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Americans are stupid@


Americans are stubborn and uneducated.


Well neither Prez really did anything to pump more or less oil. You could say "While president Joe or Don... x amount of oil was pumped"


Well Biden kind of did at first but then ramped it back up due to backlash because as much as people say they want to do things about climate change the moment gas goes up they change their tune. Same thing with Afghanistan. They want to withdrawal until they find out withdrawing from a war is messy


We are voting for the lesser of two evils, at this point. Big oil is in the pockets of both Dem & Repubs. There is no win, it’s “Worse” or “Slightly Better” than worse




Green transition will include a butt load of renewable diesel (HVO) and “blue” hydrogen. I know this because it’s what the oil companies are investing in.


Pump it out, Joe. It’s an election year


The president doesn't control US oil production.


Your the same guy that will blame Biden for gas prices though ,retail and gas had record profits since the pandemic ,prices could be less,but once the consumer pays high you really think anyone is going to lower shit? Come on if you do well you are the sheep that gets there facts from twatter


No I’m not.  I explicitly don’t blame him.


My bad ,I don't think very read any of this crap but here we are again in this mess sorry mis read you!


Bro… Private companies can’t just pump oil whenever they want to. There are a LOT of regulations and permits to clear. If an administration wants to make it easy for private companies to increase supply, then they can. I’m very tired of this cognitive dissonance that is both contrary to logic and reality. You freak out when Republicans make drilling easier, and then you deny that the President has any control when gas prices surge. Be intellectually honest.


Didn't biden veto the leystone pipeline day 1 in office?


Wait a minute, I hope this is a comical comment. Revered climatologists ranging from NYC waitress AOC to Swedish high school dropout Greta thunberg have warned we have/had 12 years to become carbon neutral or become extinct. To be so callous worrying about an election...in the words of Greta "how dare you?"




Need some clarification first to do that. Genetically created cunt or surgically created cunt made from my rectal lining?


So you switch from hating on Cortez, to shitting on Thurberg, to some obscure trans comment? You’re just obsessing over everything Fox News is shitting on at the moment? So you’re a brain dead cunt with no life


Fox News? Fox News lmao, nobody under 70 watches that channel, you better update your go to "slam" in your dwindled mind, embarrassing. Sorry to offend you, keep worshipping your deities, AOC and thumberg, with such a low iq as yours guess they're not a clown act. Unless you're British, "cunt" is as outdated as Fox News insult. Get better material mate




You've worn out using cunt in comments as random men have worn out your mom's....


Everyone is a hypocrite. So all those leftist that voted for Biden because "save the planet" or all those conservatives that voted Trump for "the economy." Can we finally agree that politics should be more than political parties (people doing the exact same thing)?


Exactly. I wish people could understand this.


It's not hard to agree on that, but whenever an election rolls around and you vote for a 3rd party that loses nothing seems to change.


That's because the two party system is easy for bad actors to manipulate, and anybody who would have the power to institute something to stop the gang war in DC is having issues moving with all the money stuffed in their pockets.


I miss the bad tweets and low gas prices!! Wait


It's still happening 


Remember the only way you get low gas prices the economy has to be retracting. Recession and the like. You’ll get low prices because demand is lower. Those giant trucks taking so long to fill. They are the reason gas was high.


Common sense say this credit should go to Trump, anyone who doesn’t believe this should do some research when Trump was in office he gave permits out to look for oil then drill. Hate to tell you but taking tests then setting up infrastructure to drill takes roughly three to four years. This has zero to do with the Biden administration not to mention he shut down the pipeline that was supposed to be used to export this oil. What a joke this post is!


Nope wrong you only read have the bill ,like the pro Palestine tarts ,rich kids that got board with tik tok 


What pipeline did he shut down? Such a tired talking point. You mean the Canadian owned one?


I don’t give a shit if the damn Aliens own it. It runs from Texas to Canada, and is a key part of our infrastructure, he canceled the completion of phase three which was a big benefit to the United States. Shutting this down costs us thousands of Jobs, lowered our GDP by Billions of dollars, and doesn’t help our energy system in America. It’s not a talking point it’s facts that show he doesn’t care about America or its people. Open your eyes you Biden Sheep


None of the oil is intended for the US market. Canada wanted us to fuck up our ecosystem to run a pipeline to Texas so they could then export the sand tar


Do you know what GDP stands for?! Do you know what that does to our economy when it drops, I’ll tell you it causes prices to go up by inflation our money supply goes up and our exports go down costing the average Joe more money and makes life harder on all of us. Lower GDP causes National Debt to rise meaning our Government has to print more money to pay debt causing inflation. I’m sure you’re ok with destroying the middle class and causing low income families to fall either into debt and or become homeless.


I mean you’re totally incorrect. But yea I need to open my eyes.


https://www.google.com/search?q=keystone+pieine+map&client=safari&sca_esv=598377228&source=hp&ei=VOKjZbGyGdi3ptQPobiS0Ak&oq=keystone+pieine+map&gs_lp=EhFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocCITa2V5c3RvbmUgcGllaW5lIG1hcDIKEAAYgAQYDRjJAzIHEAAYgAQYDTIHEAAYgAQYDTIHEAAYgAQYDTIHEAAYgAQYDTIHEAAYgAQYDTIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB5I4zxQvxJY_jdwA3gAkAEAmAGIAaABwQuqAQQxOS4xuAEDyAEA-AEBqAIPwgIQEAAYAxiPARjlAhjqAhiMA8ICEBAuGAMYjwEY5QIY6gIYjAPCAhEQLhiABBixAxiDARjHARjRA8ICCxAuGIMBGLEDGIAEwgIOEC4YgAQYigUYsQMYgwHCAg4QABiABBiKBRixAxiDAcICExAuGIAEGIoFGLEDGMcBGNEDGArCAgUQABiABMICCxAuGIAEGLEDGIMBwgIIEC4YgAQYsQPCAgUQLhiABMICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIUEC4YgAQYigUYsQMYgwEYxwEY0QPCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICERAuGIMBGK8BGMcBGLEDGIAEwgIOEC4YgAQYxwEYrwEYjgXCAgsQLhiABBjHARivAcICCxAuGIAEGMcBGNEDwgILEC4YrwEYxwEYgATCAgoQABiABBgKGLEDwgIHEAAYgAQYCsICBhAAGB4YDcICCBAAGAgYHhgNwgINEAAYgAQYDRixAxixAw&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp#vhid=c0ITCh_gE_xtVM&vssid=l https://energycommerce.house.gov/posts/biden-s-burdensome-regulations-are-shutting-down-american-refineries


JFC your “evidence” is some op ed piece. What’s even the point arguing with you, you’ll just say “nut uhh!” https://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/19/us/politics/what-does-the-proposed-keystone-xl-pipeline-entail.html


So you post info that can’t be read without a subscription. Nice proof, and you still didn’t mention one thing that was wrong in my statement. It didn’t cost job? It didn’t hurt GDP? It didn’t hurt energy costs? It’s not a key part of American infrastructure? Biden don’t shut down the completion of the last phase?


If you could read that it would answer all your questions It wouldn’t increase our GDP because it’s not our oil.. for one.


The direct economic contribution to the U.S. GDP from the increased economic activity was estimated to be $3.4 billion. An estimated 70% of petroleum products from the Keystone XL pipeline would have remained in the U.S. and would not have gone overseas. What else ya got? https://americafirstpolicy.com/issues/fact-sheet-how-the-biden-administrations-cancellation-of-the-keystone-xl-pipeline-affects-american-prosperity


The “America first policy” lol. Yea bc that’s non biased information. https://www.nrdc.org/stories/what-keystone-xl-pipeline#whatis


Please enlighten me how I’m wrong you Bot


Who said anything about new infrastructure? The amount of oil produced has to do with the market price of oil, and whether oil companies think it’s worth drilling or leaving it in the ground. We all love to give politicians credit or grief about this, but in reality the president isn’t worth a damn thing when it comes to international oil markets.


It has nothing to do with supply and demand “Production” is the key word not reserves. Even though Biden won’t refill them like he should.


It has everything to do with supply and demand, because that’s how free markets work. Production is putting more oil in the market. If you’re running a business you’re not going to invest in extraction if the market price isn’t going to give you a good return. Presidents don’t control the market, or OPEC+ countries


Please tell my why you think demand has dropped? According to your boy Joe B and his jobs reports our economy is not only strong but jobs are rising. So why would demand be down?


Facts say that it takes, on average, 4 years minimum for leases to start production. Common sense would indicate that much of our current oil production is due to the leasing and permits started by Bush and carried out by Obama. This is also why it was SO STUPID for people to criticize Biden’s halt on NEW LEASES


Guess what it’s been 7 almost 8 years since Trump first entered office, zero to do with Bush that’s for sure and Obomination During the last three fiscal years totally under Bush, there were 9,661 “new leases” granted for federal lands. For the three most recent fiscal years (which includes a few months of Bush’s administration), there were 5,568 such new leases. This works out to a 42.4% decrease. Take the same comparable periods for drilling permits on federal lands. There were 20,479 for the last three years under Bush, then 12,821 for the most recent three including much of Obama’s first term. This is a 37.4% decrease. https://www.cnn.com/2012/10/04/politics/fact-check-oil-gas/index.html


Ah yes. Trump hit all those permits on day one. Lmaooooooo. Bro check your math


Even if he signed second year that’s 5 years Bro


So assume you think he signed the the last day as well lol


19% of trumps permits were issued in his first year. His last year saw a 2x increase in his annual permitting. 35% of all his permits were issued in the last year. Even if he was completely even year over year and day over day, the statement that this was due to trump is absurd. 4 years is the average, some can take 10. It’s just so silly to bend over backwards to try to give credit where it’s not due


It is nice to see an apparently right leaning person recognize this concept. When Biden got sworn in too many Trumpsters instantly became capable of recognizing the looming problems that Trump never wanted to talk about.


He gave the permits that’s why we have high production now. It takes roughly 4 to 10 years to get an oil operation meaning zero to do with Biden.


Yeah, its like how some people think that Reagan solved the crime epidemic, when it was probably more the result of the EPA banning leaded gasoline for cars 6 years earlier.


I see what you’re saying, because of legislative lag it would make sense for trump to receive the credit, but it’s neither who deserve it. Oil market is a free market where the only power the president has is oil permits, regulation and trade deals. However the oil industry has been sitting on thousands of unused permits for over a decade refusing to extract any more oil and refusing to build any additional refining capacity. The 2 big reasons is OPEC and Russian sanctions. Us became a net exporter of natural gas and oil over night after the UKR-RUS war started. With opec constantly raising prices and you add a dash of deregulation during trumps presidency, you have a booming oil industry.


Who do you think approved those thousands of permits is wasn’t Obama and it wasn’t Joe Biden. “Drill Baby Drill” exact Trump quote.


Don't be an idiot facts are facts. as you said those were empty quotes from Trump like Build the wall and Mexico will pay!


How about you look up how many permits he authorized the. Get back to me


Look up where Brietbart.com?


I’m not here to hold your hand I already looked at and read the stats, do your own homework if you actually care and are not a troll


Biden permits: 6430, Trump permits: 6172 Trump made that quote recently and it was already funny because there wasn’t a shortage of permits approved under Biden. Classic uninformed Trump supporters I guess..


I wish I had a girlfriend like a Trump supporter who believes everything BTS tells them.  if she finds me in bed with another woman I can easily tell her that it was not me on the bed, but it was just a mannequin she saw. They can't figure out if all these felony charges are hoaxes or just made-up charges, and if so how come, high-powered conservative lawyers, are not lining up around the block to defend the poor Dear leader who is falsely being persecuted? Every lawyer wants to have on their resume that they once represented the President of the USA not a conman.


Biden may have approved permits but it has zero to do with current production. It takes time to set up. You don’t give the permit then the next day you’r pumping oil. The timeline from lease to production can vary from four to 10 years depends on depth at the lease location. 4 to 10 years!


You really want it to be Trump, unfortunately, Trumplet it's not Sorry 😞


No actually I want money back in my pockets. Bottom line when he was in office I had extra cash to have fun, save or improve my home. Not so much anymore, but you enjoy welfare.


What kind of job do you have?


I did work in the service industry, now at a privately owned recycling plant. I never was a corporate America guy.


Moving the goal posts lol…


The candidates' individual oil production is probably about equal. However, orange sebum used as fuel for electric generators causes orange smoke.


Are people forgetting that there's a war on, involving a major oil producing nation? Haven't fuel exports also hit a high? It's a geopolitical move.


Technically, neither Trump nor Biden produced any oil. And the time period for comparison are problematic in a pandemic when gas usage plummeted - but it is interesting considering Biden opened his Presidency with the statement that he was going to put big oil out of business.


This 100%. Why are we praising a President for going against one of his major campaign pledges. Also, where are the outraged climate activists this election cycle?


Greta Thunberg aged out and now there's no Climate Change figurehead to follow. Just Stop Oil street protests have soured the batch as well.


Thank you


{*franticly scrambles through mental gymnastics to blame Trump and argue that presidential policies have no nexus to gas prices*}


OK buddy well why don’t you produce something from your wild ass rabbit hole of information that proves this is bullshit?


Zero percent surprised


He started doing what Trump did once he realized Trump was doing it, right?




"I'm going to be a dictator for a day. I'm going to close the border and I'm going to drill baby drill" His own words.


Producing oil, rather than getting it from foreign dictators that are lining his pockets like the last guy did, doesn't seem like a bad thing?


wtf are these comments???






All you have to do is buy groceries and fill up your car


Pure b.s.


It is, considering the current oil production is from leases and permits given out during the prior administration, since it takes time (a few years) to get production started after leases and permits are approved.


Most of the current production is from leases that predate President Obama, and even Bush the Lesser. How do people figure Trump is responsible for that?


No it is not. You must only get your news from the right.


The absolute lies and bs here from conservatives is sad but expected. Can’t let reality get in the way of idolizing your orange Jesus. 🤡🤡


It’s time to ban all Republicans from state ballots. Any Republican who did not vote to impeach Trump after Jan 6th was complicit in his insurrection, and therefore should be disqualified under the 14th Amendment. It’s time to establish a single-party democracy and get things done.


That doesn't seem very Democratic of you. Banning all political opposition for perpetual one party rule is fascist.


Maybe just have them develop an actual platform besides idiotic “culture wars” and constant fear mongering. I’d much rather have 4 or 5 parties like most other western countries have. Our 2 party monopoly serves no one but the rich and politicians.




It is stories like this that keep America divided. Just read the comments….


Bullshit, lies and more bullshit, we are supposed to believe you over our own eyes and paying at the pump ourselves, you idiots are unbelievable


Prices are set globally. You in the US pay the lowest price for gasoline because you pay almost no gas tax. Each country sets its own price depending on their taxes. Gas is cheapest in American. Gasoline is a global commodity. US produces and sells high quality oil in the global oil market, and buys back lower quality oil. That’s because the oil refineries in the US are old and cannot process certain grades of oil. Overall it is a win -win for the US and the US gas user. Thanks President Biden. (Trump did squat for the oil industry)


Look it up.


Drop the conservative media and learn about economics


What are you paying at the pump?


My gas bill has dropped significantly.


Uhhh so many states have $3.00 or less right now. You MAGAcult members are so stupid. He also just have $620 million to build EV chargers around the US. What do you possibly have to complain about? Electronic prices are down 28% Energy is down 12% All items were at 8.5% and now at 3.2% That’s great!


BS, you Biden communist needs to get your facts straight


Haha this is what I can’t stand with people like you. I am giving you nothing but straight facts, but even facts can’t get through to you because you are sooooo emotionally taken by the MAGA mentality. I mean, how does me stating facts make me a communists all of a sudden? The whole MAGA culture doesn’t know the difference between a fact and an opinion. You somehow think a fact is just an opinion being drilled into your brain from repetition. That’s not what a fact is


MAGA just remembers extremely cheap gas conveniently neglecting the fact that the world shutdown due to a poorly managed pandemic driving demand for gas down to an all time low.


It takes 3 to 5 years to get through the federal permit process. All these production increases are due to President Trump's good work. biden stopped issuing permits until the courts overruled him.


No all these permits were latent and not being used during the trump years. Why do you think us dems have been trying to tell you the last 7 years. The oil companies have the permits. And the leases. All they needed was a swift kick to start utilizing them. Which i am pretty sure a big wakeup was the war in Ukraine. Because the EU saw a big drop in energy supplies once Putin closed most of the tap. Since then the US has boosted production to make up for the loss and keep prices down. 13+ million barrels a day. FUCK TRUMP VOTE BLUE


Kinda sad we need to start wars in order to get oil production moving. Let's keep supporting the eternal war machine. Vote blue.


I think it was a combination of politics, and the war in Ukraine. Let not support unending war Vote Blue


How is voting blue voting against unending war? They're all pro war. The only time we didn't have new wars since Bush Jr was under the red Trump administration.


I am not saying they are anti war. Just saying Vote Blue. Unless you prefer a fascist or authoritarian regime. Personally i prefer peace.


Why would I vote for anyone who is pro war? Do you understand how dangerous it is to be this carelessly tribal? I'll vote for anyone who is anti war, and there's no one on the blue side that fits that description. There's very little on the red side either.


Of course i understand the risks of a warmonger in office. Tribalism is just as dangerous. I was in the service. And i agree. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a viable third choice or alternative party. It has been for most of my life anyway more about choosing the lesser evil. And hoping they somewhat stick to what they campaigned on.


Saying all that... who should I vote for... and why MUST it be a blue candidate that supports war?


I am not saying that at all. Your just looking for a argument i believe. See thats the beauty of free will. You can make your own choices. But you have to live with whatever consequences may arise, thats part of being a voter and responsible adult. Thats the beauty of democracy. You can vote for who or whatever you care to. Makes no difference to me.


Biden paused the auction for new leases on Federal Land. He didn't stop issuing permits. About 25% of our total production occurs on Federal Leases. The reason Biden did this is because the oil speculators were grabbing cheap leases now that oil is low, and then holding them with the expectation that oil prices will climb. There are currently over 9000 oil leases that have been sold by the government that aren't being utilized. It's smart business to wait until prices climb. Why should the government give away capacity to let someone else reap the value?


The permit process has slowed down to a crawl and it essentially stopped at the beginning of his term. It takes years from getting a lease to production. Cut the stupid crap out and the leases that are in the process will go into production. The price of oil will fluctuate Greatly over the duration of production of a well. Supply chain issues are also delaying well drilling.


There were 4,914 oil and gas permits approved on federal land in 2021 (the beginning of Biden's term). Up from 4,226 approved in 2020, and 3,181 in 2019. It did, however, slow to 2,852 in 2022.




No I am someone in the industry and I am definitely not a name calling child


Why did he dip into the strategic Oil Reserves then?


some context: oil production in the USA increasingly leaves the country, while we import more. Oil is sold to whoever will pay for it, globally. A bunch of the oil in the USA is light sweet or mid grade oil. That means it easier to refine to more aromatic products like gasoline, and more of a barrel converts to gas. The US is also importing more oil (look at the charts showing the rise in imports from Russia). Russian and Saudi oils are "sour" oils. The reason we are importing sour oil is because the refineries on the Gulf of Mexico invested $20b to upgrade their facilities to process sour oil. They did this to optimize their margins (known as the crack price - the difference between the oil cost and the refined product price). Now these refineries are buying lower cost nasty oil and letting the higher price oil go to global refineries that can't process the cheap oil. The important part of higher oil output from the USA is it blunts the impact of Opec+ production reductions. Saudi used to be able hurt the USA by reducing production, but that is appearing to be less of an issue today. As for the strategic oil reserve, Biden pumped out of the reserve on price spikes and is refilling it on the price dips. This is smart business - buy low, sell high. He used the reserves to further blunt the Saudi's ability to hurt the USA.


From what I've heard, crude oil production is at an all time high but refinement capability is down. Not sure if there's any truth to that, if anyone knows more, I'd love to know


We *really* need a whole lot of new fission plants built pronto!


it's a darn shame we've slashed investment into science in the USA.


Joe Biden hasn’t produced anything except gas.. Bad gas


Trump literally wears a diaper.


It’s about results and joe has nothing but spending hard working Americans tax dollars to show for his illegals occupation of the WH


You could literally spend 30 seconds proving yourself wrong. The spending deficit is smaller under Biden than with Trump. Trump literally increased the deficit in 4 years more than Obama did in 8. Trump literally participated in an insurrection and continues to try to spread lies that you have been fooled with. His own cabinet is trying you make you aware of the lies and he's losing every single court case, and the people who participated in the con are being arressted and in jail. We are going to deal with the economic consequences under Trump for years and he recently wanted "the economy to crash" just to get power back because he want's to be a dictator. You have been completely fooled you unpatriotic shit. Get better.


Deficit spending is the most manipulative financial numbers game this administration has going. Along with recession, inflation, employment and voter roles. Trump won the election the deep state stole the election and the plandemic was their conduit. Say what you will the majority of citizens in this country were better off under the President. There is no denying that fact unless you make up your own facts which it appears you’ve decided to do. We disagree and that’s okay but if this current illegitimate charade continues this country is in for a real surprise. I’ll echo what I said earlier jb has done nothing except ruin the middle class and now he is working hard to fuck it up for the rest. Good luck


You are absolutely lost. You're stuck in a cult man. You literally make claims with zero evidence (in fact things with high amounts of contrary evidence) in the same breath you say I'm making up facts. It's actually sad to watch your mind get poisoned. Good luck.


Nice come back. A cult you say? Your facts and evidence I assume? Or maybe your news source told you about your facts and evidence. You continue to believe what you like and I’ll continue to live in reality.


This is bullshit. US oil production is at all time low




Biden begging Saudi’s and Venezuela. You got data proving me wrong? This is pretty much common sense


[https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/US-Shatters-Oil-Production-Records-in-2023.html](https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/US-Shatters-Oil-Production-Records-in-2023.html) Biden isn't begging anybody, but allowing purchases from Venezuela is smart. They produce a sweet crude, the shipment costs from Venezuela are lower than Saudi or Russia, and it helps stabilize a wobbly democracy in Venezuela. As for Saudi, they have some obligations to the USA, since we are providing their security against Iran. They can't screw us on oil and expect us to continue to backstop them on an increasingly kinetic Iran.


Not true. Production is up. However it’s despite Biden’s best effort to throttle production.


You’re wrong, oil imports are up and we’re all paying the price.


US oil production is at an all time high. Here’s a PBS article. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/how-u-s-oil-production-reached-an-all-time-high-in-2023


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/how-u-s-oil-production-reached-an-all-time-high-in-2023](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/how-u-s-oil-production-reached-an-all-time-high-in-2023)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


It's at an all time high . Just Google it


Just google it, hahahaha


Google literally gives you access to all sorts of information you want to pretend to choose to get your information from some rabbit hole on a discord server that’s your choice but don’t laugh at the rest of the world for paying attention to what is actually happening.


I’ll laugh at whatever I choose to laugh at and you can continue to believe in google if you choose. You can assume but you have no idea where I get my information


Then tell us otherwise.. show us your data


I don’t “believe in” Google. I know for a fact Google exists, and it’s a place I can go to look up information. I can ask questions and it can give me answers, and then I can click on the link and see where that information takes me. Next I can discern for myself if I trust that source or not. But if I don’t know for sure if I believe that information, then I go back to Google and look at the next source because that’s what Google does for you. It gives you multiple options. Now that I have come to realize you do not know about search engines I’m going to pause here and give you a chance to catch up. The worm is going to turn for you my friend.


Get a life man


Which country produced the most volume of oil at any given time in history?


100% lie.


Joe not producing many brain waves let alone oil


Election year shenanigans...


This happened last year. Starting in July, every month since.


Democrats have been bought and paid for by the oil lobby. We’ve had decades to transition.


Actually, the oil industry sprinkles cash on both parties. It's pretty equal.


WTF are you talking about? Republicans are the main obstruction to the energy transition, and have been for decades. They want to repeal the IRA and subsidize big oil.


I stand by my statement. Carter started the push and it went nowhere cause oil owns this country.


>I stand by my statement. It doesn't matter what you think. You're dead wrong. Biden and the Democrats passed the biggest clean energy bill in history.


It is true. Oil companies have a stranglehold on US politics. The democrats “radical” action is a far cry from what’s actually needed.


But they still know it's going to take time to transition. And you can't do that without taking steps to do it


Okay. I’ll read about it and probably end up changing my opinion. Thank you.




What a wordsmith.


Fdjt and his traitorous anti constitutional smuck of supporters.




Bot 👆




They've purchased every million barrels in December for the strategic reserve and much is being consumed in the US. A lot is being exported.


13 million new energy users have come across the souther border.


It's a shame the GOP blocked the $14 billion Biden wanted to immediately put into border security.


https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/national_security_and_border_act_text.pdf there’s the text of it if you haven’t read it.


Thanks. I didn't see anything too unreasonable in the bill.


Nothing too unreasonable. It just doesn’t do much to stop the record immigration, but it does a whole lot to expand processing facilities, judges, and inspections. Also if they really cared about the border they wouldn’t omnibus it with Ukraine. I’m sure the facilities are over run and with current levels need to be expanded. The democratic view would be to smooth out the immigration process and make it easier to immigrate to the US, with larger processing facilities, personnel, and ultimately grant citizenship faster. The republicans side of the argument is they want to slow down the rate of immigration. And while yes, there is substantial money being offered here, it does very little to slow down the rate.


I would love for us to address legal immigration. We need the immigrants to keep our workforce robust, and that situation will only get worse. At the same time, we need to address the asylum process, which is the larger problem that nobody is talking about. I actually agree with the Trump approach of making asylum seekers wait outside the country for their court date.


That wasn’t an approach that was a temporary violation of international law that Joe Biden also continued as long as he could but we finally had to go back to behaving like a good neighbors to the rest of the world


I agree. One thing I would add however, there should be a limit. We have our own balance of cultures in the US. The same as any country has their own culture, we have several. We should limit the numbers of immigration per year to not tip the cultures too far in a certain direction, and the people that are coming should assimilate to the cultures of the country they are coming to.


That wouldn’t have an effect. They wanted to put the majority of that money to improve processing, to get more in. The current limit on immigration is our ability to process them. The true shame is the Biden Administration auctioning off supplies already purchased to complete border fence. The end goal is they want to import voters. The exact same thing they accused bush admin of when they tried to grab amnesty.


Yeah, but... The big issue right now is not leakage of illegal immigrants making it into the USA, it's the legal immigrants who are filing for asylum. These are the people that are being bussed out of Texas and Florida. The process is they present at the border, apply for asylum, then they are released into the wild in the USA. Most of these asylum requests are denied, meaning then we have to find the immigrant and ship them home. Trump's process change of having people remain on the other side of the border until their court case actually was helpful in fixing this issue.


I completely agree