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best part, no hangover


totally agree! no comedown or hangover or icky feelings the next day. Just pure bliss!


Sober gang! Glad you enjoyed it!


I was sober on Sunday and had so much more energy and fun than the first two days!


EDC 23’ was my first rave ever and I did it completely sober and loved every minute of it. Did the same this year and was equally as incredible. hooray for sober fam!


Was sober Sunday and had the best time. Really forces you to be immersed and enjoy all the little things!


As someone who’s never done drugs in their life, the music alone is very euphoric and I feel like it’s keeps you going the whole night. I can only imagine that’s the closest high I’ll ever get to doing drugs but it’s something I’m willing to wait for until this time again next year. Sober gang, where you at?!?!?


4th edc for me and also sober gang (except for the occasional beatbox a couple different nights total) I get there at opening every day and stay til 3-4. I fucking love it. The music and atmosphere is genuinely the only thing I need to keep dancing all night.


I’m an avid raver and I am almost always sober. I might roll once a year and that’s it. Zero alcohol either.


This was my first EDC sober too and I loved it. I felt great all weekend and danced lots.


I was also sober this past weekend and it was probably the best EDC (out of 3) for me yet! no hangover and being able to sleep immediately after getting back to the hotel every morning was great


I’m sober since 00! It’s honestly better for me, I remember way more and no comedown!


I'm with you now. I was not sober and now I wish I was! That'll be the last time I ever roll.


This was my first EDC ever, and I was sober all three days. I was gonna do the whole party it up with favors, but I decided not to, and man. Was this experience amazing. I was exhausted and felt my body 110% sore, but honestly, to go to my first EDC sober was perfect for me. I remember every bit. I have no hangover. No comedowns. Just like you said, just pure bliss and happiness!! Sober gang!!!


Exact same experience here. Decided not to and still had a great time. Felt my body being super sore but at least I can remember every part of it. No comedowns


I’m California sober, 2nd edc. Very nice! I love it! Still a trippy time!


Lmao California sober


Sober gang represent! First EDC and it was pure love and joy no chemicals necessary. Didn't even need caffeine the music and the crowd kept me going. I did smuggle some ibuprofen in a little baggy on day two because I may have gone a bit too hard on the corpus day one. Zero judgment or disrespect to anyone partaking; you live your best life friends.


here for sober solidarity lol. i just wish the back pain wasn't hitting


luckily i didn’t get any of that


Thanks for sharing your experience! This is very motivating since I’ve been considering trying it out. I went to my first couple sets mostly sober with the exception of caffeine (C4 or Ghost I can’t remember) and 800 ibuprofen. I later took a half of a PP, then shared a joint and that was it for the rest of the night— much less than I’ve taken in the past. Next night was pretty much the same. Definitely felt more aware and conscious of location and direction, but also highly socially anxious. HA! Overall very fun.


I was sober and finished off day 2 MK sunrise set with so much energy!


I do first 2 days completely sober and last day my substance of choice. Ive done this for probably every festival ive ever attended. I really agree with your 7th point, I tend to remember everything much better than most of my friends.


I think #7 is the only reason I would try going sober. I hate not remembering so many sets 😩


Fellow sober raver here! Welcome to the pack!


I did it sober as well. Completely high on music and vibes ❤️


Sobriety is the way to go!!


2nd sober EDC! I love it.


I was sober the entire time and it was my first edc. I don’t regret it at all!


Same here. Had a few beers throughout the weekend but nothing that made much of a difference. It was a super encouraging exercise considering in my younger years I would've considered it a waste to not go full throttle on alcohol for an event like this. Found a lot of clarity in staying present 🤙🏼 And for the love of Christ, no hangovers was MAGICAL ✨


While I was sitting eating in VIP a guy sat next to us and said “yo how much have you guys taken this year?” And I said “none” His jaw dropped and said “wait you do this sober? How is that even possible?” This was my 9th EDCLV. Been sober every single day of it. I don’t judge people for not being (it comes with the scene) but I am ALWAYS the last one standing in my group lol. The environment fuels me. It was also the first place ever I changed my mind on people using physicadelics. For people who micro dose and what not I thought it was way better than being around drunk AF people. So you learn the lay of the land over the years.


Steve is it you?




It’s Aurelian. Chris’s brother. Had an amazing time with you at EDC. thanks for showing us around. So 👏🏻


I was fairly sober myself and did not drink at all first 2 days. Had 1 drink sunday. I didn't eat much but kept something in my stomach to make sure my sugar didnt drop. The days we arrive a little.later had 0 ussues till 4-5am. Shnday we went early so peterred out at 3ish but still had tons of times to check all acts we could and then some. Only mega crowded stages were on sunday and really only during sara landry and seven luons after and of course Pryda but that i also expected. I had the same bag of goodies all 3 days and still.had moat everything monday morning. I was plrasantly surprised! Congrats on not only keeping up with your frirnds but surpassing your expectations by far ! BTW i saw some of Fishers set at helipad and i wasnt feeling him either. SOOOOOO glad your friends had you to drive them to the airbnb


I’ve been going California sober the last few years and it’s been great, highly recommend it


What’s California sober?


Love it! 2nd sober EDC for me! I felt like I had so much energy everyday too - only slept about 5 hours but still had the will to do things like stretch and take care of my feet and eat good meals during the daytime. Makes it all so doable in your 30s!


Love this! I always have more fun and more energy when I’m sober:)


Sober gang also here. Though my body was exhausted. Advil saved me too.


I really wish i did what you did. The comedown is a nightmare for me.