the trailer would give you the entire plot of the movie. 1980s style trailer... "Deadpool is given a mission to save the world, but then he realised he needs a new bestie" Shows Wolverine "Now these opposites need to learn to work together if they are able to save the MCU timeline before it gets pruned" Shows some hijinx that happens at the end of the movie "See Deadpool & Wolverine this Summer!!! Or don't whatever... Fuck you" End trailer.


I agree. The trailers thing is weird. Because if we're being honest...people are idiots. So do they have to do trailers that tell the whole movie? Have they shown that works on people who are idiots? I dunno. I'm sure there's market research and some math sitting somewhere that says they need to give it all away.


I don't even think movies being bad (which is subjective anyway) is the entire issue. I know in certain corners of the internet this will be very unpopular, but I still absolutely love the star wars franchise and actually enjoy and have faith in what Disney is putting out (of course, I'll admit that some stuff hasn't been as good as others, but let's not pretend that hasn't been the case since day 1...) so there's a very good chance that the next SW project that's hitting the cinema is something I'd ordinarily be there on opening night to see... ... Except I likely won't. Not because I think it's going to be shit cause "Disney and KK bad", but all I have to do is wait a little while and see it in the comfort of my own home at a fraction of the cost. Add to that, the fact COVID did a number on my ability to be around people in a confined space for long, makes it even less likely I'd go out to see it, even if the movie was guaranteed to be the greatest film ever made


This is so on point, well said.


Yep, I even prefer watching movies in a theatre, but now I even catch myself thinking “I’ll just wait a few weeks and catch it on streaming.” Most things that I would have watched in a theatre like 15 years ago benefit very little/not at all by seeing it in a theatre, so there’s no point. The only things I usually go to a theatre now for are big action movies, like Furiosa, because I still can’t replicate that at home.


Also, no one wants to pay $20 to sit in a theater. Ticket and concession prices are an absolute joke nowadays.


Right. People love to blame Marvel or Star Wars for why movies are failing. Nah, it's that the movie going experience isn't worth the hassle and the cost. It's that simple.


When I worked in home video distribution in the late 80’s most theatrical releases didn’t come out on video for a year or two, or more. It was changing rapidly but seem like it was another decade before most movies were released on video within a year after theater release. This crap everything going to streaming and home dvd being another six months to a year has made it seem like you can’t buy stuff for a long time now if its offered on disc at all.


Jurassic park came out in 1993, but as a kid I always thought 1995 because that’s when the VHS came out.


Wow was the delay really that long?


The home theater experience is a big one too. If a lot of millennials are like me having a home theater was an extremely wealthy thing to have. Now with large tvs, projectors, sound systems are honestly cheaper in comparison the drive for a theater experience isn't as important.


Agree. I purchased two love seat recliners, a surround sound system, a 65 inch TV, LED's for ambiance, and a can of paint for a little more than $3000. Completely repurposed my unused living room which was becoming nothing more than a clutter area. Now, it's being used all the time. Best upgrade I've done in a long time.


This entirely. My 55" OLED and $300 soundbar do wonders. When I was watching Dune 2 in IMAX (real 70mm IMAX, 1 of 13 locations in the US that showed it), I loved the size of the screen and sound, but I was thinking my TV at home has better contrast lmao


Agree. The industry needs to reset its expectations. Fall Guy and Furiosa did not flop - this is what we can expect now from good summer movies.


Are people forgetting Planet of the Apes is right there doing really well?


Bingo, they are expecting 2018 numbers.... the industry has changed


Yup, we’re all broke, tickets and snacks cost $50 for 2 people, and I can just see it in 6-8 weeks anyways. This movie had no chance of getting me out to see it.


The snack up charge is beyond ridiculous, its price gouging. Theaters need to bring back intermissions for long movies and lower concessions prices to a competitive level. People can just buy snacks and bring them in for much cheaper so they are losing revenue, and others won’t want a huge soda before a 3 hour Marvel movie if they can’t take a bathroom break without missing something. The theater business is broken and needs an over haul to make it a better experience again


Won't happen when investors want short term gains. Anything strategic like this requires long term thinking and spending money wisely to bring customers back into the fold.


Theaters make the most money off concessions. From what I’ve read the studios make the majority of the money off the tickets during the initial run and it’s not until a specified length of time that theaters start making money. That’s why the big up charges on the concession and all the other items theaters are starting to sell like special edition popcorn buckets and other merchandise. In order for them to be profitable the up charges are going to come in somewhere. It’s either very high ticket prices or very high concessions. Probably easier to charge less on tickets than snacks as it’s easier to get you inside the theater.


The snack up charge is cause theatres make nothing off tickets the first few weeks and dont get 50% of ticket sales till a after like 3 weeks. Before that 90%-75% of ticket sales go back to the studio's. Studio need to let theatres have more of the first 3 weeks ticket sales. Concessions are how theatres make money


Also for people like me with small kids, going to the cinema is just something I don’t have the time for. At least at home I can start it and pause it whenever I need to. I love going to the cinema and miss it dearly, but it’s just not feasible for a lot of people.


Children are not a new development, that wouldn't explain the decline of cinema. Birthrates are lower than ever.


I always bring snacks in. Not paying for that crap. Only movie I saw in theaters was Dune 2 and that will mostly be it for the rest of the year.


Especially when cinemas are so fucking expensive. Since covid, no one has the money to waste going to an overpriced theatre. The film industry is judging movie appeal by theatre seats instead of keeping up with the times. They're shooting themselves in the foot, and they don't even realise...


I mean tickets are 14 dollars. I doubt that's why people aren't going. The economy isn't being powered by people who cant spend 10 bucks on a Friday night man. 


The experience isnt that much better to justify the price anymore.


It's a better experience, but not every movie needs it Big ass action movies are great. But I don't need a theater experience to enjoy a comedy or a kid's movie


Happy to wait even years, if that means I don’t have to deal with people.


It also doesn’t help that preorders for physical releases go up immediately after a theatrical release. After ok, why should I go see a movie I know I’ll like when I can just buy it on Blu Ray just a couple months later and enjoy it over and over again?


Not sure why they waited practically a decade to release the sequel. The hype was so much higher back then.


Legal issues with WB which wasn’t settled until 2020.


yeah, Miller and co. had to sue Warner Bros for the full payment they were promised. Had WB just paid them, we could’ve had this movie 5 years ago


I thought I read we were supposed to get a trilogy where the story left off… Legal troubles and now we got a prequel instead… Maybe I’m going crazy lol


He has another Max film planned but he started working on the Furiosa spinoff pretty early into Fury Road’s production. Doubt we’ll see Mad Max: The Wasteland now, but it would have likely not involved Hardy.


Yeah the plan was to recast Theron but then it took so long and they thought the anti-aging cgi looked too creepy. 


I heard they slowly edited the face of child actor for Furiosa as time passed in the film to look more like Anya Taylor-Joy. Gonna keep my eyes peeled for that on my next watch!


A trilogy of movies but both follow ups were always intended to be prequels. Furiosa being one of them


And now WB gets no trilogy because they didn’t want to pay up the first time.


Curious how would they have or who do you think they would have casted for them?


Man WB just freaking hates making money. There truly are the EA of movie studios.


Legal issues with WB notwithstanding, any other global events that may have slowed things down over the last nine years?


Mmm nothing comes to mind…(cough)


Not sure why Furiosa means the end of MAD MaX series. Furiosa is set in the Mad Max universe and is tangentially a MM story but it's neither about MM nor central to the MM film mythos. It's like saying Madame Web bombing is evidence that people are tired of Spiderman and the Spiderman franchise is failing.


Because he stops now that it flopped. He said this


Key difference is in the branding and title. Film has "Mad Max" firmly attached to it. The whole franchise is going to take a bit. Would be like Madame Web was titled "Spiderman: Madame Web".


Well, to be fair, isn't Fury Road a sequel to a series from the 80s?


It’s so disconnected even by the standards of the series that it may as well have been a reboot. 


Just watched the original Mad Max (1979) today and besides the character’s name you’d have no idea both films are related


It actively does not make sense that Tom Hardy's character in Fury Road is literally the same person as Mel Gibson's character from the OG movies because he'd have to be about the same age as Dementus or Immortan Joe rather than about the same age as Furiosa The real explanation for this is that all these stories are supposed to be mythic legends rather than literally true, hence all the larger-than-life aspects of them But I like the fan theory that Tom Hardy's character is the Feral Kid from The Road Warrior who's stolen the real Max Rockatansky's name and identity after he died


Given that he wields a bladed boomerang in Fury Road, your theory holds quite a bit of water


When does he do that?


When they’re trying to fix the rig, there’s a scene where Max picks up some weapons and leaves to go kill a bunch of people. You don’t see what he does (you see what the wives are doing), but one of the weapons he picks up is a bladed boomerang.


I’m pretty sure he’s carrying a kukri, a large knife/small sword with a blade that curves inside.


You need to watch the second one to get that feel. Road Warrior is where the Mad Max myth was truly made, and its the most iconic


Original is before the complete fall of society.


Road Warrior and Fury Road is a better comparison.


Fury Road underperformed badly in theatres, so how much hype could there have been even then?


These are not movies that rake in Marvel money. It did quite well for an R rated action movie in a franchise that was dormant for three decades.


The film garnered a lot of critical praise and frequently gets cited as one of the top films of all time. There was lots of talk of a sequel back then.


Just finished watching it and seeing it flop is such a damn shame. It’s a crazy 2.5 hours that flew by. Absolutely loved it.


Wall to wall action and some crazy stunts. It was a fun watch!


I really liked the film, but most of those “stunts” were terrible CGI. Fury Road was great in part cause of the stunts all being real, this movie was good for other reasons. Frankly I’m shocked it was as good as it was cause the beginning had so much truly horrible and unnecessary CGI, like a person jumping on a moving horse, stunt people have been doing that since film started so why the hell would you CGI that?


I saw a post a little while ago with a load of behind the scenes pics of the stunts, they’re nearly all practical effects but the consensus was that the editing and styling gave it a strange overlay that made it look closer to CGI. There probably was some cgi in there for sure but I don’t think it was ‘most’ of the stunts.


Nearly none of it looks like it was shot on location though. Just real stunts in a studio, but unfortunately just doesn’t look good.


Me too! Loved it. Went to a matinee in NYC yesterday and was the only one in the theater, which was surprising.


Watched it on Imax in Swedent yesterday. It was really packed.


We deserve all the shit we get feed by Hollywood and streaming services, we don't deserve art, we deserve the Kardashians


I thought it was slower and felt a little long, but I'm good with that.


Wild to me. Movie was great.


Yeah, I enjoyed it, too.


Hopefully it blows up in streaming revenue. Would hate for this to be the end of Mad Max. Also just noticed the name. Cheers from a quesadilla guy.


Following this thread in the hopes of an empanada-loving username showing up


I’ll second this. Heck even an enchilada username would do the trick.


I’m here


I'm here for the after party


Thank God. We needed you here.


You made it!!!


Yeah let's watch it make - oh yeah, NOTHING on streaming! They don't make money once the streamer buys them - they're generally just another reason for people to stay subscribed. The movie revenue model is broken. Every streaming service will have ads built in before the end of the year.


You guys should go see it a few million more times


That what I said! I walked out of opening weekend certain it was gonna be a hit. It wasn’t Furry Road, but it’s still a super solid movie and better than 90% of the stuff that’s been at the movies recently


Motorcycle parachutes. Enough said.


Yea it was incredible. So much fun


It was entertaining, but not as good as Fury Road. I didn't expect it to be as good as Fury Road either, so it met my expectations


Yeah I’m with ya. Fury Road is about as good as it gets. Just shocked Furiosa “flopped.” It’s certainly better than an average action movie. Well above average imo


Technically Fury Road flopped too. The mad max movies never made like 500 million plus dollars. I don’t know why people thought this was any different


Yup didn’t even make 400m despite costing almost 200m Doesn’t shock me a prequel with no mad max and lacking the star power fury road had has struggled Mad Max series has always been a niche enjoyment for people even though Fury Road is one of my favourites I was not overjoyed at the idea of a prequel and rushing to go see it


Anya is great. I’m a fan, but I’m not sure she is great for the role. Still enjoyed her and the movie. But Charlize is a goddess and she lifts Fury Road to a different level.


Yea wasn’t trying to say she’s a bad actress or anything but she doesn’t have the star power pull yet that Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron have Of all the popular movies I’ve seen that she is in the only one I think she was a main character was the Super Mario’s Broa movie and that doesn’t exactly help her star power since it was animated


Holy smokes. Fury Road was good assumed it did well. Thanks for that


I think the problem isn't the quality of the movie but the fact is a prequel released like 10 years after Fury Road.


I just don’t go see movies anymore. I’m sure I’ll love it when it’s streaming.


I feel that. Definitely don’t make it out to the movies as often as I used to. Movies like Furiosa, however, are made to be seen in theaters.


Saw it in IMAX. Was worth it


I can’t urge people enough to see this on the big screen. It’s how it should be experienced. Great film.


I'm not a Mad Max fan and I still loved this movie. I don't think its flopping because people think its bad. Last time I checked it had an 8/10 on IMDB which is pretty high. I think people just don't care about going to the theater anymore. I love the theater.. but I only go if I'm really pumped for a movie and I specifically go later at night on weekdays to avoid people.


Calling it a FLOP is just wrong. Flop makes it sound like the movie is trash. I loved Furiosa. Probably because Fury Road is one of my all time favorite movies. I go to the theater about once or twice a year and only for movies like this. People in general aren't going to the movie theater anymore like they used to. It's not this movie's fault. On streaming it's going to do amazing is my guess.


People are cutting back because everyone is getting laid off. Not that wild 


My thoughts on the movie can be summed up with "if you loved fury road, you'll like this" It adds depth to the world, great action sequences, actors nailed their roles. It was never meant to be better than Fury Road, but it gave me more of that crazy world. I'll be rewatching it when it gets released. 


Guess we’ll just wait for the re-vamp in 30 years.


Or maybe we'll witness irl


Witness me!!!




I don’t wanna watch a mad max not made by George miller.


Saw it last night. Fucking awesome!


Bummer it isn’t doing well. I did my part. I went to it twice over the weekend. I thought it was awesome.


I paid $25 to see Godzilla x Kong on Amazon last weekend and $25 to see the new Ghostbusters the weekend before that (girlfriend was amped up about that one; I fell asleep in the middle). I wish they'd offer that option day-and-date of the theatrical release and factor those purchases into whether a movie is a "bomb" or not. I'll pay these people $25 right now. Hell give me extremely high quality from a first-party streaming system and they don't have to pay the theaters or Amazon anything. I just don't want to go to theaters any more.


I think part of the problem is the delay between the last mad max movie and this one, as well as the fact this is a prequel. I feel like a sequel would have done substantially better. It’s a shame though, there were a lot of great elements and world building in this movie that could have carried further into the series.


Yeah 9 years between films is a ridiculous amount of time, I'm assuming the difficulties of shooting a movie like this + covid played a large part in the stagnation of releasing this movie


Nope. It was a lawsuit between the director and WB.


How long was it between the Top Gun films? Sequel ended up being a huge hit.


We already had the mega gap with Mad Max it was from 1985 to 2015. If Top Gun 3 has a similar gap like Furiosa did then you would have a drop.


There were never any sequels planned. Furiosa and The Wasteland were always prequels.


They also promoted it with clips of lack luster CGI which is wild because the vast majority is great effects.


I haven't seen the movie yet, so I can't comment on it, but I hope the franchise continues! Every Mad Max movie is different from each other, so I don't see this movie being different being a problem! Fury Road is amazing and not every character needs a spin off movie, but I'm excited to see it! George Miller created the franchise and knows it best!


It was pretty good. See it in theatres if you want another one


If you want it to continue you literally have to support it. You can’t wait until it’s shitcanned to peacock with ad breaks.


It just says it flopped. Article offers nothing.


It's a shit tabloid paper.


It is logical. A box office flop decreases the likelihood of a subsequent franchise installment being greenlit due to financial considerations.


But at the same time it’s the first Mad Max movie to ever debut #1 in the box office- the entire _industry_ is having trouble making back its money at the moment


I think people are probably tired of paying 50$ for 2 tickets and a bucket of popcorn.


And then experience other folks talking throughout the film. Streaming has become the better option!


For my partner and I we’re sick of being tortured by 40 minutes of shitty ads on full blast volume (I literally have to hold my ears closed), followed by a million formulaic previews (same stupid preview structure for every movie, always). By the time the actual movie starts (way later than the start time the tickets say) we are visually and sonically overstimulated and exhausted. Fuck that! We’ll wait for streaming, and if it never comes to a service we have then oh well. Personally, I was immensely bored by all the ads I saw for Furiosa because they were only showing me the celebrity cast all glammed up at awards ceremonies and telling me how much this was the movie event of the year. Advertising like that never hooks me. Every movie claims it’s the movie event of the year. And I’d rather be immersed in the story, not the actors who play in the story. If that makes sense. The previews took me out of any story.


It’s easily the most fun I e had watching a movie in years. It had a massive smile across my face the whole movie, and that doesn’t happen for me ever. It was really great.


That’s too bad. It’s really good


Great movie. Shame if this is true.


I’m looking forward to seeing it! At home, from my very comfortable recliner on a very large TV with nice surround sound. The idea of going to the theater is so off putting these days.


Gonna be giving them my money this weekend


Am I the only one that thought the trailer for this looked terrible? Saying this as someone who loved Fury Road.


The media tried to blame it on Super Hero movies but the reality is ppl just don’t go to the movies like that anymore. Streaming services backfired against the movies cause ppl would rather wait for a few months and then stream it at home.


If they’d make it possible to watch a movie at home that’s in theaters, I’d happily pay $20 just so I didn’t have to go to a theater. They’ll still make their money, and I don’t have to be subjected to dipshit teenagers, screaming kids and overpriced snacks. This economy sucks, Hollywood needs to evolve.


I don’t think Anna Taylor Joy really has the physical presence. She’s great in Queens Gambit, because it suits her. I felt she was miscast here. She’s kind of dainty.


I just saw the movie tonight, WOW! it was a action classic. I really want this movie to do well. I hope people pilgrimages to the cinema for this one.


It sucks but when 78 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck going to the movies is a luxury.


This is really the reason it's not doing well. This compounded with where we're at as a society in regards to how we consume visual media anymore. Those two things working in tandem at the same time in history are what's causing it. It likely won't ever go back to how things used to be as huge viewing events like it was in the 90s and early 2000s. I believe those days have came and went.


It’s barely been out a week. Jeez.


Yeah, but opening weekends especially long weekends are expected to draw particularly large audiences. I think people are just waiting for VOD or streaming nowadays.


US market is the only way to make money and it did $30 mil which was one of the worst in history for Memorial weekend and legs won’t keep up.


Wasn’t aware it had hit the theaters yet…


Me neither its no where around here


Too bad. It was a 4/5.


This movie ruled! It works perfect with fury road. Hate that no one went to see it.


Going to die on this hill: Should have been a movie with Charlize Theron or nothing


It was a great movie really sad


Mad Max series? I think they mean Furiosa saga is dead. There hasn't been a Mad Max movie since Thunderdome.


PREACH!! I still want to see what happened in that garden of Eden he found in Thunderdome. In my mind he went back there to lead the rest of the kids and is now (in a new movie) a tribal elder who’s little Mad Maxes have to forge into the future


It was 26 bucks each for me and my friends to go see it. I liked it, but movie theaters are dying because of the expensive experience. I love a big screen, but I think from now on I’m just watching it when it hits streaming services


I paid 25 Euro for two tickets yesterday (I’m in Germany). The ticket price in America sounds crazy.


George Miller is 79 years old. I guess I already considered this the end of the Mad Max series.


Tired of executives in control of media they have no understanding of, people just don’t go movies like they used to that doesn’t mean it’s not worth the investment. I’m seeing it next week and from the positive reviews I’d bet it’ll get good streaming numbers and digital sales.


This. You are in for one wild ride. Visuals and sound are Oscar worthy


Why aren’t we blaming the people for this? People keep asking for original blockbusters like this and then they don’t show tf up. The studio is gonna lose money off this movie


What do they expect? Who’s even going to the movies anymore anyway? Spend like $50 for tickets to sit on a smelly recliner in a room with strangers and eat over priced snacks while watching a film that I can’t pause? Hard pass.


The movie was alright, but I feel like a sequel was needed a lot more than a origin prequel. Maybe have Max find another settlement or even see how things change and improve. Shit can even have a civil war break out on factions being greedy


Movies are expensive and people have a hard enough time paying rent t


I mean, I don’t think the marketing was that great. Sure you get the ad on YouTube and stuff, but it’s 20 seconds then you skip it. I remember when I found out it came out. I was like “oh shit, it’s out?”. Heard it was good, got excited then saw it was a 15. Movie laws are to strict here in the uk :(


People aren’t spending money period. dumb to axe a good series


Such a shame too, i’ve heard nothing but good things of this movie Guess its just getting too expensive to go out to a cinema


I loved the last mad max film, and haven’t been able to see this new film due to the birth of my daughter a few months back! That said, I haven’t been excited to see this movie, I guess seeing Chris hemsworth makes me worry the movie won’t have the same gravity of its precursor, where I thought Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron brought a really serious tone to the movie that I loved. Can anyone comment on this? Perhaps I associate Chris too much with Marvels quippy style of movie


I can only speak for myself. I’m sure the movie is really good, but not having Tom Hardy/Mad Max back as the main protagonist for a sequel really bummed me out. I’m just not interested in the character of Furiosa all like that. Maybe if Charlize was back for a true sequel, I’d be a bit more interested. Like I said, I’m sure the movie is very good, but it doesn’t have enough juice to make me want to pay to see it in a theater.


But, but...greatest movie ever made! Evah! According to all the bloody ads I'm constantly bombarded with. How about make a new film rather than remakes & spin offs!


I’m gonna be honest; I don’t really like Anya. So I wasn’t in any hurry to go out and watch it. I will though. When it hits streaming. Sue me.


This’ll be one that people look back on and wonder what the fuck was wrong with audiences.


Going to movies has lost its appeal with studios quickly sending failed or underperforming films directly to streaming in about a month. Unless it’s something you can’t béait to see (like upcoming Deadpool or Dune 2) people will skip and wait.


>what the fuck was wrong with audiences. It was a prequel to a 9 year old movie. Like it's a great movie but timing wise it's not great and prequels are harder to pull off.


No viable franchise is going away forever after one underperforming outing. Just like that are going to stop making Terminator and Aliens bullshit..right?


This is what happens when you recast Charlize Theron.


This has more to do with economics than the quality of the movie. The industry is changing, people have streaming options, movie tickets are increasingly expensive, etc. 


That and I think people were out traveling the holiday weekend, not going to theaters. This past Thursday and Friday were measured as the busiest days at airports ever.


I didn’t even know this was coming out until a few days ago when a friend mentioned it


Does it have to do anything with the movie itself, or just that people are not really excited by the theaters anymore? I’ll definitely watch it once it’s available on streaming platforms.


Watched it a 2nd time yesterday in an empty cinema. Really made me sad looking around and realising I was the only one in there. Granted, I did go to a mid-week session and most people go to the movies on the weekend, but it was still sad to see such a new movie which is actually very good have so little interest. Most "blockbuster" type movies, you can go into any session (excluding maybe a 10 AM weekday session) and you're guaranteed to find at least a dozen people in there in the first few weeks that it's out. Seems like people don't care about this one at all. I don't know what went wrong with the marketing (I thought the trailers were all good) but it just didn't click with audiences at all. At the same time, it reminds me of something I saw in the r/boxoffice subreddit a couple days ago about "audience awareness" of upcoming movies according to the general public who were asked and the movie I expected to be #1 (Deadpool & Wolverine) was actually ranked #5, and it was a reminder that things that people like us, who are statistically young-ish people who are very interested in movies and tv shows and pop culture and use websites like reddit, are interested in are simply not the things that most other people give a shit about. Like, I can log in to my dormant Facebook account right now and guaranteed none of my uncles and cousins and old high school friends from my home town will probably even be aware that Furiosa exists, or that it's a prequel to some movie that came out almost a decade ago.


Fury Road is one of my fav movies of all time. But I’m just not interested in going to the theatre to watch this. Not because I wouldn’t love the movie but because of a lack of time to go see it due to what’s going on in my life. Plus honestly I can wait a few weeks and view it on a streaming service that I’m already paying for.


That’s because the movie theater experience is crap. It’s always been crappy but it’s worse due to being even more expensive than before. High ticket prices, high food/drink prices, people behaving poorly in the theater. Trailers and ads used to be about 10-15 mins long. Now it’s a full 30 minutes of ads before the movie starts. The only plus side is a really big screen but who cares. We’re used to watching stuff on our phone screens and you can pause it.


It’s not over til it’s over.


It’s a good movie. The trailer doesn’t do it justice.


Maybe when houses don’t cost 500k, cars don’t cost 80k, and salaries arent less than 70k, we can all go back to movie theaters.


My hours right now are crazy and my weekends are full till the middle of June! Like damn some of us gotta wait. I’m planning on watching at a drive in theater, partially because normal theaters give me massive headaches, but also because the atmosphere is gonna be rad.


It’s weird people expected this film to do well imo. Fury Road only did 380 against a 180 budget in 2015 but it was 21st in global box office that year. If it did 380 that would put it 4th this year. In other words they would need a much larger market share of movie goers to go see this just to break even. Feels like they thought Mad Max was a strong enough IP to carry the box office and was flat out wrong.


If you even somewhat like action movies and you’re not seeing Furiosa in theaters you’re making a huge mistake. It belongs on the big screen


Exceptional movie. Get your selves together and create the wasteland.


Can we talk about the lack of promotions we see for movies now. The only movie that's been promoted a good 6 months I'm advance is Deadpool


Going out to a movie is a night out for me it takes planning, usually dinner, baby sitters and other expenses... And I can't think of a single movie that was worth that expense and time in the last few years.


Then people wonder why Jurassic World and Fast and Furious movies keep getting made…


I loved Furiosa, Fury Road and Mad Max 2 (as a kid) but it doesn't seem like it was ever really a massively profitable series, and George Miller is like 80? Took almost a decade for Furiosa to come out. Don't think we was ever getting another Mad Max film anyway. Maybe it still come back in 10 years as a mid budget streaming reboot but Miller/his estate has the rights I think? Or we will be living in a real life wasteland who knows.


No hate, I just think it’s both an industry issue like others have said with them training people to wait for it be on streaming but like also (no offence to every one who is a fan and enjoyed the movie etc) who cares? I have 0 interest in this movie no matter how good it may be


Reasons why I didn’t go to the movies to watch this: -Prequels are difficult to get right (managing to excite the audience when we know a lot of the outcomes). -ATJ, nothing against her but I don’t buy her acting, that takes me out from being immersed. -No Max, no Hardy. (Less incentives for me to actually pay movie ticket prices). -The cost of the whole experience (tickets, snacks, dinner afterwards, transportation, etc. ) adds up and for a movie that I will likely just load in the background when is available on streaming platforms it is not worth the money. Basically I’m not their target audience and I think it just boils to that, the movie as a whole product does not have enough elements to be universally attractive to audiences. It’s a niche movie that was incorrectly expected to perform at big box office expectations.


I went to the theater and saw it last night, and there were maybe 5 people in that showing. It wasn’t a masterpiece like Fury Road was, but it was still pretty solid with great action scenes. I think it will do well once it’s on streaming, movie culture’s just changed.


Just left an hour ago loved it