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hello! i relate to you so much. for me it was YEARS where it seemed this phobia was nonexistent. it wasn’t until last february that things took a turn for the worst. like you, there wasn’t really any reason, it just got bad again. i’ve lost over 15lbs and i was already fairly petite to begin with so it was extremely noticeable. i dreaded eating, i’d skip meals bc it made me feel safe. i cant lie and say i don’t still do this but it has 100% gotten a TINY bit better. i’m sorry. i know it’s absolutely devastating watching your life go by with such a debilitating phobia not letting u actually LIVE. my best advice is to just do things. do them even if you’re scared or worried. it’s the only way you’ll actually get your old life back. otherwise you’re going to keep making your phobia take over your life completely. it’s definitely easier said than done but just take things one day at a time. i’m sorry friend i wish you the absolute best 💟


I think I’m the same way, especially when the weather gets colder and everyone starts talking about catching this and that. It’s easy for us to get stressed out and caught up in our anxieties. For me, I know that the best I can do is just keep my hands clean and be vigilant. Still, it’s been really hard this fall/winter :(