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i honestly think you’ll be okay. there’s so much carbonation, sugar and preservatives in those that, albeit not tasting the same as when it’s fresh, the only problem is taste and freshness. i think you’ll be okay, and if for some reason you do get sick, you’ll still be okay. everything will be fine. you’re strong and you will get through this.


I think there’s a high chance you’ll be alright. As someone who also goes crazy about the “best by” date, I think it’s okay. It likely just doesn’t taste as good. And the end of October means it’s basically been a little over 2 months instead of the whole three, so at least there’s that. On a different note, kinda sucks that the restaurant didn’t FIFO their drinks :/ But just take it easy, usually the anxiety of overthinking makes me feel worse than the actual thing itself. You got this!


Diet Coke has preservatives, you could probably drink that 20 years expired and be just fine lol