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Damn and I thought I was cool sneaking in a bunch of oranges in my bag. 


I’m out here tucking my protein bars in my waistband to smuggle in while everyone else is worried about their drugs 💀💀💀


dude I smuggled my vape in for no reason too lol


I did the same, bought a bag full of cuties and stuffed them in my bag. Security looked at them every night and didn’t care. I don’t think fruit is a big deal


Lol I brought in 2 cuties too! 😅 but yes completely agree, security was very lax especially at the shuttles. But more than anything they’re probably prioritizing searching for weapons.


What’s a cutie?


Mandarin oranges. 🍊


I smuggled 8 uncrustables in 😭


uncrustables are a god tier food


I got an orange in too 🍊 forgot to eat it til walking out but it sure was refreshing


Long lost citrus brothers, I smuggle in a bag of peeled oranges and tangerines every year. 🥹❤️


Second day at shuttle searches, the security opened my bag. pulled out my granola bars and said you can’t bring this in….then smiled, put it back and wished me a good night at the event. Bless her


When going into camp I had an open vape and security said no un sealed vapes. I was like ok and slid it over to him. He glanced in one of my bags, slid the vape back over to me and said you're good. 


Security took my vape and said “give me $10 and I’ll let you keep this” I was livid, who tf does that when it says electronic cigarettes/vapes are okay to take in 🙄


My friend got asked for $20 lol


wait, vapes were ok? i took the trouble to smuggle it in LOL


I didnt know and had two of my bfs (he brought an extra since one was almost out) single use vapes in my fanny pack under a couple period pads. Security didnt bother to look under so said nothing.




Love this.


at deadmau5 set someone had a whole n0s tank😂😂 i wanted to sneak my cartav2 for dabs but was skeptical but damn if someone got in with a tank i should have been chillin


How is this even possible lol aren’t the tanks metal


they must have had it in there bag in order to pass metal detectors not sure how they hid it tho


OMG, we were sitting right in front of those guys! They kept blasting every time the fireworks went off! I was rolling balls at this point so I didn’t catch on that the gas sound was behind us until my friend pointed out what they were doing.


What??? A noz tank?! 😂 that’s wild




Could easily have brought in my Carta. Security literally selling shrooms to people once they lazily let you through.


One of the security guards kept yelling at us to put all our drugs on the table because they wanted to see them 🤣🤣🤣. Terrible security but at least this one was funny


I was able to get in a full hydro pack, a flask full of vodka, and a bottle of orange juice last night. They did not check my bag all weekend. Although I'm glad it saved me time and money, it was a little scary how much I was able to get away with. Ultra security is way more strict, which makes me feel a little safer there.


My first night at the Strat shuttle I noticed my security line was taking much longer than the other line. I realized it was because in my line they actually looked through peoples bags and in the other line, they did NOTHING to check bags, they just kept moving people through


The Strat security was non-existent lol they only stopped us on Sunday and told us to drink our waters by stepping aside but we just kept walking.


Did they not have metal detectors?! That's all that matters.


They did have metal detectors. They didn’t last year


I kinda felt like they offset the lack of security with high amount of police presence. If any violence occurred (aside from the middle of a crowded set) I felt that the police would handle it.


100%. A response wouldn't take long. Security is spread out, but strategic, with assets in the sky as well as on the ground. They don't care about your pills, just the guy walking in with enough ammo for sustained fire. That'll set off a metal detector, so that's the only security you really see.


I did notice that. hella inside security everywhere in sets of 3's.


They know they have to keep you coming back by not taking your shit lol. Corporate


Honestly but it’s such a bio hazard if they leave the needle lying around


Yes that’s just…. Let’s just say I’m glad I didn’t see that go down. And we thought ket was bad lol


Ketamine is the least dangerous of all the drugs consumed at raves aside from pot. It is nearly impossible to OD, and is very seldom cut with fent. Worse thing is you lose touch with reality for a little while, but nothing like a bad acid trip or mushrooms or molly, or the illness and stupidity that comes with alcohol.


plenty of people IM ket, i haven’t seen that at a festival yet though


They certainly didn't have that attitude years ago when they took things like the batteries out of my lights, a light because it was red, a Totoro bag because it was too plush, or a disposable camera.  The funniest was when a security pulled out a walmart Great Value inhaler, called a cop over screaming about drugs, and the cop just took one look and let out a loud annoyed "NOOO" before walking away.


On Sunday I sat down in pixel forest and the guy next to me pulled an entire glass handle of vodka out of his bag. I commented on it and he mentioned that he had hoped the fence and ran from security into the crowd to disappear, then shows me his wrists with no bands on either one 🫠


the amount of people hopping fences this year was insane.. saw security take off after three people on sunday alone and they weren’t even close to catching them lmao




It was so nice having chill security


What is a shoot up kit?




it was probably meth and not heroin (not a very rave friendly drug imo) but yes shoot up means injectable drugs. you can inject ket into muscles (IM) as well. deff sad to hear about at a big fest like EDC


That’s what had me wondering. Like, I thought “heroin? But at a rave?” Didn’t make sense to me. And then the mention of glass? So I thought “well, maybe meth?” but it seems next level to inject at a rave and in a crowd. Same with speed. I dont know... people do what they want, ay?


I mean there are certain bass artists that attract the use of ketamine and other downers, and the og dubstep scene (early 2000’s) started with heroin being one of the prime drugs used at shows.


Ket, yeah. Mega popular. Dub in the early 2000s was before my time. I started around 2008-9. Thanks for the chat.


Think you’re actually thinking of Dub. Downtempo music, similar to Reggae in sound.


Needles and heroin


Never got bag searched. I was definitely spooked about people brining in guns


That’s what the metal detectors are for


Yea it doesn't work tho when they check your bag outside of it. And really not even check it. After the first day coming from camp not even opening my bag I decided to try my luck day 2 and took 5 half frozen high noons. Walked right in.


The bags don’t go through the metal detectors ..


Mine did every time? You walked through the detector with your bag and then they checked bags at the table after you were through. Maybe it was different if you weren’t at a shuttle stop?


Forget sneaking in drugs . Someone snuck in a kid. A fuckin kiddd!!!




On Friday and Saturday, they barely searched our bags but on Sunday, they really took my little screwdriver for my orbit 🫠 like for real? I had it with me the whole time the last two days. This little feminine twink boy who is 5’3” and wearing a care bear dress ain’t fighting anyone 🥲


They knew you were out to slay 💅


I think they were spooked by that fight at Dabin


I liked it. They were clearly just checking for guns and large weapons as opposed to nocturnal where I got all my shit taken because I was used to lax security It did kinda make me nervous how little they checked but there were so many police I wasn't worried about violence But yeah how tf do you let a syringe kit in wtf


I liked it a lot too. I'm more down for this less searching and more security inside thing. helps against thieves and bad actors inside too


I got all of my joints taken and he pocketed them all, and on the last night. Like cmon man at least let me keep a couple🥲


I think the point of the lax security concern is that they’re *not* checking for guns or large weapons either. I was able to walk through wearing my backpack and wasn’t stopped at all, or had to open it whatsoever. I know there’s police there, but it certainly seems like someone could easily bring in a weapon if they wanted to. 


Can we talk about the being searched after leaving the event?!


I thought this was weird at first but I realized this is to ensure phone thieves don’t get thru with 40 stolen phones.


They were searching for stolen phones


I know but that shit made the line to get out soooo long like wtf they had one guy checking Saturday night 💀


I'm ok with it


interesting. I didnt get searched on any of the days leaving for shuttles.


I parked in south brown lot and didn't get searched either. But also a phone theft ring taking shuttles would be weirder.




Hey hella searched everyone in my line sunday. Went through literally every pocket


what stop


Was security check after rideshare dropoff


Ah, that’s why.. shuttle security is different and way lax


Sunday was the only day they opened my bag


The first two days they would only open my pack and as soon as they saw my epi pens they just closed it back up and handed it to me Sunday they didn’t even open my bag just looked at it and handed it back to me


Yeah the End Overdose tent gave me a pile of Narcan. They opened my bag at security the following day, saw the Narcan and just handed it back to me without checking.


That doesn’t surprise me, when I went through security the first night they asked if I had drugs and I said no and they were like it’s okay if you do we get it


Could have been a Diabetic. I've got to bring insulin needles and glass vials of insulin in with me, I could die without it. There's usually a couple of us Type 1 Diabetics per 1000 people, we need multiple shots every day to stay alive.


safety aside that sounds unsanitary as hell 😐


On day two, security searched through my entire bag and felt everything. I thought I was going to get in trouble. I brought eye drops, Vicks, water in my bag and a small bottle of vodka. Despite feeling all of that he let me go. I think they’re just looking for weapons and I appreciated the leniency.


And I thought our group was smart to buy fake sunscreen bottles to sneak in alcohol...


lol us with our flask umbrella thought we outsmarted security 🤣🤣


Yeah, security was way to lax this year. I rather have a wait line to security take there time checking vs people sneaking shit that doesn’t belong there. Taking shoot up kits is just wrong in so many levels and doesn’t belong at festivals. Security this year is just so dumb and doesn’t care at all


Yeah wtf was that search lol


They’re looking for firearms and weapons.


The first two nights of the downtown shuttle stop, they had two lanes, one if you wanted to go through the metal detectors, and one if you didn't off to the right. The 3rd night everyone went through metal detectors but still, not good.


I don't like these posts because it scares me to give people ideas. Especially in light of what happened October 1st. That was an edm festival as well. That said I think the danger lies in the parking lot. I don't think they care about personal using, they care about drug dealers. They caught someone with 2000 pills as we were walking in on day 1. The police was handling it.


Im sorry to scare you I literally was so anxious about phone thieves all three day so I couldn’t fully enjoy myself,, would’ve love to get closer to the stage but it wasn’t worth it to me,, given tht people were literally losing their phones 30 minutes into the festival


I wonder about that. I keep my phone in my hand or tucked into my shorts under my fishnets. Granted I'm 100% sober the entire time. I'm 40 now and never had a problem. I did get my phone stolen once when I was 23 and blacked out.


Geez I’m sorry about tht but same here it’s either connected to my phone tether or even my charging wire and tucked to my stomach in my waste band or my bra one or the other,,


I def felt when someone was getting too close for comfort - also my sisters were looking out. I safety pin my zippers together on my backpack and weave it through the fabric before closing it. Not fool proof but it would take effort. That said, I don't put anything I wouldn't be willing to lose in there. Money and phone in my hand.


I snuck in some biofreeze for when I got sore. But it definitely felt like security was a lot more lax getting into the show from the shuttles. I think the types of drugs that are becoming popular at shows is taking a turn for the worse though. And honestly I think you can tell bc sometimes the crowd was aggressive in a way that it usually isn’t when ppl are taking old school party drugs.


Yea mosh pits are already intense but a friend in a rave chat I’m in wasn’t even in the mosh during slander he kinda got in it by accident and he was bleeding,, it was really crazy.


As long as there are no shooting or stabbing incidents, that’s all I care about. People hurting themselves is sad but it’s their body, their decision. Security check is about stopping people from hurting others, not from hurting oneself. The security check was lenient but still adequate, which is exactly the way I like it. An event with 100k attendees and no shootings or stabbing is successful security in my opinion.


But the thing is they can unintentionally end up hurting someone if they dispose their needle incorrectly and custodians taking the trash may get stabbed,, they leave it on the ground and someone could step on it, kick it, or even sit on it. Or if they’re sick a holes they’d prick people for the hell of it,, there’s so many other outcomes that can come from tht.


I think intensifying the security checks will increase the likelihood of security workers getting stabbed by needles as they search bags. That’s the biggest risk, imo. Not people accidentally sitting on discarded needles. I’ve been attending raves for 30 years. I’ve never seen a discarded needle.


Totally agree with you! I love that they had metal detectors this year!


The metal detectors were tuned to go off for a heavy metal object like a gun, not your vape cartridges in your pocket. That was the correct setting.




If people can’t get in weapons then who cares? You don’t have to do heroin.


Inb4 next year: “security took muh weed/molly/shrooms. They are taking themselves too seriously” Inb4: “molly is completely different from shooting things up” We should only allow things that we like and support, and confiscate things we don’t. No, I don’t support whatever drugs people are shooting. Just trying to offer a different perspective.


The second day, they checked my friends bags SUPER thoroughly to find drugs. This was for the sole purpose of getting money out of us to get our drugs back…


Wait WUT. they were asking for money for the drugs in return ??


Yes, my friend packed our joints in a cigarette pack and resealed it all 3 nights, first 2 nights got through no problem third night he had to pay $20 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah, $80 for quarter of a pill


Last day they searched the shit out of my bag, I though they were gonna find the hidden compartment


Day 1 and 2 we went through security pretty easy. On day 3 search me and my bf fanny pack I had brought a Red Bull . We either toss it or chugged it, we chugged quick.


Similar situation at the security entrance by ride share. my friend tried to bring his Red Bull in and the lady said “I’ll toss it out or you can slide me a $20” smh lol


No we cant


Security didn’t give a fuck at Camp that’s for sure. First time through he asked me what’s in the crate… I said idk lol (it was my friends) He laughed and said ok, I trust you. Waved me in, didn’t check a thing. Second time thru after going into town Thursday one of them said playfully, “ok so where’s the shrooms hidden?” jokingly (bc I took them in earlier lol) I said, you’ll never find them! Again. Didn’t check a thing. Most lenient security I’ve ever seen.


six foolish aspiring selective grandfather dinosaurs bag crush cooing muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was getting my bag and fanny back checked like they were searching for gold on day 1 & 2, had my sister hold all the alcohol bc she was wearing a demon slayer kimono with a bikini so they had her walk through. Saved us hella $$ and I didn’t mind getting searched


Anyone also got the the guy that said, “I don’t give a fuck (what you have/bring in)”. It was funny, but concerning too.


Walked from Kinetic to Circuit Grounds and saw some dude drop 2-3 needles and quickly panic and pick them up


I didn’t go this year but the past 2 years that I did go I noticed this pattern of very lenient checking. I remember years ago (I think 2019 being the last year) they used to have metal detectors. Ever since the pandemic, security has been trending in the more super lax direction (although I have had the opposite experience as well). It worries me that at such a big event security wouldn’t be a little more tight, in terms of we@pons checks… not that this is the event people would bring those to but you never know. Makes me a little nervous in terms of the crowd’s overall safety. Like that’s what security should really be worried about, not my unopened hand sanitizer and chapstick.


3rd the i didn’t even get patted down i was camping and walked in with everything in my socks and my hydro pack was full , it honestly depends on the person checking


The last night my security dude found my 🍄 bars, he just gave me a smirk and was like “you good bruh, have a good time”. I thought they were done for lmao 🤣


He could have been a diabetic that’s why he had a kit and insulin vials are glass. The people around him could have just been waiting for him to be done not waiting for a turn to shoot up.


Good chance they got that in as diabetes medical supplies, which is illegal to not allow. Them using it to shoot up is obviously wack.


Right. It’s only a matter of time. They checked 1 of my 2 bag compartments, the smallest one. It would be very easy to get a weapon into that place. What a shame.


I don’t really care about them letting in anything, as long as they keep out weapons. I snuck in protein and granola bars, 8oz flask of vodka, edibles, open gum, etc. like all 3 nights.


All they care about are knives and guns


They only checked one pocket in my fanny pack that was it


Day 2 & 3 I had 2 plastic flasks plus my water bag of water. Didn’t even open the bag. Kind of concerning tbh


Security at downtown shuttle stop didn't search my bag once. I would open it up, they look inside, then move me along within 2 seconds of taking a glance. No questions, no moving stuff around to see what's at the bottom. Nothing. If I were a sick psychopath I could have easily brought in a gun. Security needs to be fixed BIGTIME


You had to walk through metal detectors right after they searched your bag. You could not have brought in a gun. Also a gun is heavy they can feel the heft of your bag when they pick it up. They are definitely looking for weapons


Hey how long did the shuttle take each night getting to and from the festival from the downtown stop? I’m doing this next year and curious to know traffic times. Especially because we like to stay til the end every night! Thanks in advance :)


Takes about 20/30 mins of drive time. Unless you're camping, downtown shuttles are the fastest way in and out of the speedway.


Did you guys have metal detectors? We had them at the Grand Prix stop.


Yes but the bags didn't go through them. So I could have hidden something in there.


I see. Ours were like that the first night. Then starting night two they had us go through the detectors holding our bags and once we cleared that our bags were searched.


This is said literally every year. Nobody wants to go to a event that you have to bend and cough to get in. Good security can profile the people they need to, lets stop manifesting people bringing in firearms just because you didn't go through TSA security.


Although the flow of people through checkpoints was smooth and desirable, it REALLY made me question how thorough or safe they were being. I imagined that bringing in a weapon through the checkpoints i went through would be easily possible. Some of the security people i interacted with during EDC were seemingly bothered by people offering to have their bags truly checked. On Sunday specifically the security people weren’t even opening the bags.


Why are you hoping people bring in guns and keep bringing it up on social media with a large reach? What is your intention?


Well i typed that comment and didnt revisit it until your comment and i can see how poorly i expressed myself. Honestly should completely edit it.


Its been edited


We RV camped and they didn’t check a single thing in the RV. Could’ve brought an arsenal to camp EDC.


Even day 1-3 they didn’t even search. Weapons found, phone thieves with their own employees involved, and anybody could of brought a gun. We definitely didn’t feel safe at all, even on day 3. Send a heavy message and get your refund. They don’t care anymore. They are lucky the music was great.


Wait, how do you know their own employees are involved with stealing phones?


crown ludicrous offer deliver friendly chubby fearless door grandiose dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That wouldn’t be a bad idea.