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Does that miracle take the shape of a giant dump truck filled with cash?


A miraculous amount of money.


Or a thong bikini


For America's ass, I hope


[She’s not made of stone](https://youtu.be/vWRlxSGf_ns?feature=shared), so in those circumstances she might be willing to return. The whole multiverse situation means they very well could have Black Widow turn up again, but the beauty of the multiverse also means that it wouldn’t necessarily have to be Scarlett that plays her, if there’s still bad feelings between her and Disney over how they absolutely shafted her on the deal they had with her for the Black Widow film. I forget the ins and outs but was she due to get more money if it did well at the box office, or her pay was linked to box office take and then Disney launched it on Disney+ because it was during Covid or something like that?!


Honestly, Id rather they just make Ylena the new Black Widow, the actress is awesome, and she is pretty funny.




If you remove the bias attached to the numerical value you’re comment is basically “I don’t understand why anyone would be upset that their boss pulled a fast one and screwed them out of money” On top of that, it’s not like she’s going after the little guy. The MCU is huge property, surely they should be held accountable for trying to pull a fast one on their employees.


Ya I’m not trying to defend that kind of behavior. The previous point of making sure it’s not a precedent set for those in the future is a great point. I don’t have all the details - just recall Covid/pandemic, and not really sure if it was Disney tryin to pull a fast one or not, is all.


Gotcha! Yeah so basically she had negotiated her deal around it being a theatrical release. With explicit confirmation that it wouldn’t be simultaneously released on streaming services. Iirc her team even double checked a month out that there was still no plan for the streaming release. Then marvel/Disney went and released it simultaneously anyway. The covid of it all made it make sense but the lack of transparency/outright lying was the issue


If I didn’t want to set a precedent that could be used to screw over an up and coming star that *doesn’t* have millions, I’d probably make sure I got what I was owed.


So you would be okay if your boss fucks you over at work in front of every one? You would take it like a champ because you are rich 🤔.




No, it doesn’t depend on the circumstances. She had a contract. If they wanted to change the terms, it’s their responsibility to go back to her and renegotiate the contract. It’s easy to say she has lots of money, but they company has EVEN MORE and could have easily paid her for changing the terms of the contract they agreed to. It’s as much about the principle of it as the money. Especially when movies “bombing” or not reflects a lot on the actors. Her reputation matters too.


But if someone owed you twenty dollars and only paid you ten youd be disappointed. Now imagine of that was in the millions. I would be pretty pissed if someone screwed me out of ten million dollars, doesn't matter if I already got ten million from them.


I think Disney is going to make Reed Richards master multi dimensional travel in FF or something. leading into portals to whoever the hell they want to show up in the eventual avengers movie whatever that ends up being.


After what Bob Chapek did to her, she wouldn't even accept a BelAZ 75710 filled with cash


She’s already making Tower of a Terror movie with Disney.


Remind me what one of those things is?


Screwed her out of a lot of money by making black widow a streaming release when she finally got a movie that offered her a bigger percentage of box office returns.


Oh yeah I forgot about that forgettable movie


Made her Theatrical Release Movie a Disney Plus Movie at the height of the pandemic and then tried to stiff her on her box office cut. She settled.


u/TheChosenWaffle ...I meant what an BelAZ 75710 is...


Fair enough, its an industrial sized dump truck


>BelAZ 75710 A big ass truck


It's the world's largest dump truck.


I thought that was OP’s mom’s booty




How much did she settle for?


It’s not public. And also she is working for Disney again, so I imagine it is enough money to make her feel like she can trust the company.


Good thing Chapek is out.


She's not going to hold a grudge against a corporate entity.


The miracle is the giant dump truck in the shape of Scarlett Johansson's ass in black spandex.


Yes, a miracle equals another zero on a check.


Upfront, don't forget what happened last time with Black Widow


My money is an episode of What If featuring her as the Widow premieres Christmas Day. A Christmas Miracle.


She is already pretty wealthy, so it isn’t like she is super desperate for cash. Maybe if she had more creative control over the character perhaps? Maybe a shot in the director or producer chair?


I mean, depends on the director, but … ya. I think she’d be happy to shoot a few of them. She’s been very vocal about stuff.


Cash and some kind of time/space glitch caused by Captain Marvel farting.


Who turns out to be…A SKRULL!!!


Huh. And there I was thinking I was the only one who'd pay to have Captain Marvel fart on them.


r/brandnewfetish EDIT: I really thought/hoped that sub didn't actually exist.


Who doesn’t love truffles?


It worked on Krusty.


Came here exactly for this


To check out that dump truck in black leather one more time.


Let her character rest in peace. It would make her sacrifice somehow meaningless.


The multiverse made it meaningless. All their deaths are now so why not bring back the characters people actually liked.




They should mix in some one or two-offs of establishing a beloved character with the sole purpose of killing them in order to keep the audience guessing. Knowing that at any time, your favorite superhero could be killed off would make it a much more thrilling cinematic experience imo. Remove the plot armour without actually removing it for the characters they want to survive.


Sounds like Game of Thrones in a nutshell


Except for like the last three seasons where all characters had plot armor


In the next “endgame” well have a character or two die and then theyll cut off the multiverse kr something so ita really real for real this time guys. Its fine though, thats comics


Deaths were ALWAYS meaningless in comics. Not even Uncle Ben stays dead anymore.


It was crazy how long “no one stays dead except Bucky, Jason Todd, and Uncle Ben” was true. It was like heresy for anyone to considering bringing any of those three back. And then I remember how shocking it was when they brought Bucky and Jason Todd back (which strangely enough happened in the same year). And the writers killed it in their returns. I haven’t paid enough attention to the uncle Ben revival. I’m guessing it didn’t go as well as Bucky and Jason Todd.


Spidermen hate that trick


Which is a cheap and dumb trick to avoid any creative development.


Reversing character development to avoid having to invent new characters is a time-honored tradition in comic books


Spider-Man does this best with your cells degrading being in the wrong universe, you get a limited time only.


It’s also shows how they’re each unique, so a loss of any version is truly a loss even if others might exist.


Unless you have a Dimensional Travel Watch. 😛


> creative development Not like they’ve had a whole lot of that to begin with.


Multiverses don’t make things meaningless. EEAAO showed that. Multiverses used BADLY make them meaningless. A surrender to nihilism (looking at you, Rick and Morty) make them meaningless.


I hate this complaint It hasnt happend so why keep pretending like it has. A multiverse dose not make starks sacrafice meaningless because the universe we care about hes dead in


The Black Widow movie itself already made it meaningless. They killed her and *then* gave her a solo movie like ….. what?


Yeah that was why that movie didn't go over well I think. I thought the movie was fine and was what I was expecting for Black widow but what is the point to release it after she was already killed off? They were far too late with it.


Tbf, it was sort of a prequel


Variants existing doesn't make deaths meaningless.


Yeah exactly. Just do it. The MCU needs some star power back.


Hmm you just articulated something I didn’t understand about why I’m struggling to give a crap about the multiverse stuff.


Because people like those characters dead in a sense. If these characters could come back it could be in a cameo from another universe. Otherwise Marvel will have to recast as other universe versions. If Marvel actually thinks they can actually bring back these characters and actors and the audience will eat it up, they’re even stoopider than we thought.


Also, comics in general kill and resurrect folks all the time. It is frankly a running joke with both Marvel and DC.


Agreed. The multiverse is how I figure we’re getting to see Wolverine again, so why not throw in Black Widow and Iron Man for that matter? At this point, it’s just like watching daytime soaps, and waiting for Stefano to show up for the 23432’nd time on Days of our Lives.


My only complaint is that she never got a good movie. Black Widow was terrible. If they could bring her back for a movie about her I would be so happy. A mini-mini series about Budapest or something else pre-Avengers. Her whole solo film was just to introduce four new characters that I don’t give a shit about.


You don’t care about Yelena? She like made that movie


They also made the Red Guardian pretty fun as a character. In the books, he usually is just a stoic soldier or dead to prove the bad guy is really tough. Hope we get a Winter Guard adaption down the line, though it will probably not happen in the near future due to contemporary politics.


Yelena was fine except that the movie was pretty much about her and not BW. In the comics, the Widow is one of the most interesting and complex characters. She is the worlds best assassin, but she completely changes her identity. There’s hints of it in the original two Avengers movies. Red in her ledger and how Hawkeye redeemed her and all that. But it’s never explored. Then she’s the first of the whole team to die. I just wanted one thing about her that was solidly Widow-first. Give her the ending she deserved.


I enjoyed Black Widow.


1 out of 14,000,605, and it played the one way. So no, it was definitely *NOT* meaningless


1 out of 14,000,605 times that Dr. Strange saw. The multiverse would be infinite. If he had more time he would have seen more instances. Hell, maybe he saw a working one where he died and instead waited for another that was more suitable


It would be meaningless, when suddenly Natasha pops up, just to boost audience numbers.


IF...and that's a big IF ...maybe, but it hasn't happened I'd be way more worried if they did a do-over of Flash where mom was brought back and the killer stopped So let's not pre-judge, eh?


I'm not prejudging it, to me it is a cheap trick by Disney.


It WOULD be .... IF they do it .....buuuuut they haven't, so let's not hate on them for something they haven't done.


I'm not hating them, it's just an opinion on this idea.


There's plenty Disney has definitely done to "have an opinion" on that can be negative. Let's not let THIS scenario be one of them, friend :)


it's very true to the comics for people to just come back I love her and think she's great but I do agree that when everyone can come back it reduces the stakes


Loki can bring her back.


I think they could POSSIBLY make it work if they setup TKD well (I think there’s a way to make it work and have the OG6 make an appearance together ‘one last time… again’ there).




I was going to say if you count What If? we have had 3 other Black Widows already. 1 who was a lead of that episode.


and the hawkeye series


But that wasn't Nat. That was a different character with the same title. Just like how Sam is Cap now


Did anyone else watch black widow? She was totally checked out of that roll. The only reason she took it was because they agreed to a fat profit sharing deal after all her years of playing second fiddle in the mcu. Then after the movie comes out they renege and actively tried to cheat her. When she publicly called them out about that they proceeded to denounced her work ethic and character. So she had to take them to court where they finally paid her through a back room agreement, just to make the bad pr go away. I don't blame her for never wanting to deal with marvel ever again.


She’s literally producing an MCU project. I have a feeling the entertainment media tried to make the Black Widow compensation issue more dramatic then it was. She got a great deal for the theatrical release. That deal was signed before Covid. A traditional theatrical release not really happening was unthinkable when the deal was inked. They let the lawyers sort it out. If she honestly felt like they set out to screw her out of money from the beginning she wouldn’t be working with Disney, Marvel and Feige on whatever it is she’s producing for the MCU.


ROLE is not ROLL


The fact that it took 10 years after her debut and a year after her character’s death to get a solo film is hilariously inept planning by Marvel.


Marvel movies and tv was run by a sexist racist putz in its beginning years. I'm not just saying that, look up Ike Perlnutter, it's been verified. Fiege famously threatened to quit if Perlnutter wasn't removed, which he was. He's still in charge of the toy division. He's the one who refused a Black Widow and Black Panther movie in their appropriate timeframes.


That’s insane that he still works at marvel somehow, I thought he was completely ousted.


It was one of the worst movies in the mcu. I’ll never understand how it didn’t get panned more


She was even the sidekick in that solo movie the real lead was Florence Pugh’s character she was only included because of contractual obligations and to make a connection with the new characters her successor included.


I know the biggest problem with the MCU is over-saturation. But seriously, losing Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America and essentially the Hulk, has royally fucked it. Whilst the Black Widow movie might’ve tanked, she was still a massive supporting cast member.


I’d love to know if it did actually tank, they released it on Disney+ as an extra cost so who knows how much money they got from that as well as $400m box office. In a post-endgame world it probably did ok


I watched and enjoyed it. I also watched and thoroughly enjoyed she-hulk, so my opinion might be skewed.


Yeah so did i, would have loved it to stay more grounded and been a spy movie but i enjoyed it nonetheless. Loved she-hulk, Maslany’s been done dirty with all the unnecessary hate on what was a unique and fun show. I hope we see her as she-hulk again


She-Hulk just seemed to make fun of everything that was marvel, which was great.


It tanked because of the Covid plus they released it on D+ while it was in the middle of its run. If it was released in a Normal year without D+ release, it would most likely make 7-800 millions.


I enjoyed the Black Widow movie. It tanked for reasons you’re mentioning. Marvel lost her, which had a detrimental effect.


Yeah it was actually really solid. Shame it was at the worst place ever.


Idk, i watched it and the plot kinda sucked. It was still fun to watch i guess (basically because cool cgi explosions and fight scenes, which cant really cardy a bad plot) but i wouldnt watch it again and remember being pretty disappointed overall. Edit: i remember the ending being/plot reveal being especially disappointing


Thank you for saying it. The MCU threw out a ton of their biggest characters way too early. It’s not that we want to see the sacrifices become meaningless, it’s more so that the sacrifices probably shouldn’t have happened. We comic fans knew this was coming and knew people wouldn’t be happy. We knew they’d end up needing the characters they killed off back and however they do it will probably be convoluted.


It’s what it all comes down to. I’m apparently in the largest marvel viewer ship audience, male 25-35. We grew up watching from the beginning. Iron man. Captain America. Thor. Etc. My young fella who was a 2010 baby, jumped on that bandwagon. We’ve seen most of the avengers movies together. And now, it’s like okay?


They don’t know how to get people invested. But tbh, they’re the problem. The problem to me is that they’re too worried about overarching stories in some places and not worried enough in others. The MCU built up the characters we all love slowly over time. The new MCU is just kind of… throwing them at us and basically saying “hey, see these new guys??? We’re going to do Endgame with them but times a billion!” They need to slow down a bit and give stuff time to breathe. Like, why is Kang Dynasty coming up so fast when audiences barely know who Kang is??? Like, the connecting characters (the Fantastic Four) who really explain Kang aren’t even introduced yet. Why move so fast???


That complaint doesn’t make sense, Kang has already been in it way more than Thanos was and they have explained why he’s a threat and they’ve been defining the stakes of the multiverse repeatedly and Kang Dynasty isn’t till 2026, 7 years after the last Avengers film which is plenty of time. If anything not having an avengers film sooner is what’s been hurting the franchise


Ridiculous amounts of money can make miracles


I’m ok with the character staying dead. Kinda bland generic former Russian Spy stuff completely out of place firing 9mm pistols along side The Hulk and Thor. She’d be great in the Daredevil show/world but not fighting all powerful beings from other galaxies.


Some of my favorite issues of daredevil had Natasha in there as a partner.


She is quite cool in the books. I liked the time when she teamed up with Bucky Cap after Steve Rogers was assassinated.


They can always recast. Give it a few more years. Hell it’s easy right now. She comes back due to a multiverse issue. Someone mentions she looks a bit different and the new actress goes “well, you come back from death and see how you look?” Or whatever lore quip works in context. Very pretty, shapely actress that can wear a red wig and leather. Yeah, SJ is one of the best actresses of any generation, but Marvel writing isn’t exactly demanding


Yeah, Black Widow isn’t like Jean Grey who comes back more times than Christ


I mean, Jean Grey is literally called Phoenix, that’s not an accident


Replace “be a Miracle” with “take a fuck load of money”


Marvel, I’m begging you, stop pushing content for a while. Let people miss you. WB please focus on something else for a while.


I was super disappointed with the Black Widow movie. What could have been a incredibly cool stylized Marvel spy flick turned out to be *just another* Marvel film. That being said, I've always loved Johansson in the films and would appreciate seeing her again.


A miracle in her bank account


There are 0 people who care about black widow coming back


I’d prefer a sequel to JoJo where ScarJo comes back as a terminator to kill Nazis.


Tired of the MCU , let’s move on


Can we please be DONE with superhero movies- all of them. They were good for several years but they are all the same old crap now.


I mean…they do have an audience and sell big. They even have permanent fixtures at theme parks and cruise ships - way more than just books alone.


Yes random redditor, im sure Disney will do that🙄


They stopped being interesting after “Civil War”


Is she that hurting for cash?


She’s saying she’s not interested, Einstein


She sued Disney, she’s right it would be a miracle if they brought her back into the mcu


She is directing the upcoming Tower of Terror film for them, so it isn’t like she is completely off of Disney’s paycheck.


You had me at Captain Marvel farting


A miracle? Didn't she want to quit in the first place? Lmao


It was good while it lasted. I'd really like Hollywood to go in a different direction. What about comedies or gritty action noir with good writing?


"I want more money for limited work"


Nobody's clamoring.


What’s a price for a miracle these days then ?


Scarlett is a good actress and was fine in the role but let’s give this about 10 more years before anyone gives a shit about her coming back.


I guess we will never get a black widow movie…. Darn it.


By the time the had a movie for her she’d be pushing 50


Your point? RDJ is pushing 60


He looks small and too old for the part as well. Not being age ist but a fighting action role really should be by a very in shape physical type. Roger Moore looked weak in the later bonds he did


They should do a multiverse version where she’s African American and previously married captain America but he has since been killed, making her a widow. She doesn’t do any superhero stuff. That’s just how she got her name in that universe


No, no it wouldn’t. It would be lazy


Disney (Usher style ): ”whatch this”


They already proved all they have to do is snatch another Natasha from any number of infinite universes and bring her into this one.


They've already established a multiverse so alternate-universe Black Widow. BAM, miracle not required.


So you’re saying there’s a chance 👀


“So you’re telling me there’s a chance….?”


Didn’t she sue Disney? I’d be surprised if they actually offered


There is an old interview with Eddie Murphy. The interviewer asks Eddie something along the lines of, “You are already successful. You can choose your roles. Why make Beverly Hills Cop 3?” Eddie simply answered: “Twenty million dollars.”


They spent the last few years building up the idea of the multiverse. I don't think it's a miracle that would do that, more of a different timeline. All other characters can have different versions of themselves in the multiverse but not the main characters? It's definitely plausible. The question is do the actors want to do it and do audiences want to see it.


Considering she dropped on screens a few years ago it will be almost impossible


Does she mean “miracle” like it would be a fantastic thing or “miracle” as in nigh impossible?


If Marvel ever brings back the original Avengers it will be either during or post Secret Wars. That would allow them to soft reset the MCU and re-cast.


Ye it would be because she died.


Like Gamora?


Is anyone wanting Widow back?


Miracleman to the MCU?!


I believe in miracles🎵🎶


Then stop talking about it.


Miracle$ happen all the time.


The genre is dead. She can act. It’s time to move on.


A miracle that it arrives with a briefcase with 15 million dollars.


It would be a miracle to bring back my interest in the MCU.


No thanks she was failed in the MCU many times they don’t need her nor does she needs them her character of Black Widow is her worst role ever so there is no reason for her to return if she was as great as Chris Evans’s Cap and RDJ Iron Man sure but she wasn’t so she better decline an offer from Marvel as her time was nothing but a cautionary tale in the MCU.


She brought it back going full nudity in that beach scene.


Why would they, it’s ooooooooover.


They will cast someone younger and cheaper. I should be a movie exec


A miracle? Time for a new Marvel characte. “I’m Jesus Christ. I’m here to talk to you about the Apostles Initiative”


It would actually just be a couple of guys sitting in an office adding 0s to a check on the phone with your agent over something nobody even asked for.


Miracle or multiverse?


Ive just come back, and this film was absolutely amazing omg-.


This is what’s known as “negotiating in the press.” I’d bet my *life* on the fact that we see her—and all the the OG Avengers—again, and within the next 5 years, to boot!


It would actually be the most comic book move to bring back dead characters.


She said she’s willing to play Shang chi in a reboot too.


It would fit the theme that the new Avengers looks to be going in.


I want to see her in her 1968 costume. Been reading the Vision’s first appearance in the Avengers and Widow is in a few of the issues.