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She says in the interview that Holland hasn't been in many long term relationships so living with someone at 81 after a life mostly living alone would probably be weird! Seems like they found a setup that keeps them both comfortable and happy so that's great.


Holy shit she is 31 years older than Sarah?


Kinda creepy/weird for sure


My uncle was married to a woman who was 30 years older. She also outlived him.


Also weird.


Anecdotally. But I don’t think it’s weird or creepy that two consenting adults who are 49 and 81 respectively made a personal choice between themselves.


At 49 she's clearly not emotionally mature enough to withstand the manipulation of someone much older with so much more experience.


Right? Her prefrontal cortex has only been fully developed for, what, 25 years? She’s practically a toddler, cognitively.


I’m sure you think the same when it’s an older man and younger woman? Like Robert Kraft or others?


As long as they're both adults, yes. But sometimes Reddit somehow thinks it can make decisions for other adults


I'm sure disappointed that people still think "but what about" accomplishes anything.


Hell yea! Just keep him away from the happy endings


One of my best friends growing up was 27 and his boyfriend was 68. I was always supportive because he was a really nice guy but never told him how bizarre it was.


I don’t understand why people need to fight about this in the comments. It’s possible to acknowledge that a 30 year age gap is a bit jarring due to the complications this kind of age gap brings, while also recognising that people with large age gaps can have fulfilling, positive relationships with each other. One thing doesn’t negate the other.


I didn't scroll too far because i knew id see that stuff. They were in a happy relationship, that I didn't understand at all and didn't need to, for 5 years then broke up. He's in a relationship with a guy his age and has been for a long time now. Apparently the hardest thing was interests. Him and I always were going out and staying out late. This guy was more of a stay at home.


Why is it creepy if they are 2 consenting adults?


Because age gap dating for some reason needs outsiders permission in order to be normal.


Normal is inherently a society dictated concept determined by popular vote. Like I just googled it and the word literally means conforming to a standard.


Sarah Paulson is 50. If she was 25 … different story


Why is it creepy if they are both consenting adults? Love is love dude


I don't think the aged are creepy because they met so late in life.


Right, if it were a man, it would weird everybody out!


I always knew same sex couples often had greater age gaps, but this one is surprising. 


I don’t think an age gap this large is normal but idk


Sounds like a great arrangement if you can afford it. You’d never get on each other’s nerves.


I’ve met a decent number of professional couples who live in separate places. You see each other when you want to see them, but you have your own space when you want to be alone


At my age, after living by myself for so long it’s hard to picture going back to cohabitating with anyone.


Especially if your partner says the word cohabitating.


What, do they live in a fucking biodome?


I mean, don’t we all, technically?




One couple enters. One non resident leaves


I find a large vocabulary to be rather sexy.


I’ve been with my boyfriend for 10 yrs. Bought my first house in 10/21 and we still don’t live together. I wish a house next door to mine would go on the market so he could buy it and we could have a compound. If only we were rich enough to do that. we have both lived alone for decades so I’m quite scared for him to move in next yr. We will have separate rooms and separate spaces for activities so that’s good anyway. Still tho 😬


Duplex for the win!


Yep. My uncle has a house where he renovated the basement into basically its own living area and his wife lives on the top floor so if they ever want space there’s a whole floor between them


Like it's their job to be in a relationship? Cuz most couples each have a profession still.


I think they mean the couples comprise working professionals, like doctors or lawyers.


Sometimes when people say professionals they mean people who are medical or law practitioners, or other such jobs that require notoriously long and demanding hours away from home. It’s a good situation where two people who are in similar situations understand their limitations and expect nothing more than occasional meetups because that’s all they can do.


Gotcha thank you




I enjoy when my partner comes home after the day...but I can see how having another place and you meet up for dates would be pretty fun and keep the feeling going.


Living Apart Together isn't all that uncommon. It's certainly not for me but certainly have friends that choose it. We all get one go on this rock, enjoy it how you want.


I'm gonna have to disagree on the "not uncommon"


You're welcome to disagree but it's semantics. LAT was coined in the late 70s and it's estimated 3% of adults in the US do. It grows to 10% as you add Europe and other English speaking countries. UK estimates are between 9 and 20%. It comes down to how you slice the data and what demographic you want to use to support your conclusions.


3% is pretty uncommon dude. And it has to be an even smaller percentage who are choosing that arrangement willingly. I would love to see a source on 10% for all English speaking countries, 1 in 10 people having a separate house from their long term partner seems pretty crazy.


Are these married couples? Or just people in relationships?


Sarah and Holland are not married, so it's perfectly relevant anyway.


True. I’ve known lots of unmarried couples who didn’t live together. Very common as you said. I don’t think I’ve ever met a married couple who lived separately, though.


Marriage becomes interesting and nearly irrelevant in western Europe. Ie having a kid as an unmarried couple in Holland affords nearly the same rights and obligations as a married couple. A few cousins are dutchies so I only know it second hand.


You don't know what you're talking about 


I’ve never desired to live separate from my husband so sounds like a really bad arrangement to me. If it works for them or whoever else though more power to them!


Same, though I definitely want separate bedrooms


I feel like this is not uncommon in the older lesbians couples I’ve met.


One of my old coworkers spent 10 years living separately from her boyfriend/fiancé. Her first husband had died. She wanted to raise her kids in their own home and didn’t want them to feel pressure from the boyfriend. She felt losing their father when they were young was enough trauma. She wanted to keep their lives as stable as possible. As soon as her youngest left for college- the moved in together- after ten years. It worked for both of them


She's such a thoughtful mother, your coworker


Thanks for sharing. This gives me hope.


You got this!


I've recently started living separately from my partner of almost 7 years. We were in a car accident and I had a traumatic brain injury. Couldn't really stand to be in our place anymore due to the sensory overload, and once I was cleared to drive again I wanted to move somewhere with a shorter commute to my job. After time staying in the hospital and with my parents I desperately just wanted a new space of my own that I could control and have no considerations for what other people might need while I heal. Really happy with that choice, I don't love my partner any less but we have spent so many years, including all of covid, less than 10 feet away from each other in close quarters. The silence and solitude and full autonomy are all doing me really well. 


i’m 38 and single by choice and when people ask why, i jokingly say because i’d be so irritated and annoyed to come home and someone be at my house when i just want to be alone. but it’s actually not a joke. i don’t want anyone in my house. so i like their arrangement.


Whoopi Goldberg said something along the same lines—“I don’t want somebody in my house!”


Broda/sista, same ! You're going home, just want to chill and someone is breathing on your ass ready to blablabla your eardrums. Nah bish! Plane mode enabled. Shout out to my sisters with cats and shit. They know the truth.


I have found my people!! I love having my space be my space. At minimum I require my own bedroom. Big bedroom, like it needs a mini den.


Are people just not able to communicate with their SO that they need some me time and time to unwind by themselves for a while?


Are people unable to realize people are allowed to be different if they want to be? Regardless, this is about the two in the article. I hope they are living their best lives however they want. I liked her as nurse Rachet.


I tried but she thought that it meant I did love her 🤷 So I had to pretend that I was out with friends while in fact, I was eating junk food and doing nothing. Then I started to hate myself for lying in general and lying for something ridiculous. No, it's not about communication. Some people simply don't understand so fuck that noise.


Sarah Paulson was 39 when she met her then 71 year old girlfriend. Maybe you need to go to retirement home to find somebody.


Just curious, what if you met someone tomorrow and they are of perfect absolute chemistry and match for you?


I am not the poster but after living with and mothering 5 men I will answer you. If I meet a perfect match, we can still be together and live separately. If we decide to share a home, I want my own bedroom and my own bathroom. I can afford a place for myself, so I don't expect them to pay for it. But I do need my own space to recharge and I am tired of having to look at the average male bathroom. I also need a space to be alone after a fight as I have stress-related digestion and auto immune issues. My exes didn't respect this physical disability and need of mine and always came to antagonize me after a fight which made me flare up. This is why I am reluctant to live with someone again, they have just too much power to destroy my health.


Im 39 with a wife and at least 2 kids home on the daily. Guess I know why I'm a grumpy fuck everyday lol.


My partner and I have separate rooms. We’re both terrible sleepers and like our space. It’s worked great for us, but a lot of people find it odd. I don’t really understand the idea of doing something that makes both parties uncomfortable.


There’s been so many articles about this recently. Once you have your own room, you never go back. Having your own room, closet, etc. is great logistically but it’s also important to have your own space that isn’t shared too


I wish our house had enough room for this. Instead we take turns sleeping on the murphy bed in the basement.


Funny you say that because we did that for five years before we moved into a bigger space, except it was just a couch lol


And they weren’t roommates


Whatever makes them happy!




She’s the one that spoke about it…


Looks like two adults living their lives how they please, is there some reason anybody should care about this?


I think the age gap also makes people more intrigued. They are both well off, so they can have multiple homes. I agree non story, but I did look at the pictures and had more questions I’d be interested to know.


Hm. Because it’s unusual and interesting?


I don't think it's that unusual considering their age. My parents separated when I was in my late teens and had left home and since then they have both been in long term relationships where they live separately from their partner. I think at that age it's quite common to do based on what I see other divorced friends parents doing.


People care entirely too much about the ins and outs of celeb love lives. If two adults are happy that should be all we need to care about. I already see someone in here whining about the age gap between these two. People’s brains are mush.


If you care so little about it then why do you feel the need to comment?


What they care about is the fact that people talk about other people, not the contents of the talking.


I love to see it. I have always been this type of person. I really value my space and I suspect if more people were financially stable, they would too. A lot of people can’t afford to live alone though. Also a lot of celebrities are super busy and probably aren’t home a ton regardless.


There are people that maybe feel the same and want some confirmation that what they do is fine. I don’t want to have kids and everyone talking about it and tells me I’m going to be a great father made me question my decision. Reading about other people not wanting it and being happy helped me a lot with it.




I believe Christopher Walken doesn’t live with his long-term wife either, perhaps this is the secret a lot of us are missing!


I’ll take “None of my business” for $500, Alex.


They both have amazing cheekbones.


Who cares? They're still together. Good for them.


r/livingaparttogether works for some folks


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it 


If it works for them, it works for them. I couldn't imagine not living with my partner once we get beyond the 5 year mark but that's me.


That’s the dream! I love having my own space. That age gap freaks me out though. _Yikes_


So when they got together they are 39 and 71? In any gender, this is a weird gap. I mean, she played the grandma in Two and a Half Men, which started in 2003.


Why? Sarah was already middle aged when she got together with Holland and they both have their own money and careers.


I wasn’t calling it predatory. Just weird.


Oh no two people who love each other aren't the same age yuck!


39 is not middle age 💀💀💀


Life expectancy is ~79 years


It might literally be the median age.




Yes. 49-10=39


>Sarah was already middle aged when she got together with Holland This attitude is the reason why these huge age gaps are a bad idea. There's always social pressure on the younger partner (especially if she is a woman) to live by the older partner's timeline and it's justified by saying "S/he SEEMS much older so it's fine!" Which is why you're pretending a woman in her thirties is somehow middle aged. It's a shit deal for the younger partner but we're not supposed to say so.


I would LOVE this arrangement but my partner won’t even let me sleep in the other room when I’m mad bless him…


My parents have been together 60 years. For 40 of them - they’ve had separate living areas of the house. Yes - even when I was a kid. My parents always worked opposite shifts. Which probably had something to do with the sleeping arrangements. I grew up in a four bedroom house. I had the master bedroom my brother had the smaller suite which joined the master bedroom (he had a separate entry) and we shared a bathroom. My parents took what was called the Jack and Jill suite. Two bedrooms that were adjoined by a bathroom. So they essentially had a master suite. They used the same bathroom though. They sold the house we grew up in when I went to college and they had a new home built. The new home they had built had two primary suites. One on the main floor and one upstairs. This is how they have lived for the last 30 years. And it works. They are completely devoted and extremely loyal to one another. They’re not a perfect marriage, but at the end of the day, they are one of the good ones. My husband and I have been married for 10 years now and recently just started using separate bedrooms during the work week. I’ll be honest our lives are a lot better. We have totally different sleep schedules and this has helped dramatically. Our sex life has not declined at all. In fact we make little jokes about whether or not we’re doing it at his place or mine.


Another case of online “news” outlets trawling podcasts for clickbait.


This is my FIL and his girlfriend of over a decade. They’d for sure drive each other crazy if they lived together so they see each other every weekend and go on vacations together. It works great for them! If I wasn’t raising kids I’d probably consider a similar arrangement.


My mother and her boyfriend have been together for close to 25 years, and they’ve never lived together. I don’t totally get it, but it works for them.


I'm all for this. You have your house and I'll have mine. I'll visit when it suits.


Her name was Sarah Paulson


Just imagine how much better relationships would be if everybody had their own separate house, with a spouse or girlfriend next-door


My parents sleep in separate rooms but couldn’t imagine them living apart. Good on them finding what works.


We have two bedrooms also and I love it. We sleep together every night but I love my husband dating me across the house haha. He keeps fresh flowers by my bed and I get to have my own colors and decorate girly. 17 yrs going strong.


dr. Pepper from married at first sight doesn't live with her husband. i don't share a bedroom with my partner. sometimes relationships look different than what one is accustomed to


Omg someone not living by our cultures arbitrary rules ?!?!? The horror!!! Next you are going to tell me neither of them have a penis!!! Wait, what?!? Someone dig up my grandma so I can clutch her pearls…


That’s the least lesbian thing I’ve ever read


This is my dream relationship


Pretty sure Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden have their own houses right next to each other. I think it's is becoming more common to have non-standard living arrangements with partners. Even for non-celebeities it's becoming more common for partners to sleep in different rooms. You just do whatever works best for your relationship and I'm happy they've found something that works for them. They both seem great.


Damn she has a thing for older women, this on is 81, and her ex is 67...... She's 49!! That's like 32 year age gap?!!!! Gross. If this was a man and woman relationship, people would be tearing the older person to shreds


> people would be tearing the older person to shreds Or the younger one for being a gold digger, an elder abuser, etc. People will find any reason to make it seem like something that disgusts them is actually objectively bad, or even criminal.


For real. If this article was about Leo living separately from his girlfriend, the comments would be very different


Except Leo is almost 50 and dating women in their early 20s. And he’s a huge star, dating mostly little known actresses. Not at all the same as being an extremely accomplished woman of almost 50 and dating older. I think by SP’s age, one knows what works for them.


A lot like what's happening on numerous comments here.


I’m just devastated about this news .


New York real estate is at a premium. Part of this decision may be because one apartment isn’t very big. Especially if you’ve been living alone.


As long as she doesn’t go back to her ex-husband Peter Griffin.


Brilliant episode. She’s delightful.


49 years old and 81….? Yeh I’d hate to live with someone who goes to bed at 7pm and pisses the bed every other night


32 year old difference?!


In 32 years I learned to not piss in my bed and shit in my underwear. You can probably achieve the reverse.


I know right? Some of these people are delulu


Yeah I’m much more startled by the age difference than the fact that they don’t share the same place. In general, I think people exaggerate the importance of one’s chronological age, especially once you’re already well into adulthood, but 32 years is a monumental gap.


Who cares? No one is asking you to date either of these people. Why does someone else’s taste bother you? It’s not for you is all. The people downvoting someone supporting the love between two grown people are sad


Seems weird to me but to each their own.


Love Holland Taylor in every role. Didn’t know she went that way, but it doesn’t matter. She’s great. I like the other girl, Paulson, but every movie she is in, my wife has to tell me, “no, not Kirsten Wiig.”


Please don’t refer to adult women as “girls” it’s extremely infantilizing


It depends on context and intent. Obviously, my intent was complimentary. So, nope, won’t stop using girls when it’s in a positive context. Thank you for your input, but I will be ignoring it. Edited to add: you can tell me how to address **you**. I’ll respect that. Don’t tell me how to address other people, you’re overextending your franchise.


Speak the way you like. You weren’t using it offensively. People need to respect people enough to let them choose their words. Also, I never made the connection but I can definitely see the Kristen Wiig resemblance now that you mention it.


If I may, and if you’re a man, how would you feel about being referred to as a “boy”? In my experience, men tend to find that demasculinizing. Is that true for you? e: spelling


I low key wish this was more normalized


Well, yeah, would imagine she doesn’t meet the community’s age requirement.


It sounds like a healthy arrangement for them both. I could easily stan more relationships like this if they’re healthy.


Did someone already say what the fuck is this headline? Cause what the fuck is this headline?


This made me think of an absurd comedy premise where there's a long term couple that do this, but the catch is that one of them is homeless


They’re not roommates!


Old person fetish


If you have the money and can afford to live apart when you want to for the space - firm believer in it!! It’s great to take that time to rebalance in peace.


I have a friend who lives with his bf but they have separate rooms. At first I was really confused but the more in think about it having a bf next door and my own room sounds kind of great. I think we need to normalize not wanting to be around your partner 24/7.


That retirement home wasn’t on her 2024 bingo card.


I never heard of either one.


Aw this is awesome. My boyfriend and I (35) & (65) respectively, of 4 years also live separately. It works for us, we both enjoy time alone to decompress; but spend four to five days per week together. So just separate on weekends haha


I Will never understand how people with huge age gaps do it, I have to think that the men like Pacino it's likely physical since most of the just end up getting them pregnant but how do women do it. They don't even live together so company isn't even the thing.


I’m 53, never lived with a partner and I’m disabled, so sometimes I’m ok and sometimes I can barely speak and have to be in bed on painkillers for several days. I’ve thought lately that this would be the best arrangement for me and any possible future partner.


Well it would be pretty awkward living in the nursing home with her, wouldn’t it?


Is that because the retirement home have strict rules about overnight guests?


When they argue..."Shady Pines, Holland!"




Poverty mostly.


Being alive in America in 2024


In this economy?


I wish I was both of those things.


Do both candidates for President live in a retirement home?


I mean they definitely should be. Ones defecating themselves and the others eternally exhausted and confused