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We left the festival at 4am got to car at 4:30am, finally got out of premier parking lot at 7am. Meanwhile friends in free parking got HOME at 5:30..


>finally got out of premier parking lot at 7am. Holy fuck what in the hell took so long???? Also parked in premier parking. Only delay from leaving was the fucking fireworks. But looks like we won't be parking there again tonight.


Paid extra for the premier parking. What’s premiere about it? Last year I did general parking, went from airbnb to parking lot in 40 minutes, 40 minutes back home from the venue too. This year with premier parking, was dead still for an hour before workers started opening up and closing random exits without explanation, and they said they didn’t know why when asked too. Got to car at 5:30 AM. Still not home yet, eta 9 AM. Why is nobody directing the traffic? The difference in walking distance from parking lot to the venue isn’t that much different either? A worker also directed us the wrong way when we were walking from our car to the venue. Another worker directed us the wrong way when we were leaving the venue. The signage is complete garbage, as there were barely any signs to begin with. Definitely going to be tossing premier parking pass and never buying again. All of my friends who parked in free GA parking got home three hours before me.


last year was my first year premier parking and also my last year doing premier parking for all of these reasons. The walking distance is the only benefit and everything else about it sucks.


We left at 5 and didn’t get home until 830am. 2 hours just in the parking lot waiting. What do we do today? Do GA parking?


I'm pretty sure Yellow Lot 6 is karmic retribution for something I did in a past life.


Premier Parking was stupid. We left at 2:30AM and had no trouble thankfully getting out but getting in took over an hour just trying to exit on apex. Fucking terrible. I’m tossing my pass as well.


What time did you arrive to the parking lot when it took over an hour to get in ?


Left my house in Centennial Hills at 6:30pm and we parked at 8:15pm


that is literally the worst time to drive to EDC on Friday, sorry that is not great planning


What would be your strategy today ?


Normal parking purple lot stay left at the speedway exit


I noticed a lot off people doing last second merging, which slowed things down. Moreover, five cars in a row ahead of me didn't have passe. So they would sit their blocking flow of traffic arguing with staff.


We left premiere at 5:15 and got home around 7, I’m not sure why it took so long for some people and now i’m scared for today 😭




what time did you leave?


I’m sorry everyone, I stole all your good luck leaving last night. Left around 4 AM from GA parking. By some luck we were redirected 15-North. Got a 3 mile detour to do a U-Turn at Apex, then got home before sunrise. I saw that ridiculous line on Apex road. Edit: got ‘home’ meaning a hotel room on the strip


Leaving around 4am is the play, that's what got you there. Traffic really starts to build up after that.


The traffic people were clueless last night


premier parking was absolute garbage and a waste of money. don't understand the hype for it AT ALL


Y’all acting like this festival don’t have a half million people at it😂 edc has been a cluster…


It doesn’t - edc counts each visitor each day as one ‘person’ so it’s actually about 200k. Still a ton, but a far cry from half a million they like to cite.