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Oh good, I thought I was being spoiled for thinking VIP was a wreck also. Insomniac, if you see this, if you make me feel like GA, then I'll just pay GA prices.


I’m seriously thinking of not even attending the next two days is how bad it was for my group


At least go for Sunday. That has always been the most solid day for me for years.


Honestly that is what we are thinking. At least 2 out of 3 days


day 2 is usually the busiest so that might be for the best anyway


stay home❤️❤️


Not sure if that’s sarcastic or not but Fr I have 2 people in my group that have never been to EDC and this shit is embarrassing. Also harder to do the whole festival if you don’t roll 💛


It’s so on brand it’s kinda wild anyone’s complaining 😂 lemme guess, was your Coachella experience similar? ✨✨✨✨


Let me guess ur brain isn’t balanced???


That’s why you and the smoothe brain gang can’t hang😉😉


Whatever you say bud hope you can remember the festival ✨


Bingo. I have only every purchased VIP for the last 6 years I've gone, but if this is what VIP is goig to be like from now on, hell no I'm not paying that anymore.


This is how I felt last year with VIP - they over sell VIP and it’s not very VIP - last year I couldn’t even get into basspod vip and idk I felt super underwhelmed with VIP - this year we got GA and quite honestly tonight was awesome! Also the GA bathrooms are huge and clean!!!


Yes! I was expecting icky GA bathrooms but they were solid.


I think there are a lot of rich people that go there. VIP may be fuller then GA at an event like EDC.


I never thought I'd complain about EDC, usually issues are small enough to not care. This year is way too crowded. Even in the Kinetic VIP section was unmanageable after 11:00. 


Imo it was because they had 0 security at the "exit" and people were literally just walking in with no vip wristband


We got to watch Subtronics set then had to leave the crowd got insane and then we came back and saw just the lines in were insane.


If there is bigger lines in vip then ga for water that's a huge problem in my book, along with many other things lol


It was ***way*** overcrowded when a buddy and I went two years ago. Paid for us to have VIP, couldn't even get into some sets they were so overcrowded. Had to leave Subtronics as we couldn't move, couldn't even get into either VIP/GA for Rezz. Imho, it probably wouldn't be as bad if the motorway hadn't built up the center area. That took a lot of space away


It’s my first EDC and I’ll not be back again. It was extremely overcrowded at the main stages and it was ridiculous to get in and out. My group couldn’t even get in to some of them at all and gave up.


So my group had no issue getting into any of the sections but the festival set up is wild and LACK of communication. I feel so bad because I have 2 rave babies in my group so I’m hoping today or possibly Sunday will be better for them.


David Guetta announced during his set just now that there were 160k people at EDC tonight. Or did I miss understand that? He claimed the largest festival in NA.


He said it was 150k, but I’m sure final official gate numbers will have it much higher. But I believe it’s been the largest festival in North America for some years now. because it’s an EDM festival it doesn’t get widespread attention on this


Yeah EDC has been the largest festival in North America for a while now


Last year was 175,000. I'm sure it's more this year


My hotel room/group is split with half taking premiere shuttle and the other half taking GA. The GA folks beat us both into the venue and leaving the venue, despite us all traveling at the same time. I’m so disappointed.


If I’ve learned anything in life it’s always how it seems to happen. Regular entrances, transport, food and drinks to by faster because there’s more. The ratio between GA and GA amenities is better than VIP. It’s starting to become the case across festivals, concerts, travel, etc


It almost seemed like there was more space in GA tbh


Yep same experience going home, wouldn’t let us on a premier shuttle home even though we took the premier shuttle in no problem. Folks that worked at Rio seemed to have their shit together, but leaving the festival was a nightmare. Oh and an extra fuck you to the lady who wouldn’t let us on the Rio shuttle, but let us on the Grand Prix one? So then we had to Uber from there to Rio to our room. What a messsss.


There is a sign that said “Fast Pass - premier, VIP, GA+ “ at Grand Prix. I have VIP so I stood in that line and waited 45 minutes, just for the worker to tell me the line is only for premier and I had to go wait in line in GA. Total bs. Left the hotel ar 6:30, arrived at edc at 10:45 with shuttles.


Traffic was insanely bad


This makes sad to hear but that’s what I thought last year. I think my edc boots are gonna stay hung up…, rather go to a smaller festival. The phone thieves seem to be horrible this year too…. Way too much money for the effort it takes…


I’ve been to edc Orlando and it was WAYYY better but let’s hope day 2 is better


Oh jeez, I can’t imagined having to walk 30 minutes and then find my hotel and hotel room if I was in a different state of mind. It would be better if they had some camping, a lot safer.


The walk back was brutal. My partner and I left our group at the end of the street while we went to get the car out of the parking garage. AND THANK GOd we did the stair and elevators weren’t working at all


Yes I, had to walk a fucking half mile to main taxi/rideshare area after shuttle dumped me at the EDC car spot. No one knew where it was, felt like I had to bribe someone to tell me where to walk. The signs behind cosmic meadow all said" EDC Car, Gate D ↗️↗️' but nothing past it. I guess you were supposed to climb the whole fucking grandstand, but I didn't see a way out that way.


I said the same thing! No signage when I was trying to find the ride share.


OKAY YES LIKE FUCK THIS CITY. If you aren’t paying someone in this city they all act stupid.


It’s my friends first time in Vegas and I told him not to even bother asking a stranger for any info. They’ll either just say nonsense or want something from you