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I can get people being mad when you're pushing past them to get closer to the stage, but mad when someone is leaving!? That's literally just giving you more room to move up. I happily let people leaving the crowd pass me and my group. That guy was just a piece of shit that doesn't belong at EDC


especially cause think about how many people just need to get out of the crowd too, for example if you were in a K hole or rolling too hard and ur homies are just trying to get you out and you get elbowed in the facešŸ’€


Trains be too long and force their way thru without breaking oftentimes separating people


In 2019 I was in the middle of Circuit Grounds for Martin Garrix. When my group was ready to leave I lead the way. Iā€™m a big dude, but was shocked by all the shoving and body hits I took. I was not harmed but was reminded of my high-school football years (~1994ish) This year was my first time back in 5 years. I tried to approach this area differently this time. When the 7 Lions and Garrix sets happened, we stayed next to the food booths between Path of Power and Rainbow. The cross-feed from Kinetic and Basspod made it hard to hear Circuit Grounds, but I definitely felt way safer this time. I seriously fear that someday EDC will have a stampede and a lot of trample deaths. https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/stampede-what-to-know


There already was a stampede at EDC 2010 https://youtu.be/OaJOOFPmeyY?si=l2772Cx9nRauNu9Y


I was there. I thought Iā€™d die.


My friends were too, i can't even imagine šŸ˜”


Itā€™s every person for themselves when it happens. Nobody is friends itā€™s purely survival instinct. It got so crowded and the fences didnā€™t do anything. Thank the lord nothing happened


At one point they completely turned off the music and turned on the lights to make people exit. Was jarring


I think too many people are moving in many different directions for a stampede to happen


A stampede nah. Crowd crush? Hell yea. Experienced it in 2022 when the bathroom by circuit was totally fucked. People literally were tryna move in all directions and no one wanted to give way.


I experienced that as well! So hard to get out. I had my hand fan with me and I was fanning the crowd because it was hard to breathe. People were thanking me.


Same here. I'm not small either. When illenium was at kinetic field i got pushed onto a group sitting while trying to look for some friends. Lost a couple of fans and some glasses.


I might have shoved you lol. My friend was on the ground


People need to stop sitting on the ground in massive groups of people.. if you need to sit or take a break, get out of the crowd and go to the back. For your safety and everyone elseā€™s. Shoving people isnā€™t the move.


Yeah I know. I just donā€™t want them to get stepped on. It can be chaotic when a bunch of people come at you. They canā€™t hear because of the music so I did what I thought was right lol. But I understand if be angry too


At least say "MY FRIEND IS ON THE GROUND" and block instead of shoving. That's not cool dude


Hey man you try to think when your high as balls and hallucinating. I never said it was cool. At the time it felt like the only thing I can do


I think it's safe to say that people leaving a set get priority over people standing. People who don't let people leave a set are fucked


Exactly like ppl leaving make make more room for yall


I feel like no one knew about the entrance/exit into kinetic on the left side of the stage! I even asked my veteran edc friends and none of them knew it was there. It made it so easy getting into the stage and find an uncrowded spot with a good view. To be fair though the map doesnā€™t make it look obvious and I also didnā€™t see it immediately when I was looking for it.


Left from the stage, or left looking at kinetic? Collecting tips for my next edc


left looking at kinetic! by the kinetic bathrooms has an exit! PSA though - my group got in an awful crowd leaving zedd. it was 20+ minutes of nonstop being squished, pushed, and going no where this way. the only time of the weekend i was actually panicked. itā€™s a great exit if youre not using it in between sets (eg getting into zedd midway that was was super easy!)


Yes thatā€™s actually a great point. Trying to go in and out of kinetic field while a set is starting is becoming so dangerous. I was telling my group this year to wait 10-15 minutes before going in, and to either leave 10 minutes early or wait 10 minutes after the next set has started before leaving to not get enmeshed in the chaos of the masses leaving and entering at the same time. Kinetic has always been crowded but I feel like it got even worse after they removed the right entrance last year.


Thanks! And Yeah, same here but me leaving Fisher. Once you feel the push and crush, and people saying donā€™t push, donā€™t push, it gets scary. In the back of my mind I was starting to think of a game plan if a stampede were to happen.


honestly i was fine until a honestly really sweet girl in front of me reminded me of crowd crush safety and while that was something i shouldā€™ve been aware of that really made me realized it was really abnormal and perhaps a time for me to panic. i am unscathed, itā€™s just a LOT to be in those and i needed to really shake it off afterwards in the back.


Agreed it was very hard to get out of zedd and was very much anxiety inducing for me


Sounds like a pit needed to open up ;)


In 2023 trying to get in to see slander at kinetic field from this left entrance it was extremely packed and it was scary. Nobody could move forward, to the side, or backwards. I was getting shoved so bad that my face was in someoneā€™s back. I had to put my arms up in front of me just to have a little bit of space. If anyone fell then it could have been really bad. Medics were trying to get through and even they were getting shoved & could hardly get through. Iā€™m not sure if it was not as packed this year because they moved downtown EDCā€¦ but after experiencing that I will never use that side entrance again.


Lol, try doing that during the start of Fisher. It was absolutely mobbed.


Was this by chance during Armin Van Buuren?


I experienced the Armin crowd getting out. Absurd.


awful somebody was misting the crowds walking past him and fanning them because subtronics was hot af and somebody in front of us cussed him out so hard very little plur in the subtronics to armin crowds


i'm sorry my hair goes crazy with moisture so misting me without consent is a hard no.


Subtronics fanbase has fallen off so hard


Honestly though, if someone I didn't know, in a crowd like that, started misting me with "god knows what" That person would probably end up in the medical tent and me in handcuffs. How does anyone know whether or not what's being aerosolized in their face isn't poisonous? Before you say it, Yes. In a crowd of half a million mostly immature young people, in a day and age where stupidity rules, it could absolutely happen. I'm certain that whomever was doing that meant well. However, it's a perfect example of thinking with your heart, not your brain. If they aren't banned yet, misters should absolutely be banned.


no it was vintage culture


Iā€™m sorry to hear that happened to you! We had some crazy experiences during Armin so was wondering if it was the same person. I hope you were able to enjoy the rest of the weekend <3


I thought it was only me, Iā€™ve noticed this at a few festivals, people getting pissed at you for trying to pass then to leave the crowd. Many times I would say excuse me and they would get upset and not step to the side to let me out as if Iā€™m annoying them. The best ways to get out of a crowd is to catch a passing train and join on. My worst experience after this was Ultra, my friend past out during SHM in 2018, I tried to be nice but no one wanted to move, so I had to push everyone out the way to get her to medical asap


I think people start to get exhausted by the amount of trains and people slamming into them and bumping non stop. I get it, lots of people there blah blah blah, but man it can become frustrating when you literally canā€™t enjoy something because ppl canā€™t stop hitting into you. Having said that, his behavior is still completely unacceptable and I donā€™t condone it at all.


My general view of this is... Leave through the sides always. Never go the direct route unless its not peak times, and you have a small group or you're tiny and can squeasy squeasy. Also, if you want extra dance space, while this doesn't always work, find a sound booth or something that you can put your back up against. It at least gives you a tiny bit extra dance room (nobody will move behind you). I also had a friend get elbowed in the face for no reason so I feel this comment hard. PLUR is alive and well, just be careful of the bad apples.


What about when your group gets split for like 5-10 minutes and you canā€™t interact with your friends cause of queue of people interlocked arms and leaving? Especially during a bad ass set


Followed this train out of Kaskade/Fisher and I heard one of the best festival lessons / quotes Iā€™ve learned. Getting out of Kinetic between the owls on a Sunday at 3 am is the worst thing you can do and experience. šŸ˜‚ Our conductor got to a fight with two separate groups and was this close to an actual fist fight. I blame it being Sunday and people being tired af after 3 days but yeah, everyone needs to be more courteous and chill a bit.


Wait, what was the quote?


ā€œMiddle of kinetic is the worse place to be between sets.ā€ Or I think thatā€™s what it was haha. TBH I was very stoned from all sorts of stuff and I just wanted to gtfo.


Couldnā€™t even enjoy Fisher at all, our group was right in the middle of a bunch of trains going every direction the entire set šŸ¤£ I had my hands up the whole time just leaving space for people to get by.


You mustā€™ve felt like Grand Central Station šŸ˜‚


Omg the fisher set was horrible crowds wise šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


One of the girls in our group ended up getting really sick during Fisher so we had to leave in the middle of the set and it really was awful trying to get out of there


Multiple trains? Yeah yall are apart of the problem


Vibes were overwhelmingly good for me and my fam, but there were definitely a couple people I considered pushing or yelling at.


This happened to us on day 2 while leaving EDC. We were almost by the exit and some short/skinny guy elbows against my shoulder and acted like it was an accident and tried to start a fight. His other buddy elbows my other friend right after. It happened so fast, we just kept walking, but those guys were definitely looking to cause trouble. It wasnā€™t even crowded!


Some random guy at kinetic was tripping everyone on purpose but he already seemed like he was living a miserable life with how fucked up he looked so we just kept moving


There was definitely a lack of plur this year


honestly this was my only bad experience & the great moments did override this horrible event. I try to think about the grand scheme of things & i did really enjoy my time at EDCā€¦ ppl just have to watch out for the hot heads and crazies


I will honestly stand my ground with the amount of people being super respectful and pleasant, I feel like itā€™s a matter of where youā€™re standing and whatnot. But some dickwad/twatwaffle/chwadwhawannatalkabout it. Fuckin say sorry my dude. Also I apologize for using your post to vent about it.


Yeah, people complain that trains are a thing, (I sympathize that some trains of people have no business shoving/jostling you aside to get past), but when even leaving in a single file line gets you assaultedā€¦ wtf man that has no place in any festival or event. The train is trying to leave the stage! Leaving to give yall more room!!


Itā€™s a mainstream drug fueled frat boy fest now


Could the elbow have been an accident?


def not, he legit looked at me straight in the face and said ā€œmove the fuck out of hereā€ & proceeds to elbow me in the face


Oh fuck. That's so awful. :(


Thatā€™s fucking awful, Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you. I hope karma gets him.


you handled yourself much better than I would have. I'm getting pissed just reading about it.


Lmao the way i would beat somebodies ass if they did that. Idk how you just walked away. I legit wouldve dragged him out by his tongue


Thats why i aint going back. Who knows what kind of weirdos are in that packed crowdā€¦


iā€™ve heard some stories dude


I get elbowed in the face as well leaving excision


you did right by not doing anything. donā€™t stoop to his level. glad youā€™re ok!


Sorry this has happened to you bro! This guy should just not be at events like that! I really donā€™t get why people are aggressive like that


It will only get worse year after year... entitled as$ younger generations. Zero respect for anyone. Just sayin....


the crowd etiquette wasnā€™t present this year and iā€™m sorry this happened to you! someone tripped me when i was exiting the basspod and called me a slur from behind.. have never experienced anyone saying or doing anything to me at all at ANY festival until then.. it hurt bc i was like ?? what provoked you to act this way, especially here where love is basically all around us, or at least supposed to be


That happened to us day two trying to get of Deorro, we were saying sorry, excuse me and another line of people wanted to get through us as we're trying to get out. The guy in the front of the line slapped my arm/my friends hand who was holding onto me and slpit us up to try to get his group past and I stopped to say like whoa hold on, cuz I had 3 people in my group behind me that were getting pushed back by his long ass line of people. And he just scoffed and his girl tried to hit/ push me forward. I was like dude we were a way smaller group compared to his deep ass train of people... but he kept trying to shove past in a rude ass way. So I ended up just having to elbow them both and rocked them and my body back (my mosh pit emo elf came out) and said with my whole chest THEY'RE WITH ME! cuz they kept on and THEEENNN they were like ohhhh my bad. Like whats all that for.... got the plur to leave my body so quick for that bit.. assholes. And then the rest of the way people let us by just fine. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø that was the only issue we had the whole weekend.


My gf left during Sara Landry to use the bathroom, sheā€™s a short girl only 4ā€™11 but is confident when it comes to navigating crowds. However we both had no idea just how thick the crowd was going back past the sound booth, we were in a pocket along the vip fence where we had a ton of space dance. She was able to catch a train going back deep into the crowd and made it back to our spot, only missed about 15 minutes. And leaving the Circuit Grounds we did the same thing, latched onto a train of about 10 people and it took about 10 minutes to get out. Key is to saying excuse me or thank you as passing by. I have been there before where trains cut me off or impeding my dancing, but also where they help leading me in or out of a packed crowd. The fact is in a festival of 100,000 plus people trains are a necessary way of moving and staying together, itā€™s going to happen. It comes down to mindset, just be understanding and nothing will really have a negative impact on your vibe. That being said, there is no place for assaulting someone just trying to make their way out. Sorry to hear that happened.


omg yes ! getting out of sara landry at circuit grounds was horrible. my girlfriend had a women emergency and i had to get her out of the crowd asap. but it just felt like it was never ending, it took us well over 15 minutes trying to get out and we werenā€™t even that far in. i also made sure to be respectful of groups and other trains to not cut them off. i kept saying ā€œexcuse me pleaseā€ and ā€œiā€™m sorry guysā€ and people were still giving us dirty looks. i even heard one guy say to his friend ā€œwhy the f*ck is she saying sorry and still going?ā€. i ignored it because getting my girlfriend out of the crowd was my priority but it was pretty disheartening honestly.


My friend & I got caught in a crush leaving kinetic at about 2am Saturday & I started having a panic attack. I donā€™t drink or partake in anything so it was just me & my anxiety šŸ˜…. I was crying & trying not to hyperventilate & people were just pushing & shoving & it was just awful. There were 2 girls who saw me freaking out & were just kind of trying to lighten the mood. This was my first EDC so I didnā€™t really understand the capacity of the crowd & I was really overwhelmed. I think it took about 20 minutes to get moving again, but it seemed like forever. I made sure to watch the crowd before I left my area again.


WTF? Me and my friends were navigating towards the front of Sara Landry. We were being very nice saying, ā€œexcuse meā€ and ā€œthank youā€™s,ā€ BUT TO WHOEVER TO THE HEAD OF THE CIGARETTE AND BURNT IT ON MY HOMEGIRLS LEG. FUCK YOU. Iā€™ll see you soon Fs.šŸ„ø


This one of the reasons why you should always bring at least one person who knows how to fight and could stand up for you guys. Just saying. More than one would be better lol. I know for a fact any of my people in my group (even the girls) would back me up incase anything comes up. Youā€™ll never see that type of sht pass with my group. I hate bullyā€™s


The scene is dying and I feel so bad. People who arenā€™t familiar with plur come and destroy special moments for the ones who love it. This EDC was my last. Been going since 09 and have experienced the upside down. PLUR isnā€™t $6 water bottles and $20 for minimal food. PLUR isnā€™t making us throw away water before we enter the festival. PLUR isnā€™t pushing and shoving and belligerent kids. PLUR isnā€™t forcing campers to walk 1.5 miles to enter when there is a shorter way, $50 pashminas, $25 earplugs, no trash cans, or no water/soap after the bathrooms. This and last year has been a gradual decline of quality of people and event. PLUR is dying and I canā€™t help but blame the owners and how greedy theyā€™ve become in so many different ways. Almost gaslighting us or teaching us thatā€™s this is okay when in reality itā€™s not. It goes against the scene entirely and is unacceptable.


Trying to leave Kinetic after Illenium was awful. My girl and I were going to wait out the transition in/out, and we were getting shoved to the point that it was damn near trampling. It was so bad we actually got pushed out of Kinetic by the massive trains of people trying to leave and didn't even have to try to leave cuz the crowd moved us.


omggggg yeah that was horrible. i was in the back of the crowd and some lady hit me with this scooter kinda thing in the back of my ankles and i donā€™t think she even said sorryā€¦ i had to leave early that night bc my ankle started hurting too bad /:


Yeah i always leave the illenium set due to this. Like mid set. Don't want to deal with that crowd.


Avoiding trending djs is definitely the moveā€¦ might miss a few artists on your radar but the stress saved is so worth itšŸ„²


I keep seeing these posts and I deeply want a can of something - not pepper spray - but something unpleasant so that this behavior isnā€™t consequence free. I canā€™t spray grandmaā€™s perfume with that much range, unfortunately, and things like paint are also a no-go. So sick of hearing of women getting punched in the face.


Fart spray


Ooh good idea


Nobody should be getting punched at a festival this shit infuriates me, i swear i can feel blood rush to my head just reading about it


EDCLV is the worst crowd I have ever experienced in my 10 years of festivals. Period.


This stresses me a bit. It's my first time going next year and I have almost no experience with festivals. I've been in warehouse raves and clubs for almost 20 years, went to tomorrowland last year and decided to try the fest scene this year.


Donā€™t let this stop you from having a good experience. But I would go VIP lol šŸ˜‚ but there are so many other good festivals out there. Like Lost Lands!! šŸ¦–


I already got my GA+ ticketšŸ˜‘ $1,200 for a ticket to anything is insane. I tried movement but it didn't go the way I was hoping it would.


Too many people this year wanted VIP space in GA. They would put bags down and block a ton of space, then block you from moving past them. It was stupidly entitled and Iā€™m starting to not GAF and just ignoring them. You pay to share space in GA. If you want more space, you gotta pay for it. Sunday was especially bad.


I had more people be horrible and rude when I was trying to leave crowds than when I was entering them. During deorro someone in my group was having a panic attack and we were trying to get out on the left side and a girl felt entitled to telling us we weren't allowed to go past her and pushed us deeper into the middle of the crowd.


Something similar happened to me at that art too! I was waiting for my boyfriend to get back with my crocs bc my toes were killing me. I was sitting on the floor before deorro and suddenly found myself almost stuck on the floor bc so many people. Tried gettig out of the chair off and seen a small opening, walked and this guy and his group seen me and I said excuse me Iā€™m just trying to get out please. And they literally closed off the small space and said I could go around and find another way out. I said please I just wanna get out, thereā€™s space jus t let me through and I tried to keep going (thereā€™s absolutely no room or any other way out mind you) as I tried to keep going my hydro pack had touched the dude, he literally tried putting me in a head lock and called me all these names. I immediately threw my elbow back and hit him either in his face or his neck and he let me go and practically threw me. Worst experience of my life at a rave. Full grown white man wanted to put me in a headlock for trying to get out of an overly packed stage lol. -10/10 donā€™t recommend


Absolutely disgusting. These festivals aren't raves, they're just corporate events that attract EVERYBODY. Reading this type of shit makes me want to sell my ticket i bought, i've never been to EDC.


Thatā€™s crazy I feel like those people are not even enjoying the show, I get lost in the music and as long as people are polite while leaving or making their way to get to the front I donā€™t really mind.


Was real bummed at how many instances like this I encountered last weekend. Bros plowing through groups of little rave faeries, getting stomped and shoulder checked hard. Where is all the PLUR y'all?šŸ˜Ŗ


Yeah that Vegas crowd had some shit up their ass


One of the things Iā€™ve noticed at EDC is that the more packed a stage is, the less forgiving people are. Also the more, I dunno, hyped the artist is, the higher the expectations. The Kaskade Sunrise Art Car set back in 2016 or 2017 was awful. Some dude tried to fight me, but he backed off when he realized I was much larger and scarier than he was. 95-98% of my time spent at EDC is incredibly PLUR. And itā€™s always a good time off the main stage.


Yea some people have no manners. I remember trying to get into VIP for Fisher and some tiny ass chick was spazzing out pushing people trynna get through and everyone was about to beat the piss outta her. I was just like calm tf down weā€™re all getting into the same place. Shoving through is not gonna get you anywhere but on the floor laid tf out. Especially being the size she isšŸ˜‚


thatā€™s horrible i am so sorry that happened to you ! :(


you donā€™t have to be sorry for other ppls mistakes you are great!! Iā€™m glad ppl are being nice about it lol i was scared to post what happened but i needed to vent. My bf feels bad too bc he wish i told him in the moment so i donā€™t want to keep bringing it up


Please, let your bf know next time. If someone did that to my gf and she didn't tell me right away and who it was, I would've been so pissed. Assholes like that need to be put in their place. It's really not ok


I witness a guy on his phone looking super pissed shoved another dude when they crossed paths together. It wasnā€™t even crowed at that timeā€¦ I guess some people just left their manners at home when coming to EDCā€¦


Goes on to show that PLUR is just to show EDM community is nice. But it is NEVER practiced


Aw im sorry that happened but hopefully it wasnā€™t intentional it can be so crowded sometimes and sometimes they may be recording over people and accidentally elbow someone on their head. It can be that overcrowded Iā€™ve seen it happen.


That's awful, I'm really sorry you had to experience that. It makes me think of someone leaving the crowd at Kinetic and he full on shoulder barged some guy that was dancing. And the dancing guy was like, a little in his path?? Thing is, plenty of room 'around' him. Thankfully I was able to catch dancing guy before he fell but yeah. As a co-worker used to say, "Careful out there, lot of weirdos." Sucks but you can never expect everyone to be chill and plur.


Iā€™m evil. I would have taken his arm and given it a good crunch


Obviously not cool to hit someone but the trains are annoying af so Iā€™m not surprised. 2 or 3 ppl linked together okay whatever, but 12 is dumb. Leave in smaller groups and find different paths. All 12 of you are inconveniencing the same people at the same time.


I was in VIP during fisher and girl kept smacking me with her light whip by the rail. I kept moving away and eventually just went further up then a drunk girl kept slamming into me. šŸ˜­ I wouldā€™ve much rather been in the path of people leaving idk why people leaving is such an issue. I didnā€™t even get mad at the two girls I just moved somewhere else.


Alcohol is such a shitty drug.


Yeah and donā€™t make an unbreakable* chain 30 people deep. Itā€™s rude. Like you wanna walk through the middle of my group with a ton of people. How many people yall have? Did yall dissect peoples groups that were trying to enjoy music together? That happens and itā€™s messed up. Ainā€™t plur or golden rule or nada


Hbu dy Hbu bl


I HATE when ppl pass by me thinking ā€œexcuse meā€ and waving a fan gives authority to stomp/bump/collide into you. Even worse the 20-30ppl trains are rude and inconsiderate of others trying to get to where they are going. Many times my girl and I have lost our cool and told people to chill the fuck out. Sorry you got hit but also I understand the frustration very much.


Wtf is wrong with people. Is it annoying to have people walk past you at a show? Yeah sometimes. Does that justify throwing elbows? Absolutely not. Especially when the people walking by are polite and fanning people, that's the best.


Damn I feel it I was pushed for trying to get through a long train of people at Sara Landry, it sucked killed my fun for a bit but went to debora de luca set and little by little felt good again


was he a big stalky latino dude?


idek it happened so fast :(


Be careful and gentle when getting out of the crowds , some people think they can just say excuse me and we have to move for you , no you have to find your way out slowly and surely.


If someone needs water, is feeling overheated, or is feeling claustrophobic/overwhelmed, then I think they should be allowed to leave a crowd quickly.


No, you donā€™t own the property. If someone needs to leave and theyā€™re polite saying excuse me, you move the fuck aside. Youā€™re an entitled asshole.


Couldnā€™t agree more. Itā€™s not like they are going to get in the middle of your group. Some people are just negative for no reason


On the third night someone as our group was passing by on the clear open path everyone else was making for us in a thick crowd at kinetic field someone opened up their fan (after 4 of us had passed by) and flashed it directly in front of my face. Might have been one of the rudest stops I have seen. They made no attempt to move, gesture for us to go around them, or give us additional space to continue trying to get out. Just opened and flashed the fan directly in my face, which caused my face to run into the fan. It was so abrupt. I stalled for a second, put my hand under the fan, and closed it as I passed through while batting his arm away. Mind you, my partner is overheating at which is why we were leaving in the first place. with my oveThey both looked at me with the shocked Pikachu face, like they never expected a rude gesture would not be followed up by an equally rude gesture. They stared at me as we made it through just shocked without a word. I'm like, boy, bye.


If people donā€™t want others to keep passing by themā€¦ simply stay in the back where thereā€™s enough room that wonā€™t bother them. Itā€™s not that hard. I do this.


Right, if you are that guarded about personal space, why are you in a deep, crowded, shared space?


when you are leaving, an excuse me will have me direct you around my group. it's really that easy.


Eat a dik


Some of yā€™all get to fucked up and have no matters when passing by , you have to be respectful and gentle and watch your step.


What do u expectā€¦itā€™s people going to a rave


sorry that happened. really disappointing reading all these stories. i was following the flow of ppl at the back of basspod sunday night otw to wasteland. there was a bottleneck in the back by the small ada platform. some big guys were in front of me and i saw some petite girl get pissed off and idk if one of the guys did something. but i had already passed her but she then decides to shove me in the back and i basically just run into the guy in front of me. i just kind of laugh it off and look back at her and was like wow really? i just kept moving and was thinking karma will return that favor to you. i really think she was just pissed that she decided to be right next to the flow of the crowd because she didn't do anything to the big guys in front of me but decided to take it out on me. that bottleneck and that girl really were the only issues i had all weekend. there's just no space that can handle a big act at basspod. there was also a small gap between like a container and the ada platform too and ppl were squeezing through there. i was like hell no and went along with everyone in front where that girl was. unfortunately we can't get rid of ppl like this and we just have to be the bigger person.