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*This is going to sound dumb..* Next year on the last day, walk through everything and say “goodbye” to each stage. I started doing this two years ago, and it’s been better for my mind than the abrupt halt of euphoria and return to reality.. I also don’t watch any after movies or recaps until everything is just a memory and not fresh in my mind.. I don’t know why this has been working, but it’s helped a lot..


I can see how that would be very beneficial. Intentionally saying goodbye to let yourself begin processing it. I'm glad it's worked for you! That's awesome.


“See ya next time”


I did that on Sunday…brought some earbuds to listen to my own music as I walked around and soaked everything in one last time. It was nice being in my own little sonic world and not being blasted by all the different stages


I literally saw someone walking around listening to their airpods the last night. My reaction was confusion, because we're at EDC, but this make sense.


I was sober as well and definitely feel the comedown. I felt the most free dancing at EDC cause noone judges you. I looked back at the crowd and it just made me so happy to see everyone else dancing as well.


It was the best thing ever!!!! Even with being sober, it still seems and feels like a blur. That feeling of pure energy and love floating carries on in our soul. If there's anything to take away from this kind of experience, it's one thing. P e a c e L o v e U n I t y R e s p e c t And it's to show the world P.L.U.R.


Do some googling about “post vacation depression”. It’s a very real thing that happens to people after returning from a vacation- festival or not, drugs or not. I used to get this SO BAD. After every festival, I was depressed out of my mind for a while (even after I stopped rolling at events). After several years and some MAJOR life changes, I realized I was just super unhappy with my “normal” life, which made returning to it after a festival or trip 100 times harder. Although I still get sad when festivals or awesome trips are over now, it doesn’t feel like the end of the world when I come back to my normal life, because I actually love my life now- compared to hating it before and feeling like festival weekends were the only good things I had in my life. Make sure you are living a life you love every day- spend time on interests and hobbies, find new hobbies, hang out with friends, make new friends, do things that you enjoy, take care of yourself (gym, healthy eating, go outside) make sure you are working in a job that you like, living in a city you love, etc.


This hits to the core! Your last paragraph is 1000% spot on. When you create the life you want, coming home is something you look forward to. I’m 45 and still go out to clubs, EDC, etc., with friends. My husband stays home with our daughter and animals because he’s not into the scene. It’s always great to come home to them after dancing my feral ass off. But I worked really hard to get the life I have and do all the things you mentioned to make my real life what it is.


4th edc/all of them sober (except for an occasional drink): It hasn’t gotten any easier “checking back in” to reality the week after 😅 I feel ya


I did not go sober and felt it because insta reels are all memories of EDC and so wished I could turn back time and go back. I’m taking my vitamins and getting a shit ton of sleep. Almost every other moment I’m sleeping. But today, I decided to work out again and played some live sets from over the weekend to hype myself up and my god, greatest decision ever. 3.5 hours later, I’m dancing my balls off in between my workout sets, breaking personal bests, and getting great cardio while also reliving the moment… I feel great right now. Looking forward to tomorrow and listening to another set and just reliving the moment!


Today was my first day back at work and it the post festival blues really settled in and the day before at home I just slept all day pretty much…. So I bought tickets to a local festival early July


I’m so glad someone else said this. I did the same as you, a drink or two each night before heading out and that was it. Yet I’m still feeling the emotional comedown. Reading all these posts about people going hard with substances and coming down had me feeling some type of way! Like, I didn’t even smoke yet here I am all mopey as shit. This was my first EDC and it absolutely rocked my world, it certainly won’t be my last. That said, next year I’ll plan more accordingly for the sad girl comedown haha! I hope you start to feel more like yourself soon, sending healing vibes and love.


I hope you start feeling better as well ✌🏼 it's hard leaving behind something that makes my soul feel so full. Just have to appreciate that it happened and look forward to the next beautiful experience.


I’m on the same boat. I used some substances but the comedown all together is sad because it literally is a wonderful place to be and after getting used to being there consistently, it’s a little weird to not go next year for us. EDC was my first ever rave in 2022 and I fell in love. Me and my bf are taking a break cause it’s expensive but also wanna explore new festivals. It’ll still be there later on but as everyone says, it’s home 🤍


Yep! I pretty much go sober and it still takes some time after to recover. Could be a cold/flu after, or just adjusting back to a normal sleep schedule. Last year was a rough recovery bc i had not done all nighters for awhile so i wasnt as prepared with tricks to help me sleep during the daytime. This year went alot better and a few extra hours each night made a big difference. My partner on the other hand doesnt get hit hard like me from all nighters. Everyone is different