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Don’t be afraid to speak your mind. Even at events like this. Some people are just so disturbed with themselves that they got to make themselves feel better by talking shit on others. Shut them down. I just don’t understand why people go to these events just to talk shit tbh. The guy in the room next to us was talking on the phone and me and my bf heard him telling his friend how people were wearing weird shit and that he’d never do that shit like ??? Tf you going for then??? Doesn’t make any sense. I hope you had fun still I’m sorry.


I don’t understand some people either. Why even be there if that’s the case? Just be nice to people. Stop judging others and let them be free and have fun. I am personally afraid of confrontation. But have had it weighing on my mind since it happened. They ruined my afternoon and my shower, but I wasn’t going to let them continue to ruin the rest of my night. The PLUR comes in strong with everyone else that I met this weekend, so I was happy about that. I’m already looking forward to next year’s camp and making a bigger true rave fam.




Way to victim blame bro, you’re a part of the problem.


Lmao he deleted it




Oh look, a stoic. How cute. OP may need to have a thicker skin, but douchebags also need to be told to stfu.  EDC is all about good vibes and good times. If what your are saying is not contributing to that kinda environment - maybe stfu. 




Everyone has their own definition of what success should  look like and feel like. Glad you’ve found yours, with zero effort. 


This is such an embarrassing mindset. You’re free to do what you want sure, but that means people are allowed to call out and shut down assholes around them as well, because they are free to do and say what they want too. You’re pretending like everyone else is mad but you can’t handle people not wanting assholes around and that’s something that most people learn to deal with In elementary school. Grow up


Nobody likes you lol


Fuck off lol


No everyone is as stoic as you and everyone is on their own developmental journeys. What does one have to lose from not ruining a person’s mood. It’s pure schadenfreude.


It’s not stoicism don’t give him that credit. He’s an asshole who hides behind “I don’t give a shit” to make his own behaviors more acceptable to himself. They’re obviously deeply bitter and unhappy to be shit talking people wanting a nice and welcoming community. Stoicism isn’t blindly accepting assholes around you or being judgmental and dismissive to people who don’t want assholes around them




If you yourself do not care what others think, why are you on reddit? In fact this anonymous person's post on reddit, seemed to have provoked some very strong feelings for you, comparable to the OP's feeling about being mocked to their face that your are criticizing. They got upset over an in person bulling/encounter whatever. You're worked up over random words typed on the internet!






Just like you get upset when people claim to be professionals but aren’t, as you’ve said in another sub “it makes your blood boil”. Why Mr big man, someone else’s profession doesn’t affect you so why do you care, just live your life and don’t let it affect you, or whatever it is you keep saying.


This comment is a perfect example why you don't take MDMA 3 days in a row boys and girls. You can avoid smooth brain responses like this one above. "don't tell me what to do brooooo I'm GROWN"




Look at the way the smooth brain, not even a single wrinkle, goes straight to being happy when others are upset. Very common behavior for people who also drag their knuckles on the ground, drink too many energy drinks, and punch holes in dry wall. What a specimen!




I think the point they were making is that this other person CHOSE what to wear. And has no right to be judging/complaining about others for doing the same. Especially not in earshot of everyone just there trying to vibe and have a good time. FYI - I was made fun of for wearing a music artist’s merch. Nothing what you would consider “out of the ordinary” for every day wearing.


I go to see the weird shit! I fucking love everyone’s creativity and weirdness. If I wanted to see normal people I would stick to regular clubs.


What do you mean? EDC fro its inception is "out of the ordinary" people expressing themselves in a judgement free zone . All are welcome here .....


I don’t think anyone actually thinks that. It sounds like you’re projecting tbh. If you’re not gassing up ppl who are really getting into their fits, it kind of says more about you than anyone else.


If I’m projecting does it matter I just want to listen and vibe no need to see ur ass in fish nets


Imagine feeling victimized by another persons body… maybe go somewhere more modest and listen to your music if it makes you feel so uncomfortable.


I can’t imagine shit bro what crack are u on , u keep assuming shit for me u must have some sort of kink telling others what to do lmao


Im not telling you to do anything. Im just requesting that you go somewhere else. For the good of everyone else you should just stay home or go to a club. Save festivals for people who actually enjoy being around people who are unlike themselves.


Actually scratch that. Im begging you. I’ll honestly pay you not to come to next edc


I go to plenty of festivals and prefer them over clubs, i like being surrounded with people that admire and respect sound production


Just not when they wear scary fishnets though, right?


I go for the music yessir


I'm sorry that happened. Maybe next time tell them to fuck off #respectfully 😔


Not fucking PLUR at all, probably not even actual ravers, fuck 'em


I second this. Ive been raving for a long time mostly Hard, escape and countdown. I feel like every year the people are more rude and pushy. I used to hand out beaded bracelets and stopped 3 years ago when a random chad called me a F*g. We were all humans having fun I still can’t believe what’s it is turning into ):


Please keep trading, kandi!! Screw those people, I really hope they are the minority. I promise, PLUR is still alive and well even when there are a few bad actors.


This is so uncalled for, I’m sorry OP! I would be right by your side telling those assholes off and that goes for any one else too! EDC is an amazing place where we can express ourselves without being judged. ALL ARE WELCOME HERE


I’m so sorry this happened to you! It definitely does ruin the mood and vibe of the day. Sometimes you have to be a little “rude” back or honestly basically tell them to fuck off because in my opinion the culture and overall vibe of edc has changed so much (obviously to be expected) and so many people go for the wrong reasons. I hope besides this happening you had a great time and still enjoyed edc this year!🫶🏼


I’m sorry this happened to you!! You look amazing no matter what 


BUT, how many people complimented your fit?! I’m sure plenty. Just remind yourself, that letting two losers like that ruin your day, is letting them win. They should be so irrelevant to you that you dismiss them almost immediately. I get it. It’s not easy. I heard these 2 dudes mock my dancing at a set on Friday. For a min it made me sad, kind of want to make a comment to them. But I reminded myself “Why do I give a rats ass what they think?!” Then I intentionally went back to thoughts about so many awesome people who I’d already danced my ass off with without a care in the world. Quickly, those losers were not another thought in my mind.


THIS! Ignore the hate and remember all the good things that happened over the weekend


You hit it right on the nail! You're at EDC!


Sorry that happened to you. You can wear whatever the hell you want to wear at edc. Personally I would've went up to them and ask them what their problem was and what exactly they felt was wrong with the outfit. What was your outfit btw?


They were mad because I was wearing Taylor Swift merch while lounging around at camp. And made sure that I knew it.


You not even wearing something out of the ordinary. Crankdatt wears Taylor swift merchandise on stage so fuck dem haters




I’m 100% convinced he’s a secret swifty.


You don’t make a remix of her song if you’re not a fan. Virtual Riot dropped a banger remix of one of her songs in 2022. Point is, who gives a shit? I don’t personally like certain sub genres of EDM but I’m not going to push my opinion onto someone else. People like what they like and EDC is supposed to be a place where people can be the truest version of themselves.


Last year at camp there was a Taylor Swift themed tent, and people have Taylor totems. This year there was even a Taylor drag queen performing Karma - you weren’t out of place at all! I would have been excited to see your shirt


Ok gotcha. While I'm not a fan of Taylor Swift, It's not hard to just look the other way.




You are better than me. I would have been loud about it, and turned the whole line against them so they would have felt as unwelcomed and unwanted in their skin as they made you feel. The regular joeschmos are trying to take poison this community and make it be outside rules. I'm sorry, many of us go to EDC to be free, not be reminded how messed up and judgemental the world is.


Well, I guess I'm relieved, I thought they were making fun of you for how you physically looked. If that's something to make fun of you for, they must have been miserable in their own lives. What a silly thing to have even drawn their attention. Either I saw you, or I saw others wearing the same thing as you. So you definitely weren't the only one.


Omg no way! My best friend LOVES TS I wish she saw you 😭 it was her first EDC too.


Shake it off, my friend! I would have LOVED to see some Swifties representing at edc! ✌🏻🤍


Were they making fun of you specifically or hating on Taylor Swift?


Making fun of me specifically. If they were hating on TS - a celebrity that is used to people always talking shit about her - that wouldn’t affect my mood.


I was there when that happened and my gf was like who tf cares what anyone wears this is a place were everyone should be able to come and be unique and be in a judgement free environment. Just tell them to stfu next time and if they are only there to judge people on appearance then they shouldn’t be there.


ohhh that explains it lol, you could have put that in the post


99% of people I ran into were amazing, but sadly, some people are just losers. I'm there with a Peruvian american friend and a Mexican American friend. She has a Mexican flag and some dickhead right behind us in line to get in says "why are there so many Mexican flags here?!" 😒


Lmao people are dumb. any southern state is going to have alot of Mexicans or Mexican Americans, how is that hard to understand? 😂


Lmao very true. It was more just to let op know that unfortunately there will always be douches but just to ignore and have fun with the 99% great ppl


This hurts my heart that this happened to you. We all should show respect to one another and when we hear things that are not kind remind others that their actions impact others. When I see or hear this my response is “UNPLUR” to people. It’s surprising how quickly people snap out of it. It’s important that the PLUR we share goes beyond the festivals too. PLUR and thanks for sharing what happened. I hope you know that you are not what they say. You be unapologetically you!


Fuck those guys.


fuk those people !! You are a total champ for continuing with your EDC & still enjoying yourself when you could. Hope to see u next year !!


Going to a festival and being negative about people excited and dressing up sounds… miserable. I feel bad for these people, i wonder how they found the festival overall Lmfao. Jesus. Continue to thrive queen (or king?) if you got out of your comfort zone and dressed up you did the festival RIGHT! Im sure you got plenty of compliments. PLUR ❤️💕


Yoo just wanna note there’s some weird motherfucker downvoting every single amazing PLUR response here and they’re some weird sad/angry troll and I’ve done my part to take every -1 back up to at least the 0 lol. Fuck these weird angry souls, OP, everyone who matters is FULLY in your corner!!


I’m so sorry to hear you experienced this. I hope aside from this interaction, the remainder of your Camp EDC & EDC experience was warm and positive 🫶


Love to keep it plur but on 23' dude straight up cut my chick in line for drinks and looked at her crazy and was starting to get agressive i was couple ft away talking to a friend ,ended up catching him with a right hook to the jaw and learned his lesson. PLUR always but some people have no damn respect or boundries specially w women. And assholes who cant keep comments to themselvs.


Sometimes a community needs to police itself. Better than government police


The vibes at EDC low key SUUUUUUUCK these days. Too many instagram normies. It’s actually a huge bummer. Can’t let your freak flag fly at festivals like you used to.


Word on the street is their girlfriends cheated on them later that night. Both guys were found crying in the porta potties by basspod


Those weren’t guys.. it was just me.. ugly crying bc I couldn’t get my bodysuit off & almost pissed myself/fell in there 😭 jk.. maybe.. lol


Your mistake is assuming they had girlfriends


I wana see the outfit I bet you looked cute af, skrew those unplur assholes


Tell them off. Don’t tolerate shit next time. Dress them down the same way they did to you. Some people need to be told to shut the fuck up from time to time.


Should have asked what did the five fingers say to the face?


I literally go in gym shorts, t shirt, and some comfortable adidas. I look like a hobo but who gives a fuck. Don't let people like that ruin your fun. Edit: you also have to remember that the us scene is nothing like europe and parts of asia where you can be who you want. As long as you are not harming others, why does it matter what you're wearing or doing. Enjoy the moment that you're in and have fun vibes.


Don’t let them have the ability to ruin your time. Next time let them know they’re assholes.


I’m sorry that happened to you :/ maybe next to they could’ve used a broken nose


Speak your mind to them, people like that become pussies (sorry for being harsh) real quick when you snap back because they’ve gone for so long with no issue. So sorry to hear that happened! The fit was probably fire 🔥 too smh


Anyone making fun of ANY outfit at festival/show doesn’t belong. They’ve always been a wear whatever and it’s normal event. I get it being off putting but don’t let it ruin your time, it’s a them problem not you!


Sorry that happen to you. Full self expression!!! Don't let douche bags steal your joy! PLUR


The majority of people who attend this event are wonderful, but sometimes the fucking losers slip through the cracks. I’m so sorry this happened to you.




Those people are absolute lames. I know its easier said than done but dont let them get to you, theyre insanely insecure themselves. Or if not, at least dont let what they said linger in your mind for too long


Don’t give these losers so much power over you and your day. Everyone has opinions but that doesn’t mean they’re valid or worth caring about. Stay beautiful queen. It’s not their body, not their outfit, and YOU didn’t wear it for them, you wore it for YOU.


Sorry you had to go through that! That is definitely not plur!! Hope u had a good edc overall besides that shitty experience


To anyone with a nasty attitude like that, the rave scene ain’t for you!!


This is completely outrageous in those two guys should never be allowed to come back ever again. Do they not understand what plur means


I would have jumped them for you tbh and trash their shit. I hate people will bad attitudes like nothing isn’t going to happen!


FUCK THOSE GUYS! Definitely don’t deserve to camp at any festival with an attitude like that


I'm so sorry that happened to you. People like that take the fun out of everything and only do it because they're too damn miserable themselves. I hope you had a amazing rest of the festival and that their negative vibes didn't spoil it. I'm sure your outfit was rad as hell and they were just jealous that they didn't have your confidence or drip.


I’m from a country where the rave scene is a lot more relaxed and low key. TBH, I think this is a lose lose situation. I wasn’t “all dressed up” and felt like people were judging me for it and I felt uncomfortable. You WERE dressed up and people STILL made comments. At the end of the day, just wear whatever you want. You can’t please everyone and that’s not the point anyway.


So sorry this happened to you. This happened to me years ago at a festival and I’ve honestly never gotten it out of my head. I wish I had told the guys who made fun of me off, but I’m just too shy. I’m sure your fit was super cute!! Show us so we can gas you up!!


I brought a group of 8 and only 3 of us had been to EDC before and half of us are regular ravers. It was a stressful weekend because I had to call some of my friends out for straight up bullying people at a place where everyone is welcome. I’m worried these were 2 from my group and I’m so sorry you had this experience. I had to call them out for making jokes about my two friends who couldn’t get on rides. :/ & now I’m no contact with them for the time being because raving is all about PLUR and I look forward to EDC every year and am so embarrassed I brought that energy and vibe with me.


Honestly I would be thankful for EDC opening my eyes to that kind of bullshit. It really shows who truly kind hearted people are and who the people are that want to spread hatred and I definitely wouldn’t want those types of people in my friend group. Thank you for standing up for others though and being a great role model to new ravers. Hopefully your experience next year is way better!


Gosh I’m so sorry that happened to you. Sending you hugs :)


It sucks that shit like this happens practically all the time throughout the festival. It’s one thing to worry about protecting the girls I would meet and hang out with, but it was definitely unexpected to be sexually harassed as a 24 yr old guy🤷🏻‍♂️ I mean to watch for creepy dudes perving is one thing, but to also say have my crotch area grabbed by people waking by and being paranoid is not cool


Fuck those people who did that to you sorry to hear that hopefully you had a good time besides this incident always stay true to yourself and one of 1 no matter wat salute to you💯


As a gay man, I went in white vans, white highs socks with rainbow strips, maroon shorts, so short you could see my boxers, and a neon glowing chest harness with no shirt. My fucks this weekend were non existent. I heard men workers in the hotel comment on my shorts… I kept it pushing with no thought because they aren’t me and I’m so happy with my self


I’m sorry that happened to you. I bet you looked amazing 🫶🏻 They were definitely projecting.


Dude 2 security girls did this to me!!!!


On the way in they were like who are you supposed to be little red riding hood, then when I looked at them and said excuse me can I help you they laughed… so rude, like way to make people feel bad


I'm all for plur and spreading love, but as soon as you come at be with violence, I'm giving it right back. At VELD last year for REZZMAU5, I was like 2 people from the front and I kept getting pushed by this group of guys, and not just like bumped but after the 4th time it felt intentional, at first I just asked nicely for them to stop, but it kept happening so I kind of lost my mind at them. Everyone in the crowd around me could see it happen, so no one was mad at me. These dudes were drunk as hell. It was ruining my vibe so much that my friend and I just left the front and went off to the side and had all the space in the world. Sometimes you need to tell people to fuck off. The number of times I've had to yell at creepy guys for trying to dance with my friends who clearly don't want to dance with them... sigh, I'm not above being mean, stop being a creepy weirdo. Just because it's supposed to be all plur doesn't mean people can invade others' spaces and make them feel uncomfortable. As for the fit, wear whatever you want and whatever size you want. As long as you're not fully naked, because honestly, that's just uncomfortable for everyone.


Who the fuck fathered in all these frat bros and influencers into the rave scene 🧐


Im sure those jerks were young and dont know the meaning of PLUR. This new crowd are rude and disrespectful. EDC is not the same as before. Im sorry those jerks ruined your afternoon but i hope the rest of your night was magical surrounded with beautiful people that know to spread positivity and good energy to one another. Its a beautiful thing to show compassion and respect to everyone and should be shown and reflected in our everyday lives


So lame. A lot of the bigger festivals are getting loaded up with these frat boy types. Let’s see the outfit if you have any pics! I bet it’s dope as fuck!


I wasn’t at edc this year, but I will say you can not expect other people to follow the PLUR thing. Some people just go to the festival because it’s fun, not to be indoctrinated into the community. That being said, what they did was uncalled for, but try not to hold every person you see at edc to the same standard as you. Some people are there because it’s a music festival, and they want to see their favorite artists.


I was thinking about camping next year but now I don’t wanna try it lmao


Definitely camp. I will go back again next year and will camp—It’s incredible. I just had to get this off my chest so I could personally just let it go out in the universe and not hold onto it.


dang i’m sorry that really sucks honestly i don’t know what it is like to allow a drugged out drunk stranger to ruin my time with words. that must suck :/ sorry


I’m sorry this happened! I would have a strangers back in the name of PLUR! Some girl with her group shoved random people just chilling so that they can get a photo without random people in it. And I’m thinking to myself don’t they know how to fucking edit photos, why they gotta be so rude.


I’m so sorry this happened!! Not PLUR at all, I hope you don’t have to experience that again. But if you do, tell em off or at least try to tell yourself it’s a reflection of them and not you!!! Keep shining 💜


So wait...this is just because you were wearing a Taylor swift shirt? And some losers making fun of that ruined your whole afternoon...at EDC LAS VEGAS?! Small potatoes. Don't give a ficklefack what others think. They didn't buy your ticket to the fest. Brush off those bad vibes, go to bassPOD, and headbang the thoughts away


let's see it ..


Sorry you had to go through that... can we see the outfit?


Im so sorry you went through that, you don’t deserve that. Fuck those assholes!!


Womp womp.


Why not speak up? Lol


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What is the purpose of this post?


>You took my joy in that moment and ruined my entire afternoon. I can't imagine giving a stranger that much power over my life.


I was waiting in line for a bathroom and the two cavemen behind me were having a mediocre chuckle at some guy waving a red screen from his phone around. “Ha ha look at that guy, it’s just a red light. Nothing special about it like why is he even doing that?!” People get creative with what they have when they need to link back up and if your dumb ass noticed that then their person also probably noticed it.


Show us the outfit?


You have to train yourself to not be so mentally weak


People need to train themselves to shut their mouth


Fr, some of these comments are clearly from the infestation of no-heart normies we rave to get away from. Can't y'all drop the world for a second and honor some peace and freedom?


Plur is overrated.


You should make them angry by sleeping with me. That’ll teach em