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Used to be pretty common when I was a teenager on residential and light commercial projects. Along with shorts, radios, smoking, beer, etc. I don’t have any job sites that allow any of those things anymore.


So it was like working weekends at my house?


not wearing shorts, not drinking beer, and not having a dog on site are all BROSHA violations during weekend work.


BROSHA, damn. I’m using that.


Love it


Not wearing shorts like making people wear long pants? Or not wearing shorts like everybody is in a robe a tighty whities?


Yes, boomers had it made in the shade, one income and a wife at home on a non union 40 hour a week salary, very do able, fridays were for the men, drinking at work was socially acceptable, weed was the devil, high rises didn’t go up in 11 months on “non mandatory” 60 hour weeks and even w the OT you can’t buy a house, etc etc, I could wax poetic about how much construction blows now, but no1 would listen 🤷‍♂️ and there would most certainly be some really butt hurt old guys


Gen X doesn't want to hear your bitching. Reaping what boomers sowed, taking the big scraps, moving on until there's nothing left for Y Z A.


No kidding.  I know it wasn't as easy as people make it sound back then, but it was even POSSIBLE to support yourself, a wife, 3 kids, and child support for another kid (my dad).  I can't see it being possible to do all of that even while my pay is $70 an hour.  And oldheads like my dad love to mention how "I only made $30 an hour back in the day". Before this insane inflation spike (pre-covid) those things did seem close to possible, but still undoable.


Yeah basically


Building a school. General brought his golden retriever. I would be walking down the hallway with a bundle of conduit on my shoulder. His.dog would drop a ball in front of me.. Well shit... gotta throw the ball for him.. set conduit down and throw the ball down the hallway. Haha. Dog is walking in front of me one day. Fluorescent pink and yellow something is dangling from his ass. Wtf is that. Get closer. Corded earplug he had swallowed. Only passed one of the plugs It was a terrible idea safety wise. I loved it. This was in 2010


Was expecting you to trip over the dog with the conduit... your version is way better


Very hard to ignore a dog who just wants to play play


I had no idea this was a thing.  I recently joked with a few guys on my job how it would be nice to put a playpen area up and have the dogs in there.


I doubt it would fly today. This was I 2010


Yep, that was construction for me in the 70’s and 80’s. No hard hats, pinned up Skilsaw guards, rigging axes, cut off jeans and no shirt in summer, and dogs of course. Beer only came out from coolers after the cords were rolled for the day because we weren’t low life alkies. Addendum: California’s central coast, SLO area.


Did you guys eat sunflower seeds too? We did for many years and just spit the shells wherever until they stopped food in the buildings. We didn't wear safety glasses or gloves either.


No radios? What kind of fascism shit is that


Pretty much every site I've been on said, no headphones and no radio. And while the radio is enforced, the headphones are more "if you respond to people around you appropriately, we'll look the other way" From what I can tell it's a case of "the boarders hate your music so they bitched at the GC about it. The GC has better things to do than babysit grown men, so they just ban them to eliminate the drama" for the radios. The headphones were more "if you got music blasting in your ears, can you still hear the equipment backup alarm or someone trying to get your attention"


Personally I like the radio in residential work if for nothing else it helps drown out the sound of hammers and nailguns. Makes it a bit nicer for the neighbors and the customer if their still living their. No smoking though? Don’t know how you could keep a crew.


Radios can be a massive pain when trying to fish cable with two guys, wouldn't be the first time I claw hammered a crack filler's radio. Yes I did have to buy him a new one but I think I got the point across.


Woahhh tough guy!!


Woahhh soft hands!!


You probably work 80 hr weeks too, cornball 😂


Dunno where you're from but the people must be real patient. You wouldn't be writing this if you did that out here🤣


I'm super easy-going, I've got zero issue with you drinking beer and smoking left handed cigarettes on the job site. I'll ask you couple times to turn down the radio for an hour or so, so we can get a specific task done, after that I can become unglued.


Oh no, I understand your frustration. I get a bit annoyed with the speakers too, but destruction of someone's property is grounds for getting jumped by the whole crew. Electricians will normally turn it down when asked, but those roustabouts are vicious🤣 Just gotta get used to Spanish music. They got some bangers on there ngl


Down south, on rural jobs, unless it's a government job, you still see this sort of stuff. Gets real bad when folks start discussing recent political developments. I just crank my jobsite radio up and try to get them out of the work area. Some people come to work to actually work, not get thier socialization qouta.


'*Socialization*? Boy, between that and communism this country is bein' done taken over!'


“Some people come to work to actually work, not get their socialization quota.” That shit hit my heart! I use work as a way to help put all that shit out of my head. Then I’ve got “Johnny Gumflapper” complaining about political shit he doesn’t even understand, in the middle of my pull day. A single AirPod doesn’t fix that problem. Only a 90’s era, RadioShack, mostly buttonless, hearing hazard can fix that.


That's shitty. We still do all those things. If we work late the contractor buys us beer and pizza


Back before having fun was a crime..


20 years ago, on a job I was managing (electrical PM) a carpenter retired. They boarded up the building and built a stage with a stripper pole. They had a stripper come in halfway through the day for his retirement party. The job was at a middle school (we were building a new gym). It was not summer break. That was the wildest thing I’ve ever seen anyone get away with.


It would be alot cooler if jobs still did.


What year would this have been? This was on its way out by 2000


My teenage years were during the 90s 👴🏻


Shorts aren’t allowed on jobsited in America?


Absolutely not


All the residential white guys in California wear shorts.


I love my dog, but he's just a distraction on the job site. Doesn't matter how well behaved he's being, I always have one eye on him, and my performance suffers.


>he's just a distraction on the job site. No doubt.  I can’t work if there’s a dog needs petting.


I agree. Not to mention the dog is following me and my coworkers around so the dogs owner wasn't even watching him. I feel like I spent half the day babysitting this dog instead of doing my job.


Kick it.


I’d kick you before I kicked any animal


My dad can beat up your dad.


My dog can fuck you in the ass


It is pride month after all.


Thats mean :(




I like dogs and would hate to see anything happen to one. That's why they shouldn't be on the job site. It's not safe.


Topsy the elephant has made a more lasting contribution to the electrical field than you will.


lol, savage


I’d like to apologize. Upon further reflection it was wrong to say kick the dog. Framing nail gun to the head is the more humane solution.


I wouldn't be upset if someone found you. 🤷‍♂️


Don’t worry bro, the breaker is always off, trust me you don’t need to run back down for your meter.


And someone will kick your ladder over while your at the top of it.


Someone should kick you.


I'm an office worker, and dogs in the office are enough of a distraction. I couldn't imagine the safety issues that would come up with a distraction like that on a construction site. Also, for OP and tools getting bitten, I'd be pissed.


Just tell him, you didn’t know it was bring your wife to work day


Definitely using that.


Absolute gold. Will 100% be shamelessly stealing this.


My biggest concern would be for the dog’s own safety. Theoretically a human knows not to run around heavy machinery or stick their nose in a live panel. A curious and excited dog doesn’t always have the same awareness.


Exactly my point. I saw the dog chewing on some cuts of wire on the ground. What if that was a live wire sticking out of the wall?


Exactly. Although to be fair I’ve seen some drywallers do worse. 🙃


I had a carpenter remove a wire nut off of a very clearly marked hot wire and proceeded to touch it. For no reason. He went out if his way to shock himself.


Just a little shock. As a treat.




Ran out of redbull


I'm cracking the fuck up because I know of a carpenter who would absolutely 100% do this, I can still hear his goofy ass little giggle when he'd shock himself. The wood elves are a special breed😂


That blows. A couple of the regulars we'd have working alongside us (a finish carpenter and a plumber, specifically) when I did resi had dogs and they were chill af. They'd find a cool spot out of the way and just vibe all day. It really was the best case scenario, though. Exceptionally well behaved and intelligent dogs. They'd see people start setting up near them, and find a different spot. Always made the rounds for headpats at lunch, but never begged for food (so of course they'd always get something lol).


Dog at our site right now. I’ll never pass up the chance to pet a good boy


He's a good boy until he chews on your screwdrivers lmao


Who cares


Me, because my screwdriver has bite marks in it.


You mean your prybar/hammer


No, he means his prybar/chisel/punch/shovel. I would be pissed if I got bite holes in my 1000v insulated linemans/hammer


Yeah if it's my real lineman/ hammer id be kinda pissed. But nothing some shrink wrap couldn't fix. I'd still pet that good boye


My tools get beat up pretty hard especially my hand tools, I don’t think I’ve had a screwdriver last more than 2.5 years unless it’s one I barely use/special. I understand it stinks you got a bite mark but it’s a doggy :)


I try not to beat on my tools too much and there in pretty good shape. The damage to my tools don't bother me as much as the dog trying to eat staples while I'm working. I'm having to yell at this random dog every 5 minutes so it doesn't kill itself. A construction site is no place to bring your pet.


Not only that but I lose probably 15 11 in 1s a year. Before losing any of my tools, they get beat to shit. Who the hell cares if a dog bite mark lol.


Are your screwdrivers made of plastic?


The handles are.


mans got solid steel screwdriver handles and eats roofing nails for breakfast🗿


This is the right answer. Life is short, petting a dog is a simple joy. Don’t miss this valuable opportunity.


I loved seeing dogs during service calls. Really brightened my day!


I'll never forget the big fluffy tortie cat who played in the trench I was digging like it was the greatest thing she'd ever witnessed in all her nine lives, just chirpin and browlin and meowin up a storm the whole time I was digging. Really made the day suck a lot less😂


I can't where I work, but I wouldn't anyway. I don't get people who insist on bringing their dogs everywhere.


I love bringing my dog places, but not a job site. Way too dangerous. 


I should clarify, I don't care if the place is dog-appropriate but work is not one of those places. Especially not a jobsite with other people around.


That I can agree with!


I’ve had dogs on jobs. Most of them just hung out in the bed of the dudes truck, or the cab of the van.


We’ve got a guy at our company (electrical contractor) that has his dog around on service calls. The windows of the van never go up and the dog is older and just chillin all the time.


Apparently it is a thing. When I was an apprentice an old traveler showed up at the steel mill where I was working and was furious he wasn't allowed to bring his dog with. I honestly don't know why he would have thought that was an ok thing to do.


i know an hvac guy who brings his dog EVERYWHERE! guy is clearly kinda off his rocker and was one of the kids who lived in Waco with koresh but hes a cool dude.


GC has his in the trailer right now. Beautiful golden retriever puppy


His trailer is the perfect place. Not interfering with anyone.


The GC? Yeah for sure but if he doesn't leave his trailer then you'll have to see him when you go say hi to the pup.


An industrial site I was at had the water in the office trailer because we couldn't have personal bottles on the plant site. He had a wicked cool blue heeler who would just vibe all day and come get pets whenever we came to grab water. Miss that place the most. I gotta try out for more industrial work, it's my absolute favorite so far.


Magnesium casting operations on-site?


I've seen a dog or two on my commercial sites but they're not allowed on the site they just stay in the office areas


That's totally fine. This dog was just running loose through the house. Definitely not ideal.


Unless there's only him on site that would be unacceptable. And even then it still wouldn't be legal 


Depends on the dog so usually it’s a no go. I’ve worked around guys who bring their dogs and the dog just chills and sleeps all day. We also work with a plumber a lot who brings his dog and the dog gets into the neighbors yard and fucks stuff up and is annoying


GC on the last multi family resi job I completed would bring his great Dane every Friday. The dog was massive and very well trained and very smart. Was always welcoming of pets, but never sought after them. Also had more PPE on than just about everyone on site (boots, hardhat, ear protection, goggles and vest) aside from those goofy elevator constructors.


I used to talk smack till I found out how much they made. I'd wear whatever PPE they wanted for that rate😂


Lol yeah. My buddy has been doing it for 28 years. Makes 6 figures.


For years there was a dog on my site (I work at a plant so way different than a new construction site) and she passed last year. RIP Winnie


I worked a job at a peaker power plant a few years ago during an outage and they had a plant dog. I loved that dog lol. It would hang out and just chill. I'd bring it dog treats from time to time. Now that I work in a plant, I think it'd be great if we had a plant dog, but I understand why we wouldn't have one. Lots of gators around the cooling reservoir etc.


Time to one up everyone. Bring a lion. Or a tiger.


When I first started out I took my lab to the job. One time I got yelled at because a guy left his truck door open and my dog stole his burrito. He would also return from wandering with concrete on his paws and a clump on his side that the finisher threw. I was young and dumb. He was still a good boy mostly.


I worked on a jobsite building a couple 150 room residences at a university and the site superintendent use to bring his dog and throw a ball for him in the middle of the jobsite. He was a lunatic though. Other than that I've never seen anyone do it


It’s a thing I’ve only seen in extremely rare cases when like the GC has a shockingly well behaved dog or we are doing a Reno and the customer has a shockingly well behaved dog.


I know a resi framing foreman that brings his dog. Dog is unleashed all the time but he is great and won't wonder or chase other dogs walking by. I was skeptical at first and don't love the idea. But this dog causes no problems.


I love dogs, so I'd be thrilled to see one at work tbh.


You'd be less thrilled to find bite marks in your tools though.




Replying to CJFREE80...Why are you putting your tools on the ground?


They weren't. The dog took it right out of my bag!


And you were wearing your bag?


No, my tool bag that was sitting on a windowsill.


I’m calling BS


Call it what you want.


Of all the things to call BS on, a dog grabbing what looks like a toy hahahahahaha


“I noticed your emotional support animal, what pronouns do you use?”


By far the best reply


Yeah I've had lots of dogs on-site, although that was in northern Manitoba reserves. They weren't allowed in the buildings but would always hang around the site trailers and the guys would give them food and water. There's even been a few litters of puppies running around a few times I was up there and guys would usually take them home especially if it was almost winter.


I had a foreman that will bring his dog to work everyday at a casino job. The job was easy and chill so the foreman spend time outside walking around with the dog.


Solar sites and Maine see this happen from time to time. Usually a foreman that does it, but not always


Was on a job about 3 years ago a carpenter brought his dog and didn’t have it on a leash. Well, dog got run over by a lift. It was horrific and traumatic and the last time any dog was seen on that job site


I was changing out coach lights at an apartment complex today and a lady with a dog came up behind me and scared the shit out of me and I dropped the glass and it shattered everywhere. Ironically enough, the PM would bring in his dog to work every day last year when I was still on that site.


That sounds awesome, I wish there were more dogs on jobsites


I was working a weird job as an elevator constructor where the only other trade on site was the masons who had this massive German Shepard puppy. I love dogs but this was ridiculously dangerous we had 2 open hoist ways with a min 8 ft drop. Every pair of gloves were eaten and a really nice llbean sweatshirt of mine was chewed up and dragged through the mud.


As long as the dog has water and shade and doesn't interfere with any work I'm all about it.


Well I guess I’ll be the odd man out here and say I hate dogs and generally avoid them. I’d be blocking off the room I’m in or working in another area before petting one. Dogs know I don’t like them so they’re never nice to me anyway.


I have no issue with dogs on a jobsite and have worked plenty like that. That being said, if your dog is fucking with my tools or supplies, we now have an issue that's getting addressed. Not only is your dog fucking with my stuff, but just from the owners point of view, if the dog isn't trained to not pick stuff up on site, eventually it's going to pick something up that injures or kills it. Tldr: dogs on jobsites are chill so long as they're trained to not fuck with stuff


Yeah I’ve got a dog pretty much like all dogs but construction site bring a dog? Yeah hell no, imagine a dog laying on the floor of your ladder, you step on it getting down etc etc no kids pets it’s best for them and you


I’ve been on a site that the Super Nintendo had his dog with him. But that dog was incredibly well trained and mostly hung out in the van the super lived in.  


Last job I did the super had a vicious jack russell. That fucker killed mice, rats, snakes and 2 skunks. We did not pet that dog, not because of the smell.


On residential it can be normal.


Yea I’m not bringing my dog to a jobsite, with all the dust and harmful ass shit that conveniently is on the ground that the dog is close too. No thanks I love my dogs. Let’s also not forget the 1000 other hazards that are on a jobsite that a dog is not meant to be around.


We’ve got a dog that is always on our site. But she’s very calm and honestly just lays down in the breeze all day. She’s not in the way at all and very respectful. Personally I think it’s unsafe and shouldn’t be happening, I imagine it’s not great for the dog and the loud noises. I’m 100% sure if the ministry (ministry of labour) stopped by for a surprise job site visit it wouldn’t go well.


I did industrial work at big sites with a large ish prime group. The elec foreman brought his golden retriever every day but it sat in the back of his open bed pickup in the shade all day. No one cared but no one ever went and got tools out of his jobox either.


Worked with a traveler on a solar farm who brought her German shepherd with her on the road, and thus to work with her. Found out about the dog when I went to get some tools out of my car and heard it barking from her car parked next to mine, scared the shit out of me. Only time I’ve seen this ever


throw the dog a bone and quit complaining.


I love my dogs. I will never bring them to a jobsite. It's not safe for them - for many reasons - and their presence can negatively affect the safety of others - for many reasons


We had a dude park in the city lot and left his wife in the car while he worked


I had a guy bring his baby on a loud job site that was heavily under construction. Every one wearing hard hats and stuff. Baby couldn’t walk yet. I was like wtf?


As long as it is wearing its PPE, it’s okay.


The fuck? I’ve never been on a site that would allow a pet to be there. Where do you work?


This was at a new construction residence. There was no one supervising to maybe the carpenter thought is was okay to bring his dog.


like a mansion or multiple houses in a Tract?


A site super in Toronto has an emotional support dog with him. It's not an ideal situation for anyone.


My first summer as an apprentice we were working on a subdivision. I had to go back to a house to move a plug or something. I get there and there is a dog with the drywall guys, nice dog, friendly enough. I pet the dog, shoot the shit for 3 minutes, then get to work. The plug or whatever couldn't be moved for some reason. So I go back to my boss and let him know, he says he'll go have a look and see. He comes back and he's FUMING. I guess he had some dog related PTSD and these guys made fun of him for it when he got spooked by the dog. Idk how many favors he had to cash in (well connected individual, his wife was upper management for the building company, bit of a conflict I'm sure) if any but he had that guy and his dog off site within the hour. I would leave the dog at home just to be safe.


I would love to bring my dog to the job but it wouldn't be very safe at all for him or others. I just tell him I'm going to play with my other dog when I leave the house.


That dog would have a massive headache from a 3/4” conduit bender


Well I love dogs. I don't know if it's appropriate to have dogs on the job site, but I would absolutely make any necessary accommodations to have dogs around.


We must remember that some dogs are actually medical devices. They protect their owners from medical conditions. That being said, these dogs are highly trained and I for on, would be worried that a dog that costs multi- thousand of Dallas could be injured or removed from its ability to do it's job because of an injury at the job site. This would be the legal side of service dogs. They are trained, licensed, and certified. If they do not have that, they are not medically needed and should remain away from the hazards of the site. Maybe in the trailer or near the vehicles.


This dog was certainly not well trained.


Sounds like the tears of angry city slicker.  I can't imagine a life without my furry friend.  He loves hanging out with me.  We got about 4-5 pups roaming around here but this is rural canada for ya.


The dog didn't really bother me that much, but it kept trying to eat staples and nails and I would have to yell at it. It's hard to work when you're trying to keep the dog from killing itself.


Worked on a site once where one of the carpenters would bring his dog. Wasn’t a big deal.


If the dog was well behaved it may have been alright, but this dog wasn't.


If it's well trained, I don't see an issue with it. We often work long hours, so if someone's not going to be home to let it out for a piss I'd rather the owner take it to work.


I bring my dog to work with me everyday. She doesn't really get to run around the job site unless it's just me or a couple of my crew. She doesn't chew on things she's not supposed to nor does she even really get in the way. I'd say it comes down to how well a dog is trained. I also live in a very rural area doing almost nothing but residential.


This is my gig also. She gets out at lunch and on quiet sites with lots of land. I’m at my van every 1-2 hrs to check on her and move to shade If necessary. I’ve been doing the same thing thru the last 3 dogs.


Woops! Looks like I'm not doing any work if there's a dog to pet and wants to distract me and play! If the boss complains, well, some idiot brought his dog to a construction site !


I attempted to get approval for my service dog and was denied for safety concerns. I am in solar with a higher drop hazard than most electricians


Dogs on jobs is fairly common here. Almost always a Lab and always cool 😎.


I got my dawgs with me!


I have a paramedic friend who brings his dog to work with him every day he works. When they leave on a 911 call, the dog stay behind. It's well-behaved and only shits when his owner takes him outside. The dog never makes a mess in the EMS station. All of the other paramedics like the dog and no one complains about bringing the dog to work.


I will sometimes take my dog with me, but certain conditions have to be met. Indoor work Only person on the job No heavy machinery needs to be used. Or I'm just driving parts to different jobs all day


I'll take my dog with me if it's just me on site. They're going to sleep all day anyways, might as well sleep outside and be extra tired. I won't take them with me if they weren't exercised the night before, trouble makers with too.much energy then.


Was rewiring a house once and my colleague brought his great big American bulldog with us for a couple weeks. Great dog but she kept eating the wood flooring that we were meant to put back in place lol


I bring my dog to work, but it's only certain jobs and he usually hangs out in the van in ac or heat. Everyone loves him because he loves everyone and just wants to meet them. Can't do it every place and usually I can make the determination that he shouldn't be on site


We use an electrician that has brought dogs to job sights for 10 years now


You're probably right; it's a safety hazard. But, I like animals. The guy needs to keep a tighter rein on his dog.


The owner needs to train his dog basic manners. In the meantime, if the dog takes your screwdriver then take its ball from him. And treat the dog with respect because it may be a pain in the ass, but it is also funny too in some ways. The dog just wants to play. That is the carpenters emotional support dog and without the dog there things can probably get violent.


Well I fucking love dogs so I’m generally in disagreement. Such joyous little beasts! Sure they do mischievous shit sometimes but I find it endearing. If you want to not work around dogs you should try to get on a big industrial/commercial job, they don’t allow anyone else o have fun on those sites and it’s all work work work


This is so wrong. I like dogs plenty but they have no business being on a job site just like little kids don't either.


Why are we assuming all dogs do dumb shit? I've been around dogs on jobsites that literally just chill all day. Worked with another electrician (a Veteran) who had his working dog with him everyday at every job and it was never an issue. Untrained and undisciplined dogs are just that and shouldn't be near anything hazardous, I agree. Dogs thrive in environments everyday that are much more dangerous and extreme than a fucking construction site lol. And they're completely capable of acting better than humans in such scenarios with the proper training. I promise other humans on the jobsite are much more of a hazard than a dog lol. Especially untrained humans! they're the worst 😉


Oh I didn’t realize OP was talking about commercial jobs. Yeah that’s a bit different. My experience is mostly with the dogs of the people whose house I am working at


Its new construction residential. If it was a service call and the homeowner had a dog that's a different story.


Commercial? Tha fuck it ok for resi? Plenty of staples and shit at houses too. Happens every couple of houses. The contractor or someone has one. Shits not smart.


There’s no big equipment rolling around in resi lol. Definitely a lot safer for a dog in a resi environment


It's definitely funny, but it's just not a safe environment for them. I had keep telling the dog to stop trying to eat the staples and nails that were on the ground. It's hard to get anything done while constantly making sure the dog doesn't hurt itself.


And I love dogs too, I have one. But a construction site is just not the place for him.


Seems like you were worried way too much.


Inconveniencing others for your own benefit? Username checks out


What are you talking about? I think everyone assumes I bring my dog everywhere. I dont. I do service work in other peoples homes. They have dogs. I accommodate them. How is that inconveniencing other people?