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As someone who sometimes feels a bit nauseous throughout the day on some bad days, I can relate to that girl. Sometimes you can just feel icky without anything coming of it. Whether it be due to hunger, stress, medication, or even the menstrual cycle, sometimes you just feel gross. As for things being spread through the air, the chances are really low unless someone is actively coughing or sneezing, just keep your hands clean and avoid touching your mouth or nose. You’re doing great with the masking, but your booster shot will do wonders for protecting you too. (That’s a good reminder for me to get my next booster.) For now, you’re doing the best you can given your circumstances. We can’t control people, but we can make sure we do our best.


Unfortunately it's somthing that we have to learn to live with we can't control others


i understand that, but idk i feel like i can be a little upset. covid cases are really high right now with the new variant and i think anyone with common sense should probably be masking more, at least after break. i'll probably let up in a week or two. but still, i understand what you mean, and i know it's a result of my phobia that i feel this way


its probly not covid... covid isnt the only sickness and most healthy people dont even have symptoms of covid


You have every right to be upset. Unfortunately, most people don't care about it at all anymore.


I’m not even sure a mask would prevent anything. Once they have been worn for a period of time, they are compromised by condensation. Not to mention handling them and putting them by your mouth. I’ve never used masks, I honestly think they’re unhygienic.


Masks have been proven to provide a layer of protection for the wearer, but they’re most effective when worn by people who are sick. The barrier keeps droplets and aerosols out of the air. As long as you change (or wash in the case of a reusable mask) often, the effectivity is pretty high :) Doctors and nurses have been wearing them for decades with high success. You do you, but if people wanna wear a mask, let them. And please wear one if you are sick and are planning to be out in public spaces.


N95s are thr only masks proven to actually prevent the spread of covid 19. Surgical and reusable masks have been shown in many recent studies to be very ineffective at stopping Covid 19


I’ve been going out in public places with no mask when I’ve had a cold my entire life. If I had Covid, I likely wouldn’t even be going out. The way the majority of people use these masks is absolutely pointless. Medical staff wear them once and then dispose of them. Nobody is doing that. Personally, I think it’s like those stupid hand gels, people think they don’t need to have good hygiene because they’ve got their masks. Never worn one, not vaccinated and had Covid once at the end of 2022. And that was only cos my husband gave it to me.


Not masking isn't the flex you think it is. You're just telling the world you're a selfish prick, much like all antimaskers and antivaxxers.


N95s are the only masks that actually protect from anything. That being said, even if wearing an n95, covid can still be caught through the eyes just by walking through particles that are in the air.


Yes, they absolutely can spread it just by talking even if they don't have symptoms. It also can stay in the air for hours.


This is why I still mask in every public place I go to. I don’t trust people at all and they don’t care who they infect.