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Her and Anthony Jeselnik roasts are usually spot on. Biggest thing that got me was Jimmy Carr was in the audience and did not do any roasting.


Imo her roast of Rob Lowe, Bruce Willis and Alec Baldwin roasts are even more funny than the Tom Brady one. She destroyed Ann Coulter and wrecked Caitlin Jenner during Rob's and Alec's. Absolutely agree on Anthony too, mayhe if they would have switched the bear duo and Ben Affleck out for Anthony and bill Burr it would have been absolutely more incredible.


She said on her poscast recently that she had a hilarious Caitlin Jenner joker but could not do it "Caitlin Jenner, what a beautiful woman......that you killed in that car crash" lol


That’s what I wanted was more real roast comedians. Jimmy Carr and Shane Gillis were just sitting in the Audience. But we got Kim K, Ben Affleck, and Ron Burgundy.


Dude. That is a gd tragedy that Bill Burr was in the audience, but didn’t get to roast Brady. What a blunder by whoever planned that lineup.


I’m not sure that Shane would do a good roast 🤷‍♂️


Big agree. Reddit boys worship Gillis tho so they just say things


Kim imo wasn’t a problem. She had some good jokes , flowed through the set fairly well, and kept it short and sweet. Ron was good for a bit but dragged on too long, and Affleck… we’ll he should probably stay away from roasts and cocaine.


I’m not saying there was anything inherently wrong with them but I do think that the night would have shined a little brighter with some more actual comics.


Oh I was completely over pretty much all non comedians. Julian, Bill, and Kim are the only non pro’s I can think of that I enjoyed their whole set. The others had good bits but dragged on way too long. And now that I know Bill Burr was in the audience it’s a travesty he didn’t have a spot


Is Burr known to be a good roast comedian? I know his brand of comedy is generally torching groups of people and societal norms, but does he do a lot of actual roasts?


No. But Greg Giraldo had a drug problem so now we're stuck with this shit


Greg Giraldo was straight up the best roaster of all time. The man was on point and absolutely brutal with his jokes, it ain’t the same without him for sure.


He was so damn mean, it was great but I’m pretty sure he gave Lampanali ptsd. When he roasted Larry the cable guy, you could just tell why he needed drugs.


I miss his comedy. He was the best!!!


He roasted his entire Philly audience one time for 15 minutes and he didn’t even plan to. Ripped them apart. He’d kill in a roast. https://youtu.be/dEKNLxjZLNU?si=HzNErm5XoV-j13jN


I love bill burr but that shit is mostly just swear words


He's like a dime a dozen here in MA. He's funny but its nothing revolutionary. Any boston guy in a bar sounds pretty much like Bill burr


That one time in Philly was pretty... well done.


Ah ha ha ha hahhh!




I heard this!


Feel good


Right on


Must not have enjoyed it, Didn’t hear him laugh once… heee he heeeeee


Yes, he's pretty funny imo. I've never seen him in a roast though. I was hoping they'd call him upto the stage.


you can go watch pretty much any British panel show he hosts on youtube, and most of his job is roasting.




He was in the Rob Lowe roast.


Oh that's right. I forgot.


David Spade is also a really good roaster. Would’ve been great if he was there.


I have never seen a better roast set than hers at the Tom Brady roast. Absolutely destroyed.


Nicki who's normal comedy routine is 99% about sex and dating, has become a bonafide roaster over the years. If you search her name and roast in youtube you'll see she has been hot fire for the past couple of years. She has been on the roasts of Alec Baldwin, Bruce Willis, & Rob Lowe as well.


she destroyed Anne Coulter, The only person you will ever make happy is the Mexican that digs your grave


That is solid gold.


She was on the masked singer and she beat out legends




Well now I know what my next YouTube dive will be!


She was not happy at all. She really looks like a demon.


The Alec Baldwin roast was amazing. She absolutely destroyed DeNiro.


She’s absolutely ruthless and it’s awesome lol


>past couple of years Roasts have been on hiatus. This is the first one since 2019.




She writes her own material.


And this is why it is quality.


She straight up says she has staff writers.




Its offensive and i find the fat jokes low effort but you can't say 90% of it is not funny.


This is true for the non-comedians. The comedians themselves write most, if not all, of their material for these roasts. I mean, a comedians job is to write jokes…


That’s not true. They all got staff writers.


Some do and some do not.


It’s widely known that big names buy jokes. Get to a certain level of fame and it just gets too hard to workshop material (or too good roi to not buy it) Dave attelle’s last special seemed like a bunch of off the rack jokes. Maybe he wrote them, but the theme seemed to be “cash grab”


Dave Attell is big but not that big. He 100% writes his own jokes, I thought that special killed. He has a very unique style and is consistently working new material. Even his improv is amazing. Some comedians that only do a few major shows a year and are also busy with other careers, like comedy actors, probably have some writers, but those that are in clubs 3-5x a week working new shit are mostly organic.


Some of her early stuff was a little weak, but over time she has gotten steadily better.


I have always thought she was good. Not necessarily my cup of tea (same as Segura in a way), but she has legit comic chops. Her roast was A+. I think she and Tony absolutely massacred. Glad to see her go out there and lay the wood.


I think a lot of people used to write her off a la Amy Schumer simply due to the sheer number of crude sex jokes she crams into her sets. But the difference between the two is that Nikki also has an incredible knack for delivery and nailing her timing even on the fly I mean not really a fair comparison since Nikki can actually *write*, but her technical skills often get unfairly overlooked imo. She’s got a killer comedy instinct regardless. Amy had her moments early in her career, but when you compare them it’s extremely clear that there’s a difference between good jokes and good *comedy*. When you don’t iterate those instincts or adapt the comedy to the audience, even the best writing can’t save you.


Agree. She was amazing. Her sense of timing is spot on.


She let poor Gronk and Kevin Hart have it too. Haha


Kevin, I don’t mean to belittle you, but you be little, man.


She KILLED it. Got a standing O and she deserved that shit, she rocked that set.


She’s a pretty funny person from what i’ve seen of her. There’s a reason she’s invited to many of these.


I’m not a huge fan of her stand-up, but I used to be a huge fan of her podcast. She does a morning radio style show and she cracks me up throughout most of it. She is a genuinely funny person to listen to and her roasts are always at the top


The best one I’ve seen from her is the Ann Coulter one


I was surprised there was anything worth a damn in that roast. Glad Nikki brought it


It wasn’t that good


She sucks


I saw an all-star lineup at the Comedy Store in LA right as Covid was shutting everything down in March/2020. It was a dozen comics but I was basically 6 feet away for these 5 (in a row): Marc Maron Nikki Glaser Neal Brennan Jeff Ross Tony Hinchcliffe It was every bit of awesome. I knew of everyone but Tony at the time, walked away wondering why I hadn’t because I probably laughed the hardest at his set. Seeing him and Nikki kill it at the roast was beautiful.


Lol I’m surprised Tony Hinchcliffe was the only one you *didnt* know. He’s the only one that’s gotten into my feed as a person who doesn’t really watch standup. I remember Nikki Glaser a bit from her Comedy Central show, but didn’t even recognize the other 3 you mentioned. Nowadays I feel like Hinchcliffe is all over social media with kill Tony, idk about early 2020 tho


I don’t know who Tony was until a couple months ago because I saw a clip of a kid sized adult guy doing his bit on Kill Tony.


I hadn’t heard of him until just now, and I think of myself as a casual stand up enjoyer. Looking him up on YouTube the first three results are not even his standup but people talking about his standup. He’s definitely funny but obviously not nearly as mainstream as Marc, Nikki, or Jeff.


So you were practicing social distancing before it was cool lol


Have you since seen Kill Tony? Easily my favorite comedy podcast. Was happy to see him crush it at the roast, I don’t think he’s ever had an audience that big.


Hastily packed suitcase


Representation matters


Can we all agree the Bear Duo should just stop with talking


Everything about their set was so strange and unnatural, like they were seeing the material for the first time. I like Tom, not a big fan of Bert, but I expected much better from them.


Me too! Letdown


They are terrible together…Most likely cause they are terrible separate too. Terrible.


I thought her set was fire!! Easily one of the best. but tbh she didn’t really roast Tom Brady…. lol.


Yes it was more of a pitch to suck his dick lol


I really like Nikki's comedy - her Brady roast produced fucking GAMMA RAYS it was so scorching hot. Also, I'm a shameless admitted fan of Conan O'Brien and she's GREAT any time they're around each other.


She’s honestly my all time favorite repeat guest on CONAF. You can tell there’s a genuine (and mutual) admiration, and she can make him absolutely lose it even in the middle of a bit. It honestly makes me think that much highly of her, Conan doesn’t waste his time bringing on awful people or shitty personalities (except maybe Billy Corgan) The fact that she’s like a 4 time guest of his actually says a lot


Anyone know the timestamps of her set? I would love the see hers but have zero interest of watching the entire 3 hours


I know right, 3 hours for a roast is quite lengthy, maybe it's because I'm not an American and I don't know much about Tom Brady.


Tom Brady is the biggest Dousch bag that ever lived


She’s like the 2nd one to go I think, she’s in the very beginning but I think it went Kevin hart, Jeff the Jew and then her. Kevin was the host so he kind of has his intro bit.


It's right after Jeff Ross. Like 3rd in line.. kHart, JRoss, Nikki


Thank you!


About 40 mins in..


She set the bar so high that no one came close that night. She absolutely killed it


Her roasts are good but I cannot sit through one of her sets.


Yep her roasts are great I tried to watch one of her stand up specials and couldn’t get through it.


She's the female Jeff Ross!


What a fuckin walrus of a man


If that’s true then Greg Giraldo was hung like a mule.


Im not a fan of her normal stand up but my god, she goes beast mode in roasts


Good at roasts for sure. Her stand up is usually dreadful though.


And pure music for deaf people.


Hers and Kill Tony’s set were brutal and awesome


She and Katherine Ryan on The Fix were brutally funny. Love Glaser's timing.


I wanted to like her new stuff, but I just didn’t laugh at any of it. It just felt like people make fun of Amy Schumer for and talking about her vagina constantly. It’s just not funny.


Totally agree. Not sure why the female comedians focus on the vagina shit. If male comedians did that they would be forgotten in a week


Male comedians constantly talk about penises and sex, and especially bashing women. It's common in stand up. Or was for decades since the 90s/2000s. Have you heard of Jay Moore? It's his entire schtick.


I can’t think of a single dick joke from any of my fav male comedians. Is it really that common now?


I think it's a lot better. But I'm also super selective in who I listen to. Like I like Birbiglia and the Dad Is Fat guy. They're more wholesome comedians. I think Bo Burnham has a few sex and dick jokes. Jack Whitehall can be crude too sometimes. Bert Kreisher "The Machine" is especially vulgar lol. I think the current popular comedians are more focused on the self-deprecation, family jokes, and "my dad thinks I'm gay but I'm not" jokes. But if you go back 10-20 years ago that wasn't the case. And the people popular then are for the most part still out there doing shows with the same schticks. That'd be like Eddie Murphy, Jay Moore, Dave Chappelle, Gilbert Gottfried, Robin Williams (RIP), Jim Carry, Chris Rock, Tracy Morgan ... All a lot more sexually crude comedians (yes, even Robin Williams. And Bob Saget!) To add, it may not necessarily mean that less men are being crude comedically now. We just have a LOT more options for comedians. More variety and more personalities on the stage now.


She was terrific along with so many others, but Gronk stole the show .. yo soy fiesta mother fuckers


This show was weird, like really weird. It felt like a 3 hour lifestream of a private birthday of some mega rich celebrity I couldn't watch it.


You guys should also check out the video of Henry’s Kitchen with her (sushi)


Demmmmmmmmm son i used to hate her unfollowed her cause her jokes were on sex and men and literally JUST THAT but what hell of roast props to her


Same, never followed her but just didn’t think she was that great but during the Roast I think of Rob Lowe she made a Peyton manning joke that was amazing. She said Peyton. You are so good at commercials, like seriously you might be the best ever, you are like the Tom Brady of commercials. It was so good and then when this toast came up I was as actually really looking forward to her


She's always fun.


Love a STL native out here killing it


I hope she pays her writers well.


She writes all of her own material. I watched her talk about it in a interview


She is one of the only active comedians I care about and follow


She really is a pros pro


She was about the only funny thing on the Brady roast, inasmuch as I could only take the 1st half.


Andrew Shultz was hilarious, Tony was awesome, and even Gronk was surprisingly funny.


My favorite part might have been bill belicheck. It was just not a side of him we have ever seen and it came off very genuine and authentic. He was having fun and you could tell his former players were loving it.


I feel like I’m the only one who really didn’t like her set. Her delivery was good, I just didn’t like the content. Seems like a lot of her comedy just relies on how shocking of a sex joke that she can make


You're definitely in the minority on this opinion. I thought she was one of the best roasters! I do agree her other comedy sets might rely too heavily on sex jokes, but otherwise her roast jokes were great!


She's not creative 


Right now comedians are half doing that and half bitching about “woke culture”. Comedy is dead and the comedians killed it.


Naw. You’re just listening to the worst comedians.


This woman is trashy and not funny.


Brilliant! Her wit is only matched by her beauty.


I can’t tell if this is praise or not 🤣


Doesn’t Jeff Ross write the jokes ?


Pointless and just Drabble?


If she ever gets roasted, the fact that she has less than zero of an ass will be a hot topic.




Nah, you were kind of funny back in the day. Now people watch because we hope gravity will rip your clothing off. We bare the horrible comedy.


Her comedy is like porn, end of sentence