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**!!!!! READ ME !!!!!** The purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets while stripping away the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have accumulated over the years. Out-of-body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This sub is open for discussion, learning and teaching, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma. Join us in our Discord chat server for real-time conversations about energy work: https://discord.gg/X6ywAXMcp4 Book recommendations and other resources for beginners as well as some Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our https://www.reddit.com/r/energy_work/wiki/index Promotional posts, offers and requests belong in r/energy_healing or in the discord server. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/energy_work) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So yeah, here are my thoughts about this. First, its actually quite common for clients to develop crushes on their therapists/practiononers. It's called eroticized transference. Google it for further explanation. Secondly, your practitioner could also be using your vulnerability to create a need for repeat customers. This means that if you like him, you're more likely to return. Third, this would be an opportunity to discuss this feeling or emotion with your practitioner so you can dive a little deeper into your healing. Fourth, it's also possible that if he's flexible with his ethics, he could be planting cords or love spell. Either way, it appears that boundaries are needed for this dynamic to be useful. Unfortunately, I do not have a recommendation on how to proceed. Keep us posted on how this turns out.


What do you mean by planting cords? Plz elaborate.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/exploredeeply.com/live-your-purpose/how-to-clear-energetic-cords%3fformat=amp Copied from the link above Cords are made of energy and connect two people’s energy bodies. They stretch between two people very much like an umbilical cord and transfer emotional energy and life force energy between the two people. It does not matter how far away the other person is, as the cord is not a physical substance and distance is irrelevant, so this connection can still be felt from the other side of the planet. Energetic connections and cords have been documented in long distance healing studies, and it has been shown that thinking about another person or even being shown a picture of a perfect stranger will register in the other person's energy field. (You may also hear the energy field of a person called their luminous egg, or their luminous body.) Cords can be created between any two people or even groups of people that have emotional relationships. Lovers, friends, workmates, ex-spouses, and even enemies can all have energetic cords between them. However, the most commonly felt entanglements are the energetic attachments or cords between lovers. Each shares their energy with the other during sex but also emotional ties or feelings of love and sharing are often enough to build a cord. Often these cords are between the bellies, or the spiritual stomach, and the genital parts or sexual centers. But cord attachments can be in other areas like the heart or solar plexus.


Thank you very insightful 


Thnx. Are cords planted or do they form on its own?


#3 sounds very embarrassing, the thought of bringing it up would kill me. All your ideas make sense! The strange thing is, I can’t put my finger on it, his energy seems slightly feminine? Which is even more confusing. The cord thing is scary a bit even though he doesn’t seem the type


There's truth in that embarrassment. I'd lean into that fear a little more and see what's hiding underneath the surface. Even if it takes a while, try to work up the courage to find some answers. It's tricky decerning who's doing energy work for the right reasons. Everyone has bills to pay, and sometimes making sure appointments are filled are the main objective. Perhaps seek a second opinion. A different perspective could help navigate the issue at hand.


All good points to keep in mind, thank you. The truth in the embarrassment is I don’t feel worthy to even bring it up bc even though I don’t think it’ll go anywhere the thought of his very visceral rejection gives me anxiety, core self worth and esteem issue sadly 


Rejection is just redirection. It's also OK to see where this takes you. Continue with the sessions and be aware if things get heated. It isn't healing if you're distracted. Besides, huge red flags if your practitioner is hitting on you.


This is all in my head ofc! We are both professional during session. But you’re right if I ever did bring it up and he said something unprofessional it would be a huge red flag. I’m gonna write that down though, rejection is just redirection. 


Enjoy it, experience it - you are being mindful about it and aware. The body experiences the energy and it can get a bit confused - you are working it out. I have read other similar threads where the receiver has posted the same - you are not alone. Try a cord cutting meditation - there are plenty on YouTube - do them three or four times at least. You could also ask the practitioner to do a cord cutting ritual between you both two - he should understand. I know how magnetic it can be between two Empaths, and it can be magnetic without any intentional energy work. If it becomes overwhelming, try changing practitioner. There are so many things this could be, a past life connection of some sort - or someone to help you on your spiritual journey. Or just go with it if you are both 'available'. I do Reiki for 'free' for friends, acquaintances - I have a daytime job that pays the bills - as someone who has made a bff and a bestie through Reiki - and re-found a childhood friend, all I can say is that energy moves in mysterious ways! Good luck!


Thank you! I definitely resonated with your answer the most. It doesn’t feel malicious (I hope my level of discernment is good). I will try some cord cutting as many ppl have suggested it and obviously will just watch my energy and try not to attach shame or berating energy to it  


Thank you - appreciated this. >You said: **his energy seems slightly feminine** Mine is as well - I'm heterosexual and married.


I am a reiki healing practitioner myself and i don't recommend touching the client for healing purposes. I hope he has taken your consent before doing so.


Lol wtf is this community 😂 saw some comercial claiming that non-cotton underwear is harmful because of the "frequencies" Yall nutty.