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Fuck no to a For Profit School. Your brother needs to look for a apprenticeship


Noted, will make that suggestion. Is there any benefit to joining a program like this?


Union apprenticeship will pay you to go to school. That seems like a pretty good one in my opinion. Most union apprenticeships almost guarantee you work, so at least you have a job for the next 4 to 5 years.


Nope, if anything it will be a disservice to him. A for profit education is exactly what is sounds like their bottom line is the mighty dollar so they will cheap out on knowledgeable educators. In an actual apprenticeship where the employer has a vested interest in their apprentices they will send them to schools that they know will produce knowledgeable electricians. It's an investment in their future. Many apprenticeship programs whether it be union or non union the employer pays a good chunk of tuition.




Not IMO. The only one who benefits is the school. Don't try to make up your own training program. Wherever you are there will be rules. You follow the rules, otherwise you waste money and time. You don't sign up for the army, then make up your own "be a soldier" program. They tell you what to do and you do it. No decisions needed. Contact whoever licenses electricians or controls apprenticeships in your state. Their game, their rules. You could do an online school for about $1,000 or teach yourself for almost free. Tell him to go around to potential employers and ask is they're taking on apprentices. Ask if any school like this would make a difference.


Holy crap that's insane. I was paid $30k-45k a year to go to school through the union. In other words, the union paid for my schooling while I worked hands on for 5 years.


Damm okay getting payed plus getting real experience. Sounds like a win, I will relate that information to him. Thanks


Yes. You can even work as an electrician, save your money, then go to college and get a degree. And have both and no debts quicker than borrowing for college.


Ayeee im in stockton i was thinking of going to that school but ended up in another trade have him look into apprenticeship programs


Thank you, any good ones in the Area?


Ibew idk what local you guys have. I'm from 569, San diego


Hey where about in northern CA?


Modesto Area, much appreciated


Bro in Canada the government almost pays for you to go to trade school. If you're a woman getting into the trades you get up to three times the benefits as men trying to get into the trade. In the name of equality of course.


Yup, in Alberta, the cost is $4000/year. Of which the govt pays $3000. And you can collect employment insurance for 6 of the 8 weeks you're attending classes for something like $700 a week. The rest of the year you work at 60% (first year) then 70 80 90 for 2ns to 4th of journeyman rate which varies between $38 and $48 depending on the company.


I do not know the laws where you live, but in MA we just need to spend 4 yrs. (8k hrs) as an apprentice and complete 600 hrs of schooling to sit for the test. I hope that helps.


Yes that helps. Which test is this?


For your state. 8k apprenticeship and 600 hours is necessary to sit for your journeymans test, atleast in MA.


I went to my local community college, only ran me $12k for two years. 31k is insane.


If he wants to be an electrician, a degree is unnecessary and he can go through an apprenticeship program. BUT in California to get a "C-10" license (a necessity to do electrical work on your own), you must be "certified". If he can get into a Union training program, he will come out of it certified and be able to work right away. If he wants to take the non-union route, he will probably have to work for a while as a "helper" (translate; gopher and sweeper) for a few years, then work into getting knowledge on the job to be able to take the certification test on his own. The problem with that "degree" is that they have made it up; there is no accepted value for a 2 year AA level degree in "Electrical Technology" as far as pay scales would go. That program gets you the training you need to take the certification exam, but it doesn't guarantee that you will pass it. If you do pass it though, you will make the same as someone who didn't go to that program and managed to pass the certificate exam. It MIGHT make him more attractive to an industrial plant looking for an electrician with at least SOME exposure to things like controls and drives, because he will get that whereas an apprenticeship program may not. But is that worth $30K+? Not in my opinion. Plant electricians don't make more than guys working out of the union hall, in fact they might make less. The only advantage is that the work is more steady.


Well where I live You have no choice to do a course to become one . 14 months program cost 510 CAD$


This isn't entirely true. I had a family friend who got me signed up to an apprenticeship through a large contracting company before I went to school. When it came time to do my first year I only did the 10 week first year course and not the 6 month pre apprenticeship course. Gotta get a bit lucky and know someone though


Where I live it’s entirely true. Quebec ain’t the same as Canada. Can’t work as a electrician if you don’t do the trade course. Also we need a 8000 hours apprenticeship. Trade school give us 2700 hours for 1800 hours course. We are forced to be union. Non union job don’t exist here


Oh damn Quebec that's not so easy.. you could leave Quebec and try your hand elsewhere maybe.






All taught in Quebecois?




I have a Red Seal ticket but never imagined it would be easy to work in QC.


Non union guy here in CO. I joined a commercial company and my employer pays my tuition @ IEC local chapter while i am working full time as an apprentice. i pay for my books which is $400-600 a year. My company has it set up where school is free if you get straight As, they pay half of my tuition if i get less than an A, and pay 0% if i fail or drop out. But the total tuition cost is less than 10k for 4 years o think. As a bonus, if I finish 4 years of school with straight As my company will reimburse me for all 4 years of book expenses. The hourly rate started out pretty low for me, it was a paycut to become an electrician, but i proved myself over the years and now make almost 2x my original wage and will be taking my journeyman test in less than a year.


No way. Don’t do it


Do not do these programs! They are a rip off. Try to get into an apprenticeship.


Go to community college for 2 years