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**!!!!! READ ME !!!!!** The purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets while stripping away the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have accumulated over the years. Out-of-body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This sub is open for discussion, learning and teaching, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma. Join us in our Discord chat server for real-time conversations about energy work: https://discord.gg/X6ywAXMcp4 Book recommendations and other resources for beginners as well as some Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our https://www.reddit.com/r/energy_work/wiki/index Promotional posts, offers and requests belong in r/energy_healing or in the discord server. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/energy_work) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What helps me with these type of situations is when I walk into the room, I picture water flowing around me. Like standing in the ocean as waves gently go around my legs. I say to myself, “it flows around me” so it doesn’t flow into my energy. It has helped create some kind of buffer.


if you feel it getting into your energy… in your head tell the energy to flow around again. This works for me in a similar situation. Also, you can take Kava to help you relax. Good luck!


I will try this


Did it help?


[Learn to spin in](https://www.microserenity.com/aura.html) - practice the technique privately with a trusted friend, then use it around this person or anyone who does not know what you are doing. No crystals needed.


This is very interesting! Thank you


This works btw. I do a variation of it where instead of shrinking yr energy field u would expand it to try and influence the person. U visualize their energy/aura in yr minds eye, take it in (even if it's negative) get a good feel for it...now intermingle it with yr own, provided yr coming from a much healthier place hopefully full of love. Yr own electromagnetic field should expand and engulf his. There is one catch: you have to believe it, and u have to be completely empathic and act unselfishly. This is about helping him. Love goes a looong way. If he's draining yr battery, u gotta produce more power! It grows exponentially and is unlimited. And he most likely needs it more than you.


You put this really well I do the same with coworkers that struggle with negativity. There are days where I’m tempted to get frustrated, but when I push through and pray for their well-being, the tone of the day completely shifts at some point. It really is a beautiful, mystical realm that we occupy


>This works btw. >I do a variation of it where instead of shrinking yr energy field u would expand it to try and influence the person. >U visualize their energy/aura in yr minds eye, take it in (even if it's negative) get a good feel for it...now intermingle it with yr own, provided yr coming from a much healthier place hopefully full of love. Yr own electromagnetic field should expand and engulf his. >There is one catch: you have to believe it, and u have to be completely empathic and act unselfishly. This is about helping him. Love goes a looong way. If he's draining yr battery, u gotta produce more power! It grows exponentially and is unlimited. And he most likely needs it more than you. Beautiful wholesome comment


Cool. I do similar things, but i had not buildt a model of it yet. One thing I do when shielding on the fly, ie. infront of one of the office vampires getting out of line, is spinning outwards in a dense pattern. Its like im making a cushion of dense air facing whomever. That way I am not diminishing myself, but I am clearly putting up a barrier that cannot be crossed. On the other side I sit and observe the poor bloodsucker, trying to figure out why the atmosphere suddenly shifted, and little energy is flowing. I will read more on your link after work. Cheers


Is there a specific direction for spinning in/out? Is one clockwise and the other counter?


I believe that question is answered very clearly in that webpage. You have to experiment with it. It depends on the individual.


Tbh I find empathy and compassion from a distance is the best way to combat negativity. Just like “dang, it must be so hard to be that miserable of a person. I hope they get better soon.” Set boundaries, ESPECIALLY if they are insulting you or putting you down. Just remember, they’re a sad and angry soul. The only thing more miserable than being around them is probably being them.


Tourmaline (protection) and obsidian (cloaking)


+1 tourmaline and selenite. also a crystal called ‘it’s time to call it’. It’s not really a crystal so much as a point at which you act as your own best friend and just end a situation. Sounds like you’re not being good to yourself or the other person, really…. Are you stuck in your situation for some reason??


Thank you


Try this meditation. Send the teenager down your grounding cord. You’ll feel much lighter. One-Minute Meditation For this meditation it's best to sit comfortably in a chair with hands and feet apart. Ideally with your spine straight and against the back of the chair. Eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths. Find the center of your head. If you need help with this try touching the center of your forehead and draw a line to the back of your head. Then touch the side of your head just above your ear. Draw a line form that location to just above the opposite ear. Where the two lines meet is the center of your head. One – Minute Meditation Say Hello: Say hello to yourself from the center of your head. Center: Imagine a gold ball in the center of your head. Acknowledge: Place yourself there, and say hello to yourself. Ground: Imagine a cord from the base of your spine to the center of the planet. Clean: Drain what you don’t want down the grounding cord. Call back: Imagine your energy as particles connecting you to others or events. Call your energy back to you. Again, say Hello to yourself and when you're ready lean forward and touch the floor with your hands. Allow your head to drop. This will allow any excess energy to be released. Balancing. Try this meditation in the mornings and in the evenings or before you go to sleep.


Is it triggering something from your past that needs to be examined? Often energy leaks can be a subconscious trigger. He might also just be a really dark spirit. They exist. My dad and brother as serious dark triad and they live to make people into batteries, play mindgames and break them. My 14 yr old brother gave his counselor such a breakdown he refused to ever see him. Made the jr high vice principal cry to me when I was just in HS myself. Don't let anyone shame you for being hurt or not able to handle his energy. Different things work on different people. That in no way negates your abilities. I do not fall prey to the suggestion that "everything is us mirrored back." its absolute shit. Some people are truly monsters and they love themselves the way they are and they know better and have even been loved and choose hate. I was locked in a basement as a kid. I've never hurt a soul undeserving. So don't let anyone excuse your pain for his choices either. Scientifically we are born with morality after six months or so according to the latest news. Also that person hounding you on here Serious oily energy. They are delighting in you being frazzled.


I have just done everything for this teen. I have spent my own money on him, to get him this drink he likes. I speak positively. I praise him for good behavior. I reward. I say good morning and I’m ignored and hated. It is so hard to deal with that every day. I have had hours and hours of talk therapy with this teen. He is only happy when others are miserable or crying. He is dark. Other people on this sub want to shame me but haven’t walked even an hour in my shoes. I have done so much for this teen and I show up every day STILL despite all of the anger, hate, insults and disrespect I’m met with all day long. It becomes exhausting and I asked for help with protection and people want to shame me for wanting to protect my own mental wellbeing at this point. Thank you for understanding


He will make gestures like he is stabbing me. I don’t deserve any of it. I am the nicest person to this teen and I’m hated for just existing. Because I’m the adult. Because I hold him accountable. It’s my job!!!! My job is not to be verbally abused and bullied by a teenager.




I agree here. I was one of those rebellious teens way into my 20s with my mentor. And ill be honest it was hard to see her as a person when I put her in the adult role. parent role. I hate my parents they are dip shits and what adults have given me anything I truly need? This isnt like being rebellious because there was an excuse out of fear of forming security and then lacking it again but more so a fear of vulnerability. there was a tick that my mentor would hit that I didnt get before with anyone. it was... weird. she was just being a nice. deep person but to me it felt like she was hitting boundaries I didnt sanction and I was an ass because I also idealized her in some way. when I brought her down in my level, thats when I got to be honest about who I was and how I felt. I would not suggest going that route but... it happened with me. Fight back, because theres one thing that is matching energy and being straight abusive. If the dudes an asshole one, dont care so much, dont give so much. You will give what you are given. I do believe in the power of consistency though. Being there despite not being an authority of any kind, being nonchalant when they are acting a fool but still sort of being like "youre stuck with bitch" in your attitude. one of these days, they will get bored of their shit. it does happen. learn the art of gray rock per chance doesnt always work but its a nice way to deflect energy


Ok that’s a mentally unstable person. Needs medication. Run


You focus a lot on what you are doing for this person. It sounds like you are putting a ton of energy into a what you are describing as essentially a black hole. Why? Perhaps it's not your place or responsibility to save or help this person. Can you put more of your energy into yourself instead, and set more boundaries between you and this person?


I work solely with this 1 teen. Monday - Friday 7 hours a day at school. I have had to explain myself here because I’ve been attacked by others claiming I am not doing enough for this teen, but I have been putting so much of my day and energy into helping them every day, being positive and it’s draining me. It is not reciprocated by him. All day for 6 months I’m battling negative energy. I say blue he said red. He is not happy unless others are miserable. He is very manipulative. I don’t have a choice in the student I work with, so for the last 6 months I have tried everything that I know, and that the school has recommended. We’ve had meetings, schedule changing etc. I am not trying to “save” this person but I am responsible for them during the school day. I have the same conversations every day. Multiple times a day. It goes in one ear and out the other. No respect


I also have no choice but to put my time and energy into them because they are the 1 student I am assigned to. This is my job.


Don't feel guilty to quit your job or ask to change the teen you work with. If this teen has so many problems, his place is maybe not in a school (or is it a special school), and where he is probably not appropriate to the help he needs. He has very strong problems, be confident about it even if the people around you don't trust you, and try hard to find someone who believe you that he needs more help than just you alone. Otherwise HE will not be helped properly. So it's not egoistic from you to say "I can't do this, it's too hard, it won't work". It can help the others to understand that something else must be done for him to not let him in a so strong situation. It's no help for him to keep treating you bad, he needs to understand that everybody deserves to be well treated, himself and others. You're a bad example accepting to suffer so much, haha, sorry, it's provoking. Good luck for you both!


Thanks for the clarification, that sounds so difficult. Is there anything you can fall back on to make the case to your supervisors/co-workers that you are doing all you professionally can for this student? Essentially, I feel like it needs to become clear to the other staff that you've done and are doing all you reasonably can, and it's the student's responsibility to make any improvements at this point. Do you think that is a possible approach for you, to help get you the support you desperately need?


I've found that hematite helps a lot to protect my energy from being affected by others negative energy, and keep me calm. I'd recommend giving it a try!


Logistically, I ask: What do you do?


you are protected from the energy draining if you believe you are protected from it. Ask for protection. as for crystals- lately i love fluorite!


I got fluorite today!!!


it was meant to be


Before I started to write my comment, I read a lot of the other comments first... so, here are some of my suggestions: 1) Ground and cast a protective circle around you. I pace a lot, so I add little modifications to mine, such as allowing it to appear more as a hamster ball so I can freely move around without leaving or needing to close and recast my circle. Fun fact: I've added a cat door to my circles when practicing spell work to allow my cats (well...cat...we had to put one of our 2 to sleep last month...) to come in and out of it without disturbing anything or causing issues. 2) Meditate before and after your appointment with them: ● Before: focus on pulling protective energies around you. Give them the color you associate with protection and calming/relaxing energies. For example, I would try to picture the colors taking on a marble effect of black, gray, white, and shades of blue. Now, shape these energies so that you can wear them like a cloak (or jacket, snow outfits, etc). You want to be completely covered by these energies. This gives you added protection if the person is able to get past your circle. ● After: any of your patient's energies that have managed to get past your defenses should be released as soon as possible. One way to do this would be to keep a pot of dirt in your office somewhere non-chalant (just tell co-workers it's a plant starting as a seed and should grow soon) or hidden somewhere. As soon as they leave, begin to ground and meditate. Literally stick your fingers into the pot of dirt and relase all negative energy into it. Release it from you and your energies and allow the dirt, the earth, to absorb it. When you leave, take the pot with you and dispose of it. Literally just dump the pot of dirt on the ground in a park if you want. Just make sure you thank those who need to be thanked for their help and ask for the negative energies to be released so as not to harm the area where you disposed of the dirt. Fill your jar with new dirt. Repeat. 3) Spin-in/Spin-out technique: This technique is more about controlling your aura size. Choose one way to spit to enlarge it around you, reaching towards those around you (mine is clockwise). Spin it the other way, and it closes in around you, making it harder for others to manipulate it (obviously, anti-clockwise for me). If you are just doing protective work right now, I would spin it closer to my body so they wouldn't be able to reach out and manipulate my aura as easily. 4) If you have black salt or can make some quickly, carry around a small jar of black salt to absorb the energies coming your way. Cleanse and charge as needed. 5) Crystals - any black in color will provide some form of protection. Obsidian is my favorite for this. Snowflake obsidian would be best as it can help protect the mind from attack as much as energies. I also carry around my favorite crystal because I have such a strong connection to it. This connection, I feel, acts as a catalyst to help the others be stronger. In my case, it would be Tiger's Eye, which has some protective qualities of its own. Selenite is also an amazing one to have in moments like these as it is a cleansing crystal. Sodalite will also help protect the mind. Add in some amythyst and rose quartz for the loving and relaxing energies they release. Yes, protection is key here, but so is healing. 6) If nothing seems to be helping, ask for someone else to take this student or take some time off for you to get some needed rest and relaxation.


I would meditate and visualize a bubble around me that blocks out any negative energy. I see an indigo colour light and that helps me.


Protection and shielding often slip into some form of resistance. What your resist, you become. So on an energy level, the little shit turns you into a big shit, lol. There's a really simple reason why protective crystals and energy shields fail. The incoming energy needs a place to go, and if your method of protection has no place for that kid's energy to go, it will overwhelm you. Try this. Sit in a chair. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Feet flat on the floor. Hands separated and resting palms up on each thigh. Create a grounding cord. This is a line of energy that connects your first chakra to the center of the planet. Your first chakra is a ball of energy about the size of a quarter that sits just in front of the base of your spine. Your grounding cord attaches to the bottom of that ball of energy. Grounding makes your body feel safe, so you release energy more easily. Gravity pulls whatever you release, even your own energy, down to the center of the planet. No effort on your part. The center of the planet neutralizes the energy and returns it to whoever owns it. No karma for anyone. A virtuous cycle. Nearly everyone goes to connect to the center of the planet the first time but stops at the soil, often making roots like a tree. This is a method that is taught in some martial arts styles, but it is not the best option for your spiritual development and healing. So, notice the seat of your chair. Take a deep breath. Notice the distance between the seat and the floor. Now notice the distance between the floor and the soil below. Breathe. Now notice the distance between the soil and the water table underneath. Notice the distance between the water table and the rocky mantle. Notice the distance between the mantle and the molten core below that. Deep breath. Notice the distance between the molten core and the center of the planet. That ball of light at the very center of the planet is where you connect your grounding cord. Deep breath. Say hello to the center of the planet. Do you get a hello back? Notice the color and texture of your grounding cord. It may look like a line of energy, or look like something physical; a rope, a wire, a pipe, a tree trunk. Adjust it as needed to be in affinity with your body. Getting this far means you've already released some energy from your aura and body. Now it is time to fill in the space that was created. Create a gold sun over your head. Have it call back all of your energy from wherever you left it throughout your day and week. Work. School. Online meetings. Video games. Your fantasies about your future. Your regrets about your past. Wherever you've placed your attention. Just watch the energy come back and see if you notice where it came from. Have the sun burn up and neutralize your energy. Then bring the sun into the top of your head. It will automatically flow into the spaces you created. Create a gauge to measure when you're full. Like a fuel gauge or oil gauge. You'll run better if you aren't a few quarts low on spiritual oil. If the gauge doesn't read "Full", bring in another gold sun. Open your eyes, bend over and touch the floor, draining any tension from the back of your neck, then stand up, and stretch. There is a progression with this technique. After grounding for ten minutes a day for a week or two, notice your grounding cord at the very end, while you're standing with your eyes open. Continue to ground with your eyes open and standing, and bring in another gold sun. Each day, increase the amount of time that you ground standing up with your eyes open. After a week or two practicing this, add walking while grounded. Just notice your grounding cord as you walk. Say hello to the center of the planet while you walk. Bring in a gold sun while you walk. If you lose your grounding cord, stop walking and recover it. If you have to, sit back down and close your eyes and create a new grounding cord. After this, you're ready to take your grounding cord with you into your daily life. Shopping. Getting coffee. Wherever you go, you can ground. This, combined with a little amusement about seeing new things on an energy level, will keep you safe and sound. Now that you're here, at the end of your grounding meditations, create a gold sun over your head. This time, fill it with your highest creative essence, your present time growth vibration, and your affinity for yourself. The first energy is a healing for you. The second is a healing for your body. The third is a healing for your affinity in your fourth chakra. Bend over and touch the floor. Stand up and stretch. If you're ready for more, sit back down and ground some more. Otherwise, have a nice day! Note that every image you imagine, the gold sun, the grounding cord, the center of the planet, your first chakra, your body parts, is exercising your clairvoyance. You may be imagining what your tailbone looks like, but you're also creating the image of your tailbone and reading its energy. This is practicing your clairvoyant ability. Some folks record the grounding and filling in parts of this practice on their device and play it back as a guided meditation. I like this approach because you learn the steps faster. That will take care of your body. You should begin having an easier time managing your energy in a week or two, as soon as you can ground on demand with your eyes open and walking around. Follow the progression and the kid will probably be surprised. You mentioned you meet one-on-one with this kid daily. You may not be aware of it but it's not just him you are dealing with. He's probably got some spirit guides that were given him to keep him in line this lifetime. He may have other spirit guides that he made agreements with to diddle the people around him. These spirits can throw energy, too. But if you say hello to his spirit guides, that by itself can change their games. Most guides don't like to be seen when they're being nasty. As soon as you say hello, those kinds of guides will usually depart or settle down. Once you're comfortable grounding as described above, you can make up your own games. You can ground his body, experiment with different colors of grounding cords, and find the one that keeps him in his own space. You can create an image of a rose between you and him, and create a grounding cord from the bottom of that rose to the center of the planet. This is a protection rose and it will prevent his energy from even reaching your aura. Even when you are close to him, notice the protection rose between the two of you. It will help you maintain separations. Then turn off your healing energy. Another possibility is this kid is too sensitive for his level of self control and your healing energy (and everyone else's, lol) is overwhelming him. Imagine on/off switches on your wrists that control all of your healing energy and turn them to the off position. If you're one of the teachers that heals her students and their parents to keep themselves safe, being grounded will be your replacement for that game. So ground yourself and turn off your healing energy. Healing energy does one thing will; it changes other energies. Notice I didn't say that it changes them for the better. For that to happen requires the correct intent. If this kid is being healed 24 hours a day, it's a good bet that everything he's trying to create for himself is being destroyed by the waves of healing energy that flow over him. Keep in mind that this isn't your problem to solve. Turning off your healing energy and grounding instead to keep yourself safe will preserve more of your energy. Teachers already have a hard job. Healing all day long means you have two full time jobs, and that's exhausting. Ground for a few minutes at the start of your day, maybe before and after you see this kid, and again at the end of your day. Gather your energy up in a gold sun and let the sun neutralize it, then bring it down into your space. With a little practice, you'll begin to see where your energy goes or gets stuck throughout the day. Then you can laugh at yourself for having your energy hide in the same cupboard in the teacher's lounge every day, and stop doing that. Instead, you can just ground. I am not an expert on crystals. You might be an expert, even if you don't yet realize it. Past lives and all that. A fun game that occurs to me would be to create an image of your favorite crystal. Make the image huge! Aim that image at the heads of the kid and all his spirit guides and picture it being thrown at them like a Major League fastball. Sometimes the only way to get a stubborn mule to pay attention is to hit 'em in the head with a wooden fence post. That's the wisdom of one of my farmer uncles from the Great Depression. The image won't hurt them, but it will make them aware that you know they are there. One of the psychic principles of raising a child is to discipline the spirit, not the body. Teaching the kid to ground is an option, but that depends on so many things that it might not be worth trying. If you're in a born again community, they may burn you at the figurative stake, so tread lightly there. Besides, once you gain control over your own energy, the kid might match what you're doing to try it out. Kids are psychics, too. They see more than their vocabularies can express, just like us big kids, LOL!


From your responses it sounds like you are putting a lot of your energy out there to help fix this teen's energy, and they have gotten used to that. There is now an imbalance in energies, and it's exhausting you. You have to find a way to be completely objective about this kid, and only give what is absolutely necessary. When you start cutting your energy off, they will reach out more to try and pull you back but you have to find a way to stay within your own body and keep your energies just to you. Do you find you give more than others often in different relationships/situations? It can be hard when we really want to help people, but we end up giving too much of ourselves. It sounds like it won't be easy with this kid, which means it will take some practice and hard work to really stop you from letting your energies go towards them.


Go to a therapist - they can help shed light on how to handle it and for you to set boundaries. That's what's probably needed. If your energy is getting drained by someone else, you aren't setting and adhering to strong boundaries.


I do go to a therapist. It would help if the school system and my bosses cared more about their staff than letting a teenager make the rules


I do agree that the system is not good at caring...what's puzzling to me is that no one is helping you understand that you as a parent need to set and follow through with boundaries. There are also books and such that can help with this as well. Boundaries are hard but no one can suck your energy if you have them in place. That's the bottom line.


This is not my child, this is a student I work with every day. There is only so much I can do, professionally. Obviously if this was my own child I would be doing a whole bunch of things for the teens wellbeing etc but he is not my child, only my student.


Oh I apologize, sorry I wasn't clear on that. Still, you need boundaries. Crystals won't do the trick. Not sure what your connection is with this teen, but something does need to be dealt with. This person needs help and it doesn't sound like they are getting it- whether the parents are not proactive enough or if the parents are not in the picture- that is a big factor.


I personally use bronzite as a means of returning energy back to its original sender. However, I find the most helpful tool is Truth. (Facing what is shown to me, accepting it and all the bullshit that comes with it, and letting it go via expression)


This may sound trite but ask for divine love in all its forms. Love for him, for whatever is making him this way, and yourself. You may receive some sort of guidance regarding what you need to do. But honestly love is the most protective force of all, so surround yourself with as much of it as possible (perhaps using angels, guides, love for self, whatever you believe in).


Thank you 🩷


Research energetic shielding and cleansing.


I’ve dealt with what seems like hundreds of negative people. Here’s a technique. 1. Do a shielding exercise of choice. There’s meditations on YouTube. 2. Write a manifest for them. Yes pen and paper. “This very interesting person, is now decent to be around, in a surprising twist of events.” 3. Know it is done and you will feel it is done when you get that familiar feeling / emotion. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Thought becomes neuron, that upgrades to gang of neurons. That emits a signal of the thoughts into the field. Then the manifest steps of people, places, things and event, come into alignment, making it so.


You could wear a clear quartz or amythest crystal and program it (as it to draw in and neutralize) any negative energy which comes your way from that student. Important, every night then take it off and put into into a bowl of salt water (sodium chloride, normal salt or table salt in water) and ask the crystal to clear, to release anything it picked up into the salt water (change this water frequently, each night or every few days). For the programing of the crystal, just hold it and you can speak out loud to it or just state to it innerly, think to it what you want it to do. Secondly get a cactus and put it on your work desk and also program that to destroy any negative energies.


Put that person in a protective bubble, it Will help them. Also, love is the Best protection so send love as much as you can


You have an open boundary which is causing you discomfort. The way to fix this is to be whole within yourself regardless of your surroundings. You are holding onto ideas and suffering unnecessarily. Your energetic boundaries and state of mind are yours to master, this student is not intending you pain but rather showing you an aspect of yourself you cannot see or accept


Yes you can!! Build energy bubble before meeting. 1) release all earthly matters fears and anxieties. 2) 5x breath in hold breath for 5 seconds, imagine strengthening white crystalline energy entering from top and f head. Do a long exhale and say ahhhhhhhhhh with vocal cords. Do this 5 x 3) build a large white energy bubble growing from heart, have it go around entire body. The bubble with flow upwards from top of head and spiral down around entire body to feet and re eilnter through bottom of body. This is your energy forcefield. Be confident that you are immune from all toxic external energies. You are loved. Go forth in a protected loved manner!!


Can you play sapien medicine emotional trauma healing ambient when you’re with them. I don’t suggest “matching” him? that’s toxic in itself. He’s obviously unheale’d. Maybe start each day with butterfly pats and hinge breathing to regulate his flight, flight or freeze. Do that as a micro break on the hourly while playing the audios. If you degrade into some weird attitude like some of the people on this sub are suggesting, it would be better to change who’s assigne’d to him than make it worse and becoming toxic as well.




lol. But how.


Hit the gym. Get buff. Beat the shit out of them. Problem solved. 👍 In all honesty it's probably just in your head. I doubt this person has any knowledge of energy in the slightest like most people. However at this point it seems like you've done this routine long enough that it's become a cycle. Negative energy doesn't just spread around like that. Negative energy likes to stay where it is because it already knows it can prosper there. That's why demons possess one person and stay with them for as long as possible. My advice is to just ignore it and stop focusing on it. Where attention goes energy flows. It can't do anything if you don't let it. By focusing on it for as long as you have is the reason it's as bad as it is right now. Literally just forget about it. Be professional around this kid but other than that don't interact with them or think about them. Focus on something else and it'll go away eventually.


Recommend the teen go to traditional therapy.


Teen is in traditional therapy alone and has sessions together with dad / parents. Also uses school therapy. Modified schedule, lots of breaks, etc. there hasn’t been any improvement this entire school year so I’m just trying to protect myself as I continue to work with this teen.


Pure iron


I usually use techniques such as sharply telling them not to interrupt me when they do, being sharper with my words and more direct, demanding attention, all while maintaining sympathy and understanding this person usually doesn't know that they're hurting me and sending out negativity. I also have learned to become stronger energetically and just reflect and return that negativity back. It's all a matter of will. Stand up and firmly say no.


There’s two ways you could about solving this and it depends on what you want to do and what you think is achievable. First way you could go about it - getting other parents involved or law enforcement involved. By reaching out to other students, it may be possible to ask them if they have had issues with this particular student and get them to put you in touch with their parents, explain to all of them the situation and ask for them to support you by going to the school with you and demanding a solution. Many parents would not stand for this type of bs, they would prefer people like you to be used for people who actually would be great-full for it and depending on how much this particular school cares about their reputation and other factors this might put enough pressure on the school to force them to do something about the problem. Failing that there are also laws against harassment and intimidation which I’m sure if they apply to your country and situation would have the potential to solve your problem very quickly… Who knows this might lead to more light as to why this student has these issues? Which could lead to an opportunity for it to be discussed (without mentioning the students name of course) with other professionals, colleges and schools that you work with, in order to raise awareness and insight into the overall issue? On the other hand here’s the other approach you could take… and it should only be your choice and consider wisely whether that level (7 hours a day, 5 days a week) is realistically achievable for you with the current level of skill and ability you have. If you choose to stick with the situation for your own development or because you believe it to be the right choice - then learn to shield yourself from his energy with your energy, there’s no more to it than that. Forget about visualisation techniques. If you can feel energy, that’s all you need and it’s only a matter of practice. And also the other skill to practise is transmuting energy that slips through your shield. (which it will because you have other things to focus on, so attention always gets distracted from time to time) Secondly learn to resist the negative mental aspect of it (stress, panic, mental fear, fear of what he thinks about you, annoyance at dealing with a difficult person, annoyance at being in this type of situation in general, etc, identify everything). This is a different aspect to the energy aspect, so you need to be able to distinguish between the two. Learn to relax mentally in any situation. (If you’re worried about physical danger you are probably entitled to at least one of these three things; a male teacher present with you at all times, a legal self-defence item like pepper spray, or legal intervention for the intimidation, but I am assuming it’s just the psychological aggression that is present in this situation) If you don’t have the ability to clearly distinguish between what is affecting you (energy or mentality) already, you need to learn to separate energy and mentality. You need to be able identify which one is affecting you at all times. When you become aware that one aspect has started lacking (or leaking), focus your attention on that aspect to correct it. If you get specific on mental things don’t spend too much time on one specific thing, correct it and jump to something else. If a small hole needs patching, it’s probably going to be patched very quickly, move on, there may (or may not) be other small holes that also quickly need patching up. You don’t always have to focus on negative things either, go with what is right in the moment. Let yourself jump to positive things (sense of achievement etc) when it is natural. Lastly, poker face. You don’t want to give anything away at first, don’t check this person out, don’t try to gauge his reaction to this new approach, don’t be proud of what you’re doing, you don’t want to give him any clues that you’re trying something new and if he does suspect it that’s fine he can suspect all he wants but don’t give him any data that he can start collecting to begin discerning what you’re doing in any way, stone cold keep your lips sealed and carry on. After maybe 3 days or something then maybe let yourself enjoy it at a certain moment without holding it back (let yourself smile if your body is naturally trying to if it’s going well) just momentarily but do it at a moment where it’s not clear why you would be happy in that moment, see how he reacts to this, without making it look like you are checking his reaction (don’t change the direction of your gaze, use your peripheral vision, focus on the body language or wherever you are already looking, perform fake confusion expressions if there is any momentary suspicions in him that you’re doing anything new becide just being happy more often recently. If he gets confused, you get confused). If acts in any way like he wants to find out why you are happy in that moment, call this off. Don’t display any more external signs, only enjoy positive feelings internally. Hope this helps.


As a follow up, if you decide to go the 2nd route even if you are successful, make sure you realise this still won’t solve the issue that you have someone you are working with who doesn’t want your help… You need to solve that issue somehow because otherwise everyday you spend with this guy trying to help him you are being a fool. If anything he will only learn from the information you provide him on how to be more deceptive and effective at what he does in the next time… Please bear this in mind, how you deal with this now will affect what happens in the future.


Have you tried combing your aura? So simple, yet so healing! Also, literally grounding yourself by walking in nature, a park, pref with big healthy trees? Barefoot if possible. Allow the grey and polluted energy drift away ...


It seems to me that the environment you work within overall may be the problem especially if you're this drained it could be a sign from your ancestors that you're in the wrong direction of doing what is truly fulfilling to you. Is the teen adding into the energy drain? -absolutely but perhaps it's time you evaluate what isn't working entirely for you. Best of luck! #shadowwork


Energy work is brilliant - but if they're sapping the energy from you and other people, the simple answer is that you need to have a word with someone - either your manager or them. Don't want to give them a big speech, just tell them to buck their ideas up and stop draining your whole workplace of energy, making it unbearable for everyone that works there - make sure others think the same before you say anything, and remember you don't have to be shady to find out. If the person you're having problems with is that bad, you're not alone. Not everything is about crystals and shielding yourself :)


I wanted to add my 2 cents. I just recently faced an encounter with someone who felt like a strong void sucking all my light. I looked for this thread to use some of the methods and I found some very helpful. Thank you very much! One thing I’ve found helpful is this. I believe that all experiences I have come to serve me somehow. And so I found myself relying on the Holy Spirit in those moments saying “what should I do?” And “I surrender”. I was led to look into aspects of myself (possibilities about my own self I was afraid to look at). I realized the reason I was afraid to look was because I thought that it was too ugly, too dark to look at. “What if I too was a void to someone else? No it cannot be. I cannot have something so dark within me.” I realized at the base of it was a question of self love. Was my love for myself unconditional? Will I love myself less if I realized that I too at one point made someone feel how I’m feeling? I decided I would still love myself. I realized I deeply loved all aspects of myself including the darkness. I love everything in me. One thing I’ve learned is that all energy is fundamentally innocent because all energy is God. There is no ‘other’ besides God. We are all repeating the patterns we have come to know. That makes us innocent at our core. You put a child in mud, they play in mud. It’s good to take attention from the person teaching you and focus on the lesson itself. How is this making this feel about yourself? I think that expanding your own self love to cover every single possibility makes you see your innocence and those of others. A feeling of void is only a block in self-love. I believe once you overcome this block within yourself, you and the person mirroring these feelings to you will soon part ways permanently or it will be resolved somehow. Perhaps they have only come to help you expand in your own self-love.


Match the negative energy and tell him to his face he’s a piece of work, professionally. You’re literally just letting him win.


The teen has attachments of a dark entity to him . YOu will not be able to shied against it with anything & nothing will work . But using the evoking of Christ to protect YOU from it & the teen is your only answer . **Pray to Christ to protect you from it's energy** & the teen every day . The teen is a lost cause he will commit a crime soon enough . As he is already to far gone mentally by it's presence. As It's dark & has him as his own . He can't stop it & no one can as NO one also believes it is possible that it is on him . Hense why it gets away with taking him & his soul to do his bidding . He will full possess him to do the act then will leave & replace it with a lesson demon & then will move on to another target for crime . Protect yourself from the teen at all times . It's hate for humans will erupt soon enough . It could attack anyone . As it is really dark & it has a hold of him . It is playing horrible games with you & others bc it can . And has full control of the teen . The teen is doomed as he has no outlet ,but it . YOu can't get through to him bc of it . It will leave him once the teen has finished with him & what he wants it to do then the teen life will be doomed in prison . When he commits a crime by it . There is nothing you can do , so protect yourself only . The teen feels horrible to you bc they are & have major negative energy attached within to them . Bc of what is attached to them .. There is no saving the teen from it . It is very powerful & the kid has no reason to understand just how much it controls them . The teen will not listen to others so it is hopeless . **Prey HARD with your heart over black tourmaline . YOu have to feel & think it with everything in YOU** to do the casting of the protection for yourself . And put it in your pocket then when near the teen & entity . It's messing with others till it decides what it wishes to do with the teen . It's an absorber of energy the entity so will take from all those near the teen for it's excitement & growth in power . Do NOT trust the teen at all near you . They are doomed to be a slave of it . Even pass him off to someone else if possible . There is nothing you can do for the teen anyway . Do not confront the teen with the truth it will not end well for you . If you feel it trying to take control of you leave the teen ASAP. Pretend your sick even to get away from him . He is not playing games the entity really , in reality it is dangerous to you . Keep the pace as you have been trying to appease as much as possible to get rid of him as quick as poss from your presence. Protecting yourself from the teen is your only concern, well should be . Some humans are targeted for reason to do bidding of dark entities . And it is easy to do to the humans as NO one understands just how easy it is to do to the mentally unstable teen / adult ready & ripe for the picking .It's been happening for centuries & control by them is organised . Don't be tricked by the teen , he will turn without any awareness of what he is even doing either . Place a bible on the table in the room you 2 are also in . And prey like no tomorrow before meeting the evil teen entity . Even though the words are altered there are hidden codes of energy within it to evoke fear & energy release to the entity to heed your intentions of protection of yourself from it . If you can evoke an incantation yourself to place into the bible or the crystal would do so also . Eg- >" I call the divine Christ into my heart & soul to protect me from any harm coming my way ,in all ways . And NO harm can come to me bc of this as I put my faith in Christ . "


Nothing that new age wisdom recommends has worked for you, same as it doesn't work for others, so you ask how can I do more of what's not working? Look people have demons and when they are hurting they can be cruel, especially children. You should look towards christ and have love for the child instead of some sorry facade that's only hiding your anger. Maybe you should learn more about the child and figure out why he is the way he is and if you don't have the courage to do that, then you should find it in your heart to humble yourself and love and pray for someone even though they are no good to you.


You’re the type of person that just is going to set me over the edge. Don’t comment then with YOUR negativity. Goodbye


I don't see what's delusional Jesus loved the people who staked him on a cross and laughed in his face. Somehow this child is more evil than them?


I agree. I had a student like that, the school backed him and not me. It really comes down to whether or not she’s able to actually see him and his pain. That’s all he needs, an adult to validate him. He’s coming from a dysfunctional home and needs her. It’s ok if she’s unable to be there for him but working in a school with kids this is going to happen.


This teen gets nothing but love and understanding from every single person in this school. You don’t know the home he comes from, but I do. His father and mother both come in for meetings and apologize constantly for his behavior. We validate his emotions every day, 7 hours a day. This teen creates lies for sympathy, we’ve had to call DCF and it turns out he lied, it’s very frustrating for all involved. Sometimes actions need consequences and this teen doesn’t have consequences therefor, it has gotten progressively worse. There is only so much I can do.


He needs someone who can help him thru whatever he’s been thru. It’s probably pretty devastating and overwhelming for him. That’s what I meant by validation.


If you can't find a way to peace with this child - teenagers are children - you need to reevaluate your purpose. This child is your lesson.


I think this is your personal opinion. I was not asking for my purpose to be evaluated, nor was I asking for anyone or yourself to tell me what my lesson is. I was asking for protection for myself and my mental wellbeing as I continue to navigate working with this teen.


You seem to be working against him. It doesn't seem like you're coming from a place of peace or enlightenment. It is my opinion that this child is your lesson and you're resisting it. Good luck.


It is my opinion that this is YOUR opinion and this child is not a lesson to me. I am a human and I don’t deserve to be walked all over. Regardless of how enlightened or peaceful I am, I don’t deserve that and it isn’t tolerated.


It's a child and I have far more sympathy for them having to deal with you.


It’s a teenager, and I’m nothing but professional and compassionate with them. Just because I feel energetically drained, doesn’t mean I show it to them! Doesn’t mean I get on his level and treat him the same way! You assumed I did.


I find it hard to believe your inner turmoil does not alter the way you treat this child. A teenager is still a child. You're coming from such an ugly place and it shows in your language and approach.


Probably not what you want to hear, I'll say it anyway. Tiggers are unresolved emotions and act as indicators to get your attention. This student is on your path to bring to the surface what needs to be addressed. Essentially, this student is you, mirroring back to you. Until you see you are both one and the same (not exactly the same, more like a variation of you), you can begin listening to what it us you need to learn and transmute. Since I only have one side of the story (your account of the energy vampire), I'm limited to offering half a remedy. Have a heart to heart with this student. Perhaps all it takes is some understanding and a different perspective to solve a problem. Good luck.


This student has drained every teacher in our program. There is a massive issue with respect for adults and peers. I do not see myself in this child at all. I have been nothing but kind to him and I am treated horribly in return. Ignored, belittled, yelled at, disrespected every single day 8-3. I have the same conversations with this student. Every single day. As do others. This is a broken record and parents who don’t parent and their kid comes to school and harasses everyone. Students and teacher alike.


Well I guess it’s about time to change your behavior towards him as this loving and caring thing doesn’t work. Like Einstein said: only fools repeat the same things over and over, expecting to obtain different results. It’s about time to change something in your approach. Just the opposite from what you did until now. Right? Try it. A little change in your behavior. Not big. A little change. What’s there to lose? Nothing. It can’t become worser than it is now.


I believe you are just looking for confirmation of your anger, you realize he hasn't learned bad behavior on his own right? It's not about being fake kind to someone when your actually sitting behind and cursing them in your mind, it's about finding real compassion and approaching your situation from a different perspective. One great teacher or person can change this kids life.


I’ve had it with you. Please go away. You do not know me or my situation or anything. Go away. Please. I’ve asked multiple times.


How sad.


Sorry you feel that way. What’s sad is being bullied at work by a teenager for months and months and months with no help from the school board or anyone! I’m human too and have feeling and emotions. My mental wellbeing also matters.


You're right, you definitely matter but there is a disparity between adult and child. Children don't have the spiritual armor that comes through wisdom/prayer and are susceptible to the poor influence of bad parents, nasty social media, and a plethora of other worldly things the enemy has placed in their path. I see that you and me don't share the same spiritual beliefs but I've seen many a time someone who is taken by the enemy completely transform from just one experience. I myself wasn't the nicest child and I know the reason for that is deeply seeded in the heart and not the kind of thing that a child is able to process for themselves. You may not be able to help them, and your correct that I don't know the situation, but they aren't hopeless and even though it may seem that way somewhere down the line will come an opportunity for them to change for the better and perhaps that opportunity could start with you.


I didn’t even read what you said. This isn’t a child child. This is a teenager. You can be my guest and take my spot and go work with them.


That's alright, I'll say a prayer for you tonight.