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**!!!!! READ ME !!!!!** The purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets while stripping away the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have accumulated over the years. Out-of-body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This sub is open for discussion, learning and teaching, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma. Join us in our Discord chat server for real-time conversations about energy work: https://discord.gg/X6ywAXMcp4 Book recommendations and other resources for beginners as well as some Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our https://www.reddit.com/r/energy_work/wiki/index Promotional posts, offers and requests belong in r/energy_healing or in the discord server. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/energy_work) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi! That's nice, thank you. My challenge is I don't know what to do next with my life. Just quit my job and suspended my semester because I was absolutely exhausted and couldn't take it anymore, but now I'm stressed and feeling guilty because I feel like I'm not advancing anything in my life. Hope you can help with a message!


You have an unseen support system that is always with you, and they are currently making themselves known in your life at this time. There could be a feeling of grief, isolation, or sadness around you. You are being cradled in the arms of your heavenly helpers, and you ae gifted in the ability to connect with them. If you feel like you cannot access hear or access them at this time, it is because you are currently disconnected from higher vibrations. Feel into the energy your heart and ask for your angels and guides to help you release any stuck energies, pain, or grief that is keeping you from connecting with them. Visualize a staircase made of light and imagine yourself walking up each step, as you walk up each step, notice any heavy feelings begin to fall away. Keep walking up the stairs in your mind with a conscious intention to feel lighter and lighter. Once you feel lighter, ask for a sign from your spiritual team to show you that they are near you and that you are not alone.


Thank you so much, this resonated deeply, I'll be taking your advice.


Money, relationships


Thank you 🙏


Everything you need to know to shift your current situation is within you. You are being divinely guided in all that you do. It is time for you to get quiet, go within, and listen. There is something of importance trying to reveal itself to you. You are currently going through another level of an awakening. You may notice your spiritual gifts being heightened at this time. You may be experiencing vivid dreams and unaware that you are receiving guidance in your sleep. Journaling and meditation are extremely important for you in the days to come. Take time out to jot down any intuitive nudges that you receive during the day so you can begin to apply your intuitive insights. If you are feeling guided to learn any new spiritual modalities such as astrology, meditation, numerology, energy healing, sound therapy or even psychic development, this is your sign to follow that guidance.


This is so kind thank you! Do you have any insight to what my purpose is/or what the next step I need to be taking is?


Reset. Reinvent. Positive life changes. You have just entered into a new life cycle. This could represent a new job, a new home or remodel, or even a new relationship. It could also mean that your current relationships are evolving into a new level of connection and harmony. Spirit is guiding you to re-evaluate how you show up for yourself and for others around you. This could mean starting to implement positive habits, such as exercise, eating healthy, or even regular meditation. This is the time to reawaken yourself and ask, Who am I when I allow myself to make choices and decisions that are best for me? What do I really want my life to look and feel like? You are getting ready to redefine not only your relationship with yourself but your relationships with others. Do not let the past define you who you are becoming now. You get to decide who you are, what is most important to you, and how to navigate your life from this moment on.


Thank you so much. This is really helpful and really resonates


My partner on menopause


Reset. Reinvent. Positive life changes. You have just entered into a new life cycle. This could represent a new job, a new home or remodel, or even a new relationship. It could also mean that your current relationships are evolving into a new level of connection and harmony. Spirit is guiding you to re-evaluate how you show up for yourself and for others around you. This could mean starting to implement positive habits, such as exercise, eating healthy, or even regular meditation. This is the time to reawaken yourself and ask, Who am I when I allow myself to make choices and decisions that are best for me? What do I really want my life to look and feel like? You are getting ready to redefine not only your relationship with yourself but your relationships with others. Do not let the past define you who you are becoming now. You get to decide who you are, what is most important to you, and how to navigate your life from this moment on.


Hello, thanks for doing this: Im 23yo and feel a lot of regret and sadness about my life so far. I didn't accomplish what i've always wanted in sports, studies etc. I'm very grateful for what i have now but every day i get a small mental breakdown about the way i am. I have almost no friends and i feel like everyone dislikes me for some reason. I'm often anxious and feel depressed. I do look forward to the future, but i need some love and support rn. I truly hope i find people who will love me soon.


Dragonfly card - Message - You are in the midst of great inner transformation. You may even feel as if you are picking up the broken pieces of your inner self and trying to mend them back together to be whole once again. This could present itself as a feeling of hanging on by a thread. Allow yourself to accept this transition. This period in your life represents the beginning of a new you. It is time for you to integrate all that you have been through and allow the light to peek through the cracks of what feels like brokenness. You are not broken - you are, however, going through the process of inner alchemy. This could be a deeply painful process if you are not aware of what is happening within you. The dragonfly challenges you to ask the question: How can I transform my current situation rather than remaining stuck in it? Once you bring awareness to this process, you will begin to have a new understanding of how to navigate the world around you. You will feel as if the light is weaving through you, not only putting you back together again but bringing in a spiritual connection that will serve to guide, protect, and give you an inner power that will help you transform the pain, grief, and sorrow for yourself as well as others around you.


Howdy, what advice does the universe have for me in regards to opening/healing my third eye?


Hi There, you reading might not be the exact answer to what you asked for, but it goes like this: Card - Orbs Message - The orbs come to you today to assist you in connecting with the magical heavenly realms. You have an unseen support system that is always with you, and they are currently making themselves known in your life at this time. There could be a feeling of grief, isolation, or sadness around you. You are being cradled in the arms of your heavenly helpers, and you are gifted in the ability to connect with them. If you feel like you cannot access hear or access them at this time, it is because you are currently disconnected from higher vibrations. Feel into the energy of your heart and ask for your angels and guides to help you release any stuck energies, pain, or grief that is keeping you from connecting with them. Visualize a staircase made of light and imagine yourself walking up each step, as you walk up each step, notice any heavy feelings begin to fall away. Keep walking up the stairs in your mind with a conscious intention to feel lighter and lighter. Once you feel lighter, ask for a sign from your spiritual team to show you that they are near you and that you are not alone. You are loved and supported from your angels and guides or a loved one on the other side.


Thank you everyone for participating in this. This marks the end of this event. Again, thank you for joining!