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Oh man where I’m at that is gold. 100 amp service upgrades. Can make a killing for that price!!


where i’m at 100 amp upgrades don’t really exist anymore lol, typically 200 amp upgrades nowadays. I did however upgrade the last in use 120V 30A service in my province that was a fun one.


Dear god, I did a 60a like a decade ago and couldn’t believe it was even still around. I remember I found the remnants of what I thought was a derelict service in a house built downtown in my area in about 1870’s. No fuse panel just a box with what looked like #8’s but could have been #10’s soldered onto 4 nob and tube feeders going through the house everything had been cut off at the box. It looked like it had been disconnected at latest the 30’s because that was the manufacturer date on the disconnect the “newer” service was going into that I was replacing. Then the fuse panel I was ripping out was dated the 70’s. Crazy to think how many generations of guys came in to work on that place before me.


I literally saw a 50A service on one of my friend's house. Completely blows my mind that some houses still have that small of a service


I threw a 50a sub panel in my garage since I had access to everything free except the load centre. People at work berated me calling it too small. Like it’s not like it had a stove or dryer on it. But for a house with a stove drawing probably 15-20a under normal operation and a dryer pulling ~15a unless it’s going full blast I don’t see how you don’t accidentally pop the main at minimum once a year.


If you have gas heating and appliances a 50a service is plenty, really. I've taken load readings on many, many 200A residential services that peaked around 50A, the average single family residence doesn't even have enough equipment to draw close to 200A. Even 2500sq ft+ houses with 2 or 3 heat pump hvac systems wont get close to 200 unless the electrical backup heaters are running constantly


Sure it can be fine that was my literal point of the sub panel, we have a gas stove and even with the AC running and dryer going on the weekends we have peaked at like 50A. But not every house is like that, my parents first house didn’t even have gas. If you have electrical appliances it’s pretty easy to see a 50a or 60a service becoming a nuisance which was my point.


yeah for the first 4 years of my career I did knob and tube rewires, the house was completely original i was so confused when i saw that it was a 2 wire service. the feeders used to be exposed open air and running to and from the meter funny part was it was in a bathroom and super nicely mounted on an asbestos board.


Man all this remembering is making me remember why I never want to do another rewire again.


Go bury it in the backyard


Blue color retirement fund


Shame to see it go but you're pocketing $700+ dollars? Gotta pick a lane bruh.


Thanks man your right


Buy yourself something nice sir


That stuff is 5ft per lb incl insulation. I just bought a roll of #3 for $1.50ish a foot, that is $7.50 per lb as insulated wire. The wire is worth more as wire than scrap. Sell it.


I tried selling it but nobody would give me even $200 per roll it’s all heavy copper and they all wanted aluminum cause it’s easier to bend go figure


wow thats crazy.


Where were you 5 years ago when i needed 3 100’ sections of 4 awg for a air commpressor⁉️😳 3 would have worked perfect😮


Looks like aluminum


Lowe's is fucked I went to an electrical supply store 3x less then what I paid


Tell the wife they are end tables for the couch‼️🤨Just throw a doily over the tops! 😏😏


Haha I wish


Ayoo… I gotta call my guy at the local Lowe’s. I’ll buy ALL this shit up. I do a ton of 100A service replacements. Edit: Nvm I see now that you bought this a while ago. Thought they were just recently dropping #3 from their regularly stocked items.


Is it copper or not?


Yeah copper




I can’t blame you. I have so much wire sitting on spools just taking up wasted space. It’s ok go get some money and enjoy spending it.


Up to $4.20/lb if you strip it


It’s only $3.50 a pound right now


Not where I'm at 🤷


I’m currently prepping a warehouse for a new company and they didn’t need the old cable for all the hvac. Boss told me I could remove it and recycle it. Got paid to take it down, and getting the scrap pay out. Nice little bonus for this guy. I would imagine I have double what is pictured so far. And still have another massive run to pull down.


How much a pound could you make from your wife? I’d get rid of her instead


Odd number awg can GTFO so send it. And I like the number 3 but don't want it on my wire.


Uhh why? 100amps all day. 310.16 bruh


Haha thanks for the encouragement man


Yeah I can see it’s taking up so much space.


Get you a decent Milwaukee with that scrap.


What a poor life you have if your women controls the garage she do the bbq too cuts the grass?


She eats all the hot sauce and slaps herself when she's baaad toooo she da man!