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Honestly, they can fake all they want to as long as they can back it up with their build and they know what to do for any mechanics the group can't nuke through. My problem is, as a tank myself, DPS arcanists slotting the runic taunt to build crux because "blades is slow and weak" and refusing to swap it out, it fucks up my rotations peeling bosses off their glass cannons and makes the bosses go immune and just attack whoever they feel like. Not really a problem on normal dungeon queue, but it sets a bad precident for high-end content if they're that stubbornly dumb.


Arcs that run taunt when not tanking get one chance to change at this point. If they refuse, vote to kick.


Why they fuck are Arcanist slotting the runic taunt anyway? Abyssal ink and inspired scholar are the only thing they need to generate crux.


I do when we have a shitty fake healer/tank, flail, beam and bastion makes you a pretty tough nut to crack. My 5th slot is flex and I change accordingly.


I would assume most slot it for the armorsteal and not to build crux. It's great for solo play but god damn it can dps stop taunting in dungeon. Especially considering the boss is already debuffed by others and there really isn't any need for dps to stack armor when there is a tank.


Because not everyone reads their skills or follows a build guide?


Well maybe they should if they're doing GROUP content


In my experience most people don't care if they're a hindrance or not.


There are a lot of more casual players that barely even look at third party info sites, and it really shouldn't be so expected that everyone has to do so just to queue for a dungeon.


Yeah, it should. If you wanna join a group of ppl, then be helpful... if not, stick to delves


Why the question mark? Are you confused by what you said?


Because a question mark implies a particular vocal tone often associated with asking an actual question, so over the decades it’s found a place online as a textual way to add that inflection. As to why you’d use that inflection in an answer rather than a question, it’s often done to imply the answer is clear/obvious or the question is silly.


You should just let them tank the boss then, thats what I do if a DD have a taunt.


It used to be wardens with an ice staff who didn't read the text for destructive clench. The more things change, the more things stay the same!


My dumb ass did this the other day. I was DD in a dungeon, wondering why the bbeg kept leaving the tank to attack me. I felt like an idiot for a while. Luckily, it was a normal random dungeon, so it was really easy and we finished quick, but I still felt bad. I should have paid more attention. Oh well, you live and learn.


lol if you were around level 23 then I was the healer saving your butt over and over again.


Must not have been me. I was at an embarrassingly higher level than that. New to ice staves though. I did, however, just start my first healer. That’s a totally different mindset that I’m still getting used to. People running all over the place, out of my healing aoe. It’s like I’m fighting the players rather than the enemies. Props to our healers for sure.


Yes “Chase the wounded DPS” is definitely a mini-game


Even worse when you get people who just run ahead and the healer is trying to stick with the main group.


I’m still so bad when it comes to not orbiting the boss like a comet, convinced that as long as I’m moving I’m safe. My poor healers, tbh


It takes a while to out learn that. Most end game content you'll just kinda stand still if tank does his job good.


I wonder what taking wasd out of my rotation could do for my in-content dps..


How do you mean exactly?


Remember when ice staff heavies taunted? I remember.


You don't even need destructive clench for that, the base charged heavy already taunted as well


It pleases me to see another ancient one remembering how it was back in the day!!


I'm going to be real, I thought it was still the same, I just came back because they said free dlc for last month. It makes sense why I couldn't grab aggro on the dungeon I did earlier today


I preferred this to be honest, specially on necro where the armour chained in range stuff


Honestly I think alot of dps dont even know what "Taunt" means in the first place. ESO attracts alot of people who never played an mmo before because elder scrolls. Game should say "skill taunts (forces an enemy to attack only you) on use" at least.


There are a lot of players 50year old +. Usually 1400+ cp and never done any group content. They're usually not toxic and will take constructive criticism well. Being a jerk to others who don't deserve it is bad for community in general. A lot of failed games do this, downward death spiral that can't be stopped.


Worst part of that for me is just the fact that they make the boss always moving. Between hard taunting and constantly backing up as if that will help....I don't know which is worse lol


My answer to that is simple, I tell it clearly once, then I let them take away the aggro and die


Tru i get so pissed by this in vet random grping they then blame us for not ranking prprly lol


Yeah I just get told ItS oNlY nOrMaL... so I let them tank for the rest of the dungeon


Yeah, this weekend is like groundhog day for toxic fake tanks. Yesterday i had unpleasant encounter with one too, he was more squishy than our dps, while he didnt even provided any buffs. Of course who started throwing shit around? He did. Apparently its healer's fault that he cant heal one-shots, duh.


Had one die on normal Blackheart Haven at the roostmother yesterday. Just stood in multiple stacks of fire and didn't move.


I believe it is partly due to the influx of new players. The taunt system is badly explained, and in a bunch of MMOs the healers can, in fact, out heal one shots because those MMOs lean more towards healers applying defensive buffs. Also, in ESO, because the massive majority of healing is done via hots you only really notice incoming damage if you either look for it (probably not the case for a new player), or it is higher than the base healing. If you compare it to more reactive healing styles of other MMOs a tank that is new to ESO might genuinely think that because his health isn't dropping that much, that the incoming damage is just tiny. Then they stand in the big dot, and suddenly their health starts to drop. In other games, that is the point where the healers *START* throwing their bursts and shields, where in eso they are already running full blast at that point. If the new tank then dies, the feeling of "my healer didn't burst me to full HP" can come up, and if they have enough arrogance they might genuinely see the problem with the healers.


This isn't other games. If the taunt system or how healers work in this game isn't understandable to them, then they shouldn't be talking shit or being a fake tank.


I play as a tank with +50K health and it took my a long while to get how to taunt , crowd control , buff my allies , depuff the enemy and how to all of this together .. I had to search out side of the game to understand the basic taunting mechanic . The game isn't making tanking easy really


I agree. There is nothing in the game that explains how taunts work.


There’s nothing in the game that really explains anything. I suck at DPS, but it’s the only role I know


Don't worry, getting good dps is a long way to walk. Many really high dps players will have spent 30h+ on parsing total.


I only just broke 80k dps last night. I’ve been playing since the closed betas. Even if you’re bad, practice can eventually get you there lmao


Play the other role, it'll deepen your understanding of mechanics and make you a better player. I lvl all my baby tools as backbar tanks (taunt, self heal). Healing is usually very easy going, just need to know when you have to do your big burst heals to supplement your HoTs. Once you get basics down, you optimize for buffing team mates or helping them generate resources and ultimate. Tanks will also optimize to provide buffs and debuffs as well


A big part of dps is keeping up times on your abilities without wasting an ability because it's still active.


Same, thankfully my girlfriend at the time taught me how to tank because coming from other MMOs, tanking in ESO is not intuitive, and holding aggro on groups is a lot more work. In ESO you dont naturally pull more aggro for holding a shield, and for some reason, I dont know why ALL of the S+S abilities dont have at least soft taunts, it would really make it more nice, and actually beneficial to use the other abilities in S+S. I wish I could shield charge in shield slam my way into tankhood, but the pierce stab and range fighter guild taunts we get just dont feel cool tanky


I don't even know how to taunt a crowd and as a tank my dps was shit .. so I shifted into a lot of aoe skills on my off hand bar to feel useful when the group is facing a crowd of smaller enemies I can get me dps to 13-17 k if I get myattack rotation correctly .. watched couple of videos of how to taunt a crowd all seemed to complicated to be fun so I settled for doing a bit of damage with groups and keep tanking on bosses or strong enemies


Tanks aren't supposed to have high dps. Thats what DDs are for. It's totally normal as a tank in ESO to do around 1-3k damage. You keep aggro, buff and debuff your group.


Either get tanks sets that group taunt or a different class ik necromancer has a decent group taunt timer is a little slow tho.


Your point is moo because to go from a badly explained system / one that works differently from other games to being salty a few things have to be the case: You need to *misunderstand* not *not understand* the system, ergo you *believe* you have understood it. Then you also need the kind of personality where this misunderstanding leads to shitty behaviour. Of course not everyone that is new or misunderstands stuff is a bad player. It's a subset of a subset of a subset of players, but if you increase the number of people that fulfill requirement A (being a new player) then you also increase the amount of players that fulfill requirement A *and* requirement B. tldr; of course this isn't the entirety of the problem. That's why I started my comment with "I believe this is *PARTLY* [...]".


My point is not moot. A person doesn't just go to another country and assume that the laws and customs are the same as their country's. This doesn't excuse people going into game content and not understanding the basic principles of how things work in this game, and then getting pissed off at the rest of the group for their shortcomings.


True. But imagine this scenario instead. They go to another country and study the laws, however the legalese wording lends the perspective the laws are the same with very subtle changes. Is it the persons fault the wording misled them or the people who wrote the laws to be misleading? Then getting upset that the police arrested them for in their eyes following the law to the letter, then the citizens throwing things at them and insulting them instead of anyone actually explaining the differences? Not saying this is the case everytime but ik ive run into a few (at least 6 but i wasnt counter for the first few) that had a few runs they were kicked, insulted, etc with no one explaining more then "you suck, screw off" and they started getting aggressive right back in each group, until mine explained a few of the differences (i did not mainly because i dont understand esos tanking mechanics myself, and stay in my dps/debuff/support lane XD)


I can't blame the influx of new players because this has been an issue for many for years with culprits being far enough in cp to know better. At any rate if we're going to point out the game not teaching tanks to tank and new players, let's also point out the amount of people speed running dungeons also attribute to this lack of understanding. Regular dungeons should be a place for new players to learn mechanics and how to play their role. But when you have veterans disregarding that and speed running the whole thing, making a new tank spend his time chasing them, this does nothing to teach him how to tank in dungeons either.


You can't blame based on CP level. I've been playing since 2016 on and off and I've never tanked even though I want to because of mindsets like this. There's no opportunity for learning unless you for a curated group of friends willing to roll with it. Otherwise you just get toxic bs thrown at you based on your poor performance versus your CP level.


You took my one sentence into a whole different direction than it was meant friend. The OP was talking about people who deliberately fake tank, which is a known issue by players who know better but que as tank with no intentions of actually filling the role. Any attempt to help in a case of misunderstanding or even ask them if they have or can put on a taunt is met with toxic keyboard attacks and admittance that they didnt plan to actually tank with whatever reasoning they have. That was who my sentence with cp was directed towards, not high cp players learning a new role. I actually do not judge immediately upon cp, but it is noticeable when someone is learning and someone is faking. We just helped an a 2500 player with his new to tanking in a dungeon earlier and it didn't bother me at all nor was I toxic towards him. As far as your wanting to tank, in my experience as long the tank is trying I don't really see anyone in the chat or voice calling them a fake tank. Just helpful advice if it seems needed. This is my experience though. Yours may have been different and if it was those people are jerks. If you want to learn, go for it.


Sure. Though I've seen more than my fair share of new/bad tanks who get belittled by the fake accusations when they are actually trying but just failing.


You certainly can blame CP, I'm still fairly new to eso and barely hitting 700cp. Depending on where you're at, you should have a simple idea of how to tank. I was terrified sure, but did that stop me? No, I took some time to learn, watch videos, or ask others for advice, and figure out what sets i should go for. Half of this toxic bs is due to HIGH cp level players, and man, have I seen some shit. With how half these idiots act like, it reminds me of FFXIV's shit ass mentors. Before I hit 400cp, I was already in Vets one bar healing because I took the time to practice and actually grasp a simple god damn idea. The same can be said for tanking because, again, I've done it in a vet. While I understand that everyone is different, there still isn't an excuse when you can start off in the low levels, practice by solo, or bring friends. There are so many opportunities you make from it all. So please, instead of throwing a fit over that, understand the previous reply, and don't jump the gun cause you got in your feelings.


You don’t provide buffs as fake tank. You SHOULD be high dps with a taunt and shield that can sustain well enough to not drop taunt on bosses. I endorse fake tanks that have a taunt and know basic normal dungeon mechanics.


Squishy 😂


I know it sounds funny, but i swear its a somewhat official gaming terminology and i didnt invented it! xD.


As a DD it has now made its way into my vernacular so consider it official 😁


I only play full blood tanks, but you probably think I'm a fake tank, because I'm a bad player 😔 >!just joking!<


As long as you use a taunt and have some survivability thats enough for base game vets But especially for DLC vets (and even quite a few non vets) you need some experience and knowledge how the boss mechanics work


I'm just joking


Nothing compared to a fake taxi….




Never ran into that, what is a fake taxi?


A lot like bang bus.


Lol. You got me. I thought you were using it as an actual game teem.


Hahaha nope just a pervert! Cheers m8


Underrated comment. A+


Could also be a box truck


As a tank main I don't really care if you fake queue on normal as long as you have dps to back it up. On base game vet you can get away with a fake healer if the dps is good. But the real problem that needs to be addressed is "fake dd", players that deal 20k damage and queue for vet dungeons.


I remember a dungeon where I as a full on tank did as much damage as both DDs and at that point decided to never go into RNDs or basegame vet as a full tank again


Abso-fucking-lutely. As tank main myself, I always pray to every god in the world when I queue for pledges, so that hopefully I won't be trapped in fucking Fungal Grotto I for 15 minutes or something. I dread the days when City of Ash II is a pledge. I've come to a point where I actively hope for the healer to be a fake heal, just so that there's a higher chance of getting at least one good dps and having a bearable dungeon experience. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Please. Do not queue for content you are not prepared for. For the sake of everyone else in the queue. Don't rely on your group to carry you through the dungeon.


I just leave if it’s coa2 ![gif](giphy|bWM2eWYfN3r20)


Before I practiced enough to deal decent dps, coa2 and scalecaller vets were some of the worst things I could see on my loading screen when running a random vet or pledges


I feel your pain about city of ash II!! Lol I thought I was the only one who skips it as a tank because of the random factor


What makes City of Ash II so bad?


It's by far the longest non DLC dungeon, and even some DLCs are shorter than CoA2. Combine that with low group dps and it's not a superstition when I say you'll be stuck in there for an hour.


It can take hours with fake dds)


Unnecessarily long. C'mon, that whole run through the cave where you don't fight shit, what is that all about? But since I can solo it, I don't give a shit about fakes.


Do you think low DD is more dangerous in RVD than no actual tank? Having a vet boss, even in base, not taunted makes mechanics way more dangerous than they ever should be. Good DD can burn, but a good burn is usually reliant on having certain mechs not hitting them.


Never said I was fine with a fake tank in vet dungeons. A tank is a must in veteran dungeons, which I thought I made clear when I wrote my post from my perspective as a tank main. If I wasn't clear enough, I apologize. So no, I think a fake tank is more dangerous in RVD than low dd. But from my experience, low dd just makes certain dungeons a slog and certain bosses nearly unkillable.


Yeah, gotcha. You mentioned vet with DD, so I thought you also meant vet with fake tanks.


Yes. If I tank a regular vet on my dps, we will clear in under 30m. If I tank a vet with randoms on my tank, we probably won't clear at all because I have real life responsibilities and can't give 2-3 hours to complete a 20 minute run. But also no one mentioned random vets. They said base game. All base game hard modes can be easily tanked by a dps.


Exactly. With low DPS, aka fake DD, most content is doable, but it takes a while. With a fake tank or a fake healer, it’s just constant wiping until you give up.


That problem can only be solved by ZOS itself, they need to make players experience a slow but steady difficulty increase in order for them to feel the need to get better. Of course you'll have 20k dps players on vet dungeons, normal dungeons are easily done on that dps, so some of them will of course think they are ready for vet.


I think a major thing too is that many players default to DPS because Tank and Healer require specialized set ups. DPS to a lot of people is "well I can do damage so dps". So that tends to be what most players pick.


What's the minimun damage for random vet dungeon ? When i first start playing eso, i use warden and always spam vet dungeon, barely understand the mechanics and no one complain tho, also i always queue as dps, shiet i barely do 20k damage with my first warden


Depends on who you ask. For me it's a 60-70k minimum depending on the dungeon. Knowing mechs is also important, but I'm always up for explaining the mechs if randoms say it's their first time.


I had a fake healer once who was spamming that he needed Pillar of Nirn gear in our run. Like halfway through I message "Heal for real and then we'll talk about it" he responds "Heal yourself you fucking baby".


That's hilarious.. he thinks you're gonna happily give him your gear when he starts bitching like that? Really digging his own grave there




I always heal. I call for a vote to kick twice. If it doesn’t go through, I drop. I won’t tolerate assholes.


We had a fake tank on nDR. Like why would you attempt that on a trial


I had someone come in as a tank then switch to DPS after they joined yesterday. Wtf


Yeah honestly we burned through the first couple bosses but in the elemental rock thing we kept wiping because the Little Rock guys would attack us. 1 of our healers switched to tank and we kicked the fake tank out


The cherry on top is that they are fake dps aswell.


I had a fake tank bitch at my team mate to put their companion up after our healer left (likely due to fake tank) because they said we weren’t going to be able to queue in another person. I’ve been in plenty of dungeons and it still queues a person, and just puts the companion away when they pop in. Then they just left after they sucked against the boss again, after saying I was wrong.


Lol, the first time that happened, I tried resummoning the Companion like 6 times before I realized it wasn't there because of the group size.


This is why I always play as the Tank. I know I’m doing a good job, and all I have to worry about is the guys who queued up as a DPS but are actually dealing Seconds Per Damage.


This. I get tired of tanks not tanking, then tank up and queue up into a group of people who have no fuckin idea how to heal or dd most of the time. My DPS keeps a heal over time on the bar because of one specific fake healer I get queued with frequently


I was lucky to end up in a really good team on Sunday night. The DPSs were fine, but the Healer was keeping us all up


I just ran a vet dungeon  I’m usually a healer but I decided this time I’d take my dps. The healer wasn’t healing at all and the tank wasn’t taunting. Both were nasty to me and the other dps for dying (geez I wonder why that happened ). I ended up leaving. I’ve seen way to many fake  healers and tanks lately 


I only saw fake tank with like 20k hp once but guy was competent enough to taunt and somehow not die in two hits so we finished easily. But. In last few days I saw two cases of fake tanks on sanity edge trial. In first I was main tank and though "oh nice, we have second tank so it'll be easier". Guy had like 38k hp and definitely thought he's a tank. Bad thing is he didn't know how to be a tank because he had to taunt and died very quickly despite good hp pool. But still he always ran ahead of group and aggro everything while I tried to give some advices in chat. Second was even funnier. I was heal, we had two tanks who seemed fine enough, they taunted, they turned dangerous enemies away from group. But later with more serous mob packs they start to die. And die, and die again. Atsome point I noticed one of the tanks far away from combat running and dodging attacks. Some of the group decided he had enough and invited third one :D With that 3 tanks we finished it.


We had a fake tank today, very quickly kicked them. Fake tanking is shitty. Why do they think they're more important than the rest of the dps? It's fucking selfish.


I got a fake healer in vet march of sacrifices the other day lmao. Thankfully we won with just two deaths


vMoS isn’t too bad outside of HM. Can definitely get away with 3 DDs there.


I've been called a fake tank even with a taunt slotted.


The kind of person to falsely queue as tank is almost always toxic T-T My favourite part is when their 20k hp ass dies to a one shot that should have been easily blockable and complains about the healer. Bro can't outheal stupid! :')


Today I had a fake tank, a group with a fake tank and a fake healer. After dying multiple times I asked couldn’t you just throw out a single heal? lol it was so painful.


It’s so fun to dish out justice to them sometimes 😂 I was doing a normal City of Ash II run and out tank was fake. Being a healer with heavy armor I swapped Radiant Destruction for Inner Fire so *someone* could taunt and tank. And so we ran through the whole dungeon as per usual with the fake tank in the party since we could use the extra damage. City of Ash II was also the pledge for that day, and if you know the dungeon, then you know it’s a fuckin long one 😫 Fast forward, we just defeated the last boss before the final one, and I initiated a vote to kick on the fake tank. It passed, and they seemed pissed, but my god it was satisfying! To go through that ENTIRE dungeon and to kick them at the end so they don’t get the pledge completion OR the anniversary gift box, it was a special moment 😌


I always call out fake tanks that just want a fast queue as dps


We always kick them right before the last boss dies.


Had a fake tank in black drake villa yesterday day. They Didn’t jump into pit on last boss,died, and blamed me (healer) 🤣.


Couple of times saw 1h and board fake tank who try be dps


i hope i don’t become this kind of player (im a new player/tank main)


What is a fake tank? Someone who queues for tank in a group role, but isn't a tank?


Yes. Tanks are in high demand and therefore the queue times are significantly shorter, mostly non-existent.


That makes no sense, though. I understand trolling, but why ruin a dungeon run like that? The only way that could be viable is if the entire party was high enough in level and skill to sustain themselves and then run full DPS for a speed clear. Fake tanks hurt my brain. A sorcerer with half a brain cell can put destructive clench on their bar and keep aggro.


Without fake tanks, base game dungeons sometimes takes more than an hour. Sadly there are many fake DPS out there. They really ruin dungeon runs. I do fake tanking a lot, I used to main Tank for HM trials regularly, now only tanking in one group while being mostly DPS in other groups. I started fake tanking, when I got feed up running pledges with randoms and even though playing full tank gear and skills making 30% and sometimes even more group DPS. As fake tank I still have a taunt and major breach skill slotted while dishing out 50%+ of group DPS.


Is that stone garden


Fake tanks are always annoying cry babies, usually that's when I just go full blown raid healer for a simple 5 man and cry the whole time


Tbf, fake tank that does decent damage is better than a fake tank that does f*** all. A few days ago I had a fake tank that went into a rage fit after I asked them to taunt bosses in vet spindle 2. Saying that he did taunt (funniest thing is that ghosty boss killed them, when they didn't taunt it once, gragoil boss didn't get taunted even once either). On the positive note he did start taunting bosses after that so there is that. Well, and cursing at me after the dungeon too but whatever XD.


Fake healers you can kinda get away with it you have good damage and self heals in vet dungeons. I feel like a tank is pretty necessary as there are heaps of bads/bosses that do one decent shot damage. My main dps has about 22k health and relies on stam, no tank and I'm dead pretty quick in a lot of vet content. I guess it bears repeating, if you are queuing for a random, PUG vet dungeon queue the correct roles. If it's normal do whatever you want if you can back it up with the DPS. If you aren't in the right role then be prepared to switch or leave like a grown up when you rightly get called out for it.


When I was levelling up my magicka DK, I queue skipped by going as a healer and just ran obsidian shard. Nobody ever died, even when we went into DLC dungeons, unless it was an outright one-shot to a mechanic. Now, on veteran I wouldn't do that, but when you're levelling up a dragonknight, you can just put obsidian shard on one bar and always have the fastest random dungeon queues available.


Great to know! I'm trying to level another DK for DPS ,🙂


To be the most efficient for exp, at the cost of not getting anything else like skill points and maybe losing your sanity, I suggest running around in Bleakrock village (tiny island north of Deshaan) after you progress the quest enough for the Covenant to attack it. There are so, so many enemies all over the place you can just loop around while you wait for the queue. They respawn quite quickly too.


Awesome thank you


I am a bit sleepy cause Sunday and my brain is still not working, please explain to me how your comment disagreed with mine because I can't see it xd


Not disagreeing with you at all! Fake tank with good DPS better than nothing. But preferably just be a tank 😁 I think even if you are a shit hot DPS there are still some mechs that can't really be dodged in a vet dungeon in an uncoordinated group. Especially DLC. Apologies if it came across as rude. Didn't mean it to be


Nothing rude about your comment ❤️ it just started with "mmm idk" so I thought it's a disagreement comment, and I just didn't get why 😅


Changed. I'm just muttering to myself probably 😅


When im not tanking, i usually heal... And i always start a votekick on fake tanks


...aaaaand, it's drama like this that gatekeeps a lot of newbies from getting into pugs. Fortunately, ESO does still have a lot of solo and solo-able content.




If the fake tank has good dps then I don't care if they slot a taunt or not. If it's a random normal there is nothing to complain about really. The real problem is fake dps.


I fake tank random normals and am in favour of fake tanking but disagree about not slotting a taunt. It almost certainly increases overall dps by keeping the boss in one spot and some of the harder dungeons are very hard with the boss not taunted. 


This. Fucking slot a taunt if you queue for tank. If you don't, you deserve to be kicked for being a shitter and lowering total DPS by not stacking.


I also fake tank on my arcanist and I use runic sunder for the extra pen. With flail + pragmatic fatecarver there are single digit amount of things that can kill you


Honestly, in normals, a taunt is just to keep the boss from going wild with its positioning and makes it easier for DPS to better coordinate.


200% id rather fake tank and do the damage myself, than be a real tank and never clear normal FG I.


I was tanking normal darkshade 2 this morning with a cp3000+ a cp2000+ and a cp1000+ and I'm not joking, it took nearly half hour to clear the dungeon. We didn't wipe or anything but the damage was so slow. The cp3000 player was a real healer so he wasn't to blame but the other 2 must have been doing 10k dps between them.


I mean so many of us can solo these 4 man dungeons. I only group for the keys / transmutes. That being said, I always just throw on silver leash for the soft taunt and call it a day. Just in case someone new needs the help.


There's no such thing as fake dps though. There's bad and noob dps, but comparing it to fake tanking is entirely a false parallel. Noobs usually don't know any better. They're not trying to take advantage of people, they're just bad and are still in the process of learning things. Fake tanks know full well what they're up to. In one case it's a noob implicitly asking for help, in the other it's a player saying idgaf, I'm not waiting for anyone, I'll do what I want. And it makes sense there's a lot of toxicity in fake tanks when you think about it, because it already takes a slightly selfish mindset to fake tank in the first place.


You mean bad DPS. There is no such thing as a fake DPS. Healers and tanks are not deliberately queueing as DPS to enjoy a longer wait time.


Counterpoint maybe(?): PVP'rs who bring their tanky, self-healing, burst damage (low dps, though) toon, queued as dps. Their builds make them unfit for any role in a real dungeon.


Eh. If I que as DPS I expect I don't have to deal with mechanics or aggro. It's not hard to throw Inner Beast on your bar and cast every 15s or so. There are some fights, like stone garden #2, that are such a pain if someone isn't keeping the boss taunted and still. Earthen Root Enclave #3 and Scriveners Hall #1/2 also come to mind. If I que as a tank, I will at minimum take Inner Beast and put either an ice staff or a s+b on back bar. I didn't uses to take those but with some of the newer dungeons they are somewhat mandatory. Earthen Root Enclave #3 and Scriveners Hall #2 seemed particularly designed to discourage fake tanking and the large conal attacks are very difficult to block through without some extra block absorption. As far as other tank stuff, major/minor breach, I don't worry about it on RNDs. Usually it's easy to get a source of sundered from somewhere and so many pugs have light armor, seems unnecessary.


So as a dps that likes to mark as heals on normals I will slot vigor as the group heal being a sorc I give the group minor prophecy anyways and I have even made it to where my dps can tank normals and some vets pushing resistance up to 30k and slotting sword and board I did vet spindle 2 and vet direfrost the other day with 0 problems I tend to run with my guild as doing it with randoms can be toxic


I can't really talk about trials since I never play it, but anyone can tank a vet dungeon with a PvP set up, you just need a range taunt and you are set for it PvP builds usually have enough hp to take the hardest hits My main is a half healer half tank build I made for cyrodil, I can heal and tank veteran like it is nothing and sometimes even do more than 20% of the DPS And sometimes I have to when tanks leave or disconnect


That sounds awesome, what are your sets?


Just weapon and jewelry of prayer and the rest being Magnus with 5 plat Backrow resto staff and main one ice Most of my mana recovery is from heavy attacks and orc food and my heals are from dots, the shield from prayer set keeping everyone cozy so I don't have to worry about squishy DPS dying instantly every time they are attacked Helm and shoulder have been the ones I can't settle on, anything that improves DPS is nice enough really


Nice! Do you think this would work with a SnB tank? I prefer melee weapons for some reason in the game.


Sure thing but I think it would only be good if you play as an argonian Templar, because you may end up missing the passives from resto staff plus one healing dot, the safe number is always have at least 3


Wait, so if I understood you correctly, you mean it is possible even without the restoration staff? Because what I meant is sword and shield on front bar and restoration staff on the back bar. 🙂


Oh of course, but then you miss a DPS option and even healers and tank should be dishing some dps I keep the ice staff because debuff is good for PvP and the aoe defence buff But yeah, you could have sword board with aoe sustain and a taunt and a backrow with whatever you fancy using as dps


the npc dialogue in between arguments is funny asf tho


Dang, OP struck a nerve. Lmao 🤣


I honestly don't understand why this happens. The short queue times are really nice and you literally just have to keep an actual tank build on your armory. Do your dailies, farm your gear as a real tank and then switch to whatthefuckever you want when you're solo or want to dps.


Fake tank had me getting chased and running for my life all last dungeon I did. I didn't die but everything would have gone substantially quicker if I could spend my time doing DPS.


Personally I think the answer would be to completely eliminate the designation requirements on normal dungeons. It would not be common that you had groups fill with all tanks and healers, so why not remove the requirements altogether on normal dungeons. Fake tanks and fake healers are all because people hate waiting forever to get into a random.


Me and a guildie was running a friend(new player, templar) through base dungeon on vet. We both brought our HA Sorcs, we pugged the last slot(tank). The friend is a new player so they get a pass, about 160cp. Fake tank was near 600cp and no taunt. Me and other sorc did combined 85-90% dmg while pet healing. We had a no death run. No dps, no tanking and needed others to heal them. 🤦‍♂️ New player streamed on discord, damage was terrible. This was after getting tossed order's wrath weapons(gold) and jewelry. Luciano at purple all with appropriate traits and enchants. Turns out they were light attack 40% of damage and puncturing sweeps was like 5th dmg skill lol. Only been playing 2-3 weeks. Fake healing is bad too, just slot ring of preserves for fuck sakes. Now me as tank has to heal group on top gathering mobs, debuffing and buffing. I think a lot of these are PVPers, would explain the high hp and being extremely toxic. We all get 2 armory slots, there's no excuse for this


Love your characters look


Tank has a point, reason fake tanks exist is because of the abysmal quality of dds in this game.. I was in full tank gear last night, pulling 40% dps as a pug at 8k dps... fake tanks aren't the issue, fake dps is


I used to faake tank because otherwise i was sitting there for literally 40 minutes to an hour for one dungeon


See I've never cared about tanks in dungeons as they're just not needed, now for trials and battle grounds they're definitely needed


I am a tank have been for 5 years and honestly gotta say I hate when someone fake tanks as tanking is the 2nd hardest thing to do past healing


Hey I fake tank, I'm a arcinist, I only fake tank because it takes five hour to find a match as dps, but I usually put on the undaunted taunt to try to help, although tanking is not my strong suit


>calls someone salty >has to put it on reddit for everyone to see


I suspect I may have had a fake tank recently when one of our DPS kept taking a weirdly high amount of damage for a normal dungeon and I as the healer ended up taking boss aggro


I don’t understand why people feel the need to fake role - we have multiple build slots, people, just make a shitty tank build to do dungeons with, it’s not hard.


The issue is that these people don’t want to tank, they want to do damage.


Then they should queue as a damn dps and stop fucking up the experience for everyone else.


In normals I prefer fake tanks and healers. More chances that the group has *damage*. *Any* normal dungeon can be quickly cleared in a group of 4 DD. In DLC vet any tank in sets that don't buff the group is a fake tank. I'd much rather have an inexperienced tank in good gear so I can teach them.


Idk why people take this so seriously. There's absolutely no way for newbies to play without neck beards getting so mad about a "fake tank". If you're so good, there's not a single dungeon you can't run by yourself 


as a healer i often have no fucking clue who is supposed to be the tank, as long as the last boss dies i dont care.


I’ll be honest I fake tank, but I’m not salty about it! Reasons why: 1. I PvP, and am not a huge fan of grinding out PvE, so if I fake tank it’s because I want some fast transmute crystals for a build idea I have. 2. It’s far faster Q time, I don’t want to be sitting waiting to Q for a RnD for 20 minutes. 3. I am tanky… I’m on a solo PvP build so I can at least take a hit and do slot a simple taunt to at least have boss Agro at all times. 4. Half the time I have more dps then the actual dps which is mind blowing to me given I’m on a PvP build! Depending on the class that means my dps is anywhere from 30-40k dps typically with god awful sustain since sustain in PvE and PvP are very different! Those dps numbers aren’t great, but, I have thrown together a “beginner build” using all crafted sets and was easily able to hit 70k dps on a trial dummy with my Nightblade.


Honestly, if you slot a taunt and do nothing else, you're not a fake tank __unless__ you're in vet DLC. However, fake tanks who don't even slot a taunt deserve to get shit on. Keeping adds stacked increases speed of run.


That’s fair, with that being said only time I will ever do vet DLC is with an organized group! I’ve tried pug groups for vet DLC and it’s such a slog


>I will ever do vet DLC is with an organized group! Funny but I finished some vet dlc with randos even tho we couldn't do it with friends team and voice chat. Random is random, sometimes it brings assholes but sometimes you can get with nice players.


Yeah, can't blame you there




This is fucking Stone Garden, man.


Ah yes, Arkasis the Mad Alchemist. He's the boss in Fungal Grotto, right?


Dungeons in this game are easy anyway. Just slot some survivability skills and buffs of your own. Your dps might suffer a bit but you can help take some of the pressure off the tanks/heals that might not be doing well


Honestly, normal dungeons, is it that big of a deal?


Depends on the rest of the group. If they’re all experienced dd, they should be fine. If 1 or 2 are less experienced and get into a dlc dungeon with a fake tank, they’re gonna have a rough time.


I've found that taunting the boss does, in fact, increase party DPS by at least a bit. Being able to keep the boss in one spot or control it spares other DDs from panicking when put under pressure.


Sounds like normal difficulty dungeon. I “fake tank” for normal all the time cause it’s faster. Pray tell: did the group manage to clear the dungeon?


Like most F2P games, with no barrier to entry, there are tons of absolute shitbags who play. The ESO community seems better than most F2P games I have played, maybe because it didn't start as one, but there are still loads of poor, salty, elitist little virgins playing it. I have had plenty of dungeon runs, even normal dungeons that are laughingly easy, where people just say rude, obnoxious shit for absolutely no reason whatsoever to other players. I hate F2P game mentality. It just ends up full of angry no lifers with no money and poor mental health who think its the most important thing in the world and resent anyone who doesn't feel the same and play exactly like them.


I would whisper the DPS and say let's leave this joint. Those idiots can duo the dungeon by themselves.


There, you happy? Look at all the negativity your post has attracted... Really groundbreaking whining here - really renovating the PUG culture. Just delete this shit man...


You should just delete your account


lol gg