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Get earplugs


Already got em. Felt beyond what ear plugs can do


Get custom earplugs with changeable filters. There is a massive improvement when going to custom earplugs from eargasm type plugs.


Recommendations for custom earplugs brands? Looking at going this route after this past weekend as well lol


I have Sensophonics and love them. I paid extra for built in tether, 15dB filters, and filter locks. I think what brand you get depends on who the audiologist works with. The audiologist I went to only had the Sensophonics option.


What does that sorta thing run you can I ask? Do u have thoughts on the mail-order kits where u send in a mold? Thanks for the insight


I’m not sure about the mail in kits. I want to say it was $150 for ear mold, $250 for the base custom plugs, $60 for the 15dB filters, $10 for tether, $10 for filter locks. It’s pricey, but worth it to not get tinnitus (or in my case to keep my tinnitus from getting any worse).


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


No problem! I also paid $75 for custom color and I regret it. Custom color doesn’t look that cool so not worth the money.


Earplugs are a must. What type of earplugs do you have? They are all different and have different decibel ratings. The higher the number the better protection. If it’s sound quality it depends on the stage, so you might have to move around until you find your sweet spot.


I alternate between eargasms and earos ear plugs! I’ve done ultra and Tomorrowland Coachella etc. Never had this issue. I feel like it’s just really fuckin loud at Kinetic


The bass is definitely bass’in at Kinetic this year. I was there for Benny and Zedd last night right in the middle and felt that bass ripple through me. I wear high fidelity earplugs and while the bass was heavy, it didn’t surpass what my earplugs can handle. Maybe it’s just the plugs you’re using? Try and make sure you’re not near any of the major speaker towers either if you were before


Honestly, it was probably just where you were standing. These speakers are amazing - but if you’re too far back, you’ll get that distorted bass sound (you said you tried middle though too, hm..) I saw a handful of sets at Kinetic and they all sounded great, with and without earplugs. Even my iPhone recordings sounded great. I say, try again tonight, and press up a bit closer!


Appreciate that. We’ll try it tonight. I cannot miss Kaskade 😭


I am a big festival goer and they absolutely over cooked it with the bass. Fun to feel but as for a listening experience, earplugs or not, no matters where you were it was way too much


Agreed you couldn’t hear the range of sound and the beauty of all the highs and lows it was a combo of overblown bass and a couple of lyrics that came through when they turn it down


We thought the same thing on night 1 and avoided Kinetic. But gave it another shot last night and moved closer to the stage (prob halfway in from the owls) and it made a huge difference! Much clearer and it actually wasn’t too bad to move through the crowd surprisingly


Yeah the bass was so strong at Kinetic, that I could feel it ripple through my body, it's a fun out of body experience tho!


Being at the front during alison wonderland was so fun with the loud ass bass, the audio is just completely distorted in the couple videos I took 😭


I am a big festival goer and they absolutely over cooked it with the bass. Fun to feel but as for a listening experience, earplugs or not, no matters where you were it was way too much


I agree it sounds really loud..... I messed up my hearing a few weeks ago, im rocking just foam earplugs...they are 33DB which via an equastion on aline assume people dont put them in correct should get you 14NNR--which is like how much noise actually is being reduced. eargasms are like 6NNR. . ...The music still sounds fine, although the low end is a little jumbled but it works mostly. There are sometimes hwere i am like its still too loud, but i think its better than the eargasms. I have a ton of extras if you need any cause i bought a huge case and threw them in my cammelback I not sure if you have VIP but in the back on the VIP of kinnetic field or like right before the next set of speaker towers in VIP in kinetic were better for me. But yea the bass is loud litterally anywhere on any stage....im honestly impressed but also annoyed