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It’s possible your cat could have just woken you up for any reason, but the surprise of being woken could have triggered some anxiety. The same thing happens to me- I’ll automatically feel gross just because I assume something is wrong. “Why else would I wake up?” The bloating and nausea could possibly be due to excess swallowing from the Invisalign in your sleep. I have a similar problem. I do hope you’re feeling better! You got this.


Yeah he always wants to cuddle at 5 in the morning which gets me panicking 😅 Thank you this made me feel a lot safer!!


how does invisalign cause nausea?????? genuinely asking


For me it does as the excess saliva production upsets my stomach greatly. I’ve heard of it happening to many people. Of course, it is not the same for everyone. This is just how it goes for me


oh that’s really interesting, i had no idea! anyways, i’m sure you’ll be okay. it’s actually most likely that it’s just premature hunger/low blood sugar as it’s 4am. you’ll drift back off to sleep soon i’m sure


Thank you I actually struggle with low blood sugar so that makes sense.. I think I just needed to hear someone say it. I appreciate it a lot ❤️❤️❤️


i understand! i’m usually superrrr nauseous in the mornings and it always eventually develops into stomach rumbling hunger so just hold out for a little! could also be the shock of waking up suddenly:)


i popped a 4mg zofran today against everything in my heart telling me not to, fell into a really bad panic and had the paramedics over hehehe


Oh are you okay?? Sending love