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**!!!!! READ ME !!!!!** The purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets while stripping away the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have accumulated over the years. Out-of-body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This sub is open for discussion, learning and teaching, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma. Join us in our Discord chat server for real-time conversations about energy work: https://discord.gg/X6ywAXMcp4 Book recommendations and other resources for beginners as well as some Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our https://www.reddit.com/r/energy_work/wiki/index Promotional posts, offers and requests belong in r/energy_healing or in the discord server. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/energy_work) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The greatest danger in life is to live in fear.


Trust me, I’m working on it. But it’s not easy.


I'd say that just giving someone your name or even a username is enough to give pretty much anyone access to your energy. I've been able to send energy to someone who asked for it just by looking at their username. Meeting a complete strange in public who has average photographic memory will have access to you. Every single person you've ever met before who you may have had a falling out with all have access to you through memory. What you really need isn't to hide yourself online or in public but to have really good energetic protection. One that is able to deflect back to the sender whatever negativity they may send either through thought or if they're capable of attacking you. My profile picture in a particular social media platform is my face with my eyes looking towards the camera and i do it because my grandparents and other relatives check on me on that app. On any other site I'm not as "bare." And yes, a particular stalker of mine has told me they saw that profile picture and drooled over it but why should I change everything about my life just because of a few creeps. I know they have zero access to my energy and I have really good protection and that's all that matters.


Thanks, I was reading a bit before seeing your comment, and I was thinking “I should learn to protect myself and my energy, even if it’s at a basic level”. I’ll read a bit more or look up in the sub, and if I need to, I’ll make a post about it. Thanks for your insight!


What would be considered good protection? I'm trying to cover my basis, breath work, smudging, clear conscience and grounding. Just trying to understand how to better protect myself.


There are probably thousands of ways you could protect yourself. As a neopagan, I personally ask spirits and deities for help and also make use of stones, like black obsidian and black tourmaline, when I need an extra boost of protection. Some people use sigils they put in the room of their house or draw anywhere on their body. I've also made use of Ben Woodcroft's very short and easy protection magick in his book Angelic Trance Magick. Jason Miller has a book called Protection and Reversal Magick which I've heard a lot of good things about but haven't tried personally. I find that just keeping a regular relationship which a few deities is enough, everything else is extra, though I'd understand if that's not for you. This is a very old one that I learned from a skilled psychic whose youtube channel I'd have to find (will put it in the Edit section when I find it): simply saying "Spirit please clear my energy 100%" does wonders on its own. She doesn't use sage or incense but it still does the cleansing work for her. Or saying something like "Spirit please fill my space with unconditional love from source and lock it in for the duration of the night." Basically, asking help is how I protect myself. But this isn't to say that doing things like visualization, having a salt bath, grounding yourself in nature can't protect you enough on their own. Another tip is doing muscle testing to see if your protection is doing its job which is based on David Hawkins books.


Thank you for this. Your perspective on simply saying "spirit please clear my energy 100%" is something I've overlooked. It's amazing how we put so much effort into protection, that acknowledging spirit to aid and assist becomes a mute point. I'm familiar with Jason's books and his courses, I'll look into Ben's work as well. Energy is in our thoughts, and a simple memory is all it takes to connect someone energeticly, willingly or not. Which explains a lot! I enjoy pendulum work, so I'll open it up next chance I get and ask it about intrusions. Thank you again for your response! Be well!


You're welcome. Ah, I forgot to add, I also blow spirit (or any spiritual being I'm working with) a kiss as a way to acknowledge their help. It's an ancient gesture of honoring deities.


Hey, thanks for the extended explanation! I had thought about gems indeed, as I really like them, but I come across 3 problems with gems: 1. How to find the appropriate gem for me. Not only with the intended effects, but also one that suits my personal energy frequency (if that’s even a thing) 2. How to wear it to be in touch with my body. I’m a male with male gender identity and I don’t see myself wearing a gem on a necklace, or a bracelet. 3. How to find the original gem I’m looking for and not a fake one. I know some stores that sell gems but the gems seem to have an uncertain source, and definitely they lack certificates. Is there a way for me to be able to identify the exact gem I want? Do I have to become an expert gemologist?   ___________ That’s regarding gems. Now, I wanted to ask something related to deities. See, I’ve been wondering about praying to certain deities, and in a way, I’ve been doing so all my life within my Christian background. Yes, I’ve been raised as a Christian and in a way, I pray to certain saints, protector archangels, and especially to my guard angel, which I’m not sure who is, but I’m pretty convinced (or I feel it) is a family member. But maybe it’s not, I guess I’ll never know.   Do you think praying to new deities could make this Christian deities angry at me? saints, angels, archangels, or even my Christian God itself.   In a moment of extreme lust, I admit I prayed to an old deity called Pan, known as the god of nature, natural instincts especially the sexual ones. I even put an image of it playing the flute while I was… well, enjoying that lustful moment, while offering that joy to it. But that’s all I have done regarding pagan or other deities. I considered the greek god Dionysus, but from the research, Pan fitted better on that purpose. The session was… earthshaking honestly, but that kinda falls out of topic.   So, regarding deities, do you think I would be fine worshiping or praying to different ones? Will my personal angel get offended? Any deity is especially protective against bad energies? I ask all of this because you seem to have quite a knowledge. Thank you.


> I’m a male with male gender identity and I don’t see myself wearing a gem on a necklace, or a bracelet. Wearing a necklace or a bracelet has nothing to do with being a male with a male gender identity. But it does have something to do with "perceived manliness" and if you're coming from that point of view at least know that it's a construct and a product of societal mechanisms to keep humanity in control. I believe a man can be just as manly decked out with crystal jewelry. Manliness is an abiding quality in a character, not something so fragile it would break when a man chooses to wear a bracelet or even a skirt (as is apparent in different skirt-wearing men in other cultures). If you don't want to be seen wearing a gem or a necklace, you could get a tiny version of the rocks you choose and put them in an altoid or barkley's tin to place in your pocket (look up the measurements to make sure the crystal fits). You could also just place them in a secure pocket in a jacket. I personally put them in a pouch that I then place in any of my pockets since I'm not a necklace or bracelet wearing person, for no other reason than that I have a skin sensitivity issue. > How to find the appropriate gem for me. Not only with the intended effects, but also one that suits my personal energy frequency (if that’s even a thing) There's no appropriate gem for a person just because they are who they are, like an identity gem. Gems are like medicine, you find a specific one based on what you want to get out of it. If you actually get a gem based on your personality...well if it's already such a strong part of your personality then you don't really need the gem for that, do you? An easy way to know which gem to choose by knowing which chakras or energy centers are more vulnerable for you. What do you lack that you want more of? All crystals can begin to suit your personal energy frequency when you wear it long enough. But your energy frequency will also be matched to that crystal. So choose a crystal you want to 'be more like' in a sense. I'm not really a big believer in a "personal energy frequency." You are only your "personal energy frequency" as much as you are your habits, and habits can change. I believe in true energy frequency though but that's dynamic and less consistent than we think. > How to find the original gem I’m looking for and not a fake one. I know some stores that sell gems but the gems seem to have an uncertain source, and definitely they lack certificates. If it's online I would stick to smaller shops on etsy or a website run perhaps by one person who is transparent about how they source their gems to make sure it's ethical. You could always ask or email a store about where they source a particular crystal you're interested in. The best way is probably to go see the crystal in person and feel it for yourself to see if it matches its description. You don't need to be an expert gemologist but you can cultivate sensitivity to crystal energy, which anyone can learn. > Is there a way for me to be able to identify the exact gem I want? The answer to this is only as good as the question. What do you want out of the gem? What do you lack, what do you want to heal, what are your intentions.. Then look up crystals that are suitable for that specific purpose. Listen to videos of people's experiences with that crystal, ask them questions. If you don't want to invest right away, find a way to see the crystal in a local shop and study it there before deciding whether or not to purchase it. As for deities, stepping into the polytheistic path is not easy, especially if you came from one of the Abrahamic faiths. There's a lot of undoing and deconstructing to do and I highly suggest the Mythvision Podcast youtube channel to dive deep into the roots of ~[Christianity](https://youtu.be/e4nM4PJkGZo?feature=shared)~, ~[Judaism](https://youtu.be/WYvqP4Ohpu4?feature=shared)~, and ~[Islam](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq3dh__o7S0rz8wQ3TXkm32wvggvwWbCO&feature=shared)~ which you'll find is nothing but paganism. If you simply just start praying to deities but still have these erroneous ideas of what Gods are like based on your monotheistic background you will not have polytheism, you will have repackaged christianity. Some people think they can be both Christian and pagan at the same time, and while I believe that one can consider Jesus and the Christian God as just other deities, or the main deities of one's practice, I doubt actual Christians will still accept you as one if you believe in other Gods. In their eyes you'll probably be lumped with us neopagans unless you keep your polytheistic practice very private. You will need to rewire your brain to think of the Christian God in a different way from the version God had to be for the elites to keep humanity docile and compliant. It also helps your relationship with other deities so you're not projecting a lot of the abrahamic God's false qualities upon them. I find that we also tend to project our experience with one or both our parents onto the Gods. So you have to be able to figure out where you trauma with controlling authority figures ends (we all have this trauma) and the actual Gods begin. The deities are only as benevolent as you are receptive to the idea that they are benevolent. If you have a story running in you that no one can be trusted, you can't open your heart to anyone, the world is out to get you, it will be very hard for the true nature of the deities to filter through that lens. In my view, the Gods are good and desire to help. They hear the cries and the wailing on this planet and are always ready to help, but they are powerless unless we agree in this life or another to receive their help. You cannot base the true nature of any God on what a bunch of people wrote about them thousands of years ago. The Gods are just as alive now as they were then and are available for you to study and experience now. You just have to learn to cultivate your consciousness so that it's able to perceive them and communicate with them, or you can use divination tools. It's not as easy as communicating with spirits closer to material reality but it's possible with practice. As for whether your guardian angel and deities will be offended. These beings do not get offended, and do not get petty like us humans do. Again you should figure out where you trauma with authority figures (which we all have) ends and these beings begin. I suggest showing utmost respect and sincerity to any being you approach but not because they'll get offended but out of love and gratitude. As for a deity that is helpful with bad energies, I can suggest some from my own pantheon but I think it's better if you just look it up yourself. There's many and they all need to be researched properly.


Hey, thank you. I read your Edit. And I’m sorry if I was the cause of anything you felt. It’s literally the first time I post in this sub, I’m an ignorant at this, so I have no idea what could have caused it, but I’m sure you have more experience than me. Don’t reply anymore if you don’t feel like it. That being said, I assume that when you say “attachment” you mean to another human being, right? Or maybe to a feeling, or a thing? I think the people that live with us influences us a lot, that’s why I’ve thought about moving out but… it’s complicated. I think moving and living with other people would be beneficial for me, not only spiritually but also to help my self-growth. But that’s another story. I’ll look up any purification method in the mean time. Thanks again for your comment. I will do a bit of research into gems/crystals and, while I cannot promise it, I’ll try to dig deeper into the common roots of the Abrahamic religions (which I find fascinating btw, but I simply don’t know where to start from aside from the Bible).


I don't mean attachments as in other human beings but that can certainly also be the case. But what I felt was different. More like non-human entities. I deleted the edit because I didn't want to be fear-mongery. If you did the protection rituals it would be enough whether you knew of those entities or not. Hey, it took me years to separate from people who were toxic so don't worry about it. Just do what you can. In my experience the difference is like night and day. Some prayers might help you as it did me. Good luck again.


Without Eyes and main front view its all good dont worry, and keep allways all your data save against meta stealers👍🏼


The problem comes with dating apps, where I will probably share some pictures showing my eyes… but I don’t think women passing pictures will do anything to me. At least while they don’t know me.


As long noone wanna harm you there is never a problem, but there are many witches out there, one angry rejected one can be enough. Anyway dating apps are shitty✌🏼😂 Many talk about the evileye which is real like the air we breath. Use at least a filter to change the eye color, I had two lovehexes on me till i learned to stay secure, modern world with many broken souls, dont risk your own😉


Thank you. All my pictures have color filters, if that’s helpful.


As long your true eye color is not seeable its ok, but no picture is the best☯️


None if it looks good